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Posted by Lashid on 04-14-05 at 11:38 PM
I don't care what anyone says...

Chris gave more effort than anyone else competing! ...I don't understand it, though - he just ALWAYS was on the losing team! ...

Now, I didn't quite see what "put him in the room" tonight - I just caught it right before he got fired...

But I DO know that this man went as far as cutting out his tobacco chewing COLD TURKEY and trying his BEST to do a 360 on his "temper" for the pleasing of Trump! ...Each time he tried his damned-est!

He's a hard worker, and he's business-minded ...And he believes in getting the job done! ...He NEVER gave up (hung in there 'til the end)...

Unlike others who may have felt they were just lied on, or done wrong (even though folks exaggerated his "temper" at times), ...he was willing to do whatever he had to do to change/improve for Trump, the team, ...and HIMSELF!

So, I can understand his disappointment in the end...

...Well, Chris, I "saw" ...and I KNOW your "worth"!



I hate to mention that I heard that he (Chris) was arrested on some aggravated assault charge, or something...

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Posted by ladro on 04-15-05 at 00:10 AM
Shucks. If I knew that momma's boy was going to cry, I would have made it a point to watch.

Posted by DontGetMeStarted on 04-15-05 at 03:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-15-05 AT 03:35 PM (EST)

dude he didn't just cry -he bawled like a baby.

edited to say, it actually made me like him a teeny tiny bit.

Posted by ckeck on 04-15-05 at 00:35 AM
I agree with you 100%, Chris always did a good job in my eyes...its not his fault that his TEAM got edged out 7 times. It wasn't JUST his fault...

I am very disappointed in tonights decision - Chris and Bren both worked hard in their tasks, but Alex messed up on his part of the pictures and then "took a nap" while Chris and Bren were trying to finish everything! What the hell??

I cannot believe DT let Alex off so easy...doesn't matter that he won a few with the other team, he let them down this time! Enough to get someone who tried much harder fired...

Alex, YOU'RE FIRED (I wish)...

Posted by tavejen on 04-15-05 at 01:19 AM
You're kidding me, right? I've been waiting for weeks upon weeks for this guy to get fired. Chris is beyond volatile. Did you see the Domino's episode? Or the hotel episode? I'm a manager myself, and personally, I couldn't handle a guy like Chris working for me, never mind being a senior manager.

So the guy stopped chewing tobacco? He shouldn't have been doing that in that environment in the first place ... I don't see that as a huge sacrifice. It's completely inappropriate.

Given all of Chris's downfalls, it's completely amazing that he lasted as long as he did ... all the characteristics of a true con artist! I truly believe that this guy is a bit of a con artist to last that long. But then again, the guy is in real estate, isn't he? Not much of a stretch after all! lol

Posted by Lashid on 04-15-05 at 05:16 AM
Sorry, but I don't see where Chris is so "volatile" - no more volatile than Mr. Trump (calling folks "losers", and shyt)!

...Yeah, he can use some "management", but alot on his "raving temper" was just alotta hype! ...Like Stacey J. being a nutball for playing w/ an 8-ball!

You know, there are many folks who may not like Chris, or think he's a hothead, an idiot, and/or just inadequate...

But at least he DOES step up, and take more responsibility than most of the others, which is one main reason why he's always in the hot seat!

Think about it:
Compare those who are usually in the hotseat to those who are usually safe...
Those who are usually safe are the ones who just "stay in the sidelines" and slide on by, taking little to NO responsibility!
But perhaps they find a way to "charm" Trump (whether it be their dress, speech, or mannerisms in the boardroom), and make him believe that either they were a great "contributor" (holding their responsibility), or that they just weren't a "part of" the "screw up"!

...And when I say this, I think of Mr. ALEX!

How is he this "winner"? ...I haven't seen it! ...That Nintendo task was pure luck (as someone pointed out), and speaking of, I didn't take kindly to the way he was "mocking" Urban slang and culture!
...And he's "shady" - like how he exaggerated Chris' "threat" towards him - and just like with Stacey J, Trump bought that bullshyt!

