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"Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"

Posted by iwannabearealitystar on 12-08-04 at 03:09 AM
Even though it will probably be a Jenn/Kelly final 2, Sandy could be the Smarty Jones of AP2. IMHO here's what might push her over the top:

1) She started and built a sucessful business at a very young age. That is no easy feat with or without an education. Consider that she is in the wedding business and as a semi-recent bride, we are a scary bunch! If you can handle hysterical brides, their mothers, fathers, in laws and bridesmaids (1 of whom always sucks) you are a candidate for sainthood.

2) She has passion. DT mentions at least once a week that passsion is everything. She put her all into every task, no matter how lame or out of her "comfort zone". Obviously, she excelled at the wedding task, but remember, she was exempt that week and could have taken a back seat to Kelly. She beat Raj, who's in real estate, the week before as PM, and it was a REAL ESTATE TASK!

3) She has a personality and is an attractive female. I know some of you will flog me for this, but looks do matter. It seems that this is the case more often with women than men, (we've all seen the mess that is Trumps hair), but if you put 2 qualified people in front of an interviewer, chances are the more attractive one will get the job. I'm not saying it's right, I'm not saying it's fair, I'm just saying it happens. How else can you explain Paris Hilton?

4) She isn't afraid to stand up for herself, is mature and has a desire to win. By putting aside her hard feelings with Jenn and spanking Ivanna and Co.--she showed Trump she cares more about the job than the interpersonal BS. You can't say the same for the other girls, with the exception of Jenn M, which is why they are both in the final four to begin with!

What may hold her back? Here's my take:

1) She IS in the wedding business. The bridal business is tough, like I said, but it's also a cash cow (if you don't believe me, get married and you'll see)! She also has her business in the Baltimore/DC Metro area. For those of you who aren't familiar, it's a big area, with lots people (esp. just starting out young people) and lots of $$$$. I don't want to minimize her success, she still had to work hard to make it, but this could hurt her just as much as help her.

2) She has little or no interview experience. I think that her lack of education is LESS of a factor than this. She is obviously used to talking to and dealing with people, but sitting on the other side of the table is a whole new ballgame. I have noticed that interviewers love to throw around buzz words and industry jargon, that THEY probably don't even understand, just to trip up candidates. I don't know if this is done to test a person's ability to think on their feet (or BS well), but it hurt Amy last year and she was more educated and polished than Sandy. We'll see.

3) The "Troy Factor"--DT will send her home and tell her to get an education. (Hopefully, he won't have to pay for hers as well).

4) She loses control in the boardroom (she came close w/ Jenn and Andy) and ends up looking like a shrew, which negates all of the good things she's done. Always posible in high pressure situations, especially when she knows she's missing DT's favorite thing-a higher education. Another toughie!

Whatever happens, Sandy will ultimately win. I guarantee, she helps DT and his son with their weddings and the customers will be flocking to her store, just for the cache factor. It worked for Katrina Campins and it will probably work for Sandy.

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"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by jae on 12-08-04 at 06:34 AM
I agree with your last sentence.

However, I feel like Sandy comes across as a little unprofessional at times, and her command of the English language doesn't help things. I like her a lot, though. I think she's the most likeable of the Final 4.

"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by speardefense33 on 12-08-04 at 07:40 AM
Firstly, Smarty Jones was either the first or second favorite in all his races, not an underdog. But since you're a girl, I suppose I can let that slide.

Secondly, in no other task does professionalism matter as much as the interviews. We saw them eat Amy alive last year, and Nick didn't fare much better. We can all say that Amy and Nick were much less professional and sharp as Bill and Kwame.

I also think this is where Sandy's lack of education will bleed through. Sure, she can hold her own against Jenn and Andy. Whoop-whoop. I know jellyfish with more spine than Andy. If you just look at the Final 4 and listen to them speak for 30 seconds and had to pick out which one doesn't have a college education, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

Don't get me wrong, I can fully appreciate what she's done without one, and since Troy was my favorite character ever, I can rally behind them, but her lack of education will be ripped to shreds. Those don't seem like people who can appreciate a rough-around-the-edges hard worker. They would have eaten Troy alive, and they will eat Sandy alive.

"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by miss_ganda on 12-08-04 at 12:43 PM
Sandy typifies the Type A undergrads who work much harder than their degreed colleagues. They do so to prove that they can be just as valuable to their employers, if not more.

I agree with you speardefense, except for the part about Andy. While I admire Sandy's can do attitude and in-your-face persona, I don't think these will necessarily be a clincher for her. Those attributes are a plus but not strong enough to overcome a combination of a solid educational background and a well-rounded work experience which can easily be verified. Who's gonna attest to Sandy's great work habits, her bridal shop employees?

Also consider the much higher decibel of Sandy's voice when arguing with the others. I don't agree with those who say that Andy is a spineless jelly fish. I participated in debates a little (nowhere near the category Andy is at, however). Debate participants commit infractions or even get ejected from the panel when they raise the volume of their voice way above the level of those they are debating with. Debaters are supposed to argue with reason, not with yelling which, Sandy does quite so well. The fact that Andy could not get in a word edgewise is because that is not what real debaters are trained to do, enter a shouting match. Sandy's propensity to yell at the drop-of-a-hat is highly indicative of her lack of experience in working in a typical corporate setting where, one has to exercise some restraint despite animosity.

