I have finished the final episode of My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss. After 10 episodes, the big mystery of the boss is finally revealed.The Boss is a MONKEY (I'm not kidding). That's right, The monkey has a roulette wheel.
The monkey would spin and depending on the wheel's results, that person would get fired. There was no famous person that choose the candidate on their qualities. In the end all that mattered was luck.
The final two contestants were Annette and Micheal. The monkey did a final spin on who would win $350 000 (they raised it from $250 000). The monkey spun the wheel. The final result was Anette. She won the whole game and $350 000.
Micheal did not leave empty handed he also got $200 000 and 2nd place. Overall an interesting show. I'm glad at least Fox finished it and we saw the end.
I watched it too. I can see why they did pull it off the air. Several of the episodes were kind of boring. And most of us had guessed that the boss was going to be a monkey or some other animal. So not a big surprise.But I am glad Fox did put it on-line so we could see the ending. There is nothing worse than starting to watch a reality series and have it pulled part way and never knowing who won.
But I do wish they had brought back all the other contestants so we could have seen their reaction to the fact it was a joke.
LAST EDITED ON 04-03-05 AT 00:24 AM (EST)I must confess to having watched the 10th (final) episode. Very boring, not at all like E1-5.
I have given a lot of thought to the effects of showing the secret reveal to the fired contestants (how pathetic is that?). It would have greatly enhanced the show if it were possible, but it becomes problematic upon close examination. I think that the fired contestants would have had to of been keep in the dark until the show was over. One disgruntled contestant could have sabatoged the whole Con. On the other hand sitting around during the gap period, the fired contestants probably became very suspicious about the credibiility of IOCOR and N. Paul Todd. During the gap period they probably had more contact with the outside world and were able to confirm that IOCOR, and excaliber, 'probably' didn't exist Consequently by the time the show had run it's course the fired contestants probably would not have been surprised to learn that the whole show was a joke.
Additionally FOX had the weight of a 6 figure check to hold over the heads of Mike and Annette if they revealed the Boss's identity. If the fired contestants (who presumably didn't get much $$) knew about the monkey, that information would have been much more likely to leak out.
And last but not least... FOX SUCKS!
I missed the last three episodes. Didn't have 5 hours to watch the last five. I was going to watch another tonigth and Fox pulled the episodes. Which two were Annette and Michael?I find it hard to believe that it was a monkey. Each week the one booted seemed the least gullible than the other contestents.
I would of liked to finish it out, BOO on Fox.
Are you sure these contestants didn't get bananas? I mean hey, if they're going to make a monkey boss they might as use monkey currency! Just sayin.