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"May God Help Them."

Posted by redbird on 12-03-03 at 09:30 PM
well, its easy to see these two girls know nothing other than how to count money and shop. the only reason i watch this show is to see them make @$$'$ of themselves. i feel sorry for the family for having to put up with them, but im sure they got a lot money out of it. the person i like the most on the show is that little boy, seeing him playing with the dog was the funniest thing about that episode. i feel sorry for the people who got delivered water rather than milk. that water in the bucket could of had cow piss in it for all we know. the show sure shows the girls have no work ethic at all, they dont even look like they appreciate what they have at home. its like they think they diserve all the money they have, when they didnt even do anything to get it. from my point of view, they need to take some of that money and go back to school, and learn what a friggen well is.

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"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by sbeck on 12-03-03 at 09:36 PM
I LOVED that bit with the boy playing with the dog! I was dying laughing! As for the family they're living with, I don't know. It doesn't appear as if they're making the transition easy for them. They expect too much from them. WHen Paris asked what a well is for and Nicol asked what a trough is, they should have realized they need to take it slow with them.

What I don't understand is why, with all that money, their parents didn't buy them an education. Even if I suddenly had $500 million in the bank tomorrow, I'd still need something to do other than shop and sleep. It's sad, really. Almost a waste of a life.

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by redbird on 12-03-03 at 09:39 PM
>waste of a life.

its a waste of a life, AND money.

"Hey SBECK!"
Posted by Drive My Car on 12-04-03 at 00:08 AM
Nice to see you!
Hope you are well!

"RE: Hey SBECK!"
Posted by sbeck on 12-07-03 at 00:53 AM
Thank you! After a few ultra-hectic months, it's nice to get back here -- so glad this show is on! I don't care if it's scripted or not, it's just to dang funny!

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by Ra_8secs on 12-06-03 at 08:55 AM
Absolutely right, sbeck,

While "the rich are different from us," there's really no excuse for a total lack of education. I think there's more shame on Mr. & Mrs. Hilton and Mr. and Mrs. Richie (if they're actually married) than on the girls. paris is 22? has she even gone to school?

-- Ra, Spinning in geo/helio eccentric orbit

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by Drive My Car on 12-04-03 at 00:06 AM

They aren't bad people. They are just very out of their elememt. I think this is probably a very good experience for these ladies. The very rich are different from the rest of us, it's just how things are. It must have been very uncomfortable for them at first.
If there was a show about the very poor put into a rich persons environment, it wouldn't be so funny. Because we all feel these girls have everything, it seems ok to make fun of their discomfort.

I doubt very much these ladies are stupid, they just are in situations that they have no understanding of. That is why it's fun.

I agree that little boy is precious! What a sweet kid! Watching him do his best to show Tinkerbell a good time and take care of her was priceless.

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by grammarisgood on 12-04-03 at 00:25 AM
"I agree that little boy is precious! What a sweet kid! Watching him do his best to show Tinkerbell a good time and take care of her was priceless."

Well said...It also occurs to me that they (the Leding parents) named this adorable, precocious (sp?) kid "Braxton", which is a bit more "now" than I guess you'd expect - honestly, those of us who live in the South aren't as backward as you've been led to believe.

I expected something very different from this show, but have both:

1) Laughed my a** off more than at any reality show in remembrance...


2) Been struck by how much I, too, believe that while the girls are spoiled, they aren't totally evil. On the first ep, did anyone else think that the truck-no-reverse-Nicole-hollering-at-Paris situation was going to turn into a huge fight? I sure did, but (although, as my friend pointed out, possibly with the aid of massive quantities of prescription pills) N & P seem to have a genuine friendship - I totally expected Paris to get mean during that part, but she just took it in stride. I don't think they're bad people, just very very different from most of us (the "other half"?? Try the other 99.999%).

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by Drive My Car on 12-04-03 at 00:42 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-04-03 AT 01:03 AM (EST)

The girls do seem very goodnatured, don't they?

Honestly, I didn't want to cheer for them. I was watching to watch them make fools of themselves. But after seeing the first 2 episodes I want them to win everyone over. I think they'll learn that not everyone lives the life they do. Society is going to give them a certain status, things have always been easy for these ladies, that won't change. I do hope they appreciate what fate has handed them and don't take it for granted anymore.

Braxton is just showing politness and hospitality. He has been so warm and friendly to the girls and the dog, what a neat kid. So honest. I hope we see more of him

(edit to say I forgot my own manners, Welcome to you, Grammar!)

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by foxeyes2 on 12-04-03 at 12:29 PM
I loved Braxton with Tinkerbell and how he fixed the dog a sandwich. He is a cool little dude. Yes the girls may be out of their element but they could be much nicer and should be ashamed of what they did with the milk. That is the man's business and he did nothing to deserve to be undermined like that. If I was thrust into Rodeo Drive, yes I would not know exactly how to act but I would be polite and keep my big mouth shut.

