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"Micheal Petersen trial"

Posted by Lisapooh on 09-05-03 at 11:56 AM
I'm an admitted true crime junkie - cannot get enough of the tawdry and trashy books, documentaries, etc. It's odd - I know.

That being said, are any of you following the Michael Petersen case out of North Carolina? I need someone to share my obsession. This case is soooo convuluted and sooo much more bizarre than Scott and Laci Peterson and it's currently being covered on court tv.

Any of you watching or following the trial? Do you think he's guilty of one or both murders? does the whole thing seem surreal to you?DO you think he's the most narcissistic controlling manipulative person of the history of the planet or just an unlucky jerk?

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"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 09-05-03 at 12:09 PM
Could you provide a few details for those of us who have never heard of this person or this case?

"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by Lisapooh on 09-05-03 at 01:19 PM
He's a novelist (Vietnam combat books I believe).

Twenty years ago, a nieghbor and a close friend of his then wife, Elizabeth Ratliffe, fell down the stairs of her home in Germany (they were all stationed there at the time). The officials ruled her death accidental although there were several lacerations and defensive wounds on her body that were not indicative of a fall. There was a ton of blood at the scene of the crime as well which is unusual for a fall.

Petersen and his wife were given custody of the woman's two young daughters (both preschool age at the time) because their father had died on a covert CIA mission that is still classified. Michael Petersen was the last person known to be with her alive. He walked her home in the snow at night. She was found by her nanny the next morning still in her snow boots from the night before. A witness has testified to seeing him running from her house.

Fast forwad twenty years, Petersen is divorced and now remarried to Kathleen Atwater, an executive with Nortel. They live in a mansion in NC with his two biological sons, the two Ratliffe daughters and Atwater's daughter Caitlin.

December 2001 Peterson calls 9-1-1 saying his wife has fallen down the stairs and is still breathing but hurt. Police arrive, she's dead, there's blood everywhere, she has seven lacerations on her head and defensive wounds on her arms and hands. She appears to have been dead for at least 2 hours (blood has dried). When the paramedics arrive, Petersen runs over to his wife and hugs her covering himself in her blood.

He's arrested several days later and is currently on trial for her murder. It was also discovered that Petersen (who had not brought in any income in 2 years) was soliciting gay "escorts" over the internet (he says for research on a book). Kathleen's job at Nortel was in jeopardy due to cutbacks and her income was used to support all five kids. They had 150K in credit card debt and a money pit of a house.

They exhumed Ratliffs body which has no been determined to be a homicide. Evidence from Ratliff has been admitted into this trial. All of the children except Caitlin are supporting their dad.

And that - believe it or not is the short version. It gets way more convuluted than that. The prosecution rests today and the defense will start their case.

"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by true on 09-05-03 at 01:29 PM
Ooooo, I wasn't aware of this case, but I find this stuff really interesting too, Pooh. I just can't believe that these people are so dumb to think that because they got away with it once, they can do the exact same thing again and not get caught.

From what you described, it reminded me of the case of the woman who shot 2 husbands in their sleep. I can't recall her name, but I read the book, and a movie was made about it as well. The second husbands name was Russ. She was pretending to be a writer, and she was heavily in debt too.

"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 09-05-03 at 01:36 PM
There is a case in the Atlanta area where a woman is being tried for the murder of one of two men. She had a husband and he died under circumstances that were ruled as "natural".

Then her live-in boyfriend died. Someone got a wind up, and an investigation found that he might have ingested antifreeze.

Last I heard, the prosecutors were trying to have the husband's body exhumed to test for antifreeze poisoning. Problem is that a conclusive detection of antifreeze poisoning is difficult, even in the second case described above.

I'm not sure what the result was, if any. But reading the case above reminded me of this.

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by ginger on 09-05-03 at 02:17 PM
I like the woman who was discovered to be poisoning her fiancee with arsenic; he nearly died and the police began investigating her for attempted murder. They then exhumed her ex-boyfriend's body (he had left her his insurance, etc.). Arsenic. Then her dead husband. Arsenic. Then her dad. Arsenic.
I guess if you find a really efficient way to do something, you stick with it.


