Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the BEST.CAT.EVER!!!*smooches*
Now I can go get that ice cream everyone's talking about.
I still love the Katt and Danger Kitty, though.
Thanks L8!! I know how hard it is to score these things, you did great!
Thanks for the bonus points!
That was a cute game, L8! Thanks.I am now going for ice cream and/or brownies with's the rack and all.
Another Kimmy car kicks a$$, eh?
wait for me, Miss Going to Bed
I really was going to bed, then I had an email that needed answering (coughdidyouemailhermcough) and while I was doing that (and, I confess, eating a strawberry pop tart) I figured I would do something on my blog and lost the post, so I came to close the OT window and just was sucked in briefly.Miscellaneous Ramblings
--knew she was gonna get caught...and SHOULD have gone to bed sooner.
... to the grocery store!
Heidi: My biggest assets to the tribe are my athletic skills and my intelligence. I've lost one of them.
Jiffy: Which one?
That is much too cute for words!
JSlice's clone (and Kittyloaf coveteuse)