If Sandy doesn't tone down, it will be a no-brainer for the interview panel to send her home fast. Sandy has a lot of selling to do to make up for her lack of a college degree. What many don't realize is that Trump's execs have already reviewed the finalists' curriculum vitae prior to actually interviewing them. It is likely that some or all have already formed a mind-set, on account of what they saw or didn't see in the resumes. I'm sure the interviewers are all set to see what Sandy can convince them of, enough for them to waive all standard educational requirements.

"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by iwannabearealitystar on 12-08-04 at 03:10 PM
Smarty Jones was an underdog in his first major race, the Kentucky Derby. After he won, he was a favorite in the Preakness and the Belmont. He came out of nowhere. Now the darn horse lives on a farm and makes more many than DT to breed. I am in the wrong line of work!

Don't make fun of me 'cause I'm a girl!! Just kidding.

"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by miss_ganda on 12-08-04 at 12:58 PM
"How else can you explain Paris Hilton?"

Excuse me, Paris achieved fame not because of her looks (which incidentally isn't my definition of a real beauty) but because of her notoriety in the you-know-where who happens to bear the Hilton family name. Other than that she is just some skinny blonde who loves to party in her low riders.

Yes Paris is attractive alright, she does attract certain situations and reactions, not necessarily positive ones. Look at Amy from last season, now there's a real blonde beauty and brains (regardless of her one faux pax during the final interview) combination.

"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by iwannabearealitystar on 12-08-04 at 03:06 PM
I agree that she is famous for being famous, name and videos notwithstanding. I am just saying that it helps that she is attracive, otherwise no one would care to see her in any way shape or form! You are right too about Amy, she is a better example of blonde beauty and brains. When Miss Paris opens her mouth it makes me a little nervous! That's hot! (haha)

I was just trying to point out that there seems to be favoritism when it comes to looks, whether it is in Hollywood or the job market. If you ever read career advice columns or books, they always go over, looking the part, how to dress, proper accessories etc. I think they are being more specific to general appearance w/ regard to neatness and cleanliness, but the message I always got was--look good and it will help you.

"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by waylung on 12-09-04 at 07:41 AM
Sandy may have lost it in the boardroom. But how many of us have had to undergo such relentless pressure from two of the worst back stabbers (they coudn't even do that successfully) from two of the worst performers on the apprentice.
Yes they were out performed and didn't anticipate such a spirited defence. Sandy gained a lot of respect from Trump after that bashing and rightly so.
Albeit respect isn't as important as a degree and for that reason Sandy will be going. However she hasn't really lost at all, if anything she has amassed a huge customer base and we are probably looking at the next Donald Trump of the Wedding Industry.
Then again, Trump buys her out and sets up Trump Wedding Apparell with her as the principal director, life couldn't be rosier.

"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by anotherkim on 12-09-04 at 09:52 AM

I hope for Sandy's sake they had someone else create their resumes. The one she has on her website is atrocious.

Jennifer should ace those interviews. She's good at the talk and an execellent presenter.

Kelly can get flustered, but he's not bad. He has a very honest,

Kevin gets flustered and too excited under pressure. When the sweat starts rolling, the words start spilling out too fast and that could really spell trouble.

Sandy has looked very competent and composed with the exception of the Pepsi episode. I think she should be able to handle the basic interview questions okay; it's going to be the more technical business ones that may cause her problems.

At this point, I find her more appealing than Kelly as far as a competitor. Kelly has become wishy-washy and safe.

"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by miss_ganda on 12-09-04 at 10:56 AM
After reading all these, it just occurred to me that Sandy could well be doing these just to get her name out there in the hopes of becoming the Vera Wang of bridal gowns.

Think about it, why would a seemingly level-headed woman like Sandy delude herself into thinking that she has as much a chance with ivy leaguers that perform well and interview well. That's an uphill battle for her.

"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by iwannabearealitystar on 12-09-04 at 12:37 PM
Exactly---but honestly you really can't blame her. Great marketing and self promotion made DT who he is, why shouldn't the average person use any and all means available to them? It's a big risk (look what happened to Jen C. and Stacy J.) but I would say it is one worth taking.

"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by speardefense33 on 12-09-04 at 12:39 PM
You're right, all that self-promotion landed Jenn C. on the unemployment line

"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by miss_ganda on 12-09-04 at 12:45 PM
Well Jenn C is an entirely different story. She didn't realize she will catch the hoof-in-mouth disease. LOL, I should know, I get that quite a bit.

"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by speardefense33 on 12-09-04 at 12:46 PM
She must have caught that from Raj, along with God knows what else.

"RE: Sandy is Thursday's Wild Card"
Posted by miss_ganda on 12-09-04 at 01:10 PM
Raj marches to the beat of his own drum. When others are wearing hard hats, he tucks his in his arms and poses like a photo shoot for Const. Foreman's Illustrated.

When asked to increase the value of a property, he decides to knock down one room. He wears a bow tie everyday but when the Donald wears a bow tie, Raj wears a regular tie then gets fired. Lesson for Raj: Stick to the bow tie.

Jenn C. didn't go asking for the guys' phone#, Raj on the other hand, struck out with Robin.

Nope, sorry, Jenn C and Raj definitely don't share the same viruses!