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Forum: DCForumID6
Thread Number: 8648
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Original Message
"Its so......"

Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 01:35 PM

...quiet in here I can hear a mouse piss on a cotton ball.

*Education: Curses in Librul Arts, Curses in Computer Science, Curses in Accounting*

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Its so......"
Posted by wildchickenhunter on 10-10-03 at 01:40 PM
You must have good ears!

Call the exterminator! We got mice!

"RE: Its so......"
Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 01:48 PM
Yup...corn's pretty good here for this time of year. Navels should be popping any day now.

I'm working on a better mousetrap as we speak.

*Education: Curses in Librul Arts, Curses in Computer Science, Curses in Accounting*

"So why don't you...."
Posted by DoodleBug on 10-10-03 at 01:46 PM

jus' tryin' to help

"RE: So why don't you...."
Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 01:56 PM
Didn't want to make a scene. I can do that and not even breath heavy.

*Education: Curses in Librul Arts, Curses in Computer Science, Curses in Accounting*

"RE: So why don't you...."
Posted by DoodleBug on 10-10-03 at 02:02 PM
I think there is a party somewhere and everyone forget to tell us!

Always the last to know....

"RE: So why don't you...."
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-10-03 at 02:11 PM
ACK! Ya think? Hmmmmm they conveniently forgot to tell us huh?

Oooooooooooooooh I'm so gonna whack them when I see them!!!

*Actually, they are probably just all hungover from drinking too much rum during Survivor last night*

"RE: So why don't you...."
Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 02:14 PM
i will even give Shakes 6:1 odds that no one is more hung over and getting yelled at more the me today.

*Education: Curses in Librul Arts, Curses in Computer Science, Curses in Accounting*

"RE: Its so......"
Posted by pythonfan on 10-10-03 at 02:12 PM

but at least it'll be easy to clean

I was at PT

"let's get loud"
Posted by cqvenus on 10-10-03 at 02:13 PM
Let's get LOUD!!!

- loud poster

"RE: let's get loud"
Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 02:16 PM

Apparently you just missed my 'hung over' post.

*Education: Curses in Librul Arts, Curses in Computer Science, Curses in Accounting*

Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-10-03 at 02:16 PM
*I'm trying to hear the mice p!ss*

"RE: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
Posted by FarmBoy on 10-10-03 at 02:17 PM

Only a kitty cat would care.

Bovinated- An Original Draco Masterpiece

Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-10-03 at 02:19 PM

*getting ready to pounce*

Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 02:23 PM
Did I metion cats? Cats have nothing to do with this thread. Cats have had their own friggin threads all week. This is a MOUSE thread.


*Education: Curses in Librul Arts, Curses in Computer Science, Curses in Accounting*

Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-10-03 at 02:27 PM
You really are clueless huh?

Where there be mice, there be cats.

"RE: Awwwwwwwwww"
Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 02:34 PM
CQ has the barn door open for any farm animal you want, including cats, in another thread. Can't we please leave this a 'Cat Free' thread?

Is that too much to ask?

*Education: Curses in Librul Arts, Curses in Computer Science, Curses in Accounting*

"but ... but ..."
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-10-03 at 02:35 PM
I'm a cat. You don't want me in your thread? *pout*

"RE: but ... but ..."
Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 07:49 PM
Of course I do.

Its just that since I'm such a novice cross-poster I got a bit lost between threads.

*Don't Vote Clueless*

"RE: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 02:18 PM
No need to yell...remember....I can hear a.....

*Education: Curses in Librul Arts, Curses in Computer Science, Curses in Accounting*

"RE: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
Posted by ginger on 10-10-03 at 02:36 PM
Oddly poetic image, that pissing mouse metaphor.
Too busy to stay for more than brief cameo right now.


"RE: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 02:38 PM
When ya come back, will you please explain to me this thing you call a metaphor. Take your time. Someone left the barn door open and all hell's breakin' loose.

*Education: Curses in Librul Arts, Curses in Computer Science, Curses in Accounting*

"RE: Its so......"
Posted by DebCapsFan on 10-10-03 at 02:38 PM
Sorry... still on a happy cloud from last night's Caps game...
but cheering for six goals does leave you a little hoarse.

"RE: Its so......"
Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 02:41 PM
please don't tell me you're trying to threadjack this to hockey in friggin October. Its 87 degress outside today.

*Education: Curses in Librul Arts, Curses in Computer Science, Curses in Accounting*

"RE: Its so......"
Posted by FarmBoy on 10-10-03 at 02:45 PM

I don't have time for this!!! Some one left the barn door open and all the animals got out!

Bovinated- An Original Draco Masterpiece

"RE: Its so......"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-10-03 at 02:46 PM
Except the cats BWAHAHAHAHA!

"RE: Its so......"
Posted by FarmBoy on 10-10-03 at 02:59 PM

I can see that. Cats sitting up in the loft, licking their paws and giving a snide play-by-play of the mayhem below.

Bovinated- An Original Draco Masterpiece

"RE: Its so......"
Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 03:04 PM
It couldn't have been mice looking down....it just had to be cats....this is the way my day has been.

*Education: Curses in Librul Arts, Curses in Computer Science, Curses in Accounting*

"RE: Its so......"
Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 02:46 PM
Now I'm starting to get scared....

*Education: Curses in Librul Arts, Curses in Computer Science, Curses in Accounting*

"RE: Its so......"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 10-10-03 at 03:29 PM
It must be tough to train them to do that.

"RE: Its so......"
Posted by DoodleBug on 10-10-03 at 03:47 PM
Not really. The secret is cheese cloth.


"RE: Its so......"
Posted by probably clueless on 10-10-03 at 03:59 PM
i'm a professional.

*Education: Curses in Librul Arts, Curses in Computer Science, Curses in Accounting*

Posted by Jims02 on 10-10-03 at 08:06 PM
Mice? Puh-leeze...

Cats of the 21st century don't eat mice any more.

Cats have moved on to pizza and lasagna, for instance

"is this a Mouse thread?"
Posted by ashleybfogg on 10-10-03 at 08:49 PM
somebody said there was a Mouse thread going on over here...playdate?
he's just a baby...is it safe?

pixie's know where meeses are...

"RE: is this a Mouse thread?"
Posted by deerhunter on 10-10-03 at 11:20 PM

"Welcome, deerhunter!"
Posted by ashleybfogg on 10-12-03 at 12:13 PM
nice to see you on OT...
thanks for the sound effects...


Posted by Silvergirl1 on 10-12-03 at 04:25 AM

Funny you should mention mice. The other day, I was in the pet store looking at the little furry critters, and I was tempted to buy 2 or 3 of the little feeder mice at $1.29 each, buy them a fun cage, and give them a good home.

The thoughts of a snake eating them breaks my heart.

"Of mice and men..."
Posted by IceCat on 10-12-03 at 04:55 AM
Betcha mice don't have to put the seat back down on the cotton ball!

"mice & ice cats..."
Posted by ashleybfogg on 10-12-03 at 12:08 PM
ya...and they also get to make up cool new names for their own DAW level...
