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"Morality and Politics"

Posted by AyaK on 01-24-03 at 07:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-24-03 AT 07:45 PM (EST)

Interesting article in Atlantic Monthly based on polling by well-known DAW Dick Morris and Mark Penn.


The point of the article was that the answers to five questions about morality could be used to predict your vote in the 1996 Clinton-Dole election. Here are the questions:

1. Do you believe homosexuality is morally wrong?
2. Do you ever personally look at pornography?
3. Would you look down on someone who had an affair while married?
4. Do you believe sex before marriage is morally wrong?
5. Is religion a very important part of your daily life?

Hopefully, you all took the test before reading further...
According to Morris and Penn, people answering with the "liberal" position to three questions supported Clinton by 66%-33%; people answering with the liberal position to four or five questions supported Clinton by even higher percentages. People answering with the "conservative" position to three or more questions supported Dole. They said that these questions were better predictors of voting than everything except party affiliation and race.

The "liberal" answers are: 1. no, 2. yes, 3. no, 4. no, 5. no.

So ... if you feel comfortable, answer these questions, and we'll see how we match up with the Morris and Penn research.

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"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by Spidey on 01-24-03 at 07:50 PM
I am 4 for 5 liberal (Adultery is wrong and I once walked in on a porno by accident)

No suprises there.

An IceCat Original, 2002 Eagles sigpic stays up til after the Super Bowl. Devastation does not equal humiliation.

"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by SherpaDave on 01-24-03 at 07:55 PM
Yes, but did you inhale? Seriously, I don't think accidentally walking in on porn should count.

Criminals From the Neck Up

"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by Spidey on 01-24-03 at 08:30 PM
What if I stayed? Nah, seriously, I hate watching other people's intimate moments. Just gives me the creeps.

Ok then, 3 of 5 and I voted for Clinton twice. Damn those term limits or I would have done it again.

An IceCat Original, 2002 Eagles sigpic stays up til after the Super Bowl. Devastation does not equal humiliation.

"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by TechNoir on 01-24-03 at 08:34 PM
Damn those term limits or I would have done it again.

No ma'am. You'd still be voting against Reagan time after time after time.

"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by Spidey on 01-25-03 at 09:18 AM
Well, not ME in particular, but I see your point...

An IceCat Original, 2002 Eagles sigpic stays up til after the Super Bowl. Devastation does not equal humiliation.

"I'll start"
Posted by AyaK on 01-24-03 at 07:51 PM
1. Do you believe homosexuality is morally wrong? No.
2. Do you ever personally look at pornography? No.
3. Would you look down on someone who had an affair while married? Yes.
4. Do you believe sex before marriage is morally wrong? No.
5. Is religion a very important part of your daily life? No.

Number of "liberal" answers: 3 of 5.

So, according to the research, I was more likely to vote for Clinton in 1996 --- and I did in fact vote for Clinton in 1996. For the 1996 election, this was a valid predictor for me.

However, I voted for Bush in 2000. I wonder if this was still as valid then, or if I'm just an oddball.

OK, it's a given that I'm an oddball. But I still wonder if it was valid in 2000.

"RE: I'll start"
Posted by SherpaDave on 01-24-03 at 07:53 PM
I was thinking the same thing, Aya. I don't think it holds up for 2000, because no one candidate was as clearly the "morality" candidate as Dole was vs. Clinton. The '96 election was made to be more about moral beliefs than about political beliefs to a degree I don't recall seeing in any other election.

Criminals From the Neck Up

"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by SherpaDave on 01-24-03 at 07:51 PM
1. Do you believe homosexuality is morally wrong? Nah.
2. Do you ever personally look at pornography? Yeah. Hell, I sometimes write what some would consider porn. I prefer the term erotica, though.
3. Would you look down on someone who had an affair while married? It would make me think a little less of someone, yes, but I'm not sure if "look down on" is a good phrase for it. Having an affair in and of itself would not make my decision of whether or not someone is worth befriending. So I guess that's a long-winded but qualified "no."
4. Do you believe sex before marriage is morally wrong? Nah. In most cases, it's probably a good idea.
5. Is religion a very important part of your daily life? Religion? No. Spirituality. Yes.

