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"Candidates do not like Kelly"

Posted by ARnutz on 12-09-04 at 01:21 PM
I found this article which talks a little about how some other candidates feel about Kelly. Most think he is not edited to his true self. I never liked the guy and will have to barf if he wins. I enjoy knowing he is not likeable.

Kelly not Popular

Mon Dieu, Mon Cherie... c'est magnifique!!!

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"RE: Candidates do not like Kelly"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 12-09-04 at 02:01 PM
I don't mind Kelly so much, but that could be due in part to the editing.

Did you notice who they managed to get quotes from?

pro-Kelly: Ivana

anti-Kelly: Chris, Raj, Andy, Wes
The only one of those four that I would even be interested in their opinion is Andy. All of them are tools though - and none of them should be throwing stones (glass houses and all that).

a sig by syren

I almost used the analogy about the pots and kettles, but I remembered that's not a good place to go in Apprentice-land.

"RE: Candidates do not like Kelly"
Posted by ARnutz on 12-09-04 at 08:19 PM
"pots and kettles"

Yeah let's not talk about those here!

Mon Dieu, Mon Cherie... c'est magnifique!!!

"RE: Candidates do not like Kelly"
Posted by miss_ganda on 12-09-04 at 02:31 PM
Could that be because all these civilians are not used to a military leadership style?

I see this as a plus in the eyes of the Donald. With Kelly on his team, DT wouldn't have to be the big arse that he usually is. He has Kelly to kick butts for him!

I was greatly impressed with the way Kelly took Raj by the horn during the fashion model episode. He effectively put that hound dog in his place. It isn't easy keeping Raj's grubby paws off of the models and at the same time, keeping him from harassing the poor homely over-worked fashion designer trying to beat the clock.

I was terribly disappointed in the last task because Kelly chose to dodge bullets by hiding in a cloak of immunity. Branford had the same armor but chose to march with his troops. Speaking of Branford, how sad to realize that he won't go head-to-head with Kelly in the final 2.

We'll see how Kelly does in the interviews. Jenn M has a slight advantage in that area, however, accomplishment-wise, Kelly has the edge.

We shall see. Ugh, one more week of agony!

"RE: Candidates do not like Kelly"
Posted by ARnutz on 12-09-04 at 08:16 PM
Could that be because all these civilians are not used to a military leadership style?

This could very well be the case and you do make a good point. Maybe this is why I don't like him.

Mon Dieu, Mon Cherie... c'est

"RE: Candidates do not like Kelly"
Posted by greenmonstah on 12-13-04 at 07:23 PM
I don't like him because he has a girlie name.

"RE: Candidates do not like Kelly"
Posted by okaychatt on 12-10-04 at 07:20 AM
<civilians are not used to a military leadership style?

If his style is so military, how and why did his troops go AWOL on him?

They were frittering away their work time by playing and day dreaming on the polo field.

Of course, Raj could be brought before a military jury and get a dishonorable discharge. He's set to undermine anything Kelly wants. Right now, the power on the team lies with Raj.

Jenn's team seems to want a win.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: Candidates do not like Kelly"
Posted by speardefense33 on 12-10-04 at 07:39 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-04 AT 07:40 AM (EST)

After "allegedly" fooling around with Jenn C., I'm sure that wouldn't be the first dishonorable discharge he's received.


Wow, I need more sleep.

"RE: Candidates do not like Kelly"
Posted by Tahj on 12-10-04 at 03:53 PM
A bit premature, wouldn't you think?

How much more dishonorable can you get?

"RE: Candidates do not like Kelly"
Posted by miss_ganda on 12-14-04 at 01:16 PM
"If his style is so military, how and why did his troops go AWOL on him?"

If real and active servicemen go AWOL on their Commanding Officers, can you imagine how little it takes for civilian troops to desert their retired military CEO who is completely engrossed in spreadsheeting their individual timelines.

If Raj was in the army, he would have been doing KP and latrine duties in between giving his drill sgt a hundred for being stubborn.