Those who have been fired are those who usually take on the most responsibility - when it should be more the other way around!

Chris and Angie were usually in the hotseat because they were usually the main "force" working in their team! ...And all it would take is one screw up for their team to lose - but I feel that the real screw up may be the fact that they took TOO MUCH responsibility for the team, and had issues working ALL TOGETHER as a team!
...And part of that could be that they have blended w/ Magna members - they have been going down ever since they "blended" with those from Magna, because Magna never really seemed to except them as teammates (it seems)...

You even see that, like, when those (primarily Magnas) weren't as excepting w/ Craig (Net Worth) and his "box" idea...

But hey - maybe I'm wrong...

Posted by singer on 04-15-05 at 09:23 AM
Chris did work hard, and while Mr. Metrosexual slept. And while Mr. Accent, who cannot write, WROTE the ad presentation.

Those two Bozos underperformed and managed NOT to get fired. They are smarmy, no-talent bums.

Could it be that Trump is favouring them, because he wants those two men to make it to the final four?

What a jerk he is and what jerks they are for (again) sabatoging their project manager. Jerks.


Posted by lindan on 04-15-05 at 10:30 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-15-05 AT 10:32 AM (EST)

To be fair to Bren, he didn't really sobotage Chris. He made a mistake by writing something as complicated as legal documents, instead of someting simple and concise, for a promotoional brochure. Bren did work hard with Chris all the way.

Alex's performance was terrible though. He didn't take pictures of the car interiors that he was asked to. Instead, he chose to play with the models. Sleeping while the other 2 are working hard is no team player behaviour either (especially when he messed up earlier). As much as I hate to see Chris sticking around in this game, I think Alex deserves to be fired last night.

Chris did work very hard last night. He no longer seems to be the hot head thath we was several weeks ago. He definitely has what it takes to control his temper (unfortunately, his recent arrest has proved what I've just said to be wrong )

Posted by ginger on 04-15-05 at 12:18 PM
Chris put a LOT of energy into tasks. Unfortunately, he seemed to misspend it a lot. Sometimes his instincts went awry, sometimes he moved too fast to think about important details (e.g., GET THE CREDIT CARD BACK, DOOFUS).

Last night, as team leader, he had every opportunity to take charge of the photo shoot and/or Bren's text. Bren handed the team the concept of the logo photo but Alex blew it off. Everyone, including Chris and The Donald, seems to think that because Alex dresses well, he performs well, but I think he usually punts tasks. Casual to the point of indolence. Chris was so impressed by Alex's comaraderie that he let Alex's "who cares/no time" attitude bring the team down last night.

Posted by kgswifty on 04-15-05 at 12:29 PM
Think about it:
Compare those who are usually in the hotseat to those who are usually safe...
Those who are usually safe are the ones who just "stay in the sidelines" and slide on by, taking little to NO responsibility!
But perhaps they find a way to "charm" Trump (whether it be their dress, speech, or mannerisms in the boardroom), and make him believe that either they were a great "contributor" (holding their responsibility), or that they just weren't a "part of" the "screw up"!

Remember at the end of the day this is just as much a game as it is a job interview. The goal is to get to the final two. Doesn't matter how much heavy lifting you do or don't do as long as you get there.

Each "player" has their own strategy. There is an old saying that goes something along the lines ..."it is better to not speak and let them think you stupid then to speak and demonstrate you are". Look at how little Craig did in the first probably six weeks of the show. Now he is in the final five and stepping up when required.

Chris should be congratulating himself that he actually made it this far considering not only the number of times he was in the boardroom but the number of times he made an ##### of himself in the boardroom with unprovoked outbursts.

Posted by ginger on 04-15-05 at 01:03 PM
Viva Las Vegas!

Posted by choochoo on 04-15-05 at 02:27 PM

"There's no crying in baseball business!"

