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Thread Number: 4187
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"What's in your fridge?"

Posted by PleaseKillMe on 01-25-03 at 04:23 PM

Chocolate soy milk.
Boiled peanuts.
Several kinds of slowly decaying vegetables.

Anything good? Anything dead? Extra points if you've got something so decomposed that you can't tell what it was originally.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: What's in your fridge?"
Posted by Canada Girl on 01-25-03 at 04:49 PM
The Good:
Chicken Curry I made last night.
Freshly juiced Apple cider (we got a juicer for a wedding present)

The Bad:
Assorted wilted veggies
Assorted tupperware with unidentified sauces and pastas
Petrified gravy - from Christmas or Thanksgiving, I don't know!

*runs and hides from scary fridge contents*

"RE: What's in your fridge?"
Posted by Wheezy on 01-25-03 at 05:28 PM
The good:
3 gallons of milk
7 bottles of beer (oops, make that 6)

The bad:
--half a container of sour cream, use by date: Jan 4
--Carton of eggs, 18 count (what was I thinking???) use by date: Dec 5

The ugly:
--Tupperware with a tomato/pesto/feta cheese dip from sometime in the fall (you can imagine the stench of that combination) almost unrecognizable, but we figured it out. We threw away the tupperware too.

--furry meatballs left over from a Christmas party

Thanks Tim! I got my fridge cleaned out today thanks to you!!

"RE: What's in your fridge?"
Posted by Spidey on 01-25-03 at 06:26 PM
We threw away the tupperware too.

I am of the opinion that tupperware is disposable goods. Ok, well, the new, thinner platic kind anyway. If I can't identify or am afraid to open a container, it goes in the trash whole.

Fortunately, DH just cleaned out the fridge the other day, so no nasties this time. The best thing in there right now is leftover Shrimp Pad Tai from last night. Smart lady that I am, I married an amazing cook.

An IceCat Original, 2002 Eagles sigpic stays up til after the Super Bowl. Devastation does not equal humiliation.

"RE: What's in your fridge?"
Posted by desert_rhino on 01-25-03 at 05:47 PM
You're not as interested as you think you are. Certainly, you're not interested enough for me to actually answer this.

(anyone know where I can rent a good, reliable flamethrower? preferrably with a 12-gauge mounted under the business end?)

"Discounts for Bulk Purchase..."
Posted by IceCat on 01-25-03 at 06:10 PM

"RE: Discounts for Bulk Purchase..."
Posted by desert_rhino on 01-25-03 at 06:35 PM


Now I can open the fridge again!