Wonder how much charm Jenn can use if she was to face a military tribunal.

"Not surprising at all"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 12-09-04 at 05:09 PM
Kelly comes across as extremely arrogant and I've never liked him either. I don't think he works well with others at ALL, as evidenced by the way he snips at teammates and doesn't let them get a word in edgewise. He just likes to be the boss as I see it.

"RE: Not surprising at all"
Posted by ARnutz on 12-09-04 at 08:18 PM
He just likes to be the boss as I see it.

Yeah and Trump probably likes it that way, they are both "ball-hogs"

Mon Dieu, Mon Cherie... c'est magnifique!!!

"RE: Not surprising at all"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 12-09-04 at 09:57 PM
Kelly is fine.

Geez, you people. Don't like many do you?

"RE: Not surprising at all"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 12-09-04 at 10:03 PM
It's all about the bashing!

a sig by syren

"RE: Not surprising at all"
Posted by speardefense33 on 12-10-04 at 06:40 AM
*puts on Omarosa mask*

Whatchu mean "you people"? Whatchu tryin to say?

"RE: Not surprising at all"
Posted by realitychick on 12-10-04 at 12:49 PM
"O", hello dahling. You're back! Wow, taking six months off for that head injury...poor girl. You look marvelous though. *gag*

Thanks for the humor post.

"RE: Not surprising at all"
Posted by Tahj on 12-10-04 at 03:57 PM
Hey Honey-O, when you were on Fear Factor, were you the fear?

Was the challenge to try and eat you? *snort* *snort*

"RE: Candidates do not like Kelly"
Posted by Pepito on 12-10-04 at 06:38 AM
Thanks for the article, ARnutz.

Most of the comments so far seem to be from the angle that one would like to work for Kelly. But Donald's point of view is, "Would he want Kelly working for him?" Kelly is not going to throw a militaristic attitude onto Donald. Question is, would Kelly control his employees and get things done correctly if he were an executive of Donald's? Would he make acceptable on the spot decisions when needed, and could he be trusted? I think yes. I would much prefer Kelly as The Apprentice than Jennifer.

"RE: Candidates do not like Kelly"
Posted by okaychatt on 12-10-04 at 07:22 AM
<would Kelly control his employees

Based on last night's AWOL jaunt by his team, I'd say, "No."

I don't care who wins, but Kelly is not All That.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"I know Kelly personally..."
Posted by Out4Blood on 12-10-04 at 09:00 AM
I can attest that most of the editing has been pretty accurate with regard to his personality. Episodes that feature him have had me rolling: "That is SO Kelly!"

Was he *worse* off-camera? Most likely.

He's very demanding, both of himself and his colleagues. It takes a very strong personality to deal with him. And I think you have to earn his respect with sweat and smarts. People who like very challenging and stimulating personal interactions (like me) enjoy that type of atmosphere. But it's not for everyone.

Kelly is the most egotistical person I've ever met (which would say a lot if you knew *me*). The flip side, however, is that he backs it up with very strong, consistent performance. He's one of the hardest working and smartest people I know.

While all that may make him less-popular among the "cool" crowd, it makes him the *ideal* person to have working *for* you.

"RE: I know Kelly personally..."
Posted by pooball on 12-10-04 at 12:39 PM
i had one ex millitary manager in my life and it was a bad experience. i literally had to account for my time in 15 minute intervals during one phase of the project... the whole team did... and it took us like half an hour at the end of the day to fill out these REDICULOUS time sheets. if u do 20 things in a day as we did on this project, it was nearly impossible to do - there were actually 90 different tasks that we could have assigned our time to. our client never requested this craziness either...it was only our ex-military manager. it's funny when i heard something about "15 minute intervals" out of kelly on last nights episode, it totally gave me a flashback to that project. ALL that manager did was play with microsoft project all day and night updating his plan and figuring out how many seconds we spent on each part of the project and if that was consistent with prior projects, our billing sheets, etc... it was so annoying. not to mention the military lingo he'd throw in constantly. since the war is going on everyone is like infactuated with soldiers and ex-soldiers so god forbid you say anything negative about them or the working style that the military breeds. if trump wants that type of style, there it is... but personally, i couldn't work for someone like that - nor could i work for a pamela or maria. i could work for ransic and i think i could work for jen though she seems kind of personality-free which gets annoying too. she might just be witholding her personality for the game though.

