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"Paris Illton"

Posted by world of disgust on 04-11-04 at 10:35 PM
Is it just me, or does Paris look like she is in the wasting syndrome stages of advanced HIV disease?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by greenmonstah on 04-13-04 at 08:03 PM
Is it just me, or is this not the least bit funny?

<---- Not Politcally Correct but likes High Brow Bashing

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by GinaVendetti on 07-28-04 at 12:13 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-04-04 AT 03:03 PM (EST)

Thats harsh what you said about Paris.Shes pretty.

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by Pepito on 07-29-04 at 00:15 AM
No, she's not sick, that's what skinny people look like...

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by reversehalo on 07-31-04 at 08:18 AM
I think Paris looks good, not too "see every bone" skinny. Thier are some naturally thin women out there. She could stand to wear some better fitting clothes though. The blur on the crack is beyound gross.

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by lapinguina4 on 08-05-04 at 01:15 PM
Paris is sickly skinny.

La Pinguina Loca

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by freebee on 07-17-05 at 11:29 PM
umm actually you CAN see every rib, every bone in her body

I think saying she looks like she has AIDS is an insult to people who do have AIDS, they dont look nearly as bad as that.

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by tvjunkie36 on 08-04-05 at 10:39 AM
>umm actually you CAN see every
>rib, every bone in her
>I think saying she looks like
>she has AIDS is an
>insult to people who do
>have AIDS, they dont look
>nearly as bad as that.

LOL.....GREAT answer!!!!!

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by Shawn0734 on 08-11-05 at 06:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-11-05 AT 06:09 PM (EST)

No... I know lots of people who are skinny and no one looks like that. She does look like she is fighting HIV. No matter how skinny you are, ur suppose to look healthy. She just looks scary. Her face is way too boney also. And i have never seen her active, her eyes are like half way shut and she talks like shes really tired too.

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by seahorse on 08-31-04 at 01:59 AM
I think Paris needs to gain a little weight.

©Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by ilovethesimplelife3 on 01-01-05 at 07:56 PM
I think her body is perfect for what she is.... a model.

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by rizzlauser on 01-27-05 at 00:17 AM
after watching the show tonight
i have to say she's lookingbetter then ever with the few extra pounds, shes making the effort BENICE shes naturally thin

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by shelby6n on 04-07-05 at 04:30 PM
Paris and Nicole are gorgeously thin. They can wear anything and look so great. They are truly modelesque and beautiful. I think people are jealous when they talk about them unfavorable, but I do hate Paris's extensions. I've seen her in her normal hair. It looks great. I don't know why she wants that freaky hair look. Or, someone should do a better job on her hair, if she wants to look REALLY beautiful. I love the make-up on both of them, it is so natural. They don't look too skinny or slutty, they can wear what most girls can't!

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by dadysprnces on 04-22-05 at 06:29 PM
That's rude, I hope you never get HIV

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by Bebo on 04-24-05 at 08:47 PM
Please read the community guidelines. Bashing other posters is not allowed.

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by machell on 05-25-05 at 02:02 PM
Do you know how that sounds, thats dumb you cant just look at someone and tell they have aids anyone knows that if that was the case alot of people wouldnt have the diease. did school teach you anything! Your just jealous because she is hot!!!

Posted by Bebo on 05-26-05 at 11:16 AM
Please read and comply with our community guidelines. You're welcome to disagree with another poster's opinion, but attacking them personally is not permitted on these forums.

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by goldie1000 on 07-12-05 at 09:45 PM

Trust me if Paris had HIV she would not look as good as she does. That is a rediculous statement.

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by Fox41 on 08-10-05 at 10:18 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-10-05 AT 10:33 AM (EST)

>"Trust me if Paris had HIV
>she would not look as
>good as she does.
>That is a rediculous statement."

There are thousands of people walking around who are HIV positive & they don't even know it. HIV/AIDS doesn't care what color you are, how rich you are, or who your Daddy is. The bottom line is ... You CAN NOT tell if a person is HIV positive just by looking at them. Just because you look healthy doesn't mean that you are healthy. Famous, sexy, beautiful, & rich people get HIV too. I don't know what lie this society has been told, but HIV/AIDS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE.

