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"Guess what I found !"

Posted by Drive My Car on 09-16-03 at 09:51 AM

Ever find something that was a happy little surprise in your day?

I had it happen twice this week.

Yesterday I was looking for one of my daughter's many pencil sharpeners ( I buy them, she loses them, I buy another, well, you get it) and in the junk drawer I found

( shown in actual size!)

They are yummy and made me happy, and I didn't share them.

Saturday I had the other "find" of the week. I got 3 tubes of toothpaste for $1.27. I have no idea why this made me happy, but I was giddy over it.

Do any of you have stories to tell about unexpected finds?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by pythonfan on 09-16-03 at 10:07 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-16-03 AT 10:08 AM (EST)

yay for you

makes me think of that boston baked bean candies...those were yummy

wish i could find some pain pills ibuprofin isnt touching this...

gonna find the chinese menu later and fil's phone number so he can be my delivery boy - my fil is nice that way - and he doesnt work on tuesdays so yay for me - hey, that could go in kim's thread, right?

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark to read." --Groucho Marx

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by Drive My Car on 09-16-03 at 10:19 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-16-03 AT 10:19 AM (EST)

I want Chinese!!

I would bring you some Boston Baked Beans candies Python, I would. Too bad they don't have candy with pain killers in them.

*gentle hug*

I found my lucky pink panties! Yay! ( just sharing)

Posted by Wheezy on 09-16-03 at 05:11 PM
What are you doing?!?!?!?!?!

Stop that cleaning and sorting right now.

(I had chinese for brlupper. Yes, brlupper. 4pm first meal of the day.)

Posted by Draco Malfoy on 09-18-03 at 07:54 AM
>(I had chinese for brlupper. Yes,
>brlupper. 4pm first meal of
>the day.)

I can't imagine not eating until 4pm. My stomach would revolt.

Start Weight:339 Last Weigh-in:321 Loss To Date:-18
I guess one person can make a difference, but most of the time, they probably shouldn't. - Marge Simpson

Posted by Wheezy on 09-18-03 at 08:55 AM
Sometimes I just forget.

And I think I shall rename Brlupper to Brlinner (not to be confused with the famous "I am a jelly donut" speech of Pres. Kennedy.)

Posted by Draco Malfoy on 09-18-03 at 09:00 AM
How can anyone FORGET to eat?

Start Weight:339 Last Weigh-in:321 Loss To Date:-18
I guess one person can make a difference, but most of the time, they probably shouldn't. - Marge Simpson

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by mistofleas on 09-16-03 at 11:22 AM
My nice little suprise works for both buggy AND for python.

I was looking in my rarely used bedroom dressing table drawers the other day and found my long lost witchy poo pez dispenser:

My best friend gave it to me years ago for my birthday. Now here's the kicker. I opened it up to see if there was any pez in it and lo and behold there were 4 vicodins in it! I remember thinking it would be totally funny to put the vicodins in the pez dispenser because 1) the vics I was taking at the time were almost the same shape as pez and B) people kept saying that I popped the pain killers like candy. So...smart alec me made it so!

4 extra pain killers AND my pez dispenser, how cool is that?

--thinks python should get a pez dispenser and try it with her PK's

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by pythonfan on 09-18-03 at 09:28 AM
thinks python should get a pez dispenser and try it with her PK's

now that would be cool. i have this giant snoopy pez dispenser (does a whole pack at a time) ...imagine the possibilities...

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark to read." --Groucho Marx

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by anotherkim on 09-16-03 at 11:26 AM
I found a roll of toilet paper in the very depths of the vanity. This was good because I was terribly afraid we had none at all.

Miscellaneous Ramblings
--will be shopping this afternoon. 1.27? that's a steal! You go Buggy!

"Cross threading"
Posted by moonbaby on 09-16-03 at 11:26 AM
I found an old lottery ticket today and won $10! YAY!

"Guess what I found out?"
Posted by Coconut on 09-16-03 at 07:19 PM
The baby is balanced right on my bladder, so I have to be extra careful when I sneeze.

Sorry, that was TMI, wasn't it?

Geographically Undesirable

"RE: Guess what I found out?"
Posted by Wheezy on 09-16-03 at 07:32 PM
Wow, me too.
What's my excuse? I blame SuperToilet and Butterman. (and Butterman's sidekick, Pat)

WHEEZY...just give the Dobby his friggin sweater already. Sheesh.

"maybe it's the baby brain.."
Posted by Coconut on 09-16-03 at 07:37 PM
but I didn't get the full meaning of that.

Got the gist, though Thanks, boss.

Geographically Undesirable

"RE: maybe it's the baby brain.."
Posted by Wheezy on 09-16-03 at 08:28 PM

You? Are employee of the year! I shall look for a placque/plaque/plack DANG IT! Hey Tech! How do you spell that word?

In the meantime, a commemorative belt buckle.

