Hi, im from germany and i saw "The Simple Life" last week. it was episode 1 or 2, so i didn't saw "chops". everybody said that he looks so nice... but i never saw a pic from him. i searched google and found nothing.so, can anyone told me, where i can find a pic of chops or can anyone post one? please!!
Thx, yours Zel
I don't think "Chops" appeared till episode 4 or 5 (maybe). You may try reading the summaries of those episodes posted on this board previously this year. All I remember is that he has "lots-o-teeth", ergo the name "chops".
yes, thx, but has anyone a pic of this guy?????
I checked out the fox.com web site for The Simple Life - Season 1 and found some streaming videos of all seven episodes."Chops" didn't appear till episode 6. If you have a broadband connection, you may be able to find "Chops" in the video. Sorry, I have a dial-up connection and couldn't wait to see the entire video.
Click on this fox.com link and then click on "Farm Goodies" and then click on the "Episode 6" video.