Heh. Of course I voted for Clinton--I can't give a straight answer, either.

Criminals From the Neck Up

"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by TechNoir on 01-24-03 at 08:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-24-03 AT 08:37 PM (EST)

I'll answer if you wish but my answers are irrelevant. But before hijacking this baby, here you go.

1. of course not -- it is none of my business what other folks do in bed unless they are exploiting somebody who is defenseless

2. absolutely not ... war crimes trouble me greatly. I don't believe that visual depictions of nudity or sexuality are pornographic

3. it depends on lots and lots of things. My world is not simplistic

4. no, but marriage is an intrinsically religious concept, not a political one

5. yes -- bet that surprises the hell out of ya

So that didn't work so well did it? Now I'll tell you my not so humble analysis of why. They made a very wrongheaded assessment of the meaning of the answers. There is no reason to believe that the answers reflect behavior, or even belief. However there is a great deal of research that shows folks will often try to select the answer that appears to be consistent with their stated values. So... the answers come AFTER the political choices. To simplify that, people are answering in a way that won't embarass them in front of the interviewer.

Evidence: More men than women vote republican BUT more men than women look at pornography, have affairs while married, and have sex before marriage. Hrm, a contradiction? Seems so. Could it be that their stated values are not consistent with their behavior? Yeppers.

Edited because I forget to tell you how I voted. I assumed you knew, then I remembered that green guy. I voted for Mr. Clinton, twice, in spite of my negative visceral reaction to the DLC.

"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by TechNoir on 01-24-03 at 08:09 PM
Oh yeah, and this board does such a fine job of shielding me from those nasty words that are spray painted on the side of my local supermarket, that I am apparently not supposed to know Mr. Morris' last name. I feel so protected.

"Blame DC Scripts"
Posted by AyaK on 01-24-03 at 08:41 PM
TechNoir, the DC Scripts software has the "word censoring" list built in to it, which is what knocked out Dick Morris' first name in my original post (and forced me to edit it). As I learned to my surprise, the censoring feature is not optional.

I presume Webby could write a script that would take it out, but there are always too many more pressing or fun things to do...

"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by samiam on 01-24-03 at 09:23 PM
1. Do you believe homosexuality is morally wrong?

No. I think making judgments on people that are dependent upon what they do in the bedroom -- especially when I think it's a totally natural, biological urge -- is morally wrong.

2. Do you ever personally look at pornography?

Hell, I've MADE pornography. But I would reject this question outright. Simply put, men are more sexually stimulated by visuals than women are. Women, if they want that sort of excitement, are more likely to read some erotica than to look at porn. (And these are, of course, broad generalizations that have exceptions.) Therefore, men are more likely to LOOK AT pornography, and men would be more likely than women to answer yes to this question. So that question is gender-biased. And then there's the additional pressure of admitting to a stranger that you're a perv.

3. Would you look down on someone who had an affair while married?

I think making such blanket judgments about the choices people make without knowing the circumstances is morally wrong. I dislike the wording that I would "look down on" someone for having an affair. An affair is a symptom of a larger problem, and I think they should figure out what that is and remedy it. Of course, if *I* were the one who was cheated on, I would have a larger problem with it. But the diagnosis would still hold true: an affair is a signal that something is wrong and something needs to be done. That something might involve evisceration, though.

4. Do you believe sex before marriage is morally wrong?

No. I think there's something vaguely disturbing about denying yourselves for 2 years, 3 years, however long you date, repeating the mantra of "it's WRONG, it's WRONG, it's WRONG," and then BAM you get a piece of paper and sanctioning from the State, and suddenly, it's FINE. Does this mean I advocate casual sex, which I think is the implication of the question? Absolutely not. Except, you know, if you're really drunk and the guy is really hot.

5. Is religion a very important part of your daily life?

I do not subscribe to any particular religion. I consider myself a rather spiritual person and I am fairly well-versed in the tenets of many different religions and various bits of esoterica, which I do incorporate into my daily life. But again, people are going to skew towards answering this one "yes" because not that many people will admit to a stranger that they are, in fact, a godless heathen.

