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"Why so much faith in Andy and Chris?"

Posted by Incognito9 on 04-15-05 at 00:17 AM
I don't get it. Andy (season 2) and Chris (season 3) were both very young compared to the others on the show with them. I think they were both good, but not great. Over and over again, Trump talked about how "successful" they're gonna end up being, especially Andy. Neither of them showed skills comparable to Tana's people-ability, Kelly's composure under pressure, etc. and I could name at least 10 others from either season. Yet all we hear about is Andy Andy Andy. And by the looks of things tonight, I'm guessing Chris is going to be getting that royal treatment this time around.

Why? What does Trump have for these 2 when really they're only displaying average ability compared to the other contenders?

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"RE: Why so much faith in Andy and Chris?"
Posted by ckeck on 04-15-05 at 00:29 AM
Chris isn't average compared to the others - in a lot of ways he is much better.

But to address your concerns, the reason DT feels so strongly about him and his success is because Chris has already PROVEN himself. He is also still VERY young and has tons of time to go beyond that.

He is already a Real Estate millionare...at this age, imagine where he will be in 5-10 years if he keeps his current success up. He is WAY ahead of all the others...because his team got edged out 7 times by the others doesn't mean he is bad/unsuccessful - he has obviously proven that isn't true.

"RE: Why so much faith in Andy and Chris?"
Posted by azchileheads on 04-15-05 at 10:29 PM
I agree. I hated Andy and couldn't wait for him to be fired, arrogant little twit, with really little innate talent. I felt the same about Chris at first, but actually thought he was at his MOST likeable in his last episode, he toned the arrogance and hystrionics down alot, which shows he really does have potential - he LISTENS to criticism. All in all, he did need to go. Maybe DT is looking at potential rather than the abilities they currently have, however, potential doesn't always translate into ability.

"RE: Why so much faith in Andy and Chris?"
Posted by jae on 04-15-05 at 10:36 PM
I agree about potential vs actual ability. At some point, you have to say "enough is enough" and that some potential is never realized.

However, I thought Andy was very good candidate, and I was rooting for him to win.