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Forum: DCForumID61
Thread Number: 79
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"Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by SilverStar on 01-08-04 at 12:12 PM
I am alone here, or did anyone else think that kid was U-G-L-Y?! I couldn't believe that hair! Shaggy 2 Dope needed to visit a barber shop big time! I thought the kid that Nichole was making out with was better looking, although he did look like he was about 14.
Table of contents
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,nclj, 01:17 AM, 01-14-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,heracane, 06:46 AM, 01-14-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,love2smile, 07:36 AM, 01-14-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,MeadorsLumberGirl04, 09:25 AM, 01-14-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,love2smile, 10:08 AM, 01-14-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,SilverStar, 01:26 PM, 01-15-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,DRONES, 06:24 AM, 01-21-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,superstepmom1, 11:17 AM, 01-14-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,love2smile, 12:08 PM, 01-14-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,Katiepops, 04:08 PM, 01-16-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,teejax22, 12:30 PM, 01-21-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,Katiepops, 11:58 PM, 01-21-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,teejax22, 09:48 AM, 01-22-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,love2smile, 02:10 PM, 01-22-04
- RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?,bountyhunter, 03:28 PM, 05-22-04
Messages in this discussion
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by nclj on 01-14-04 at 01:17 AM
Actually that is your opinion and nothing more. If you want a few facts that fine looking young man is not only handsome he is very intelligent as well. He graduated with a 4.0 grade point adverage ( an adverage he has maintained since the 7th grade ) and continues to excell in college. He won several scholarships one of which he was unable to accept as it was an atheletic scholarship and he was permenantly injured in a basketball game in which he was one of the star players. Despite losing the dream of becomming a professional player one day this young man showed true bravery and strength of character to find another path and keep on attending and excelling in college and life despite all the popularity of the show and people who make rude and hurtful comments like yours. I think he is to be commended!! Way to go Trae!
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by heracane on 01-14-04 at 06:46 AM
you know, if you are getting defensive about these "characters" on a tv show maybe this isn't the right forum for you. At most of these forums we, the posters like to bash the "characters" whether or not they are real people... we all realize that they have more personality than the show lets on, we are not bashing that just what the producers show us.. if you are a personal friend.. bully for you, just toughen your skin a bit.
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by love2smile on 01-14-04 at 07:36 AM
Exactly heracane. These boards are not always nice, but the guidelines explain what they are all about, and new posters should ALWAYS read up before they post.
And for the record......I also don't see what all the fuss is about over "chops". I find him kind of dorky and ugly with ALOT of teeth, but to each their own!
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by MeadorsLumberGirl04 on 01-14-04 at 09:25 AM
Well, I would have to argue with the 2 of yall. I don't care if yall do like to bash people, nclj has the right to defend a freind. You know, even if they are characters on a show, they ARE real people, and they have real feelings. Also, I'm so glad nclj posted that because obviously Trae has alot of accomplishments that people don't know about. I've only met him a couple times, and he really is a nice guy. The first time I met him was at a spook trail Ozark (town next to Altus) puts on every year, and we were both there working, not getting paid. Anyone who could work as hard as that without pay and then put their lives on tv like Trae, Anthony, Paris, Nicole, and The Ledings did deserves a pat on the back, not a stab in the back. Also to end this, Trae is also a VERY hott guy, not the hottest guy in Arkansas by far, but hey, I'm 17, and I'd sure date him, even before the Simple Life came about!
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by love2smile on 01-14-04 at 10:08 AM
Which is just wonderful to defend them but you just have to deal with the comments and not everybody is going to like everyone else. 
Have a nice day!
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by SilverStar on 01-15-04 at 01:26 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-15-04 AT 01:27 PM (EST)Of course it was my opinion! When did I say it wasn't? I happen to think the kid is butt ugly, so what? Just because he has a 4.0 average (not aDverage) doesn't mean he is good looking. And just because I happen to think he is not attractive doesn't mean that he isn't a smart and wonderful person. I was commenting soley on his looks- I did not attack his personality at all. If he is going to go on a reality show, be prepared for some comments- rude or otherwise! I understand that you may be a friend of his and you were only defending him. You expressed opinion about my post, and I am now expressing my opinion about your post. I am not looking for a fight here! It's all in good fun!
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by DRONES on 01-21-04 at 06:24 AM
This kid is a true DAW. It must be a real struggle for him to go with his life after the populariy of the show
I'm sure he didn't have any choice in the matter what-so-ever.
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by superstepmom1 on 01-14-04 at 11:17 AM
I think he's UGLY too. I'm not here to judge his GPA or his participation in school events or where he goes to college. I am talking about his looks and I don't find him attractive.I commend anyone who can make it on to college and keep a stong GPA, even if they aren't HOT.
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by love2smile on 01-14-04 at 12:08 PM
Well said superstepmom!
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by Katiepops on 01-16-04 at 04:08 PM
Yeah you can be the smartest and sweetest person in the world and still be unattractive. His teeth are just TOO much and when he smiles he looks like he is mentally challenged. (I am being serious not mean).
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by teejax22 on 01-21-04 at 12:30 PM
Okay....I understand everyone's opinion here but the "mentally challenged" blow was harsh and distasteful.
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by Katiepops on 01-21-04 at 11:58 PM
But that is what this board is for. It was simply my opinion. He opens his mouth and looks simple minded is a better way to put it.
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by teejax22 on 01-22-04 at 09:48 AM
Yeah I understand that it was your opinion...I just think that when you try to reinforce that he is unattractive by comparing his smile to the "mentally challenged", you are being very insensitive to that population of people who do not have control over their mental development or their outer appearance. (Whooosh...that was a run on sentence but I think you get the point.)
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by love2smile on 01-22-04 at 02:10 PM
You can't let others opinions bother you. I myself understand where you are coming from, but everyone expresses themselves differently. there are tons of other topics to choose from if this one gets to you...
I'm not trying to be snotty or mean (please don't take it that way), but tasteful or not, EVERYONE should be able to express themselves about their feelings on the show. I myself have learned that the mods get grumbly when posters go at it personally.
"RE: Hottest Guy In Arkansas? Is she crazy?"
Posted by bountyhunter on 05-22-04 at 03:28 PM
Can someone post a link to a picture from this "hot guy"? i nerver have seen him... because im from germany, thx