"RE: I know Kelly personally..."
Posted by geg6 on 12-10-04 at 01:42 PM
Couple of points...

First, it was Raj who told Kelly he wanted the 15 minute intervals on his daily schedule. Kelly just repeated what he said and accommodated him.

Second, if the spelling and grammar in your post is any indication, then I'd be checking on you every fifteen minutes, too.

Third, I have worked with loads of ex-military and have many students who are veterans and they are, without exception, the best and brightest of the bunch. I'd take them any day over some of the lazy, irresponsible dimwits I have to deal with on a daily basis.

"RE: I know Kelly personally..."
Posted by Out4Blood on 12-10-04 at 02:38 PM
ROFL. Right on geg6. Agree 100%.

Raj simply wanted a spreadsheet that broke down times by :15 min intervals. Kelly was just showing him (in his own special way) how to quickly do that in Excel.

The previous poster is making the mistake of generalizing based on one experience. Was the guy a micro-manager because he was ex-military or because he was just a micro-manager?

"RE: I know Kelly personally..."
Posted by pooball on 12-10-04 at 03:46 PM
though i hate to reply to "spelling and grammar" message board trolls, this will at least give me something to do because I am stuck in an irrelevant meeting that will never end.

As far as i remembered, Raj was making fun of Kelly for obsessing over his micromanager style spreadsheet. I was in and out of the room when I heard the "15 minute" thing so i just assumed it was Kelly who was speaking. My bad. Kelly has been called out for his militaristic leadership style which has annoyed people in the group before though, yes? I didn't like my military style manager so I can relate. And - i was talking about working FOR someone like that, and you replied by saying you like working WITH people like that. That's different. I wasn't generalizing to all people who were in the military (or I would've said that, but frankly I'd have to be a retard to make such a comment...). I was talking about my one experience. The militaristic style of leadership (just like the passive style or the consensus style) all have their positives and negatives - and they all work better for some than others. Furthermore, NON-military people can have this leadership style too so it's even less of a generalization about military people. My old manager actually said that the military helped him to manage the way he did. I wouldn't have even known he was in the military had he not made such a big thing of it and how "he's a better manager" and all this crap. I know what a generalization is...thanks.

Now, one other point...

It always annoys me when there is a "spelling and grammar" message board troll lurking around...but given that you have posted over 1500 things, I suppose this is a big part of your life & spelling and grammar on internet message boards must be important to you. So, I can respect that, but let me just say this...do you really think there is a correlation between intellectual capacity and what a person types in 45 seconds on a msg board? If you do, let me try to clear that up. I'm gonna say the following not because i am trying to be arrogant, but because you need to learn this evidently. 1. I graduated in the top 5% of my class at a top 10 school and 2. I got a perfect score (6 of 6) on the GMAT writing section (only 4% of people get this score). So, I think that my school, class rank, and GMAT score are a *little* better indicators of my intelligence than what I type in 45 seconds on this board. And hence, there is no correlation. So hopefully this will help you refrain from making similar useless (and irritating) comments to others in your next 1500 posts.

"Somebody's calling my name,"
Posted by Coconut on 12-10-04 at 06:56 PM
Spelling and grammar not important? I think I might expire.

Welcome to RTVW, pooball. Your above post is evidence that you are far from being an illiterate moron and personally, at this point in the term, I'm happy to see one. However, what geg was pointing out was not that people who type poorly are morons, but that posters generally do edit their posts for grammar, spelling, and internet abbreviations.

