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Forum: DCForumID63
Thread Number: 126
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"I am sooo glad I am not in SO house !"

Posted by Chara23 on 12-18-05 at 11:48 AM
Everyone has a right to their own opinion--but do any of you ever say anything kind about any of these people??? They are in SO to get help with their lives. It seems all of you ridicule and make fun of almost everyone in SO especially Allison. She has had such a hard time. I pray she never reads this board. You all seem to have cruel opinions about almost everyone in there.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: I am sooo glad I am not in SO house !"
Posted by miimii on 12-18-05 at 12:09 PM
Chara - I must agree with you - sometimes when I read these posts, I feel sick. None of us is perfect - nor do we all function at 100% of our own capabilities every day of the year. The Starting Over House is the place for these women to correct SOME of their problems. When we ridicule them for their physical attributes and their personal flaws (moles,lisps, hair color and cuts)- we only diminish ourselves. I also frequently find myself hoping the women do not read these boards.

"RE: I am sooo glad I am not in SO house !"
Posted by Jaime Scott on 12-18-05 at 01:05 PM
i personally have made comments on how well i think MOST of the women in the SO house are doing. HOWEVER have you even seen Lisa? that woman has done nothing but mock and ridicule the other women in the house. she seems to me,and a whole bunch of others,that she could care less about herself and even less about other women really making an attempt to change their lives.everything she says and does is without regard to anyone elses feelings and seems she has no shame about it. i have a woman in my life that i would do anything for,and she deserves to be there more than lisa. my point...she is selfish and ungrateful.

"RE: I am sooo glad I am not in SO house !"
Posted by jmama on 12-18-05 at 01:41 PM
I couldn't agree with you more. People here can be so cruel.

"Does anyone need a MAP?"
Posted by RollDdice on 12-20-05 at 02:35 PM
People here can be so cruel.

Especially to those who are lost and confused.

There is a perfectly nice Starting Over forum. It's probably a better place for SO thresds to live.

"RE: I am sooo glad I am not in SO house !"
Posted by Ldychef2k on 12-18-05 at 01:49 PM
This thread will probably be locked, as it is not about a single housemate, but I wanted to put my two cents in as well. I am guilty of the odd negative comment, but I have indeed noticed that the criticisms become so picayune that I often wonder if the critic has any friendships at all. Perhaps this is just a forum for people to vent their spleen in a way they could never get away with IRL, or maybe some people are really as shallow as they make themselves appear. I bear that guilt myself, I have to admit.


"RE: I am sooo glad I am not in SO house !"
Posted by Seabisquit on 12-18-05 at 03:12 PM
The women who come to the SO house do so in hopes of changing their lives and their bad behaviors. But by doing so on a national TV show, they are setting themselves up for criticism, good and bad, by the viewing audience and those of us who post on these message boards. Not everyone is going to like them. In fact, I'm getting pretty tired of this group, especially Allison and Lisa. Hopefully, Allison will hit the road in a very short time, but as for Lisa, I just really hope she gets kicked out soon. She doesn't apply herself, she's so disrespectful to the other house guests. I think she is rude and obnxious. When I think about Lisa, I just think SKANKY CHICK.

"RE: I am sooo glad I am not in SO house !"
Posted by dopeydwarf on 12-18-05 at 07:10 PM
I would LOVE to be in the SO house---for about 20 mins. I'd wear one BIG combat boot,and use it. I'd get rid of Lisa and Allison very quickly. Oh, and I'd bring a new sponsor with me----U-Haul!


I'd rather be at Disneyworld

"RE: I am sooo glad I am not in SO house !"
Posted by smackermack on 12-18-05 at 07:29 PM
Guidelines allow for Participant bashing, but not poster bashing. : )

"RE: I am sooo glad I am not in SO house !"
Posted by jules1767 on 12-18-05 at 07:32 PM
This thread will get locked, not because it's not about a houseguest, but because it's a derogatory post about the people that post on this board. Guess thats why it was done on a weekend...???

Anyhow, take a look at the top of the page..."bigbrotherbites" "theamazingracesuck"...etc.
It would appear that this site is here to post about reality shows, wether you like them and the participants or not.

"RE: I am sooo glad I am not in SO house !"
Posted by Hattie1482 on 12-18-05 at 08:26 PM
I agree with you. I liked allison the best out of most of the other house mates and then I got on here and everyone was talking so bad about her. I can't believe some of the things that I read on here. She has gone through alot in her life and she is trying to change her ways that's why she is in the house. She might have a problem with spending money but face it we all have problems no one is perfect. Our problems are just different than her's.

"RE: I am sooo glad I am not in SO house !"
Posted by nikkidemus on 12-18-05 at 08:33 PM
I could say a whole lot of positive things about previous houseguest but not much this season. Its the worse ever. These women are truely pathetic. Allison needs to be in jail for seeking donations under false pretenses, for blowing thousands upon thousands of dollars on tacky clothing and gaudy makeup, and cases & cases of wine and who knows what else, and then filing bankruptcy. Shes a crook! I could go on and on about the other lame b*****s too but I dont have all night, which is what it would take to fully express myself on these women. I will say that Jill and TJ both deserve to be there and I wish only the best for them. I have lots of friends who are good decent people, unlike the women in the SO house who are crooks, liars, moochers and ho,s.