"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 09-05-03 at 02:30 PM
Well, you can't argue with results...

"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by Bebo on 09-05-03 at 02:03 PM
Can't get away from it, since it happened in Durham County (right next door). It's on digital cable every day, and there are regular updates in the newspaper and on the news.

Other interesting details about the trial:
- The motive is that he killed her for the insurance money, since there were layoffs going on at Nortel and they were deep in debt. There are unconfirmed rumors that her name was on a layoff list, but the question is how he would know about that.
- In addition to the admission of the Ratliff murder evidence, the other main thing that the prosecution fought to include were questions about his sexual orientation. Gay porn was on his computer, and a male escort testified about contact he had with Michael Peterson.

Today, the defense is cross-examining the state medical examiner, who believes Kathleen Peterson was beaten to death, probably with a fire poker. The defense hasn't been able to poke a lot of holes in her testimony, as they've been trying to prove that she was missing a lot of wounds that beating victims would typically have.

The state may rest today. After all, the trial's only lasted 9 weeks so far.

Life is a game where we make up the rules as we go along.

"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 09-05-03 at 02:32 PM
who believes Kathleen Peterson was beaten to death, probably with a fire poker. The defense hasn't been able to poke a lot of holes in her testimony

Are they using a fire poker, too? Cause that would probably be a bad thing for his case...

"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by Lisapooh on 09-05-03 at 02:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-05-03 AT 02:42 PM (EST)

well, since the Petersens' blowpoke is missing (tht sounds so dirty btw), they can't use it.

Other weird stuff:

he's a former newspaper columnist and mayoral candidate. He was very critical of the police in his column, so of course
his defense attorney is saying the police are a) inept or b) corrupt or c) both.

during his mayoral campaign he lied about his war record and medals

all his kids are pieces of work IMO. The oldest son went to jail for planting a bomb at Duke University. Served 4 years. The other one said reallly negative things about Kathleen after her death and allegedly was deleting stuff off his dad's computer the night she died.

AND (this is so nuts) when Ratliffe died, she had a poster of a black cat near where she fell. Petersen took that poster (which is fine since it would rightlfully belong to the girls) and hung it in the staircase of his home in Charlotte. So he puts the property woman who died from a fall on a staircase on his own staircase - and it got covered in blood when Kathleen died too. Creepy creepy creepy.

Hey Bebo - what is the water cooler take on this in NC? Do people think he's guilty?

edited to delete all 900 sig pics. Sheesh!

"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by Bebo on 09-05-03 at 04:55 PM
his defense attorney is saying the police are a) inept or b) corrupt or c) both.

The main ineptitude was letting both Peterson and his son have access to the crime scene the night of the murder.

The other one said reallly negative things about Kathleen after her death and allegedly was deleting stuff off his dad's computer the night she died.

Yeah, he was hanging around where he didn't need to be that night. Then again, it just makes his dad look guiltier.

Hey Bebo - what is the water cooler take on this in NC? Do people think he's guilty?

I'll let Mr. Bebo, who hasn't been keeping up with trial as closely, field this question...

"Uh, YEAH."

And as someone who's kinda keeping up with it, my answer would have been more along the line of "Hell, yeah."

Life is a game where we make up the rules as we go along.

Posted by tig_ger on 09-05-03 at 05:01 PM
Very interesting. What are the Vegas odds that this guy walks?

A Kyngsladye Original

Tig_ger: The Holy Mother of Inclusion

"Off topic"
Posted by Coconut on 09-05-03 at 05:08 PM
because I just wanted to drop in and .heart. Pooh. I haven't seen her in ages and I'm going through pooh-drawl.


Poohless in Quebec

"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by Loree on 09-30-03 at 08:53 PM
Could this trial get any stranger? They find the missing blow poke right at the perfect moment. The one prosecution witness gets charged with perjury. And now a juror has to leave because she knows a witness. What next?

I really find the son Todd creepy. If I have to hear him go on and on about his beloved step-mom being a drunk that fell down the stairs once more... he keeps saying he doesn't want to talk bad about her (she was supporting him) and then proceeds to say she was the drunk he most expected to die this way. Creep!

