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Forum: DCForumID62
Thread Number: 43
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"Things that make you go hmmmmm...."

Posted by Matrixxx on 01-28-04 at 09:19 PM
Something I noticed about Sam I think it was in the second episode that I did not see anyone comment on.

There was one camera shot of Sam taking some pills.
Makes you wonder what it was.

Uppers? Downers?(def. Not downers)
Maybe Ridlin? If so, I wasn’t working.

I have a feeling that on the day he was fired he forgot to pop his lil' pill whatever it was.

But since he seems to be delusional and Star Struck, I would suggest he make an appointment with his shrink as he has the perfect profile of a stalker.

Sorry Donald, but thought I should warn you.

Sam!!! If your there.
Remember.....Its nothing personal...Just business.


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Things that make you go hmmmmm...."
Posted by Ricky on 01-29-04 at 06:27 AM
I wonder if some of Sam's actions were just an act for the camera. I mean he did seem to truely have an annoying personality, but acting lke he was practically in love with Mr. Trump and that one time where he just sat by the apartment door just waiting for someone to greet him, I mean a grown man wouldn't do that in real life would they (with no cameras around) ?

"Duplicate topic"
Posted by Bebo on 01-29-04 at 08:43 AM
Actually, there have already been a number of threads started where posters have been debating whether or not Sam could be bipolar or suffer from some other disorder.

Locking this thread as a duplicate.

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