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Thread Number: 1460
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"Another Bait and Switch!"

Posted by HistoryDetective on 04-01-05 at 09:18 AM
Hello? Weren't we promised some sort of fireworks would take place during last night's episode? Didn't the "scenes from next week" and all the previews STRONGLY suggest that Chris was going to lose it and go on some sort of rampage? So, why were the clips from the preview of him getting in Alex's face the complete and total extent of his anticipated "explosion" this week? For that matter, the part where he was so worked up was him imitating what he thought Alex has said in the first place that made Chris resort to the f-bomb.

What a disappointment. NBC fooled me again by making a big promise and not delivering, almost a weekly event for "The Apprentice." The show has become so not-brilliant that I don't feel bad about missing an episode, but the previews convinced me that I needed to check in last night. Wankers.

a sig by syren

And Matlock is guaranteed a spot in the final six? WTF???

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"RE: Another Bait and Switch!"
Posted by ARnutz on 04-01-05 at 09:37 AM
It's gotten to the point where you can prdeict everything that will happen in the episode just by watching the preview. *sigh*

Most of the time, I can predict which team will win who will be fired within the first 15 minutes. *sigh*

This season is so lackluster with so few candidates to actually root for. *sigh*

... and I wouldn't be surprised if Matlock makes the final four. *sigh*

"RE: Another Bait and Switch!"
Posted by Ricky on 04-01-05 at 10:37 AM
Well, the fireworks were Chris and Alex yelling at each other and the implied "threat" by Chris so we did get that. I mean I didn't think someone was going to get shot or anything on a business reality show. Were you all expecting to see blood or something ?

In the end, those of us that walk away winning, win more than just a loss - Audrey, Apprentice loser

"RE: Another Bait and Switch!"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 04-01-05 at 10:40 AM
I expected a confrontation that took longer than what they showed us in the preview clip. Chris has had several outburst in the boardroom that were far more volatile. I just didn't think that little tiff merited the "ticking timebomb" promotion that it received. Their argument? Pretty boring.

a sig by syren

"RE: Another Bait and Switch!"
Posted by LionChow on 04-01-05 at 11:41 AM
>And Matlock is guaranteed a spot
>in the final six? WTF???

Or perhaps he played a different role in the past???

"RE: Another Bait and Switch!"
Posted by kgswifty on 04-01-05 at 12:17 PM
Hysterical....what can you say Bren is one of the six best of the worst cast yet.

Choosing which one to root for is kind of like choosing which size nail to pound into your head. You have to make a choice and anyway you go it is going to be painful.

"RE: Another Bait and Switch!"
Posted by weltek on 04-15-05 at 09:17 AM
what can you say Bren is one of the six best of the worst cast yet.

I completely agree. I wouldn't want ANY of the remaining candidates working for me if I were Trump!

"RE: Another Bait and Switch!"
Posted by ARnutz on 04-15-05 at 09:26 AM
Ditto! This is why we have such morons this late in the game! They all suck!

'nutz: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate... and Shroomhater! - shroom go boom!

"Yet Another Bait and Switch!"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 04-15-05 at 09:01 AM
Sigh! Again! Didn't the scenes from next week and the previews once again promise us that something surprising and astounding would happen after the firing? What did they deliver?

Chris got a little tear in his eye.

Big Effing Deal!

That episode was about as exciting as NetWorth's brochure.

a sig by syren (I had mine before you had yours!)

"RE: Yet Another Bait and Switch!"
Posted by ARnutz on 04-15-05 at 09:16 AM
Was this advertised as a "shocking" moment?

Yeah, what was supposed to be a roar turned out to be a wimper... literally!

'nutz: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate... and Shroomhater! - shroom go boom!

"RE: Yet Another Bait and Switch!"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 04-15-05 at 09:21 AM
Was this advertised as a "shocking" moment?

Yes, we were promised that the real drama would be what happens after the board room. The ticking time bomb got a little blubbery. Whatever.

a sig by syren (I had mine before you had yours!)

"RE: Yet Another Bait and Switch!"
Posted by ARnutz on 04-15-05 at 09:29 AM
... and what the heck was that crap during the preview with Tana saying, "Oh my god!"???

That didn't happen when Chris was fired and crying! Tana wasn't even near the BR at the time. Plus Bren & Alex never said anything to Chris after the BR, they just hugged him goodbye. What a crock this show has become this season!

... and DT's already signed up for 2 more seasons? They better come up with something better than this next time.

'nutz: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate... and Shroomhater! - shroom go boom!

"RE: Yet Another Bait and Switch!"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 04-15-05 at 10:34 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-15-05 AT 10:35 AM (EST)

The overhyping is really getting on my nerves. There was nothing that warranted a "Oh my god!". And even the ticking timebomb was way overhyped. I am not happy about it either. I think NBC realizes that people are losing interest in this season and are going out all stops to keep viewers.

"RE: Yet Another Bait and Switch!"
Posted by Creanie on 04-15-05 at 09:09 PM
I am SO glad other people noticed the "OH GOD" thing. I was waiting for Chris to explode. As he was walking out crying, I was expecting him to come back and freak out. When the door shut, I thought he'd burst back in with an Uzi. Where is our "OH GOD" moment???