I think Michael is definitely guilty. But he will probably get away with it.

"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by mistofleas on 09-30-03 at 09:26 PM
I have only one thing to say about this case:

Damn, I'm glad it's not our case!

--who like Elle Woods, prefers a client who's innocent

"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by Punkin on 09-30-03 at 10:06 PM
Don't worry, Pooh. There's nothing wrong with you. I'm a true crime addict and I'm perfectly normal! The addiction started with In Cold Blood by Capote and The Boston Strangler. By now I've probably paid for a little Summer home for Ann Rule.

I, too, find this story fascinating. My sister doesn't work, so she watches Court TV and keeps me up on the case. I think he's guilty as hell. When you've read as many true crime books as I (and now we all know, you) have read, you can see through the red herrings defense attorneys throw out to muddy the waters. The "coincidences" in this case, re the similarities of the two murders, we've seen again and again in cases where they've gotten away with murder once and figure they can do it again. Can't wait for the book.

Out here on the West Coast it's all Lacy Petersen, all the time. Because it has created national interest every detail is reported on shows like the Abrams Report and Greta Van Susteren's (sp?) show, we can see his lawyer, Gallegos, dancing as fast as he can to obfuscate and create fictions to point the finger away from his boy. It's his job, and he's good at it.

ginger, guess where Gavin Newsome's wife is? Back East trying to break into Newsbiz on these shows as an "expert" prosecuter commenting on the case. Give me a break!

"Misc Ramblings of a Californian"
Posted by Red Lady on 10-01-03 at 06:22 AM
...guess where Gavin Newsome's wife is? Back East trying to break into Newsbiz on these shows as an "expert" prosecuter commenting on the case. Give me a break!

Mr. and Ms. GQ! They are both so "Law and Order" don't ya think?

All I can say is...glad I live in Contra Costa County and don't have to concern myself with your upcoming S.F. Mayorial election except as a local spectator! Goodness knows I am *far* too busy choosing among the 135 or so Gubernatorial "candidates!!"

Of course, in my neck of the woods, we don't have GQ-looking politicians, nor do they have Getty connections! You City folk have all the glamour! (Exception: Gotta love Angela for her continuing efforts to become Mayor...kinda like the Giants trying for a World Series!)

Go Giants!

P.S. The whole Laci & Conner Peterson case is certainly catching my attention. Her body was found in Contra Costa Co.

"RE: Misc Ramblings of a Californian"
Posted by ginger on 10-01-03 at 02:46 PM
I would actually rather have Mrs. Newsome for Mayor than Gavin.

I guess I'm also glad Ariana fell on her sword today, although it underscores the gravity of the situation.

It's been nice that the volume has been turned down a bit on the Laci Peterson case pending trial. The problem is, the more time passes before trial the less likely (I think) it is that Scott is found guilty. And I think he's guilty. Guilty guilty guilty. Although I can't honestly point to solid evidence (of which I am aware, at any rate) that he actually did the deed. And am aware that this is not exactly how the justice system is supposed to work; I am supposed to await proof.
Scott did not considerately leave a trail of blood, like Mr. Simpson. Who was also guilty guilty guilty but who still enjoys greater freedom and a much higher standard of living than me (not, not bitter, not Ginger).

I still wish they could link Condit to the intern's murder.


Go Giants and all that but I wish the fans would learn how MUNI works before they ride to games and clog up the subway on my way home every night jamming doors, asking questions, realizing they are going the wrong way and jumping out at last minute, and sweating lotsa boozy sweat. Hey, I had to work all day; they didn't (not bitter, not Ginger, oh no).

"RE: Micheal Petersen trial"
Posted by mistofleas on 10-01-03 at 11:06 AM
When you've read as many true crime books as I (and now we all know, you) have read, you can see through the red herrings defense attorneys throw out to muddy the waters.

Just remember the old saying, you can't believe everything you read.

