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Thread Number: 9017
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Original Message

Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 08:44 PM


WHEEZE absolutely cannot, will not, SHALL NOT gain any weight this winter. The winter fat jeans are hitting the dumpster right now! Get that friggin' candy out of my sight!

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Messages in this discussion
Posted by mistofleas on 10-31-03 at 08:49 PM
*speaks through a mouthful of Butterfinger*

Me too! Me too!

--was promised that her candy bar was calorie free

Posted by LeftPinky on 11-02-03 at 02:31 PM
mmmm, my mouth was full of "inside out Reese's" - I'm sure they are better than the outside in version...

Posted by Steen on 10-31-03 at 08:54 PM
Im with ya!!

Doodlebug Creation

Posted by moonbaby on 10-31-03 at 09:19 PM
Did I say it right?

Posted by DataShark on 10-31-03 at 09:45 PM
I'm wearing my fat jeans from last winter right now. If fact last winter's fat jeans became this summer's fat jeans. I guess this winter I will have to buy some really fat jeans.

But since we all must listen to the wisdom of The Wheezus, I will get up on my counter and say it with you...


I broke my counter.

And I think I broke The Fin

"Not the fin!"
Posted by moonbaby on 10-31-03 at 09:52 PM
Please please don't tell me it's fin-ished!

Posted by DataShark on 10-31-03 at 10:02 PM
As I wipe the soda off my screen......

It's pretty bad. I'm going to need the fin-est doctors available.

Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 10:13 PM
Does this mean it's the fin- ale?

Buggy wonders if she has told Data lately how much she hearts him

"RE: Oh!"
Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 10:15 PM
I believe the Wheezus tells everyone when it is fin-ished, round about Good Friday or so...

WHEEZE knows she's going to the bad place for that one

Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 10:16 PM
No, not for that one.

"RE: No"
Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 10:18 PM

you know about the other?

WHEEZE wonders who told

"RE: No"
Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 10:30 PM
Like I am gonna tell you

"Let's not glance over the important point here."
Posted by DataShark on 10-31-03 at 10:36 PM
Buggy wonders if she has told Data lately how much she hearts him


"Do you hear that?"
Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 10:57 PM
*thump thump*

That's my hearting beating for you Sharkie

"Now I can de-fin-ietly say..."
Posted by DataShark on 10-31-03 at 11:03 PM
The Fin is fine!




"RE: Now I can de-fin-ietly say..."
Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 11:14 PM
Sharkie check your Email!


Posted by Swami on 10-31-03 at 09:50 PM
I stand up and take the pledge with Wheezy. I bump my head on the ceiling as I climb up (who knew the ceiling was so low?) and the pain only strengthens my resolve.

Besides, my DH always eats it all before I get the chance.

IceCat is a Genius

"Hey Look!!!!"
Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 10:06 PM

I can see Swami from up here!

Hi Swami!
How the heck are ya?

Screw you Wheezy, my Kid scored 6 pounds of candy, and stoopid me bought 3 bags (and our house wasn't even on the Trick or Treat route) If you think I am gonna let my child rot her teeth all by herself; well, you'd be wrong. bring on the frozen Snickers the Smarties and the Lemonheads, bring me your Reeses and your root beer Dums Dums, I am gonna sugar rush til Xmas WOOOHOOOO ( and yes we did weigh her bag of candy, but it was Zuma's idea)

Posted by tjstein on 10-31-03 at 09:56 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-03 AT 09:57 PM (EST)

I hear ya, Wheez

I lost 25 pounds before my wedding last year and they came back this year. And brought five of their little friends! The horror.

'cept I'm staying off the counters because Mr. Stein & I remodelled the kitchen in January and I really don't want to crack the granite. You understand, right?

*eyes leftover Halloween candy*
Any OT peeps in St. Louis want to send their kids by for some extra candy?

I've got Whoppers

Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 10:09 PM
Hmmmmm, do they go with beer?

( I think we got Whoppers here somewhere, sadly we are limited in out supply of Nerds. Anybody wanna trade some Smarties for some Nerds??)

Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 10:14 PM

I'd be interested in some plain old eye-candy...

WHEEZE does a Superman shout-out from the counter top

Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 10:15 PM
I saw several Supermans today

ok so they were all under 3 ft tall, but cute very cute

"RE: *sigh*"
Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 10:17 PM


maybe if we stay up here on the counter we will have to be rescued...

Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 10:34 PM

Save me

Hey Wheeze? While we're waiting to be saved, ya wann hand me a beer?

"RE: Help"
Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 10:55 PM

Awww, make me bend! I might split my pants.

WHEEZE wishes the fridge part was on top

"RE: Help"
Posted by Superman on 11-01-03 at 12:44 PM
Somebody call me?

Superman - wonders why the hell everyone is on their counters

Criminals From the Neck Up

"Save me!"
Posted by Wheezy on 11-01-03 at 02:15 PM

There's a big gray woof around here somewhere...(but he's wearing a costume--trust no one)

WHEEZE hearts Superman

Posted by L82LIFE on 10-31-03 at 10:25 PM
Sure Wheezy, I'm right there with you, just let me finish off this Snickers first.

Actually, I'm too busy snarfing down all the pumpkin seeds to do too much damage to the candy. I'll do that tomorrow!

"Hey L8"
Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 10:37 PM
would you like to rescue the seeds from the pumpkins I didn't carve?
( Kate made me buy them, and now they are mocking me, they have no faces yet they mock me just the same)

Ya wanna trade some Reeses for some Nerds?

"Hey Wheezy! FYI"
Posted by true on 10-31-03 at 10:48 PM
M&M's go realllly well with warm toasted pumpkin seeds. Just thought you should know.

"RE: Hey Wheezy! FYI"
Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 10:57 PM

*wishes the candy was over here on the counter*

WHEEZE at least has access to the cooktop AND the oven! Anybody want some green bean casserole and a fried burger?

"Way to go Hampster girl..."
Posted by northernlights on 10-31-03 at 10:56 PM
I was enjoying that Kit Kat!

~ thinks that the Aero bar will go back into the candy bowl for someone else to eat.

"RE: Way to go Hampster girl..."
Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 11:00 PM

Aero bar? What is that, Canadian? HEY! You guys do halloween too? Cool!

WHEEZE green bean casserole? The french-fried onions are nice and crispy!

Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 11:03 PM
Candy is dinner

( Green Bean Casarole isn't due for like weeks)

Buggy- capitalizer of foods

"RE: Ummmmm"
Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 11:07 PM
>>Buggy- capitalizer of foods

OMG!!! *raises hand* I have a new 'funniest OT moment'

WHEEZE needs several sharkie wipes please, and a dry pair of Depends

"Here ya go."
Posted by DataShark on 10-31-03 at 11:34 PM
But what ya use them for is your business....

IceCat Super Hero!

"Aero Bars!"
Posted by DataShark on 10-31-03 at 11:12 PM

My family sends them in a care package from back home.

Now tell me Canada has Wheatabix and I am so there.

"RE: Aero Bars!"
Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 11:14 PM

You mean Wheezabix?
(looks like sharkie's capitalizing now too--it's an epidemic)


Posted by DataShark on 10-31-03 at 11:18 PM
They're not just for breakfast anymore!

"RE: Wheezabix"
Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 11:19 PM
Three square meals a day, Sharkie!

WHEEZE hearts the shark

"RE: Aero Bars!"
Posted by TechNoir on 11-01-03 at 01:00 AM
My supermarket in suburban Maryland had Wheetabix ...

"ya know,"
Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 11:01 PM
since we are all going up and down, maybe we can exchange pants of different sizes?

( nevermind, I don't want to admit my size?)

Hey Lights!? Do you wanna do the Nascar thread this week?
( I could, just thought someone else might want to)

"RE: ya know,"
Posted by true on 10-31-03 at 11:07 PM
( I could, just thought someone else might want to)

LMAO! Quit shirking(sp?) your NASCAR duties! Put down that Snickers bar, and post!

"RE: ya know,"
Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 11:11 PM
OK, you ladies let me know when you need a size 4!
(but the size 2's are all taken, sorry)

WHEEZE wishes she had Sticks' phone number to complete the masquerade

Posted by sticks on 11-03-03 at 04:27 PM
I resemble that remark!

Good thing I have a soccer game tonight, I've had too much candy.

"RE: Way to go Hampster girl..."
Posted by Steen on 11-01-03 at 01:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-01-03 AT 01:15 PM (EST)

Aero Bar? I think i had one of those once. I'll stick with the Mr. Goodbar.

