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"The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"

Posted by PhoenixMons on 10-31-03 at 05:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-03 AT 05:23 PM (EST)

Wanna know on what date you'll be cashing in your chips? Check it out...


Me...I'll be around till January 20, 2083. Yep, that's right...I'm living till the ripe old age of 104. Funny thing is that I have a really really long "life line" and have been told it's unusually long (it curves all the way around to the front of my hand). Crazy.

So will I have any company in 2083?

edited cause I didn't die when I was 4, LOL

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"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by ginger on 10-31-03 at 05:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-03 AT 05:16 PM (EST)

Might be a typo in that post (1983?) - otherwise you are definitely living on borrowed time.

EDITING TO ADD: Okay, I'm creeped out now. I'm dead in 10 years.

And I, for one, would like you to stick around a little longer.

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 10-31-03 at 05:17 PM
Was thinking the same thing ginger Could go any minute now!


a beautiful kyngsladye original

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by probably clueless on 10-31-03 at 05:20 PM
1983 was actually the year of my demise.

*Don't Vote Clueless*

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by ginger on 10-31-03 at 05:23 PM
The ghost that posts!
The demon DAW!

I like that.

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by ginger on 10-31-03 at 05:22 PM
I suspect the answer I gave to the "smoker or nonsmoker" query beat my clock.

Ten years is a bit premature, I think. Most women in family live to be in their late 90s. So let's knock off about 15 of those due to the Marlboro jones. That leaves me a good 35 more. Stinkin' clock of death!

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 10-31-03 at 05:26 PM
Well, at this weight I'm dead in 2049, if I get down to what I want to be I'm dead in 2059 but if I lose too much I'm dead in 2057. Wow I can eat and live 2 more years!

Are you sure it was 1983 and not 2083? That means you should have died 20 years ago!


a beautiful kyngsladye original

"come on!"
Posted by cqvenus on 10-31-03 at 05:24 PM
it says I'm going to die in 2040. I'll be 62.

I changed it to see how much smoking takes off your life. It only bought me an extra two years!!!

- considers picking up the habit anew

"RE: come on!"
Posted by ginger on 10-31-03 at 05:27 PM
I think the Clock O Death has a few wires crossed. If you're correct, and I lie about smoking, I only get to live another measly 12 years? I think not!

Wonders what Clock O Death knows that I do not know.

"RE: come on!"
Posted by sittem on 10-31-03 at 06:43 PM
CQ - me too! September 8, 2040 when I'll be almost 92. I think that's about right - other than my mother who passed last year from ALS (at 74), everyone in the past two generations is quite long lived in my family on both sides. Next week a great uncle celebrates 99. Almost everyone has made it or did make it into their 80's. My father and his other 6 sibs are all alive and most have passed 70.

On the other hand, this website is VERY arbitrary. I went back and put in my goal weight and the year of death for the five times I did it ranged from 2022 to 2041

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by MandyM on 10-31-03 at 05:27 PM
I like this result a lot better than some of the other ones I've taken...I cordially invite you all to my funeral a couple of days after Sunday, July 20, 2053!

MM Maybe this world is another planet’s hell

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by ginger on 10-31-03 at 05:37 PM
Shoot, that doesn't give me much time to figure out what to wear.

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by chuckles1877 on 10-31-03 at 05:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-03 AT 05:59 PM (EST)

I'm supposed to live to be 102 (2079)! I better make my friends take this because I don't want to hang around that long if I don't have someone to make trouble with in the rest home!

Edited to say that it's the "mode" that really takes the years off your life. Being negative vs. positive will take about 40 years off your life! So smoke up! Just be happy about it.

Now who wants ice cream?

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by ginger on 10-31-03 at 06:21 PM
I keep trying to tell everyone this. I for one am a much happier camper when I smoke. George Burns lived to see 100 and he was a cigar man!

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by chuckles1877 on 10-31-03 at 06:34 PM
I firmly believe in the healing powers of blueberries. Every time I've indulged a bit too much, I have a blueberry smoothie with breakfast. Full of anti-oxidant, anti-cancer properties! Surely this is just as good as quitting . . .

Now who wants ice cream?

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 11-01-03 at 12:59 PM
Does the blueberry smoothie work for when you've over-indulged in chocolate too? And can you add chocolate to that?


a beautiful kyngsladye original

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 10-31-03 at 07:30 PM
Ooooo I am totally creeped out now. According to this thing, Ra and I will die within 2 months of each other in 2053!

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by Steen on 10-31-03 at 09:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-03 AT 09:05 PM (EST)

It says I'll be dead on August 21, 2090...I'll be 103.

If i smoke I'll be dead in 84.

