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"The Apprentice Love List Volume 1.3"

Posted by djandy on 01-22-04 at 09:49 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-22-04 AT 09:52 AM (EST)

Once again the women prevail, but more importantly, who did you love, who did you loathe, and who made you roll your eyes?

1.) Amy (1) - Amy is my favorite again because of her good negotiating skills purchasing the golf club (making it a win-win situation by asking for cost plus 10%), and providing some good observations in the narrator role. Although Amy was tempted to lose intentionally to get rid of Omarosa, her professionalism won out and her golf club deal was the winning factor for the women.
2.) Troy (3) - Any guy who will get his legs waxed for the team deserves to be rewarded.
3.) Jessie (4) - Successfully led the women to a victory, and nicely voiced her opinion that all the arguments were counter-productive without getting into an argument herself.
4.) Kwame (2) - Tried hard, but with Senile Sam telling him to do such stupid stuff, he could hardly help but fail.
5.) Bill (7) - Very insightful comments, and nominated Sam to lead and gave him enough rope to hang himself.
6.) Nick (10) - Seemed very level-headed and put up with a lot from Sam.
7.) Bowie (5) - Put up with a lot from Sam, and successfully defended himself from being fired.
8.) Kristi (6) - That was stupid to show your stomach to try and negotiate a lower price. The women using their feminine wiles to get their way is getting old.
9.) Katrina (9) - First of all, never get into an argument with Omarosa because you can't win -- if you start to win she just walks away. Second of all, if you tell Omarosa that "I'm a good person", you're implying that she's not which will just anger her further and she will attack you more. Just avoid the hothead.
10.) Ereka (11) - Was calmer this episode when she didn't have to deal with Omarosa.
11.) Heidi (8) - Dancing around for a $10 discount was just embarrasing.
12.) Tammy (12) - Did nothing to impress me this episode.
13.) Omarosa (13) - Walks away when people don't bow down to her, and drives even "a good person" to anger. And she is still critical of everybody else without having any good ideas of her own. Why would anybody in their right mind hire her after seeing her on television?

RIP: Sam (14) - It's a good thing Sam owns his own company, because nobody would hire him either.


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: The Apprentice Love List Volume 1.3"
Posted by missygirl3 on 01-22-04 at 09:58 AM
I agree very much. I am also tired of the women using their bodies or the sexy image to win. I think from the previews that Trumps blonde (the ladys leader, I cant remember her name) calls them on it. I really like all of the ladies except for Katrina, Tammy, and Omarosa. I love Troy and Bill. I think the rest of the men are OK. I am so glad to see Sam gone and I think Omarosa will not go as quickly as we all want. Just my thoughts and opinions. I also dont undestand why Omarosa had to repeat over and over her "working with the president. We get the picture. Does this woman have any fans out there?

"RE: The Apprentice Love List Volume 1.3"
Posted by wildchickenhunter on 01-22-04 at 10:12 AM
I wish I could remember exactly how Hermosa phraised the point that she work for the president. All I kept thinking was, hey, Monica Lewinsky work there.

"RE: The Apprentice Love List Volume 1.3"
Posted by Mizz Eve on 01-22-04 at 11:42 AM
What Omarosa said was:

"I went from the projects to the Whitehouse."

Then went on to say something to the effect that one must be professional to sit with the President.

Oma was probably an intern. A job that one usually gets through connections. But whether she got it through connections or not, it's still impressive on the resume.

"RE: The Apprentice Love List Volume 1.3"
Posted by SnapeChick on 01-22-04 at 11:22 AM
I have to admit I am developing a bit of a crush on Troy. And seeing him willing to face the torture of a leg wax like, well, a man, was pretty impressive.

I'll go two-stepping with him any night.

"RE: The Apprentice Love List Volume 1.3"
Posted by jackandjill on 01-22-04 at 12:32 PM
I have a crush on Troy too and I'm a lesbian!

"RE: The Apprentice Love List Volume 1.3"
Posted by networkinggirl on 01-22-04 at 02:26 PM
Hi all....

First..I'm a woman living here in NYC. (Just wanted to give some background.)