"RE: Paris Illton-reply to Fox 41 comments"
Posted by goldie1000 on 08-14-05 at 10:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-14-05 AT 10:11 PM (EST)

I see your point and you are right, that the disease does not discriminate yes. And you cannot always tell by looking at someone.

But in the initial post the person states that "she looks
like she has advanced stages of HIV".

I work for a doctor, and of all the patients we have with Advanced stages of HIV - they do not look as good as Paris - none of them. Most are sickly looking, at that particular point, I am not comparing this to the average citizen, or anyone else, just Paris in particular.

Paris looks way to healthy for ADVANCED STAGES.
Now, that is at our office and we treat 37 patients, with advanced stages, and none even come close to looking as good as her. Good complexion, good colouring, whites of eyes perfect, energy level etc..

I am not sure about other offices ?
I am refering to the patients we work with.
The only thing that I see in common with Paris and advanced HIV is the weight loss.
Next time I will be more specific.
We are discussing Paris in particular.

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by tvjunkie36 on 08-04-05 at 10:34 AM
>Is it just me, or does
>Paris look like she is
>in the wasting syndrome stages
>of advanced HIV disease?

YES it dose,she is so dirty and has been around the block so many times,it would not suprise me!!!!!

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by Shawn0734 on 08-12-05 at 01:08 PM
No... I know lots of people who are skinny and no one looks like that. She does look like she is fighting HIV. No matter how skinny you are, ur suppose to look healthy. She just looks scary. Her face is way too boney also. And i have never seen her active, her eyes are like half way shut and she talks like shes really tired too.

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by Anja on 09-25-05 at 11:40 PM
>talks like shes really tired

She's probably on drugs.

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by goldie1000 on 09-26-05 at 01:08 AM
Most definitely !
And that would also explain the skinnyness.
I thought, more than a few times that her and Nicole were acting like they were on drugs.
And their eyes were very glossy....

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by rachell on 04-02-06 at 10:02 PM

i love paris hilton i dont think shes too 'skinny' at all i mean if you comparre her to other celebs shes problly counted as normal. and i read that someone said paris is 85 pounds but its really NICOLE that is you got that mixed up...ive seen many of paris's pix and how she poses paris hilton may be thin but she eats....seriously paris exercises and she DOES have a butt and she does have boobs, those two parts of her body are a decent size for her gorgeous bod. i dont get why people dont like paris, everytime i read something about her they always make rude jokes, but you knoe what everyone makes mistakes and that sex tape that her and rick soloman were in....you knoe what that bastard tricked her into signing that she never thought her bf would do something so DIRTy before the sex tape incident everyone didnt really mind her and say all that bs but now people are jealous, paris has about 4 rivals in the celb industry which means shes got a lot more friends than erryone else in this celeb indusrty,

i think paris and nicole should become friends again too...i like em' both

just wanted to help an heriess out,,

"WARNING - rachell "
Posted by Bebo on 04-03-06 at 08:51 PM
Please read our community guidelines. It is against our rules to post the same message multiple times. The thread you started where you posted this message a third time has been removed.

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by AsHleYluVspAriS on 04-10-06 at 03:10 PM
Dont talk about paris!!! She's gorgus the way she is!!!!

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by AsHleYluVspAriS on 04-10-06 at 03:10 PM
>Dont talk about paris!!! She's gorgus
>the way she is!!!!

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by myhuskieiscute77 on 04-13-06 at 05:34 PM
i myself think she looks healthy and not scrawny wat so ever since i (im around freinds rite?) was a battiling anorexic myself for a long time think shez not falling into the sexy deathly skinny hype that i was dragged into! like i think sum1 said earlier. i think shez healthy and strong.

ps(please do not judge me on my past condition lol thanx)

"just you"
Posted by vanessaisalwaysright on 12-26-06 at 02:25 AM
uhhhh ok ur weird

"RE: Paris Illton"
Posted by redheaded_milf25 on 07-19-07 at 07:47 PM
Paris Hilton is perfect and you suck!!!

Posted by Bebo on 07-19-07 at 08:06 PM
Please take a moment to read our community guidelines - there's a link at the top of the page. While we allow posters to make positive and negative comments about shows and their participants, bashing other posters is not permitted here.