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"Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"

Posted by Mon Cherie on 05-12-03 at 11:19 PM
First off, do not let it be said that I am not a true devotee to beauty products. I have actually conducting an experiment on behalf of my fellow beauty product lovers.

How it began: I was recently at a friend's house, and she was extolling the virtues of the new Schick (no relation to our beloved Survivor Chick) Intuition razor.

Me: "It can't be better than the Gillette Venus razor, I have been using it for a long time and I am very happy with the results."

Friend: "But using the Intuition razor- it's like you're not really shaving! And you don't get nicks or cuts! It's definitely better than the Venus razor!"

Me: "No! Heresy! Nothing is better than the Venus razor for shaving!"

Friend: "What happened to your ankle? It's bleeding."

Me: (mumbling) "I accidentally hacked it up when I was shaving."

Evil Friend: "With your VENUS razor? Hah!"

Me: "Well, we'll see how smooth your legs are in a few days, as I do not believe that a closer shave can be achieved by anything but the Venus razor."

Thus, I bring you....

The Venus/Intuition Shave-Off

Day One: I shaved my left leg with my Venus Razor using Gillette shaving gel, taking care not to hack up my ankle again. I shaved my right leg with the newly-purchased Intuition razor. I have to say, the Intuition shaving experience itself was great. It took less time, because the shaving lotion is in the razor itself. I was also able to go over my ankles and knees quickly without any nicks.

Shaving experience: Intution 1, Venus 0

Smoothness after shaving: Intuition 1, Venus 1

So far, Intuition is an easy, fast, seemingly close shave. But is it as close as the Venus? Only time will tell.

Day Two: Both legs still pretty smooth. Intuition 1, Venus 1

Day Three: A tiny bit of stubble on both legs, seems even. Intuition 1, Venus 1

Day Four: Hair growth on both legs seems even. Intuition 1, Venus 1

Day Five: Hair growth seems even. Intuition 1, Venus 1

Conclusion: Both razors seem to have good outcomes. Intuition: Total 6 points. Venus: Total 5 points. The only thing the Intuition razor has over the Venus is the actual shaving experience.

Bonus Points for Websites: Intuition .03, Venus 1


Now you can do something for me. Please explain to me why razor cartridges cost more than the razor itself? Why not just buy a new razor each time?


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Sheila on 05-12-03 at 11:33 PM
I'm glad you posted this because I have this coupon for an Intuition razor and it looks so wonderful but I don't want to mess up a good thing I have going with my Venus. I might have to experiment though.

You don't get stubble until Day 3? WTF?!? I have a five o'clock shadow on Day ONE no matter what method of hair removal I use. I swear I think my mom inhaled something while pregnant to cause this sort of growth!

Anyway, thanks for the info because I think I will try the Intuition.

"Shave Minimizing Lotions"
Posted by northernlights on 05-13-03 at 10:32 AM
LMAO Sheila ~ I know what you mean! I think my Mom may have been out smoking with yours!

Have you tried the new Shave Minimizing Skin Lotions? I use Curel Smooth Legs and it seems to make a bit of a difference on the five o'clock shadow problem. Has anyone else tried a Shave Minimizing Lotion?

Thanks for the heads-up Cherie!

"RE: Shave Minimizing Lotions"
Posted by Drive My Car on 05-13-03 at 10:37 AM

These lotions sound too good to be true to me. AND do they work on the bikini line?
I need to know these things, my child is going to try to drag me to the pool everyday. A couple trips to the bar and I can deal with being chunky ( that a a good coverup) but fat AND hairy is too much for even me.

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Wheezy on 05-12-03 at 11:37 PM

Mon, you astound me with your researchability. I know not what to say, except this: I have no idea. Intuition? Venus? I know nothing of these. Do they come in the 10 pack for $.99? 'Cause that's the fork I know. :-D


brilliant. You are, you know.

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by SaphireLady on 05-12-03 at 11:46 PM
I am so sorry for this, truely, but I had to laugh. What you just said, while I am sure was tongue in cheek, is so true for me. I buy what is cheapest cause I wear pants or hose so what do I care wether my legs are shaved perfectly.

"Now I will believe that there are unicorns..." William Shakespeare; "The Tempest"

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by desert_rhino on 05-12-03 at 11:43 PM
I have it on good authority that hand lotion makes for a better experience shaving than shaving cream or gel.

I'll do the experiment, and let you know tomorrow.

-- JV

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Thaibeach on 05-13-03 at 09:34 AM
Try using hair conditioner instead of shaving cream or gel. It's thinner than lotion and will mix better with water. And it leaves your skin BABY SMOOTH baby!

Cherie, I do this type of product testing for a living (not testing myself but designing & planning panels & other tests). It's good to see people interested enough to do their own tests!

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Drive My Car on 05-13-03 at 10:41 AM
Yes, Thaibeach I agree, conditioner works great. I used to use a cream rinse product ( that I can't find in Texas) called Unicure. It was wonderful for soft hair and great for legs. It actually was a wonderful all over skin softener in the shower.

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by DataShark on 05-13-03 at 00:00 AM
I can't say I have any experience with this subject but I did ask DW her feelings.

She told me that if I woke her up for something like this again she would wait until I was asleep and show me what hot wax hair removal was.

So I really can't offer any insight right now.

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by anotherkim on 05-13-03 at 09:50 AM

OMG, DS, you nearly made me choke to death on a Little Debbie brownie (what a way to go though, ).

Yuo make me laugh!!!
Miscellaneous Ramblings
--thinks mrs. shark must be a funny chicky

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by DataShark on 05-13-03 at 10:07 AM

Missed Ya.

Awsome job on Sunday!