WHEEZY...just give the Dobby his friggin palqcue already. Sheesh.

"Plaque.. like on your teeth."
Posted by Coconut on 09-16-03 at 08:29 PM
I'd trash my Employee of the Month certificate from Subway for a plaque from the Coolest Hamster of All Time. *suuuuuuck*

Geographically Undesirable

"RE: Plaque.. like on your teeth."
Posted by Wheezy on 09-16-03 at 08:43 PM
sure. Go and know how to spell, too, also, even, as well as being employee of the month. My brain is fried from days of Smokelong editing. Glad nobody used THAT word in their stories. *phew*

WHEEZY...thugoht we jsut had to get the frsit and lsat ltetres rgiht...

Posted by Breezy on 09-17-03 at 02:27 PM
I got taht eimal taody too!!!

*Breezy ... keeping OT satisfied since 2003*

Posted by Drive My Car on 09-17-03 at 07:33 AM

Butterman has a sidekick? I did not know this.

"RE: What?"
Posted by Wheezy on 09-17-03 at 09:25 PM
OMH! You should see what Superman drew for Wheezyboy. It? Is most fantastic. And Superman called Wheezyboy to get the specs on the toilet, and stuff, and then suggested that Butterman needed an evil sidekick...who is, of course, Pat (of butter). They had a very serious talk about it all. And Pat? Is slightly melted on one side from a recent heated skirmish.

It's on a big piece of paper, too big to fit in the scanner, dang it.

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 09-17-03 at 05:15 AM

Kids always lose the small things, that's why I bought Silverchild an electric pencil sharpener about 5 years ago. It's still going strong and it sits on her desk. DH and I are allowed to use it, too!


Good find with the panties! I found a pink bra today. Could they be a set?

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by Drive My Car on 09-17-03 at 07:32 AM

We are cosmic twins afterall.


hope I am able to find socks this morning

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by KeithFan on 09-17-03 at 09:31 AM
I took out a jacket this morning that I haven't worn since spring and found a $10 bill in the pocket!

Whoopee!! Free lunch today!

A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.
Mitch Ratcliffe, "Technology Review" (1992)

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by J Slice on 09-17-03 at 10:02 AM
That's the best!

Usually, towards the end of snowboard-jacket season, I leave a 20 in the pocket. That way, the next winter, I can be elated to find $20!

Thank you Ms. Slice, but I have to tell you that you are dangerous. - Technoir

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 09-17-03 at 02:18 PM

That wouldn't work for me, because the first time I needed money and didn't have time to visit the bank machine, I would go fetch the $20 from the snow jacket.


And if I set my clock wrong to try and make sure I'm not late, I correct the time in my mind anyway.

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by wildchickenhunter on 09-17-03 at 02:36 PM
Ah, I don't know. How about the worlds oldest genitals!

"one word..."
Posted by Coconut on 09-17-03 at 04:34 PM


Geographically Undesirable

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by FarmBoy on 09-17-03 at 03:35 PM
I hope it's not what they found in Scotland.

(Cross threading)

Bovinated- An Original Draco Masterpiece

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by L82LIFE on 09-17-03 at 04:53 PM
My find of the century was a 1950 Midwest console radio in a wood cabinet with a record player that our old business neighbor sold at a yard sale. I asked how much (hoping to get it for less than $100) and he told me he'd give it to me for $10!

I ran back to my building, grabbed the $10 and called hubby to come over in his truck and pick it up! It is in my living room, and it's one of the most beautiful pieces of furniture I have. It's in perfect condition, and to top it all off, it still works and sounds awesome!

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 09-17-03 at 08:00 PM

That sounds way cool, L8!


What a find!

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 09-18-03 at 07:56 AM
I found my sanity last night. Does that count?

Click here to rank all 96 Survivors!

Heidi: My biggest assets to the tribe are my athletic skills and my intelligence. I've lost one of them.
Jiffy: Which one?

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by Drive My Car on 09-18-03 at 08:58 AM
Have you seen mine?

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 09-18-03 at 09:01 AM
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most...

Start Weight:339 Last Weigh-in:321 Loss To Date:-18
I guess one person can make a difference, but most of the time, they probably shouldn't. - Marge Simpson

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by Drive My Car on 09-18-03 at 09:36 AM

Me too.

( well, that and the ass I had when I was 20, I miss my old ass a lot)

Way to Go on the 18 Hon, I finally bought a scale I think I am around 20 down, but I started before you did)

"RE: Guess what I found !"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 09-18-03 at 07:56 AM
The most recent thing I can think of that just turned up was my wife's You Don't Know Jack games. She loves that game, but when we moved to Denton, they vanished. Finally her parents were cleaning up her old room and found them behind a desk. That made her very happy.

Start Weight:339 Last Weigh-in:321 Loss To Date:-18
I guess one person can make a difference, but most of the time, they probably shouldn't. - Marge Simpson