Not that you'll be run out of town on a rail, especially if you're witty, but that's just the feel of the place.

Mon Cherie est fabuleuse.

I bang my head on my monitor every time I see an apostrophe error, but I don't say anything to anyone. It's my kind of entertainment.

"RE: I know Kelly personally..."
Posted by geg6 on 12-13-04 at 03:21 PM
Well, I'm sorry you are so offended by a joking reference to your spelling and grammar that you feel the need to call me a troll. However, in my world, spelling and grammar are important and indicate a good education. If that is not true in your world, then that is that.

What I will continue to argue with is the idea that somehow Kelly's military background makes him a bad manager. Your one experience with someone with a military background may have colored your view. And what any one of these other Apprentice candidates has to say about Kelly must be taken with a grain of salt. Yes, I have worked "with" people with a military background my entire career (in addition to coming from a family filled with military, active duty and veterans). I've never worked "for" one simply because I have always been the supervisor. However, I have seen no evidence of bad management style on their part, nor do I see in Kelly's style. He takes charge when it needs done, shows discipline in completing the task, and does not yell, micromanage, or focus on irrelevant tasks such as you accuse your former manager of doing. And, despite your statement to contrary, you were generalizing these tendencies to all ex-military. If you don't believe me, go back and read what you wrote.

Perhaps it's a problem of nomenclature; instead of using the term "militaristic management style," perhaps a better way of phrasing what you describe would be "authoritarian management style." That way there would be no mistaking that you mean that anyone can have that style, not just veterans.

"Geg, Pooball, cut it out"
Posted by Bebo on 12-10-04 at 06:45 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-04 AT 11:10 PM (EST)

You both should know better. Personal attacks are not allowed on the forums.

And Pooball, retaliation is not allowed on the forums. The only appropriate response is to alert the mods and let us handle it.

Spelling, grammar, GMAT scores...big deal. I'd be more impressed if you'd just read and follow the guidelines.

ETA: Coco, you didn't help matters with your behavior.

"RE: Geg, Pooball, cut it out"
Posted by geg6 on 12-13-04 at 02:38 PM
My apologies, Bebo, for #2 in my post. No apologies for the rest of it.

" Candidates are jealous of Kelly"
Posted by CSHS79 on 12-14-04 at 01:51 PM
IMHO, anyone with a negative opinion of Kelly is simply jealous of the fact that he played the game right and kept his eyes on the prize. Simply put, he stepped back while the others simply let themselves implode.

"Quit getting personal"
Posted by Bebo on 12-14-04 at 02:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-14-04 AT 02:08 PM (EST)

Prefacing a phrase with "IMHO" does not give license to bash other posters. Saying, "in my opinion, you have to be jealous to disagree with me" is no different that saying "in my opinion, you have to be stupid/blind/racist/a selfish bastard, etc. etc." and none of those are allowed here.

I'm sick of telling posters to stop making value judgements on other posters. People are entitled to disagree, and they don't deserve negative personal statements just because they have a different of opinion.

Saying "you're just jealous" to a dissenting viewpoint is just a cheap shot. Cut it out. Everyone.

"RE: Quit getting personal"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 12-15-04 at 02:34 PM
In all fairness, I took CSHS79's comments to be that the interviewees (Raj, Wes, Chris) were jealous of Kelly and that is why they bashed him. I did not think that CSHS79 was commenting on members of our community. YMMV though - and I'll respect that the blue peeps get the final word.

a sig by syren

"RE: Quit getting personal"
Posted by Bebo on 12-15-04 at 03:12 PM
"Anyone" is broader than "the candidates". And since I've already warned someone about not belittling other posters by dismissing their opinions as jealousy, I had to be consistent here.

"RE: Quit getting personal"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 12-15-04 at 04:00 PM
Fair enough!

a sig by syren

Bebo makes the hard calls! Being a moderator seems to be a thankless job sometimes - but I appreciate that she wants us all to play nice.

