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"Video Camera/Camcorder"

Posted by sorgee on 03-19-03 at 09:38 AM
we have been considering the purchase of a video recording device for awhile and it looks like the time has come. i have done some research and it looks like there are a few good models out there between $200-$300.
does anyone have any advice/comments/suggestions/etc...?
(wishes she could have captured teh kids on video this past weekend. would have easily won prize money.)

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Video Camera/Camcorder"
Posted by Q on 03-19-03 at 10:04 AM

I really can't offer you any advice, as I have not been investigating camcorders for several years, but getting one to film the kids growing up is a great idea. And you can use the footage as blackmail later in life against them, LOL. However, being the DAW I am, I felt like posting in this thread anyway.

So Hello Sorgee, How you doing? Hope all is well with you.

It is astonishing how foolish humans can be in groups, especially when they follow their leaders without question - States: The Bene Gesserit View. All States Are an Abstraction.

"RE: Video Camera/Camcorder"
Posted by sorgee on 03-19-03 at 10:15 AM
potential $$$$ winners i missed capturing this weekend:
-my 15lb puppy "humping" a great danes head.
-my children skiing for the first time.
-my son puking on a skier below from up on the ski lift.(we discovered that he has a fear of heights...)
-my daughter's ski pants falling to her knees because she didn't fasten then securely after she went potty.
-my choc lab and the eskie puppy barking in "stranger alert mode" at the snowman that they watched the kids build.
-my graceful fall UP the stairs.
-mr. sorgee getting peed on by the puppy because the puppy got scared by a bird hitting a window beside him.
and all of that happened with in about a 4 hour time span.

"RE: Video Camera/Camcorder"
Posted by Drive My Car on 03-19-03 at 10:43 AM
Now THAT is what I call a fun weekend!

Thanks for the *giggle*

"RE: Video Camera/Camcorder"
Posted by anotherkim on 03-19-03 at 11:22 AM
OMG! I can't believe no one got the puking on the skier on film...that would have been a money maker.

Sadly, this sounds a lot like my life though.

Miscellaneous Ramblings
--couldn't snow ski if her life depended on it!

"RE: Video Camera/Camcorder"
Posted by Drive My Car on 03-19-03 at 11:29 AM
( keeping with last weekends theme)

*Sits in the lodge with her feet up next to Kim by the fireplace, hands Kim a Hot Toddy*

"RE: Video Camera/Camcorder"
Posted by SurvivorOverlord on 03-19-03 at 11:00 AM
That does sound like an awfully fun weekend Sorgee!

I have a Sony 8mm Camcorder and it works great....but I've been thinking about upgrading to the new DVR's.....digital video recorders.

They not only work as video camera's but as a still image digital camera as well. The storage media varies from model to model but most are about the size of a postage stamp but still hold about 12 hours of high quality video and several dozen digital "snapshots". When you get home you put the "smart card" into a USB dock on your home computer and it downloads it into memeory.....all of them come with software so that you can edit and add tons of special effects to your videos......if it is something you want to save to VHS then you just plug the camera inot your VCR and dub it! Heck my Sony big screen TV even has a port on it where I can plug the "smart Cards" directly into it and play it on the TV. It's all totally digital so the quality is tons better than VHS.

No more lugging around video tapes on trips and stuff...these new cameras are small and very light!

Canon, Sony and Panosonic all have models starting between 300-400 dollars.

Just my 2 cents.....good luck and have fun!


"RE: Video Camera/Camcorder"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 03-19-03 at 11:45 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-19-03 AT 12:00 PM (EST)

Yeah, what he said! Go digital!

We have an older Panasonic that originally cost us $600 back in 1996. It is great, except we wish we had the stabilization that you need to make sure your zoomed image does not waver all over the place. I think all cameras sold today have that, however.

Anyway, it has been a good camera, but I hope we can upgrade to digital someday.

Good luck and I think it would be worth it to get yourself a really good camera, sorgee, since you have such an interesting family. AFV is looking for you!

A Silverchild original, 2002

"RE: Video Camera/Camcorder"
Posted by SurvivorOverlord on 03-19-03 at 12:33 PM
A friend of mine has already bought a digital camcorder that he paid around $450 for......mine we bought 3 years ago for $699

His had a 450X digital Zoom that is incredible...has automatic picture stablization on it...*waves at Silvergirl*..the picture is perfectly still even if you walk with the camera!!

mine has a 100x digital zoom and if you record something with it and watch it later, you get seasick from all the camera motion.

With the new technology go digital!

--expects you to say "hi" to him when you win the big money on AFV!

"RE: Video Camera/Camcorder"
Posted by Tinkerbell on 03-19-03 at 11:52 AM
We have a Sony Handycam (I think that's the name - I'll check when I get home tonight) that we got as a wedding gift. We've never used it (what do we really have to video anyway? Except for naughty things) - but my sister says it's good. I would've preferred one of the new digital ones...but this one meets our needs for now.

"RE: Video Camera/Camcorder"
Posted by SurvivorOverlord on 03-19-03 at 12:27 PM
(what do we really have to video anyway? Except for naughty things)

I do this in the honor of Winky-Boner who is MIA for the week

heck Tink, you don't even have to video those.....I would be happy to do it for you

--somebody had to do it since he wasn't here!

"Sig pic size"
Posted by AyaK on 03-19-03 at 12:57 PM
sorgee, I know a lot of people like your sig pic. However, it's too big per our guidelines. It has to be limited to a height of 60 pixels, and it's currently 132 pixels high.

Please reduce the size. Thanks.

"RE: Sig pic size"
Posted by desert_rhino on 03-19-03 at 01:20 PM

"THANK YOU!!!!!!"
Posted by sorgee on 03-19-03 at 01:25 PM
gosh, i don't care what anyone says. you're awesome.

now, any idea how i can turn this pic the right way? my editor isn't letting me do that either?

"RE: THANK YOU!!!!!!"
Posted by Bucky Katt on 03-19-03 at 01:32 PM
This is 60x60, I had to cut her off at the knees

"Psssh. France. Any country whose national identity is a dog with a hairstyle doesn't impress Bucky Katt."

"RE: THANK YOU!!!!!!"
Posted by desert_rhino on 03-19-03 at 01:35 PM

-- JV

That darn Katt.

"RE: THANK YOU!!!!!!"
Posted by Bucky Katt on 03-19-03 at 01:43 PM
That's what you get for threatening Fungo on me!

"Psssh. France. Any country whose national identity is a dog with a hairstyle doesn't impress Bucky Katt."

"RE: THANK YOU!!!!!!"
Posted by sorgee on 03-19-03 at 01:36 PM
woo-hoo. i'm back!!!!!!!!

thank you all!!!!
(i'm not sure if it's the extra dose of paxil i took this morning or all of the help i've gotten with my sig pic, but i sure am feelin' the love around here.)

"RE: THANK YOU!!!!!!"
Posted by desert_rhino on 03-19-03 at 01:34 PM
Well, if you turn it the "right" way, it'll be too tall.

shrinking it any further in that direction looked like it would make it look funky-small.

so I improvised. {grin}

-- JV

Here, try this one:

"RE: Sig pic size"
Posted by SurvivorOverlord on 03-19-03 at 02:01 PM
I kinda like her laying down JV


"RE: Sig pic size"
Posted by sorgee on 03-19-03 at 02:43 PM
hey, it's all about the fans! and what ever makes the fans happy.