And I did, in fact, vote for Clinton in 1996.

Ask me who I voted for in 1992.

"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 01-24-03 at 09:39 PM

>And I did, in fact, vote
>for Clinton in 1996.

>Ask me who I voted
>for in 1992.

Let me guess... it was NOT Clinton that you voted for in '92. Just tell me it wasn't Ross Perot.

"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by samiam on 01-24-03 at 10:47 PM
Nope. It was, in fact, Bush the Elder.

Of course, a few months later, I married the drooling psychotic that I like to call the ex-mr. sami, so my entire thought process during that time is highly suspect.

Posted by AyaK on 01-25-03 at 01:07 AM
Actually, I voted for Clinton in '92 as well. I thought Pappy Bush had done a terrible job as President, and I thought Bill Clinton would do better. In fact, I held my nose and voted for Dukakis in '88, because I thought that Pappy Bush would be a terrible President...

By contrast, I think that Bush Jr. has, so far, done pretty well. Someday I'll have to post about the new tax proposal, which is based around one of those theoretical ideas in tax (the dividend exclusion) that all tax academics and tax professionals love because it would clean up a big chunk of the mess in the current tax system ... but that never get enacted into law because they don't make for good sound bites. It's amazing to me that Bush actually listened to people who knew what they were talking about with regard to economics and tax, such as Glenn Hubbard from Columbia, Alvin Warren from Harvard and Michael Graetz from Yale, who have been pushing this plan for twenty years without anyone listening.

"RE: Yikes!"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 01-25-03 at 02:06 PM
It's amazing to me that Bush actually listened to people who knew what they were talking about with regard to economics and tax,

Actually, despite those that call Dubya a moron (among other, less flattering terms), one of Dubya's great strengths is that he DOES seem to listen to people who know what they are talking about, and he surrounds himself with people like that, also. This has been a good thing for the Nation, as Dubya's measured and (IMHO) so-far-correct actions with respect to Sept. 11th and the War On Terrorism can be attributed to this feature.

By way of contrast, Daddy Bush (who I also did not vote for in 1992) did not seem to take good advice, and indeed was surrounded with people who gave him some pretty rotten advice, IMHO.

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by sittem on 01-25-03 at 12:10 PM
My answers skew toward the conservative on these issues. And, faith (not RELIGION) plays a very important part in my daily life. However, in 1996 I voted for Clinton.

Moral issues were a major impediment for me but Clinton, more than any president, made overtures and attempted to build bridges with African Americans and that's where I live, work and worship. That became the overriding issue for us in that election - a president who was willing to stop marginalizing (or at least appeared to be willing to stop) the AA community.

I voted for Bush in 2000.

I did not, nor would I ever vote for Ronald Reagan - no matter who was running against him.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by Swami on 01-25-03 at 12:45 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-26-03 AT 09:49 AM (EST)

Look, an AyaK quiz!

1. Do you believe homosexuality is morally wrong?

No. Sexual exploitation of anyone is morally wrong, otherwise enjoy your sexuality--whatever it may be. Same sex, opposite sex, smelling shoes, wearing diapers--I don't care, so long as no person or animal is exploited.

2. Do you ever personally look at pornography?

Have I ever seen pornography? Well, yeah. Do I "look" at it? Hell no. Most pornography is aimed at turning on men and includes lots of T & A of very stereotypic women. Porno flicks are boring & stupid, including ones that think they are art. However, there is whole field of photography of nudes (I'n not talking Penthouse here, folks) that I consider beautiful. This is what I call Exotica, Sherps.

3. Would you look down on someone who had an affair while married?

I can't answer yes or no to this one. Depends.

4. Do you believe sex before marriage is morally wrong?


5. Is religion a very important part of your daily life?

I am not religious. I do not understand religion. I think the world would be better off without organized religion. Way, way too many people have died or been persecuted in the name of one or another organized religion.

Spirituality, on the other hand, is inherently human behaviour which I do understand. I don't think I am spiritual on a daily basis, but I have had spiritual moments so profound they take my breathe away.