Doodlebug Creation

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 10-31-03 at 09:15 PM
normal mode gives me a death date of Monday, March 9, 2054, almost 74

optimistic () gives me a little over 12 more years with a death date in 2066

"February 14, 2073"
Posted by tig_ger on 10-31-03 at 09:16 PM
I'll be just shy of 100. I'm just thinking what a nice Valentine's Day present that will be for my 22 year old live in companion.

A PhoenixMons Original

What??? Mr. Tig dies in 2040. Surely you don't want me to live alone for 33 years.

"You won't believe what mine said!"
Posted by moonbaby on 10-31-03 at 09:56 PM
*gasp* Eeep! *cough* Urk.

Posted by I_AM_HE on 10-31-03 at 10:00 PM
i couldn't hear you over the dying

"RE: what?"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 10-31-03 at 11:35 PM
I knew I'd regret doing this. I die on Friday the 13th. Friday, March 13, 2065 to be exact. I'll be 93.

I lvoe my PhoenixMons Creation
"The Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with a single step."

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by desert_rhino on 11-01-03 at 00:27 AM
All I can say is it's a damn good thing I'm an optimist.

-- JV

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by woeisme1 on 11-01-03 at 05:18 AM
Only seconds left to live. What on earth shall I do with them?

Sorry PM I won't be around to keep you company.

Charmingly crafted by Phoenixmons.

If you need me you can find me --fantasizing about my reality so I can realize my fantasy......

I was going to refuse to post to you but I realized that if I didn't tell you, how would you know I was ignoring you?--Pythonfan

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by probably clueless on 11-01-03 at 05:52 AM
Make sushi?

Sorry....left that door way too open.

*don't be offended Woe, I don't even count*

*'The ghost that posts!
The demon DAW!' - Ginger *

Posted by woeisme1 on 11-01-03 at 03:33 PM
I'm not offended at all (or are you playing around the fact that I have been overly sensitive the past week?--in which case I'm still not offended since Woe is learning to laugh at herself for stupid things she feels)

I don't count either. Sad really.
I figured there was some opening there about schools, fishes and counting so I left it open for ya

Charmingly crafted by Phoenixmons.

If you need me you can find me --fantasizing about my reality so I can realize my fantasy......

I was going to refuse to post to you but I realized that if I didn't tell you, how would you know I was ignoring you?--Pythonfan

Posted by Deonna on 11-01-03 at 03:37 PM
You count. I thought your "I had fin" was very funny.

Deonna hates Sushi.

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by Swami on 11-01-03 at 02:01 PM
These actuarial death table things all suck. If you're already old, they don't let you live much longer. Like I'm 50 so they give me into my 70s. If I fed in the same info & said I was 21 they would have me live into my 90s.

The most important question to ask older people is never asked. How long did your parents live? If one parent lived into their 90s, you've got a shot at that too. If both parents lived into their 90s you're golden, baby, as long as you don't abuse your body. Long life (all other things being equal) is an inherited tendency.

"RE: The Death Clock - just in time for Halloween"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 11-01-03 at 02:47 PM
Longevity is rampant in my family. Aside from my grandfather who died of pancreatic cancer, my grandmother who died of emphysema (smoking for 50 yrs.), and likely my mother who has a slew of heath problems and was supposed to die before 20 (then 30 then 40...she sure beat a lot of odds, including being able to have children!), EVERYONE in my family has lived at least into late 80s. My great-grandmother is alive and she'll be 97 this January (the death thing said she died in 1983 - oops). I also had a great-grandma who died at 92 and various other relatives who died in their 90s. Longevity is in dh's family, too. He has MANY relatives who've lived well into their 90s as well as some that are in their 90s and still around. Methinks Kaia will live to be 120 - btw, my great-grandma, the one who's almost 97...does NOTHING to take care of herself...eats poorly, doesn't care for herself in terms of other health things (doesn't go the dr, etc.), but she's the PILLAR of health. I don't foresee her passing ANY time soon. She acts like she's about 70 and looks it too.

Now THAT'S DEFINITELY something that runs in my mother's family - youth! My mom looks in her 30s (she just turned 48 on Sunday), her brother was carded until he started getting a receding hairline at 38 or so (he looked SOOOOOOO young for so long!), my grandpa (my uncle was the SPITTING image of him in their younger years) looked young until he started gaining weight, my grandma (till she started getting sick from her smoking) looked VERY young (I have a glamour shot of her at 65 and she looks about 45), and I look about 17 as I am always told (just turned 25) - and Joe's got youth on both sides of his family...BIG time ('cept his brother looks older than 30 to me - his brother and his dad look like they could be brothers...dh's dad is very, very good-looking (I told dh I hope he looks as good at 55 as his dad does ). I guess that means Kaia will look like she's 10 when she's 30, LOL
