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"Episode #5 Can the men's team be competive with just four members?"

Posted by subman on 01-30-04 at 00:56 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-30-04 AT 00:58 AM (EST)

The men are now down to just four bodies, giving the women a 2-1 advantage in labor. If they can't win a competion with four more people, what makes anyone think they can win from here on out? At what point does Trump ditch the men vs. women bit, going to co-ed teams and maybe shirts vs. skins?

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"RE: Episode #5 Can the men's team be competive with just four members?"
Posted by djandy on 01-30-04 at 01:13 AM
That's why they're having the Corporate reshuffling - to mix up the teams. From the previews it looked like Bill, Tammy, Katrina, Amy, and Ereka (and probably Nick) are on one team (who is shown celebrating), and Troy, Heidi, Omarosa, and Kristi (and probably Kwami and Jessie) are on the other team (who is shocked by a betrayal).


"RE: Episode #5 Can the men's team be competive with just four members?"
Posted by subman on 01-30-04 at 01:37 AM
You know, I watched the whole freakin show...I thought and I didn't pick up on that. I did see Kwami featured in a promo for upcoming episodes so I knew then that he wasn't getting the axe. I didn't hear anyone discuss a reshuffling of the teams but, it almost had to happen. I think it will do wonders for the show since now, we'll have male/female team dynamics to watch. Plus, the same sex teams were boring (men) and silly (women) most of the time. This should work since the women will insist on more organization and maybe, breathe some life into this "competition".

"RE: Episode #5 Can the men's team be competive with just four members?"
Posted by TechNoir on 01-30-04 at 06:56 AM
It was inevitable. Don't you watch Survivor?

And then they showed it in the previews.

© J Slice, who rocks "Half of Tech's charm is that sometimes I have no idea what she's talking about" -- True

"RE: Episode #5 Can the men's team be competive with just four members?"
Posted by landruajm on 01-30-04 at 07:42 AM
Yeah, that was pretty much a no-brainer. We should do national coverage, with our just-in-time telepathic connection to the brain of MB.

Bout time you got here.

"RE: Episode #5 Can the men's team be competive with just four members?"
Posted by subman on 01-30-04 at 07:43 AM
Oh, I knew the reorganization was coming, it had to. I just didn't see it happening next week. Like I said, I'm old and I'm obviously a little slow and unlike you with 4280 posts, I have a life (or something like one)outside of this message board (although that has changed as of late)and schmaltzy entertainment like "reality TV". I would watch survivor but the bug eatin and rat eatin makes me wanna puke already. I watched the previews but I did not see. I heard the promo but I did not listen. I read your comment but I still don't understand? Although the teams are now equal in size, where is the team spirit going to come from now that the teams are co-ed? I look for Nick and Osmosa or Osama(whatever), and those who think as they do, to surge ahead since they have been in it only for themselves from the beginning. I think next week will herald the beginning or escalation of the backstabbing and infighting among the contestants jockeying to win this thing when before, it was largely the men vs. the women as the focus of the competititon. I know! I know! I'm not exactly going out on a limb given that the show already advertised a "major betrayal" for next week. Cut me a little slack. I'm old and I'm a little slow yadda yadda yadda.

"RE: Episode #5 Can the men's team be competive with just four members?"
Posted by frisky on 01-30-04 at 10:07 AM
I've been missing the previews altogether. They don't show them on the Canadian network for some reason. Will watch NBC next week so I don't miss it.

"Osama" - hehe...I predict next week she'll be history.

I also predict, due to my long affiliation with MB, that the "major betrayal" will be....nothing.

Card-carrying RBBRTFHLA/Sugar Ho Division
Non-Embezzling GAWKUR Treasurer

"RE: Episode #5 Can the men's team be competive with just four members?"
Posted by teejax22 on 01-30-04 at 10:41 AM
Same here Frisky, I've been missing the previews because of Global TV....and then I tried to watch NBC but then ER just kicked in right after. What a piss off.

"RE: Episode #5 Can the men's team be competive with just four members?"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 01-30-04 at 12:58 PM
>It was inevitable. Don't you
>watch Survivor?

Anyone want to bet that a "merge" and switch to individual challenges I mean "tasks" will also be happening by the time February sweeps end?


"RE: Episode #5 Can the men's team be competive with just four members?"
Posted by GDonatello on 01-30-04 at 10:39 AM
Of course it was inevitable that the teams would merge. And not simply because the guys suck. For the records the guys couldn't be competitive with eight members how in crap's name could they be with half that number?

Last night's show needs more than a reshuffling of member bodies. How about a challenge that actually succeeds in showcasing some corporate #####'talent??

Art of the Deal, Schlameal. Anybody see any art, yet? This weakness needs to be overcome else this show nodedives faster than a J-Lo wedding announcement.

"RE: Episode #5 Can the men's team be competive with just four members?"
Posted by ValleyGirl on 01-30-04 at 10:59 AM
The reshuffling of the teams was inevitable, especially with the men losing every challenge.
If you watched the segment on them playing the board game they couldn't even agree on how to play that fairly, so how were they ever going to win any of the corporate team challenges.
Valley Girl
"Sam, where are you now that we need you? ....."

"RE: Episode #5 Can the men's team be competive with just four members?"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 01-30-04 at 02:07 PM
Just FYI- It seems like on some affiliates or with some cable/satellite providers, they do not show the previews. I saw the previews for next week, but I talked to someone at work with a different cable company and they did not see the previews.