Holding my first born daughter while she was still attached to me by the umbilicus was one of these. I just had this tremendous vision of mothers physical link to their daughters which stretched back over millions of years. It was an epiphany for me, a direct blood-to-blood link with prehistory.

As a young child I befriended an old man who had seen the Transit of Venus in 1898! I was so moved that I had a direct connection to this rare celestial event because he could tell me about it. How wonderful is that? I "saw" it through his eyes!

I guess my answers add up to "Liberal." Which I am. I voted for Clinton twice. I don't look down on him for his stupid affair with Lewinsky, but I would like to whap him over the head with a 2x4 for it. He was politically paralyzed for most of his second term while moralists moralized. What a waste.

I did not vote for Bushie Jr. He seems like a spoiled frat boy who has very limited appreciation of how much his success in life has been given to him by an accident of birth. Before Sept 11 I think he was on his way to being a one-term joke.

Okay, I'm done rambling now.

Edited once for content, and then again because I screwed up the first time & hit the wrong button.


"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by Esbea on 01-25-03 at 12:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-25-03 AT 01:02 PM (EST)

I answered all the questions with the "liberal". *grin* But I never voted for Clinton.
Edited to add that I didnt feel the need to explain my answers. The questions are VERY subjective (ie not everyones would define "pornography' the same way, and the religion/spirituality thing)
-proud to be in the minority percentile

"RE: Morality and Politics"
Posted by thndrkttn on 01-25-03 at 01:04 PM
1. Do you believe homosexuality is morally wrong? Absolutely not. Have many friends and a few family members that are homosexual. However, I do have issues when a straight person is being pursued by a homosexual person tells them they are straight and the homosexual continues to pursue regardless. I have never seen the reverse but I am sure that happens as well.

2. Do you ever personally look at pornography? (Of course this all depends on what you consider pornography.) But to answer the question, HELL YES. DBF lives five hours away. Plus, I am in my early thirties which means I have the same sex drive as an 18 year old boy. Nuff said.

3. Would you look down on someone who had an affair while married? Just as everyone else said, ‘Look down’ isn’t really an accurate way of looking at it. How about ‘agree with or disagree with the concept of an extra-marital affair.’ My answer to that is, total disagreement. An affair almost wrecked my whole family. I am not married so I cannot attest to the pressures and issues of married life but somewhere in the vows isn't there a part that says something to the effect of forsaking all others?

4. Do you believe sex before marriage is morally wrong? Holy cow. Absolutely not. I think sex is such a huge part of a relationship, knowing whether there is some compatibility in that arena is important. Besides, I am 31. I couldn’t imagine having had to wait this long. Why should I be expected to wait ten or twenty years longer just because I wasn’t fortunate enough to find love at an early age?

5. Is religion a very important part of your daily life? No. I won’t pray (let alone out loud), won’t say amen at the dinner table, etc. I go to church on Christmas just because my mother would wring my neck if I didn’t. I find organized religion to be terribly invasive and it makes me very uncomfortable. Leave me alone with my own thoughts and beliefs, and I will leave you alone with yours.

Ah. Now here’s where it gets interesting. I did not vote in 1996 (*whacks self*) but I did vote in 2000 and I actually worked on the McCain and Lazio campaigns. In 2000, I voted for Bush. I found Al Gore to be enormously insipid and found his banality nothing less than exhausting.

I am republican on some issues and very liberal on others. I suppose that’s why I waited so long to choose a party. The idea of limiting myself did not appeal to me. Can anyone really say they are 100% in support of their party and it’s beliefs?

"Y'all won't believe this, but..."
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 01-25-03 at 01:59 PM
Y'all won't believe this, but 2 of my answers are "conservative" and two are "liberal", and one question I'm a bit undecided on, but leaning "liberal".

I won't answer all the questions, you can just guess which ones (that might make a great contest, by the way ), but the once I'm debating is No.3: Would you look down on someone who had an affair while married? The reason I'm undecided is because my answer would be "DOTS" ((d)epends (o)n (t)he (s)ituation).

But since I voted neither Clinton nor Dole in 1996 (I voted for the Libertarian candidate that year), I guess it doesn't matter.

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged