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"Her family knows"

Posted by asshead on 01-23-04 at 01:28 PM
The joke is that it's all on her.

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"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by RealityRyan on 01-23-04 at 01:46 PM
If that's true, she's got a pretty crappy family... I can't imagine anybody's parents putting their kid through that kind of emotional torture... or maybe they're just raving DAW's like her... the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess


"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by texasfancy on 02-04-04 at 01:36 PM
Why were the cameras in their house anyway? What possible pretense could they have used? Unless her family is also a cast of actors, they couldn't possibly know. Their reactions seemed so genuine. I can't wait till they meet him!

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by theking0075 on 02-09-04 at 10:29 AM
I asked the same question last week and got no answer. That makes the whole thing seem a little off. But the show is funny, so who cares if it's all staged I guess.

"Evil" Dr. Will: Reality Show Legend!

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by realitycoholic on 02-16-04 at 03:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-04 AT 03:41 PM (EST)

Remember they know she's been on a reality show and I'm sure that part of the participation involved cameras at the contestant's parent's house. Otherwise, they would definitely wonder what's up!

BTW, I don't think they have a clue...

Edited to say "sorry! I didn't read all the way down the thread to see that someone else pointed this same thing out later."

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by redheaded_sweetheart on 02-11-04 at 11:31 PM
What makes her any better than the rest of her family? I haven't watched the show, but if it's ok for her to pull this prank on her family - why can't they turn it around and make the joke on her?

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by HyperTyper on 01-23-04 at 07:15 PM
Doesn't seem like, but hey, ya never know for sure with these shows huh?

Right now, I'm feelin sorry for the family. They seem well to do, and I don't think the pain would have been worth it to them just for $250k had they known in advance.

I must admit, the guy is very good at being overweight and very good at being obnoxious. I'm sure he's not too far removed from that in real life.

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by ladro on 01-24-04 at 12:59 PM
I stated that I thought her family was in on it a week ago in another thread. But now that you have stated the same position, I will have to seriously rethink my either statements.

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 01-24-04 at 01:06 PM
Oh Ladro, that was so GOOD!

"Is that really your screename?"
Posted by HyperTyper on 01-24-04 at 04:00 PM
Asshead? What's in a name anyway. Would he be easy to pick out of a crowd?

....sorry, couldn't resist.

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by asshead on 02-03-04 at 06:10 PM

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by mookiemeister on 02-04-04 at 05:12 PM
I guess it might work depending how how well she knows her family. If they are just acting disapprovingly of Steve and not sincere, Randi might pick up on it. I have a feeling her family are not in on the joke. Just a feeling.

"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." - Einstein

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 02-04-04 at 05:35 PM
wait, isn't the joke all on her anyway?

"That theory does not make sense"
Posted by Katiepops on 02-04-04 at 11:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-04 AT 11:43 PM (EST)

The object of the game is for her to get her family to agree to this obnoxious fat guy to win them money. If they (her family) were in on it, what would the point be? They would say no so their daughter would not get the money? That would be too cruel to put her through the anguish then sabatoge her chance to get the money. No, Randi and her family are the only ones NOT in on it,, definitely!

Remember her family knew she was going away for a reality show. They made you feel like the premise was that she was going to like a Bachelorette type reality show or even if they did not know what type of show she was doing, they knew she was gone and had to be out of touch for 3 weeks so they probably made up something to be in the house with the cameras when she called them.

"RE: That theory does not make sense"
Posted by Esbea on 02-09-04 at 08:44 AM
Exactly. They had cameras with the families in the Amazing Race when they got to call home from Switzerland. Im sure FOX could make it work. The family doesnt know, and Randi definetly doesnt know. If she did, she wouldnt be so visibly upset in her interviews.

If the world were a logical place, men would ride side-saddle.

"The Joke's on Steve!!"
Posted by ElroyJetson on 02-10-04 at 09:17 AM
Obviously, the joke is on Steve. The hostess and Randi's family are clearly from the same colony of the planet Xonthrop!

Those are some odd looking kids! Randi, thank god for eye-liner!

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by cibao on 02-11-04 at 12:58 PM
>The joke is that it's all
>on her.

If her family knows they are better actors than "Steve's Family".