I told myself i wouldnt eat any candy--That lasted like 2 minutes. I also just ate a kit kat

I'll exersize later...sure i will ;)


Posted by woeisme1 on 10-31-03 at 11:01 PM
I'm with ya on the resolve but sadly I can't climb on my counter for fear it won't hold me. And I have to keep my fat clothes or I'd be naked. Otherwise I'm there 110%.

Charmingly crafted by Phoenixmons.

If you need me you can find me --fantasizing about my reality so I can realize my fantasy......

I was going to refuse to post to you but I realized that if I didn't tell you, how would you know I was ignoring you?--Pythonfan
Woe pictures Wheezy being 98lbs. soaking wet and feels guilt at her own weight gain

"Hey Woe?"
Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 11:23 PM
Who are you really?
I mean before you had this name.

(Just asking)

"RE: Hey Woe?"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 10-31-03 at 11:28 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-03 AT 11:29 PM (EST)

I hear ya' Wheezy...just made the declaration this morning as my fat jeans were a tad too snug. I of course blamed it on the dryer.

I lvoe my PhoenixMons Creation
~wishes Halloween would last a little longer so she could use her sig pic more

"RE: Hey Woe?"
Posted by TechNoir on 11-01-03 at 01:02 AM
Wow, Bug, somebody finally said it out loud.

"RE: Hey Woe?"
Posted by woeisme1 on 11-01-03 at 06:53 PM
My birth name? Or my nick name given at birth?
I'm not sure I follow since this is the only screen name I've ever had.

Woe scratches head and says "what the heck is going on?" but remains clueless.

Created by the Godlike hands of IceCat

If you need me you can find me --fantasizing about my reality so I can realize my fantasy......

I was going to refuse to post to you but I realized that if I didn't tell you, how would you know I was ignoring you?--Pythonfan

"Ya'll wanna step down now"
Posted by moonbaby on 10-31-03 at 11:29 PM
So I can wipe off the counter? 'preciate it. I can't abide by footprints on my countertop. And what's this? A fin mark?

*sprays a little Windex on it*

Posted by DataShark on 10-31-03 at 11:45 PM
You dissin my tag!

Youse moonlight for the MTA don't ya! Tideing my freetie on the C & E.

Youse can't stomp ma voice!

"Moves over"
Posted by Drive My Car on 10-31-03 at 11:46 PM
and suggests that the Windex Wipes may be just the thing for Moonie.

( I am barefoot and leaving no footmarks)

"RE: Ya'll wanna step down now"
Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 11:47 PM
I thought Windex was just for zits.

Who knew it stopped other sorts of swollen pustules...


"RE: Ya'll wanna step down now"
Posted by DataShark on 10-31-03 at 11:52 PM
Who knew it stopped other sorts of swollen pustules

Please tell me you are not talkin 'bout The Fin.

"RE: Ya'll wanna step down now"
Posted by Wheezy on 10-31-03 at 11:55 PM
I'm afraid I can't do that


"Oh! Ohhhhhhhh!"
Posted by DataShark on 11-01-03 at 00:01 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-01-03 AT 00:01 AM (EST)

*biting tongue, swims away*

"Did you..."
Posted by Wheezy on 11-01-03 at 00:09 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-01-03 AT 00:10 AM (EST)

...just call me what I think you called me?

WHEEZE can read lips

"I'm afraid...."
Posted by DataShark on 11-01-03 at 00:11 AM
I can't tell you.

"All right, then..."
Posted by Wheezy on 11-01-03 at 00:14 AM

WHEEZY go ni-night! Love to all! Go eat something!

Posted by desert_rhino on 11-01-03 at 00:32 AM
According to the death clock, worrying about gaining weight is WAY worse than gaining weight. I figure I just won't worry about it. It's not like I'm impressing or NOT impressing anyone. The kids love me no matter what I weigh... as long as I don't shave my beard, apparently.

-- jv

Posted by Wheezy on 11-01-03 at 07:00 AM

they nice, the kids.

