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Thread Number: 1159
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"You win again Donald!"

Posted by iwannabearealitystar on 12-17-04 at 03:53 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-17-04 AT 05:25 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 12-17-04 AT 04:34 PM (EST)

It took you only 2 seasons to Jump the Shark (it took Fonzie 7 or so) you should be so proud--you whooped Arthur Fonzerelli! Whatever you think of the finalists, no self respecting person should be subjected to this debacle of crap that NBC, MB and DT believe is "Great TV".

This finale sucked, no euphamism can even sugar coat it. There is no reason that any individual (Yeah Jon!) should have to be subjected to this kind of abuse on national television. Even Ivanna was restrained. Omorosa didn't even have it this bad! Honestly, Regis? Hosting? Why? If this is supposed to be a show related to business, I'm glad I work in education and that is no bed of roses!

Last years finale was great, it seemed like a "real" boardroom--just the major players--up until the very end. DT did not "top" himself, he demoralized himself. What's next--Ivanka Trump and her old friends from Penn tossing out opinions after a couple of bottles of Zinfandel? This whole 3 hour garbage-fest was a shameless piece of self/cross promotion by DT and MB. They so completely crossed that fine line from campy to obnoxious-that now even "The Benafactor" seems like Masterpiece Theater.

As for AP 3? I don't care, I imagine it will be even more of a joke than this, so therefore, I am done!

As for Jenn M., if this is a picture of the Trump Organizaion, be happy you were fired.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: You win again Donald!"
Posted by Texan62 on 12-17-04 at 04:29 PM
It seems like it took three hours so that The Donald could pull a Pontius Pilot. "I honestly can't choose, therefore I wash my hands of this and throw the final decision to the crowd." (The producers and the Trump organization, reserved the right to pre-selected scripted audience members for this fiasco)

Barbarus..., whoops, I mean Kelly, You're Hired!

All right, please stop jabbing Jenn with the spear.