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Asrai on 05-13-03 at 00:15 AM
I use the venus, until I run out of refills. Man, I hate to spend so much on refills, that I'd rather just buy another razor! I usually keep the pink Daisy disposables on hand in case I run out.

I would really love to try the intuition, however. Thanks for the heads up, Mon!

"When I'm good, I'm very, very good. When I'm bad, I'm better!" Mae West

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 05-13-03 at 00:21 AM

Thanks Mon for posting this very helpful report. I think I will buy the Intuition instead of a Venus.

Almost bought a Venus because of all the raves on OT.

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 05-13-03 at 09:30 AM
I've listened to you ladies rave about your Venus razors and kept wanting to get one (yes Moonie, I have Venus envy). Now that you've done the comparison on both the Venus and Intuition though, I think I'll go out and get one of those. I usually use the cheap pink Daisy razors and I also have an electric razor.

LOL at DataShark.

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by nailbone on 05-13-03 at 09:39 AM
Pictures!! We wanna see pictures!!

No, not of the shaving experiment, just your fine legs!! And all the other hot OT ladies as well.

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Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS)

- Except for ending slavery, fascism, Nazism, and communism, war never solved anything.

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Drive My Car on 05-13-03 at 10:43 AM

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Lisapooh on 05-13-03 at 09:41 AM
well this is just great! Y'all raved about the venus for a year and a half and I finally run out and buy one - now you are saying I need to get Intuition instead. Summer sucks man. I like it when it's cold outside and I don't have to shave my legs every dang day.

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 05-13-03 at 09:59 AM
Thank you so much for doing the razor test! I am in love with my Venus razor, and have looked longingly at the intution, but was hesitant to switch brands. I'm now brave enough to give the intution a try.

A Proud owner of a Kyngsladye Original
"I believe the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity,is daring to dare" Maya Angelou

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by northernlights on 05-13-03 at 10:11 AM
LMAO! Another reason to move up here Miss Pooh! Of course, the most important reason would be living closer to ME! Oh, and living out in the boonies where I do, nobody cares if your belt/purse/shoes match!

I too bought a Venus razor because of everything I heard about them here and I was very happy I did. I haven't even heard about the Intuition one yet, but I know when I do see it, I'll end up buying one - lol! I mean, I've already bought the Carmex and the Cherry Garcia Ice Cream because of you peeps! Who says there are no commercials here on SBOT? Webby ~ are you getting a kickback for all this advertising?

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by sticks on 05-13-03 at 10:02 AM
I'm a Venus loyalist; I avoid buying new cartridges by running the originals into the ground. I seriously use them like 30 times before replacing them. How sad am I? I only break out the new blades when I wear skirts. When I'm wearing hip hugging pants- there's no need to shave!

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by anotherkim on 05-13-03 at 10:02 AM
Thank you, Mon. Yor expert opinion is always well-considered. You are the queen, babe!

Miscellaneous Ramblings

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by true on 05-13-03 at 10:23 AM
As you know, Mon, I am your most loyal follower. I went out and got the Venus razor the moment you told me about it, and I love it!

Please keep those tips coming!

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by snoocharoo on 05-13-03 at 10:25 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-13-03 AT 10:36 AM (EST)

I haven't tried either of these products yet but I've been tempted. It's nice to have our own Consumer Reports here, thanks Mon!!!

I use a Gilette Mach 3, it's a guys razor. I get a really nice, smooth shave as long as I'm careful. My husband uses the same kind of razor so we just buy bulk refills at Costco where they are a bit cheaper, I think $25.00 for 20 refills. At the gym I always use disposables.

Oh yeah...what are those panties that everyone here raves about? I'm on an undergarment mission, my husband said that if I don't go buy myself some new bras and panties he will. That scares me. The last time he bought me undergarments he got like a size 2 sequined G-string & nipple tassel combo.

I need bra reccomendations too. Normally I buy the cheapest underwire bras I can at Wal-Mart. After 1 wash the underwire pokes out and sticks me in the armpit or I snap the straps. Just too much woman for those wimpy bras I guess...

"Believe in Yourself"
You too can cause forest fires...

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by wildchickenhunter on 05-13-03 at 10:28 AM
Wow, you went 5 days without shaving your legs....That is not right!

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Mon Cherie on 05-13-03 at 11:28 AM
All in the name of science and devotion to my fellow product lovers, my friend.

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 05-13-03 at 10:32 AM
I shave my head every night before I go to bed. I'd do it in the morning, but that would require waking up at 330 instead of 4 am. F that. A lot of people urged me to use a "regular" razor and shaving cream, but I never have. I use an electric, clean it every couple of days, and it's good to go.

I just wish there was a way to make it not grow so fast!

You'll be next, MudBlood.

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Drive My Car on 05-13-03 at 10:38 AM
Draco, try the Venus. Buy it and claim it is a gift for your wife.

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Drive My Car on 05-13-03 at 10:33 AM

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Venus! ( even if the song runs through my head whenever I shave) I have never once nicked myself with a Venus. I shave more often because it is faster ( I too have leg hair that grows really fast) I also noticed you don't have to change the blades as often. I have even used it without soap or shave cream on my underarms with no razor burn.

How do they compare pricewise, Oh Beauty Product Queen?

I'm your Venus I'm your Fire

"RE: Beauty Product Challenge: Razors"
Posted by Mon Cherie on 05-13-03 at 11:27 AM
I love my Venus too, but I'm leaning towards the Intuition for the summer cause it's so fast and easy to use.

Prices: Venus Razor: $8.49, Refill Cartridges (4) $8.49

Intuition Razor: $8.49, Refill Cartridges (3) $8.49
