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"Chris "the good kid""

Posted by mickeyvon on 04-15-05 at 01:07 PM
Does anyone think the last few seconds of last night's episode was edited after his recent arrest? Why were they all so praising of Chris when he has been a "loser" for so long? His temper certainly didn't endear him to DT, Carolyn or George, so why were they all of a sudden commenting on what a great guy he was? I think maybe that put that there in the past few days to diffuse a potential negative press situation. Anyone else think so?

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"RE: Chris "the good kid""
Posted by ginger on 04-15-05 at 01:15 PM
I hear Donald Trump, Jr. flogs his manicurist.

But he's a great kid.

"RE: Chris "the good kid""
Posted by cambo on 04-15-05 at 01:53 PM
I never heard about his arrest, but I did find it weird how he was constantly being given a pass by everyone, especially Donald.

"RE: Chris "the good kid""
Posted by Pensha26 on 04-15-05 at 02:22 PM
I do not think that was put in after his arrest last week. Chris poured his heart and soul into the tasks and the boardroom, but it just wasn't good enough. Wether it was because of his anger problems or the people he worked with, it just didn't work out. I think Mr. Trump knew and saw that and respected Chris for being honest and hardworking. I believe that's why Chris lasted as long as he did. Trump sees potential in Chris and told him before he left that if he keeps his anger in check he could be a good business person. Not saying he already isn't, but in Trumps eyes, he could.

"RE: Chris "the good kid""
Posted by mocha madness on 04-15-05 at 02:37 PM
Chris is a lunatic. He dismisses his behavior as being "passionate", which is a delusional opinion. Chris is like a future "Jonathan from AR" someone who has too much $$$ too soon, and is a bully and and an abuser. His recent arrest is not accidental. The only reason The Donald likes Chris is because he is a younger version of himself an "ego maniac jerk off".... His sorry a## should have been given the boot weeks ago. He was kept around for the sake of ratings.

"RE: Chris "the good kid""
Posted by threetowers on 04-15-05 at 03:30 PM
>Chris is a lunatic. He
>dismisses his behavior as being
>"passionate", which is a delusional

That's just harsh. You should know from your post, it is called editing for ratings. Chris was a sponge. He did what he was told episode after episode. He was a passionate as it gets, pouring his heart and soul into every task.

"RE: Chris "the good kid""
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 04-15-05 at 03:45 PM
No, it was not added in after his arrest. Trump saw how visually upset Chris was and was just being decent. Do you think they went back and refilmed the whole thing? Come on!

It was almost like on Survviro where Ulong kept losing. It took a toll on Chris. I really think Donald calling both Chris and Angie losers has something to do with it and I just think Donald felt bad because he had something to do with why Chris was so upset.

Personally myself, I think Chris was lucky to still be there. he didn't show me anything as far as having this great potential. Maybe in his life outside the show but not on the show.

"RE: Chris "the good kid""
Posted by Creanie on 04-15-05 at 09:04 PM
May be harsh but it's true. Anybody who gets arrested for going ape-sh*t about having to pay a $20 cover charge is not Boardroom material. He's an immature "loose cannon". He used that whole "passionate" thing this morning on the Today show and Matt Lauer wasn't buying it for a minute.

Agreed on the "egomaniac" thing which is why Trump liked him. And I'm REALLY glad the first person to cry after getting fired was NOT a woman!