--dislikes Ann Rule very very much

"Closing arguments soon"
Posted by Bebo on 10-01-03 at 12:51 PM
Finally! After what seems an eternity (well, it took almost that long to get to trial, select a jury, and actually get on with it), the word is that closing arguments will be this week. The jury should have this case by Friday.

Fighting for evil (and neat forums) since 2002

"Juror in drunk tank"
Posted by Loree on 10-01-03 at 02:58 PM
I wondered what could happen next in this case. Now they have one of the jurors getting drunk and ending up in the drunk tank overnight. This case has become so bizarre.

"RE: Juror in drunk tank"
Posted by mistofleas on 10-01-03 at 04:07 PM
I'd be in a drunk tank if I were a juror on a trial like this too.


--will never be a juror

"RE: Juror in drunk tank"
Posted by Bebo on 10-01-03 at 05:18 PM
Nice...the guy's had 5 DWI's and they bring him in to court...as a juror. Sheesh.


Well, apparently the guy threatened to shoot someone. But since he's on a jury for a beating death, can that really be considered a jury of his peers?

Fighting for evil (and neat forums) since 2002

"RE: Juror in drunk tank"
Posted by Lisapooh on 10-01-03 at 05:30 PM
he threatened to shoot his mechanic - who hasn't done that?

"3rd Juror Replaced"
Posted by Loree on 10-06-03 at 01:38 PM
Well they kicked the drunk guy off the jury and replaced him. Then just as they were about to start the deliberation the defense states they have recieved a call about another juror. Seems one of the jurors works at a bank that Michael Peterson banked at. A co-worker decided after all this time (trial started in July) to call the defense and say this person had made fun of Peterson in the past. So the defense had a fit and wanted this juror off the case. So this person was bounced and replaced with a third alternate. They only have one alternate left. Will they have enough?

"RE: 3rd Juror Replaced"
Posted by Lisapooh on 10-06-03 at 01:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-06-03 AT 01:51 PM (EST)

did they put the alternate that's a nurse on in her place? There's already 2 nurses on the jury - I don't think another one is gonna help out the defense.

guilty guilty guilty

"RE: 3rd Juror Replaced"
Posted by Loree on 10-06-03 at 03:42 PM
Yes the male nurse replaced the woman from the bank. They picked the younger female that took all those notes to replace the drunk guy. Then the jury picked the note-taking woman to be their jury foreperson.

"RE: 3rd Juror Replaced"
Posted by Bebo on 10-06-03 at 02:13 PM
I'll only start worrying when John Cusack gets put on the jury. I don't think Gene Hackman will be amused.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"Alternate juror speaks"
Posted by Bebo on 10-07-03 at 10:41 AM

Since the jury is now deliberating, they released the last alternate. She doesn't think Kathleen Peterson fell down the stairs, but she also doesn't think the prosecution proved first degree murder. She's expecting an acquittal on first degree.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: Alternate juror speaks"
Posted by jkokoj on 10-07-03 at 01:56 PM
Ok now you guys have me hooked. Post an update as soon as possible!!LOL

*sick* truly *sick*!

"And more weirdness and stupidity"
Posted by Bebo on 10-09-03 at 11:49 AM

A reporter from the local ABC affiliate sent a letter to each one of the jurors to invite them to a group interview after the trial is over. What an idiot.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

Posted by Bebo on 10-10-03 at 10:57 AM
Just got word that the jury's reached a verdict - I'll post once I hear the actual verdict.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

Posted by Bebo on 10-10-03 at 11:02 AM
He's been found guilty of first-degree murder.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

Posted by Loree on 10-11-03 at 06:33 PM
Personally I thought he was guilty. Now starts the appeal process. Will he get to stay out on bail?

Posted by Bebo on 10-13-03 at 08:44 AM
His lawyer is going to try and get him out on bail, but it's doubtful that's going to happen.

Read an interview with one of the jurors this weekend. At first, 3 wanted to acquit, 4 to convict, and the others weren't sure. Then it swayed to 6-6. The day before the verdict, the vote was 10-2. Just when some of the jurors thought they were going to have to tell the judge it was a hung jury, the 2 holdouts changed their votes.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.