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Thread Number: 11
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"Scheduling update"

Posted by Bebo on 01-10-04 at 10:35 AM
- According to my local TV listing, the first episode will be rebroadcast tonight at 9pm Eastern.

- More importantly, I saw an ad on NBC last night saying that the second episode will air next Thursday after Friends. The ad touted the number of viewers (27 million), so it looks like NBC wants to keep it in the timeslot where it works.

I am the embodiement of snarky, sarcastic and smart. I am also the S7 Anti-Bootee co-champion!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Scheduling update"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 01-10-04 at 11:59 AM
Thank you Ms. Boop! I'll inform my VCR programmer so he can make the change.

"RE: Scheduling update"
Posted by ladro on 01-10-04 at 11:13 PM
It wasn't on Saturday where I live (Mountain Time Zone). 7PM was AJ2, 8PM was some crime drama. 9PM was an ad for the next episode of Aprentice. 9:01PM was some other crime drama. Did anyone actually see it Saturday night?

"RE: Scheduling update"
Posted by Bebo on 01-12-04 at 08:23 AM
They made another last-minute scheduling change. Latest I've heard is that they will be rebroadcasting the premiere episode on Wednesday at 8 (when they originally planned to show a new ep).

I am the embodiement of snarky, sarcastic and smart. I am also the S7 Anti-Bootee co-champion!

"RE: Scheduling update"
Posted by LeftPinky on 01-14-04 at 09:31 PM
Well this just stinks.... I was planning to see the new episode 2 tonight... now I've got to wait another night. Crap!!

created by the amazing JSlice!

"RE: Scheduling update"
Posted by volsfan on 01-11-04 at 08:50 PM
Bebo...you are right! I just checked on the apprentice web site and it is THURSDAY after Friends! NICE CATCH! THANKS!


"RE: Scheduling update"
Posted by MTW1961 on 01-14-04 at 11:14 AM
I see they're repeating the premiere episode tonight, but it looks like they're only airing it for an hour. Wasn't the premiere episode an hour and a half? What are they going to cut out?


"RE: Scheduling update"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 01-14-04 at 04:45 PM
Yas, they are chopping out about 22 minutes (the original broadcast was 1 hour, 22 minutes.)

I'd say Trump's tour would be a prime candidate to get cropped, as well as some of the "tribal council" stuff. And some of the "arrivals." And some of the bickering.

Keep in mind the episode was probably ORIGINALLY edited to be one hour and they probably went back and ADDED 22 minutes so that NBC could claim it was "super-sized," so it might actually be a matter of determining what was added to the original broadcast.


"RE: Scheduling update"
Posted by djandy on 01-22-04 at 11:59 PM
A preview shown during Friends says that The Apprentice will be on Thursdays again at 9/8 p.m. after Friends and Will & Grace starting next Thursday 1/29/04. I guess the tromping from American Idol made them change the date and time again.


"RE: Scheduling update"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 01-23-04 at 00:05 AM
