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Forum: DCForumID6
Thread Number: 410
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Original Message
"Apology to Shakes..."

Posted by Survivorerist on 05-11-01 at 04:10 PM
Sorry, shakes. I know you were in chat and you asked if I was there and I didn't respond. I had chat running while I was posting with the radio on and I must not have heard the weird punching sound. I wasn't trying to snub you or anything, I just didn't hear you.




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Messages in this discussion
"Apology NOT accepted!"
Posted by shakes the clown on 05-11-01 at 06:00 PM
How dare you! How dare you fail to respond to my "hello surv, you here?" question in the chatroom! I waited at least 15 seconds for a reply! Do you think a simple apology is gonna give me back those 15 seconds? Of course not! Do you have any idea of all the wonderful things I could do with those 15 seconds, besides the obvious one which is to double the time I spend pleasuring a woman?

You drew first blood! You drew first blood! ADRIANNNNN! (oops, wrong moview)

This is war, and you know what they say about war...besides "what is it good for?" You better kiss your mommy good bye cause the next time she see's your Canadian Cracker Ass its gonna be in a body bag! A body bag, I tell ya!

3:15, that's what time your ass better be in front of the bike racks!

"Them is fightin' Words!"
Posted by Survivorerist on 05-11-01 at 06:09 PM
That does it! My apology has failed to subdue your enormous anger. You have forced me to resort to second plan of action! Prepare yourself, Clown! Here I go...

<gets down on knees> Oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don't hurt me! You've stripped me of my pride and decency, not to mention my lunch money.

Oh pleeeeeeeeease forgive me! <covers head with arm in cowering fear>



"Step back, Clownie!"
Posted by dangerkitty on 05-11-01 at 06:49 PM
That's my little brother your talking to, Paintface! If you wanna mess with him, you gotta get through me first! Yeah, I know who you are...do you know who I am? You'll be face-down in a puddle of your own greasepaint before you can even get your hand around the bulb of your flower-squirter! And you think the smell of ass is so damn funny - wait till you get a whiff of your own, up close and personal. A brown rubber nose won't be quite as cute as a red one, will it?

>you have any idea of
>all the wonderful things I
>could do with those 15
>seconds, besides the obvious one
>which is to double the
>time I spend pleasuring a

Well, now we know why you had that early rejection on LC....


"Nevermind" - Kurt Cobain and Emily Litella

"RE: Step back, Clownie!"
Posted by ItzLisa on 05-13-01 at 09:56 AM
>That's my little brother your talking to, Paintface! If you wanna mess with him, you gotta get through me first!

*** I'll hold your books while you kick his a.ss!! (I'm here to just be your basic second-banana toadie during the schoolyard brawl!)

W.L.S.F.C. - NY chapter

"RE: Apology to Shakes..."
Posted by Cherberrie on 05-12-01 at 09:14 AM
A simple "brb" would have been sufficient. LOL!


"RE: Apology to Shakes..."
Posted by VampKira on 05-12-01 at 01:57 PM
>>>You drew first blood! You drew first blood! ADRIANNNNN<<<<

Blood?? Where?? I don't see it! Lemmie at it! Y'all are conteplating a blood bath, and no one told me!! Arggghhh....


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