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Forum: DCForumID61
Thread Number: 63
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"They are polite...well I think so."

Posted by ego on 12-17-03 at 00:27 AM
I think the girls were very polite to people. They must have been brought up with some etiquette. They always were telling people 'thanks' and 'nice meeting you'...i suppose that they were probably sent to some socialite charm school or something.

Which girl do you think is prettier? Paris or Nicole? I think that Nicole eats alot...lol...she doesn't seem very skinny, but that is healthy. I think she' maybe been raised a bit better. (if you can say they were raised well...who knows!)

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"RE: They are polite...well I think so."
Posted by SilverStar on 12-18-03 at 09:40 AM
Well, I don't think the girls are polite at all, but I don't feel like going on a rant yet this morning!
As for your other question- I think Paris has an absolutely gorgeous face, but she is way too skinny. I think Nicole probably has a very nice body, and is not chubby at all, but when you put her next to a skeleton like Paris she looks like a cow! I was shocked to see Paris eating that breakfast sandwich from Sonic or wherever last night! I thought all she would eat is lettuce and water!


"RE: They are polite...well I think so."
Posted by ego on 12-18-03 at 06:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-18-03 AT 06:43 PM (EST)

okay they weren't polite polite...lol...but they would always smile even when they left a mess behind themselves and thanked everyone for putting up with them.

does that make sense? they were polite, but in a really fake 'i'm sorry for putting laxatives in your coffee daddy can i still have the car" kind of way.