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Thread Number: 9048
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"My Life Has Just Improved 215%"

Posted by ginger on 11-03-03 at 06:43 PM
Because I am pleased to announce BF's acquisition of a condominium relatively near me, and (drum roll, please) it has TWO BATHROOMS! Including one in the "Master Suite"!

If you have ever had to put on all your clothes in the middle of the night to go pee because one or both of significant other's children of opposite gender are in the house, you will understand why this is (*sniffs proudly*) such a major breakthrough for us.

Engraved bathroom announcements to be mailed shortly.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: My Life Has Just Improved 215%"
Posted by AugustGirl on 11-03-03 at 07:01 PM
Congrats ginger! Have you registered at Bed Bath and Beyond yet? *giggle*

"RE: My Life Has Just Improved 215%"
Posted by tig_ger on 11-03-03 at 07:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-03-03 AT 07:06 PM (EST)

I hate moving.

There is very little that I despise more than moving.

However, we only have one bathroom in our little house.

After 7 years, I am getting to the point where I am ready to green light the whole moving process in order to get a separate bathroom. Boys need their own bathroom. 'Nuff said.

Edited to add my congrats to Ginger. I thought I had put that first, but realized I didn't. I am jealous.

A Kyngsladye Original

"RE: My Life Has Just Improved 215%"
Posted by Drive My Car on 11-03-03 at 07:06 PM

Oh yes, and you must buy new towels to celebrate

"RE: My Life Has Just Improved 215%"
Posted by chuckles1877 on 11-03-03 at 07:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-03-03 AT 07:22 PM (EST)

I had a boyfriend in college who still lived with his parents, but in a separate unit with its own entrance. No bathroom. Guess who got to pee in the yard? That should have been a major warning sign of what a loser he was.

Edited to say I can't believe I just posted that!

"RE: My Life Has Just Improved 215%"
Posted by LeftPinky on 11-03-03 at 08:44 PM
First, congratulations!

Second, do think cleaning bathrooms is fun? I ask because it seems that each bathroom increases (exponentially) the amount of cleaning. We are (un)fortunate enough to have 4 bathrooms (the builder apparently thought every family member should have their own)... I'd be happy to sell two of them. Any takers?