"Agreed, Alex should have gotten fired"
Posted by rtrader on 04-15-05 at 02:38 PM
Agree with your assessment of Chris. While he's not my favorite, I do give him credit for addressing shortcomings brought up to him by Trump - especially, giving up the chewing tobacco habit. This whole 'job interview' process has to be stressful to say the least, and it would be extremely difficult to give up that kind of addiction under normal conditions, let alone during this high stress moment in his life. Combine that with having to also keep his hot-headedness in check at the same time, it could not have been easy. I don't understand why George and Carolyn also wanted Chris fired this week. Not saying that he should make the final 2, but certainly Alex deserved the boot for all of the reasons already mentioned.

"Nah, Chris deserved it"
Posted by toddE on 04-15-05 at 02:49 PM
Chris was very entertaining, and Alex is a slacker in nice clothing, but Chris still deserved to be fired. Let's look at a few things:

Kendra had to do the ENTIRE project alone, and she stepped up and won. Chris did an adequate but nonspectacular job as project manager. Most weeks, DT has fired the PM of the losing team.

Alex claimed to have napped from 5:30-7:15. If true, that is practically nothing. (Again, Tana and Craig went to bed hours earlier and were still sleeping at 8:30). Alex does at least have a win as PM, unlike Bren (i think, not sure)or Chris. What did Bren do, now? Nothing good.

Chris really should have been fired both last week (probably) and when Erin got fired (for shizzle) but he got extra chances because of the potential DT saw in him. Last night was his chance to show he deserved to be there, and Chris did not perform well.

OTOH, Kendra was amazing! Never thought much of her before, but now I think she and Tana are the strongest candidates.

BTW, I have ended up really enjoying this season, especially the last few weeks.

"RE: Nah, Chris deserved it"
Posted by lindan on 04-15-05 at 03:02 PM
>does at least have a
>win as PM, unlike Bren
Bren won as a PM the Pizza task.

Most of what you said is true, but Chris still out performed Alex last night.

"RE: Nah, Chris deserved it"
Posted by DontGetMeStarted on 04-15-05 at 03:44 PM
I agree, but it seems that at this point in the game Trump is going to go by the sum of their preformances not just on that task. It seems like Chris made a big mistake bringing Bren over.

That said, I think Alex is a poser who needs to be brought down. Can't. stand. him.

"RE: Nah, Chris deserved it"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 04-15-05 at 03:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-15-05 AT 04:15 PM (EST)

Lashid, are you related to Chris. How you can fall so head over heels for the guy geez.

One thing everyone has to remember firings aint always about the current task. I would say it's about 60%. THe other 40% is past history.

There were probably about 3 times were Chris should've been fired and wasn't. The week before was one example.

I agree Alex was the worst on this task. And I couldn't disagree more when you said Alex had nothing to do with the Grand Turismo win. It was his idea to talk to people on the street and find out what they wanted to see in a billboard.

I challenge any one of you Chris backers what were Chris's highlights? What did he do so well that shined brilliance? His best moment to me was when he was the rappin co-host of the auction. Big deal! He did nothing!

"RE: Nah, Chris deserved it"
Posted by tamarama on 04-15-05 at 04:34 PM
>>Chris was very entertaining, and Alex is a slacker in nice clothing, but Chris still deserved to be fired<<

Agree -- Aside from just being way too immature & emotional, he DID deserve to be fired on this task.

I think the biggest cause of their loss was concept, or rather lack of concept -- which led to bad text, bad design.

Something as big as the whole brochure concept has to be the PM's responsibility. Even if another team member comes up with the idea, the PM is ultimately responsible for accepting it or not.

"RE: Nah, Chris deserved it"
Posted by Ricky on 04-15-05 at 04:57 PM
Aside from just being way too immature & emotional, he DID deserve to be fired on this task.

Yes, boring brochure, blurry picture - it was like a high school student did it. Kendra's brochure will actually be used by Pontiac. That really says it all.

In the end, those of us that walk away winning, win more than just a loss - Audrey, Apprentice loser