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by redbird on 12-04-03 at 12:46 PM
i think ashton kutcher needs to punk paris, like one day she comes home and everyone protends they lost everything in the stocks, kinda like what happened to justin T. but a lil diff

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by sbeck on 12-07-03 at 01:06 AM
They do seem nice. I want them to win everyone over. I have lived in a small town where our new subdivision was the beginning of the eventual major development of the area, and all the townsfolk thought of us as intruders. Thinking of that makes me want Paris and Nicole to triumph!

And you absolutely right, Drive: they're in a totally different place. The two cultures are so different that it's almost expected that Paris interpret Wal-mart as Wall Mart. But I still can't get over not knowing what a soup kitchen is. I know NYC has those -- even if Madison Ave. is the only street they travel, surely they'd encounter homeless people.

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by Ra_8secs on 12-06-03 at 08:58 AM
The Prince and the Pauper was a much better story, and it only had illustrations, not video.

Not even the best spinmeister can paint these bimbo idiots well. At least Nicole seems to have a bit of a brain. And is polite. It's impressive all by itself that Paris looks to Nicole for clues about "manners."

-- Ra, Spinning in geo/helio eccentric orbit

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by Ravzender on 12-04-03 at 01:52 PM
Paris and Nicole are out of their element, and that needs to be taken into consideration by Albert and the people they are working for. I expected Paris and Nicole to be snobbish and have the "we're better than you" type attitude, but they surprised because they are very polite and WANT to succeed at this.

To take two young women who have never worked a day in their life and send them to a dairy farm and expect them to work hard ALL day long is crazy. The dairy farmer should have stopped them after they cleaned up after the cows. The milking of the cows and putting the milk into bottles was just way to much for them. All of their energy was spent by then. (Plus he wasted time, money, milk and part of his reputation when he had them put the milk into the bottles. It's his butt on the line for whoever bought the milk from him, if he even sold it at all.)

FOX and the family should have taken into consideration that you can't take a non-working individuals, drop them on a farm and get quality work from them for 9 hours. Paris and Nicole need to get a break here. (And it looks like they took when with their midnight dash to town to party. Although where'd they find an open nightclub in Altus is beyond me.)

I'm not saying that Paris and Nicole should be put to work at various locations, just don't expect them to be perfect at it because they are so far out of their element. The previews for next show them working at Sonic with Nicole (I believe) skating an order out to a customer's car. That's not something you can master in a couple of hours. They should have let her walk to the cars and she would have been able to deliver the food properly, instead of dropping it on the ground.

Give them work to do that is not going to exhaust them of all their energy. Maybe only work Paris and Nicole four hours a day for a week, then 5 1/2 and move your way up to eight and nine hour days that we are accostumed to. You can't jump off the couch and win a marathon if you haven't conditioned yourself for the race. (It's like flying to Paris, buying a bike and entering the Tour de France on the day the race starts and expect to dethrone Lane Armstrong. That's not going to happen.) However, that is what has happened here. Paris and Nicole need time to adjust to the blue collar life, don't just throw them to wolves.

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by SilverStar on 12-04-03 at 03:56 PM
So, on your first day of work ever, maybe when you were 16 or so, did they let you only work a couple of hours and gradually build up to your job? I know that I didn't get that treatment! My first job was as a cashier in a grocery store and from day one I was working 8 hour shifts, standing on my feet all day (which I had never done before) and I did it becuase it was a job and that's what I had to do! These girls are stuck up brats. You say that they WANT to succeed? How did they show that? By pouring water into the milk, hiding bottles so they could do less work, going in the guys hot tub, or was it them taking a nap that showed that they were trying so hard to succeed? I'm sorry, but I don't see that at all!!

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by Bebo on 12-04-03 at 04:05 PM
I thought the farmer was pretty nice not to give them a hard time for entering his house and using his hot tub without permission.

And as for the Sonic previews, I don't think it takes an experienced worker to figure out that you don't flip off potential customers while you're working.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by Estee on 12-05-03 at 08:08 AM
>I thought the farmer was pretty nice not to give them
>a hard time for entering his house and using his
>hot tub without permission.

It was arguably that or be treated to another sampling of Nicole's vocabulary. And who had time to go recover the cows from the other side of the county line?

(Honestly, they're just not looking to place those two using the job skills they already possess. Nicole's got fifty percent of the requirements for being a classic cab driver down, and if she can just figure out how to get lost _on cue_...)

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by Ra_8secs on 12-06-03 at 09:00 AM

This Danny-guy was cooperative. He seemed to get the joke of the girls and the show, but still got fed up with them.

-- Ra, Spinning in geo/helio eccentric orbit

"RE: May God Help Them."
Posted by ray99 on 12-04-03 at 05:46 PM
Where was the part showing they know how to count money? They do know how to spend money $65 when they only got $50.
As for the milk I suspect no one ever bought that milk, water whatever it ended up being.
I think the sidekick Nichole is on the show precisely because she can gig Paris without Paris getting mad at her. Also, I don't think Paris has enough going on in her head to carry the show by herself.
To me the show is really a cross between two aged sitcoms, Green Acres (where only one air headed blonde was needed) meets Andy Griffith (Braxton playing Opie and Aunt Bee as the Grandma). Since I like both of those sitcoms it is very difficult for me to hate this show even though last night was not quite the lol of night one.