WHEEZE's kids stand by the fact that mommies need to be soft

Posted by StarryLuna on 11-01-03 at 08:52 AM
WHEEZE's kids stand by the fact that mommies need to be soft

My fiance apparently has the same belief! He KNOWS I'm trying to lose weight before our wedding and what does he do? He comes home with Wendy's for dinner, or orders pizza, or brings me weird kinds of Reese's peanut butter cups (a huge weakness of mine.) Bastard.

Posted by probably clueless on 11-01-03 at 08:59 AM
I'm not sure it has the same appeal to you as it obviously does to me, but according to Wheezy, Lettuce has bikini lines.

*'The ghost that posts!
The demon DAW!' - Ginger *

"Soft mommies"
Posted by Calypso on 11-03-03 at 02:51 PM
Calypsokids think mommies should be soft, and they tell me so by "fluffing" my belly like a pillow and burrowing. Sometimes the two-year-old pokes me in the midsection like he thinks something is going to happen, like music is going to come out.
Hmmpf. I think I'll go eat (gummy) worms.

"RE: Soft mommies"
Posted by ginger on 11-03-03 at 03:58 PM
Calypso - Like the way your kids think, but if your tummy is a radio, mine is an Entertainment Center With Surround Sound.
I'm past the fat jeans - I'm wearing the Black Skirt With Elastic Wasteband.

Your "fluffing" comment reminded me of when a friend of mine let her 3-year old touch my then-pregnant belly. She explained to little Nathan that a baby was in there. Nathan's Mommy weighs about 68 lbs. soaking wet and has no breasts to speak of, while I weigh 150 lbs. wet or dry and have great big gazongas. So Nathan, curious about this very differently built mommy, very seriously felt my baby kick, and then clamped a little paw around my left breast and asked, "Puppy?".

Posted by pythonfan on 11-01-03 at 08:45 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-01-03 AT 08:45 AM (EST)

I can't hear you over the crunch of these peanut m&m's.

Best reason to have kids, you get to steal, er, share their Halloween candy.

Posted by Deonna on 11-01-03 at 09:46 AM
I was thinking the same thing as I dumped all my candy into the last kids bag and turned off the lights.

Posted by AugustGirl on 11-01-03 at 01:00 PM
I'm with ya Wheezy!

Skin-ny Whee-zy !! Skin-ny Whee-zy !! SKIN-NY WHEE-ZY !!


*curses the evil empire that is Hershey's

Posted by Wheezy on 11-01-03 at 02:11 PM

Hey, my friend, do you need a sig pic?


Posted by AugustGirl on 11-01-03 at 02:53 PM

>Hey, my friend, do you need
>a sig pic?

You know, I was thinking the other day I should muster up the nerve to ask for a sig pic. You think I should head over to the Help forum and make nice with the blue people?

Posted by Drive My Car on 11-01-03 at 02:57 PM
You could start a thread on OT, I'm sure someone would help you.

I just ate a hotdog with ketchup on it

actually that's a lie, I ate 2

Posted by Deonna on 11-01-03 at 03:13 PM
Augustgirl two things you might want to consider:
Didn't somebody get irritated at somebody else (I don't want to mention any names) for doing that recently? The Pardon my B!tchness thread. I would hate for anyone to get irritated at Augustgirl.

And, I think that it is very sad how people ask for sig pictures, than someone else goes to the trouble to make them for whoever, than the requester only use them for a short period of time, because the picture is not what the requester was thinking of.

Posted by AugustGirl on 11-01-03 at 03:39 PM
Thanks Deonna. I would definitely go to the Help forum for any requests. And if someone did go to the hassle of making me a sig pic, I would use it forever!

BTW, I've already irritated one person over in Bashers. He called me a party pooper. *giggle* Too funny.


*thinks deonna is extra special. looking out for augustgirl

Posted by Deonna on 11-01-03 at 03:40 PM
I'll party with you!

Posted by AugustGirl on 11-01-03 at 03:49 PM
I KNEW I could count on you.

Posted by Wheezy on 11-01-03 at 03:51 PM
Deonna? Do you need one too?

You girls go on together...be a team.

If you email any number of people (PhoenixMons, JSlice, Kyngsladye, JeremytheGreat, oh garsh, who am I forgetting...and of course the amazing IceCat) and tell them what you like/want (hamster idea is taken, you know) that's a good way to go too.