There's no way that they are in on it. At least not now.


"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by ladro on 02-11-04 at 07:37 PM
I don't think it takes a lot of acting talent to act surprised. Less than 10% of the film gets broadcast, so it wouldn't be hard to edit out any slips by the parents. My feelings on the matter at this point (I have seen E1 and E4), are that Randi's parents were told in advance, but that Randi's siblings do not know.

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by Texanslvr on 02-12-04 at 11:00 AM
Interesting concept but I dont think they know. I think they are "acting" reserved and not blowing up about the situation because they know they are on camera and are too worried about how they will look. Same with the burping thing... they burp! All boys burp... I doubt they have burping contests or anything. And I doubt they would ever burp in front of their new "in-laws to be" But, i believe if they werent on camera, they wouldnt be acting so reserved.

Also, The way her brother started yelling... I believe her father and mother wanted to do that to, but god forbid they look like they have any problems in their family for the world to see. They seem fake and stuck up. I just dont think their reactions in front of the camera are as intense as they truely feel about the situation. They are trying to save face.

Just my opinion....

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by 1simplyme on 02-12-04 at 01:09 PM
Well, frankly, I think it's all a bunch of bologna. I think it's totally entertainment. Nothing more, nothing less. But hey, that's just my opinion.

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by Steve CT on 02-12-04 at 01:23 PM
I have to agree the joke is all on us. There is no way that they could actually believe that she is all in love with Steve.

Plus with all the cameras filming them what possible excuse could they have. It's a funny show but it's definatly all a put on for all of us. They look like very uptight ladida type of people and it is totally obvious that she and Steve are from different worlds.

Especially if the family knew she was going away to be on a reality show and all of a sudden she has this big fat wacko for a hubby to be. If they aren't in on it they are as stupid as they are prissy!

I will say Steve was the perfect fit for the show though!

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by kyttikat on 02-16-04 at 04:51 PM
"Steve" was on one of the morining shows a week back. He is actually a nice guy (actor) married with kids. You can see him on the Banquet commercials now.

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by triednottowatch on 02-16-04 at 05:33 PM
Asshead - Love the name.

I don't think her family is in on it, but they are the biggest bunch of snobby-acting tighta$$e$ I have ever seen. Maybe that is what makes watching their discomfort so much fun. The second I saw her dad I thought "retired military or football coach".

And why is the older brother still living at home? He should be out living his own life, not approving or disapproving of whom his sister marries or dates. For all of Steve's shannigans, I thought her brother's little temper tantrum was the most immature thing on the show thus far.

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by Loree on 02-17-04 at 10:24 AM
The older brother Pat is the worst. I hope he enjoys watching himself on this. He comes off worse than her parents. What a selfish jerk. Would he let his sister pick who he marries and dump the woman if Randi doesn't agree? He thinks he has all this power and his sister will not go through with what he doesn't want if he isn't there. Who made him king of the house?

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by ladro on 02-17-04 at 02:04 AM
Observation Week5: The older brother says that he isn't going to participate in the wedding, but he is only too happy to hang around and be filmed acting angry all day long. Conclusion: older brother is in on it too.

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by Ricky on 02-17-04 at 07:31 AM
I agree. Also, I think after Randi's mom and dad woke up the morning after she told them, they figured out that this is some type of scam and decided to go along with it. The mom and dad are taking it too well to not be in on it, or they have at least figured it out that Randi couldn't possibly be in love with Steve for real.

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by Loree on 02-17-04 at 10:26 AM
Randi kept looking at them strangely and saying they would all understand. They seem to have caught on to something. The parents have certainly both changed their tune. They know she was on some kind of reality show. They may be hoping that this is a con of some sort and decided if they can't change it, they will play along with hopes it isn't real.

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by thecampbellguy on 02-17-04 at 03:56 AM
That would be a funny twist.

~ thecampbellguy
My Randi Fan Site:

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by ladro on 02-18-04 at 00:35 AM
ahh, you are kidding with fan site right??

"RE: Her family knows"
Posted by thecampbellguy on 02-18-04 at 01:08 AM
Did you visit it? I think you will notice it's up and running. What's wrong with a fan site?

~ thecampbellguy
My Randi Fan Site: