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"The Apprentice 3 !?!"

Posted by AntFitz4 on 12-17-04 at 01:46 AM
I think it is a really smart idea to have the Street Smarts vs. the College Kids.

How interesting will this end up being?! I think this will really prove things, like Troy and what's her face who didn't have the college degree's and ALMOST made it to the end.

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"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by smokedog on 12-17-04 at 02:15 AM
Honestly, I'll be surprised if DT lets a Street Smart contestant win. He's had chances to make that move already. My pick will be a Book Smart member!

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by banzai on 12-17-04 at 02:35 AM
The Book Smart team has a guy wearing bow tie too

NBC already set up the website for the Apprentice 3
The premiere is Thursday, January 20th, 2005; 90 minutes long
Raj & Jenn C. will be the commentators

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by okaychatt on 12-17-04 at 07:22 AM
<Street Smarts vs. the College Kids.

Eh - no suspense there. When it comes to the final two, DT will hold true to form and select from the college kids.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by ARnutz on 12-17-04 at 07:35 AM
I just hope it's better than this season was!

Mon Dieu, Mon Cherie... c'est magnifique!!!

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by 1turtle on 12-17-04 at 08:17 AM
DT might surprise everyone and choose someone without a degree. To change it up a bit. I look forward to watching the next season.

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by Wolfcat on 12-17-04 at 08:21 AM
>DT might surprise everyone and choose
>someone without a degree.
>To change it up a
>bit. I look forward
>to watching the next season.


Just like the change up this season where he picked someone totally unlike Bill!

Oh! hang on....


"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by Reba123 on 12-17-04 at 09:45 AM
Maybe he'll also choose a woman. For that matter, maybe the powers that cast this show will actually bring in some women of substance that aren't catty and can stand up to the men they work with. And maybe they will cast a woman of color who they don't then paint to have psychological problems. A girl can dream anyway. I'm looking forward to watching next season too.

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by Angelfood on 12-17-04 at 10:31 AM
I think its a horrible idea, given all the praise about all Jen & Kelly's education, and the 10 minute discussion over which college is better (between Harvard&Princeton vs. West Point, not even mentioning Kelly's J.D. from UCLA). What a joke!
(Both that discussion and the impending pagonging that will be App. 3).

It's just sad really. Don't think I will watch beyond the first episode next season.

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by sisyphus on 12-17-04 at 10:43 AM
I will have to agree with you here,,,,it was as if UCLA did not exist....and I would think that it was a great school....but donald kept harping all season long how impressed he was about jen's eduaction etc......so for him to really pick a "street smart" person in the next apprentice will be totally fixed...even if they deserve it....

By the way where did donald go to school? does any know?

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by ginger on 12-17-04 at 12:10 PM
I believe he went to Wharton.

If they do college and street, I want a dance-off in the finale.

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by Daisy on 12-17-04 at 12:57 PM
I agree with the comments about UCLA. Are the "book smarts" going to be people with Ivy League educations only? All the emphasis on names of schools seems terribly elitist. Maybe I'm not used to it because I don't live on one of the coasts and don't come from a wealthy family. Most of my squarely middle-class friends and I went to state schools or small private colleges that while well-known in the midwest probably wouldn't be known much at all by Trump and his crew. In high school, while graduating at the top of my class, it never even occurred to me to consider going to an Ivy League school.

I think this idea for Apprentice 3 is very interesting. Hopefully it will not create any class warfare.

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by Wolfcat on 12-17-04 at 01:03 PM
Well I keep saying....

A better "drama", is if DT didnt know what or even IF they went to college. A trust in Pre-screening to provide 16 candidates who are mentaly and physically capable, but DT doesnt have a clue where they went to college or where they worked and the contestants cant' talk about that.
Decisions would have to be ONLY on task performances.

Imagine if it was revealed that Kelly was actually a community college grad and asst mgr at a shoe store, or that JenM was a HS dropout and club bartender, etc....

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by kahanasunset on 12-17-04 at 03:02 PM
"Hopefully it will not create any class warfare."

Say whaaa?! That's what it is calculated to do.

In A3 there will be discussions about "Wolf-Pack Elitism"

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by CantStandToLook on 12-17-04 at 01:49 PM
It also looks like they've gone against their "Pretty People" casting of the past too. I dont think we saw them all, but of what we saw, I dont see any Maxim or FHM covers. In fact some of the Book Smart kids look downright dorky...interesting casting choice.

I like it because they reflect more average joes like me but still different for the reality game.

That's right , you're fired..get out already

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by harvardblackguy on 12-17-04 at 08:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-17-04 AT 08:51 PM (EST)

With all of the talk about what school is better (Harvard vs. west point vs. Yale vs. Princeton) why don’t they just do a show about college degrees from Ivy League schools vs. those with college degrees from less prestige colleges?

I don’t see trump choosing a person with no college degree. There is no way trump will let someone with a high school diploma or GED “over see my huge (pronounced “uuuge”) hotel/polo club/ golf club/casino”.

"RE: The Apprentice 3 !?!"
Posted by brainerd on 12-17-04 at 09:17 PM
>It also looks like they've gone
>against their "Pretty People" casting
>of the past too. I
>dont think we saw them
>all, but of what we
>saw, I dont see any
>Maxim or FHM covers. In
>fact some of the Book
>Smart kids look downright dorky...interesting
>casting choice.
>I like it because they reflect
>more average joes like me
>but still different for the
>reality game.
> That's right ,
>you're fired..get out already

I was thinking the same thing. What was with that guitar strumming dood? He can't possibly be a contestant. Few of the guys/gals looked pretty geeky.

Maybe this time, he will pick a
- minority female with a grade 10 education -