Posted by Deonna on 11-01-03 at 03:53 PM
I love your hamsters! Do you do the variations of the different hamsters yourself?

Posted by desert_rhino on 11-01-03 at 05:25 PM

Posted by Wheezy on 11-01-03 at 05:34 PM
Oh, and before I forget, JV does a GREAT job on sig pics! But he can be a little testy at times, so you've got to be sweet to him...

And The Amazing IceCat has done nearly all my hamsters, usually as a result of me sticking my foot in my mouth.

WHEEZE wonders if JV's answering machine is no longer working...

Posted by desert_rhino on 11-02-03 at 01:35 AM
Hmm... I do get messages from time to time... Did you call me?

-- JV

I kill thresds. What do you do?

Posted by Wheezy on 11-02-03 at 01:03 PM

While we were trick-or-treating--around 4:30 your time. Rang and rang. You have call waiting?


Posted by desert_rhino on 11-02-03 at 01:31 PM
Yes, but that's really weird. We weren't HOME then for call waiting to matter.

-- JV

Where's the Thanksgiving binge and purge Hamster?

Posted by AugustGirl on 11-01-03 at 03:46 PM
"I just ate a hotdog with ketchup on it"

You crack me up Buggy.

I had a mini Snickers bar and two Mallo Cups for breakfast. Could explain my lack of verbal skills today. And my lack of housekeeping skills.

Actually, housekeeping was never one of my skills. But if I can blame it on candy, why not?


*of course now that I've stood on the counter and taken the Wheezy oath will no longer have candy for breakfast.

Posted by Deonna on 11-01-03 at 03:51 PM
I was looking around for something sweet and could only find prunes. I ate five of them. I am sure that I will be in trouble shortly.

Posted by Wheezy on 11-01-03 at 03:52 PM
I took a nap! First time in, like, 7 years. Whoa. No more reading books for me.


Posted by Swami on 11-01-03 at 03:53 PM
I just ate a hotdog with ketchup on it.

Oh Buggy--hot dogs are really really bad food. You know how they're made, right? Candy would be better for you. You might want to hold the ketchup though...

IceCat is a Genius

Posted by Drive My Car on 11-02-03 at 01:24 PM

ACK! No Swami, don't tell me.

**putes fingers in her ears**


I can't hear you

"Hey Wheezy..."
Posted by landruajm on 11-03-03 at 08:50 AM
Want some candy?

I love the fine print.

Posted by Devious Weasel on 11-03-03 at 02:55 PM
Nothing up here

Sounds like you've said that before to younger women.

"Candy, candy, candy I can’t let you go"
Posted by Calypso on 11-03-03 at 02:55 PM
Candy, candy, candy I can’t let you go
All my life you’re haunting me
I loved you so
Candy, candy , candy I can’t let you go
Life is crazy
I know baby
Candy baby

Down on the street
Those men are all the same
I need a love
Not games
Not games

Posted by desert_rhino on 11-03-03 at 03:04 PM
As I was maowing down my fourth Tootsie Roll®, I went {{chawnk}} on the inside of my cheek. Ow.

-- JV

Posted by Coconut on 11-03-03 at 03:27 PM
After babyNut and I scarfed all the mini-kitkat and coffee crisp, I tried to make DH take the Rockets and Smarties to work. He didn't.

Oh, well. The maternity jeans have a lot of give still.

Posted by ginger on 11-03-03 at 04:00 PM
One of the BEST THINGS EVER about pregnancy is that you don't have to (and shouldn't) worry about this "fat" nonsense. Eat whatever Little Nut says you should. Once you have the Nutling and are breast feeding you will be skinnier than you have ever been in your entire life.

Posted by Coconut on 11-03-03 at 04:03 PM
Good to know.. actually, I've been eating pretty much whatever and have only gained 18 lbs (I'm at 28 weeks), so I don't feel too guilty.

So not guilty that I might actually go and buy a real-sized Kit-Kat.

Posted by LeftPinky on 11-03-03 at 04:16 PM
Well Wheezy, you gave me an inspiration (can't stand on the counter, I hate to waste all of those lower cabinets when I break through the top)....so I poured all of the kids candy into a big bucket and delivered it to their school's office. Now all of the school staff (sticks) can add some curves while I contemplate holding my breath long enough to zip this year's fat jeans!!