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Thread Number: 6015
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Posted by KScott on 05-13-03 at 01:56 PM
It is raining here, thunderstorms, lightening, all the fun stuff of spring (luckily no tornados today) and I have a stoopid question. Why do they make umbrellas out of metal when metal attracts lightening? To get to my vehicle I have a nice little walk and I have to use an umbrella or get really soaked and I was just curious as to why there was metal in umbrellas. Anyone know?

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"RE: Umbrellas"
Posted by PaperCupPrincess on 05-13-03 at 02:00 PM
good question...perhaps plastic isn't as durable in the wind that sometimes follows the rain?

"RE: Umbrellas"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 05-13-03 at 02:11 PM
But, you would think that a durable plastic would be better because it would go with the flow rather than snapping in the wind.

The thing I hate about umbrellas are the ones that are supposed to open with a push of a button and they don't and I'm left standing there like an idiot in the rain.

*has had way too many umbrellas snap*

"RE: Umbrellas"
Posted by DataShark on 05-13-03 at 02:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-13-03 AT 02:14 PM (EST)

I'm not sure but I think lightening always follows the shortest route to ground.

Unless I was in an open area where I was the tallest object (like a golf course) I would not worry. Lightening should (I think) go for a taller object to seek it's way to ground.

edited for speeling

"RE: Umbrellas"
Posted by Lisapooh on 05-13-03 at 02:14 PM
what I hate is how they are always in the car if you are in the office or alway sat the office if you are in the car.

I have 4 umbrellas and none of them are ever where I need them to be.

perpetually soggy.