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Thread Number: 408
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Original Message
"Monkeyboy is BACK!"

Posted by Monkeyboy on 05-10-01 at 07:52 PM
Howdy everybody!
I have a most sad tale that I survived to tell you!

The day after the final episode of S3, the evil scientists
at the Sand Diego Primtae Center dissected me in search
of the Ebola virus. They found nothing and dumped me in a
heap in a nearby dumpster.
Thanks to the dilligence of Dr. Farnkenstein, I have been
resurrected and I walk the earth again. He stitched me up
and ran 100,000 volts through the shock bolts in my neck.
My first memory was seeing my reflection in his comely assistant's eyes who, strangely enough, looked just like
Terri Garr.

It's good to be back smelling the hyacinths again.

What's Monkeyboy been up to?

This week, Monkeyboy:
- accidentally stepped on several snails!
- realized that 95% of the people on earth are attention whores when they get in front of a rolling camcorder!
- cleaned egg off my car!
- got fooled by Leif once...but not twice!
- saw an two eagles circling over my house!
- started reading the Anne Rice book "Taltos"!
- thought about vampires a lot!
- picked up a lot of dead moths my cat left for me!
- filmed a guy vacuming (sp?)!
- realized that even supermodels have value too!
- planted pole beans and tomatoes!
- made plans to take a supermodel fishing!

How have you guys been doing?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Monkeyboy is BACK!"
Posted by VampKira on 05-10-01 at 07:57 PM
>>- thought about vampires a lot!<,

To quote my post on another OT thread....

OMG! <click> APEFACE!!!


Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: Monkeyboy is BACK!"
Posted by Cherberrie on 05-11-01 at 06:32 AM
Welcome back MonkeyBoy! I missed your furry face around here!


"RE: Monkeyboy is BACK!"
Posted by ItzLisa on 05-11-01 at 07:10 AM
MONKEYSHINES!!!! We missed you so much! Did you get my email?? Welcome back, bud!

W.L.S.F.C. - NY chapter

"RE: Monkeyboy is BACK!"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 05-11-01 at 10:41 AM
If you didn't like the nickname I gave your other character you could have just said so, Monkeyshines!

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: Monkeyboy is BACK!"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 05-11-01 at 02:36 PM
>Thanks to the dilligence of Dr. Farnkenstein
Is that the famous Jewish doctor of Beverly Hills? (I don't know why, but that was my biggest laugh of your tale. )

> The day after the final episode of S3
WHAT?! They already filmed S3--and YOU WERE IN IT?!

We missed you, apeface (and your little typos, too!). Watched a show the other night with "sea monkeys," and thought of you.


"RE: Monkeyboy is BACK!"
Posted by Dalton on 05-12-01 at 01:44 AM
Dalton only returned late Wed. so I didn't know
you were gone but....my week was really good&bad.

Staying away 5 days when you told your dogs it would
just be 3 days is a bummer; cause they "resent" you and
give you "dirty looks" and act like they forgot how to
"MIND"!!! Caretakers spoil them rotten when I'm away!!!

Begged Gardner Person....don't come til Friday. I'm so
tired from Wedding Celebration...but 8AM Friday WHIRL,
MACHINE NOISE.....get up and work outside in the yard
all day...see how badly you can make your back ache!!!

Tomorrow I'm going on a "garden walking tour"...LOL. I'm
taking my 3-legged golf stool and a large amount of scotch
in a designer water bottle!!! (Texas Ladies call any
dark-colored beverage in any type container --- "iced tea".)

Sometime this weekend I'm going to read these dang boards!!!