"Warning To Bebo"
Posted by Wolfcat on 12-15-04 at 04:25 PM
I feel your meglomanial management and over reaching tendecy to suggest your supperior personal constraint being forced on the perfection of all the incredible, inteligent, talented, amazing, best in the world posters here to be breaking the rules of human need for conflict!


"IMHO" (sarc) the point is folks, its ok to disagree, but dont get personal. If someone does so - to your post, don't knee jerk. Bebo will get 'em!
I umpired little league and can only think that was a tip of the iceburg experience to managing this place. One time I had two "baseball mom's" in a cat fight behind home plate! No Kidding!

Sic-em boy!


"RE: Warning To Bebo"
Posted by Bebo on 12-15-04 at 04:41 PM
I don't know whether to *thwack* you or *smooch* you.

You know the difference between you and me? I make this look good.

"RE: Warning To Bebo"
Posted by Wolfcat on 12-15-04 at 05:04 PM
Yeah, I'm going to call that my "Reversed Ivanna Backhander" hehe


"RE: Warning To Bebo"
Posted by mrc on 12-16-04 at 02:23 PM
Since you were called a boy, I think a *thwack* is in order.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Warning To Bebo"
Posted by Bebo on 12-16-04 at 03:19 PM
Excellent point. I haven't been mistaken for a boy since puberty.

You know the difference between you and me? I make this look good.

"RE: Warning To Bebo"
Posted by mrc on 12-16-04 at 04:28 PM
What a coinky-dink--me neither.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Warning To Bebo - CORRECTION"
Posted by Wolfcat on 12-16-04 at 05:58 PM
I want to aplogize to the millions of folks out there for my error in my "Warning to Bebo" statement. I made a closing comment that was innacurate and quite honestly out of context. I will strive harder in the future to be more sensitive to ensuring I know the sex of the moderators before having a great deal of fun at their expense.
Again, to all my fans, thanks you for your support, love and understanding at this diffucult time.

Oh, and to Bebo...

"Sic-em Girl!"

Better? ;)

P.S. I overcame an urge to throw bad lassie puns in there!

"RE: Warning To Bebo - CORRECTION"
Posted by mrc on 12-17-04 at 12:16 PM
You don't need to know about Bebo's sex--just her gender.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Warning To Bebo - CORRECTION"
Posted by Wolfcat on 12-17-04 at 01:09 PM
>You don't need to know about
>Bebo's sex--just her gender.


I think Bebo would forgive me if I dont post another "Correction" though ;)

"RE: Quit getting personal"
Posted by LionChow on 12-17-04 at 12:40 PM
Wow Bebo, you're getting soft.

HD tells you that "You Make Me Vomit" and you don't even address it? Or does YMMV mean something else?

Posted by CSHS79 on 12-16-04 at 12:13 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but was this topic not about an article concerning the other contestant's opinions of Kelly?If my choice of words were misinterpreted, I'm sorry. I am however grateful that History Detective read my comments in the light in which they were intended.

"RE: Apology"
Posted by Bebo on 12-16-04 at 04:49 PM
It is not uncommon for threads to divert from their original intention, as folks who've been on these forums for multiple seasons should be well aware.

"RE: Candidates are jealous of Kelly"
Posted by LakerLuv on 12-17-04 at 12:53 PM
From what I saw of Kelly, he's the type of boss I would love to work for. He didn't scream and yell. He never belittled anyone and he was always there with an answer to a problem. I like his management style and I'm glad he won.

"RE: Candidates are jealous of Kelly"
Posted by lampwick on 12-17-04 at 11:12 PM
I laugh so hard at someone complaining about 15 minute intervals when most lawyers have to account for every 6 minutes of their day. When I was practicing law at very large law firm, my life was a bunch of .1s. Every 6 minutes was a .1. Funny, eh? I have to believe that Jenn had to account for her time that way at Clifford. Anyway, I laugh at the thought that someone couldn't stand doing one project in that fashion when lawyers spend their entire career documenting what they do every 6 minutes of their day.