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Forum: DCForumID61
Thread Number: 159
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"Producers in trouble for poaching?"

Posted by Smooth23 on 01-27-05 at 03:28 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-27-05 AT 03:31 PM (EST)

I saw something about this the other night on cnn, it was as I was flipping through channels just the last half of the words on the news ticker. Apparantly in some state, the producers or someone involved with simple life could be in trouble for poaching for taking a deer or other animal out of season for the two sluts to skin and clean or something. Sorry I don't have much information on it. If anyone has any more information about this please post it.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Producers in trouble for poaching?"
Posted by Bebo on 01-27-05 at 04:11 PM

"RE: Producers in trouble for poaching?"
Posted by Smooth23 on 01-27-05 at 04:25 PM
Thanks bebo.