I have to politely disagree with the points made about Omarosa. Now, believe me, I do feel she's difficult. She is not pleasant...but then again, neither is the blonde woman that Trump has working for him on that show. But what everyone seems to overlook is that Omarosa never "loses it" the way Ereka and Katrina have. Sorry, but when it comes to running a husiness, I will always choose the one who can remain calm in times of conflict over someone volatile. Katarina and Ereka seem unstable. Omaarosa knows EXACTLY how to undermine them. (Which, BTW, a tactic I do not agree with.) She does not feed into the "drama" but rather side steps it. It drives the other, more insecure women, crazy. For the most part, all of the women (save for Amy, Omarosa, Jessie) emotionalize everything. It will be what ultimately gets them "fired." Heidi...well...sorry but she's just plain unnattractive and knows it, which is why she's constantly using her boobs as negotiating tools. Most likely she has had to survive on "shaking what her mama gave her" when it came to men. It just really amazes me how women will use the same tactics in business that they do in sex.Kristi is another woman more comfortable getting by on her looks than her smarts. I wasn't surprised at all to hear she did soft core porn.

Troy is a bumpkin. He continues to use that accent as a way of wooing people...much like the women with their jiggle n' giggle act. The accent is used as a means to come across as "simple" which translates as "not a threat." Just plain tired, in my opinion. You're going to work in NYC, baby cakes...assimilate.

Bill is insubordinate...plain and simple. He was the one who put Sam in the leadership role, therefore he should have been willing to sit back and take instruction from him. If he didn't respect him, then he shouldn't have made him project manager.
(As my father says "If you can't respect the person, at least respect the position.")

Kwami offered fantastic insight...but AFTER they failed the task. Where was all the number crunching when they forst set out to purchase the items?

Nick, to me, is the only viable male candidate. Amy is also a frontrunner. I really like her. She's just the right mix of confident, smart, strong, ballsy and feminine. The other women seem completely immature. Sorry, but they're window dressing. They're there to serve a dramatic purpose...not a business one.Just my two cents....

Oh yeah...thought Sam was going to go loco last night. He had crazy eyes, didn't he?

"RE: The Apprentice Love List Volume 1.3"
Posted by realitycoholic on 01-22-04 at 10:00 PM
I absolutely agree with you regarding Omarosa. The reason I loved selling high tech for 18 years (from 1981 to 1997) was because there were very FEW women! Drama and cattiness are two things that (most) men don't exhibit and most women do. I can't remember who said it during the show, but it's so true that most men can hotly disagree and then get over it quickly; women tend to remember it forever and take it personally.

Where I think Omarosa is lacking is in a mentor/leadership role. Although she would be fine in a corporation where there are others with similar personalities at her level, I don't see her doing the ultimate act of raising up your subordinates to higher levels of maturity and responsibility. That's where I think her ultimate failings are.

Personally, I value Amy and Troy, both of whom would do an excellent job (with the right mentor). Also, I would have been much more creative than any team was selling lemonade. It's obvious that although they're all bright, they all lack some plain imagination...

"RE: The Apprentice Love List Volume 1.3"
Posted by ValleyGirl on 01-22-04 at 04:26 PM
Troy's my man, any guy who would put himself through that pain for the team deserves some affection from me.
Valley Girl
"Oh Troy, poor baby, tell me where it hurts....."

"RE: The Apprentice Love List Volume 1.3"
Posted by choochoo on 01-22-04 at 06:19 PM
Love her or hate her...Omarosa has a web site


Don't bother, nothing of interest to see there...

"RE: The Apprentice Love List Volume 1.3"
Posted by Mizz Eve on 01-22-04 at 09:11 PM
"With determination and commitment she graduated from Central state University"

In other words, her grades sucked and it took her 6 years to get her degree. All those pageants probably slowed her down.

She's married?

"Omarosa's web site"
Posted by djandy on 01-22-04 at 09:15 PM
According to Omarosa's web site, she is a former Deputy Associate Director of Presidential Personnel in the Clinton/Gore White House, and now teaches communication skills to government types in D.C. I find it hilarious that the woman who teaches communication skills can't have a conversation with any of her teammates without having an argument.


"RE: The Apprentice Love List Volume 1.3"
Posted by Molaholic on 01-22-04 at 09:45 PM
OK, so I missed Enterprise for this felgercarp? Bimbettes doing a silicone shimmy to save $10 and numbnut pseudo-jocks gushing testosterone all over the place -- now THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT!!