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Forum: DCForumID6
Thread Number: 406
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"A brief lesson in board etiquette"

Posted by George Tirebiter on 05-09-01 at 03:54 PM
Mkay kiddies. . . I hate to start a stoopid thread, but there are apparently a few nimrods here who just don't "get it," so I am outlining a few things that have been irritating the hell out of me lately; feel free to flesh this out with your own pet peeves:

DON'T come here to troll for victims for your own lameass projects. We don't care about your moronic surveys, your websites that don't stand an ice cube's chance in hell of making it on their own, your pathetic Survivor rip-offs, or any other sad excuse for feeding your own egos.

DON'T post the same idiotic thread on multiple boards!! You only increase the odds that people will not only respond indifferently or negatively to your cries for attention, but this will exponentially increase the chance of life-threatening flames. I have found myself wanting to kick my own arse for being naïve enough to respond to these threads, then finding they are in fact spam--and then I can't bring myself to bump them again by posting a "shut the hell up, asshole, and take your desperation somewhere far, far away!" update message (hence, this thread!).

DON'T bump your own threads, just because you like seeing your name online. There's been at least one squarenut on the Spoilers who has taken the opportunity to bump the least relevant, most pathetic threads multiple times--in quick sucsession (I'm talking within seconds of each other)! Prime example for limiting posts. . .

DON'T include lots of graphics that slow down loading time for the pages. There's no reason in hell for a thread to add up to over 600K! (And in the case of the Spoilers board, it's okay to make reference to pix already posted--WITHOUT posting the same things AGAIN!) We already went through this crap with gigantic sig pix. Nothing worse than sitting through a horrendous download, only to find it's a batch of totally useless oversized pix--unless it's finding the same damned thread on every other board here! It doesn't take an HTML genius to realize that size matters here. . . Think "geek."

If you don't like someone here, GO AWAY. It's gotten tiresome to read hate mail to Shakes, flames for sleeeeeeve (for having the audacity to spoil, if you can imagine!), or the many other useless exchanges obviously designed only to irritate as many people as possible while boosting the offender's ill-gotten DAW numbers. Is it REALLY preferable to be known as an asshole than someone with something worthwhile to contribute? . . .

SB has become a surprising source of standout wit and humor (yes, I'm kissing up to you--Surv-ist, boomerang, idjutcowpoke, and the long-term regulars), even in this first week of the off-season--but there are also many who seem to think that "off-season" means they're free to post whatever banality they dream up. . . Even "Off-Topic" has its limits! I would much rather be frustrated because my favorites are failing to keep up here over the summer than to be driven away in disgust because what little content IS here is dreck! During the last hiatus, many people got so frustrated with the wait for SII that they found entertainment in attacking each other during the last couple weeks--the way this break is starting out, the bloodletting will last for about 3 1/2 months! (Sorry, Vamps--bloodletting has its place, but I'm referring to misdirected nattering here. . .)

Am I the only one with this bug up my arse? Is it not possible to delete and/or warn off offenders? I'm afraid if I wander around the boards again, I'll find a raft of other irritations, but perhaps it'll be cathartic to the rest of you to add your own gripes.

So? . . .


No, I'm NOT pre-menstrual. . . I'm just written that way!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by VampKira on 05-09-01 at 04:03 PM
Perfect, GT! You said it all! it ticks me off to see all the trolling as well..I don't think I have anything to add, except..well... Nuttin' I guess...

>>No, I'm NOT pre-menstrual. . . I'm just written that way!<<

Buwwaahh! Loves ya!


Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by desert_rhino on 05-09-01 at 04:25 PM
Is it REALLY preferable to be known as an asshole than someone with something worthwhile to contribute?

I'm afraid to ask which of these *I* fall under. {grin}

-- JV

Look out for the Camo-Rhino!

"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by Drive My Car on 05-09-01 at 04:27 PM
Gotta agree on most of your points George, except for the BUG up you arse thing. Yikes!! No thanks.

EBug - who feels in need of a shower

"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by LIZZLOVER on 05-09-01 at 04:36 PM
I agree with most points, I think. What prompted you to share your vision of board ettiquitte with the rest of us? I haven't seen much of any of what you described around here recently.

Was it because you are going to try and curb the flaming, attacking problems before they start? I haven't seen much, if any, of that so far. I recently started a thread that was graphic intensive. It was part of the joke, so pics had to be included. I'm sorry if I slowed your computer down, but mine works just fine. I'll try not to do that again.

I apologize if I'm the one that caused you to have to write down the board rules for all of us. I'm not used to the Off Topic board, but I met some interesting people on the Spoiler board, and was hoping to do the same here.

Lizz Just Was

"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by dabo on 05-09-01 at 04:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-09-01 AT 05:25 PM (EST)

The jerk who was asking for it was Phil Phlegm.

edited to add: I would direct you to his posts but I am hoping Webby will delete them.

"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by ItzLisa on 05-09-01 at 07:52 PM

>The jerk who was asking for it was Phil Phlegm.
edited to add: I would direct you to his posts but I am hoping Webby will delete them.

***dabo, unfortunately that horrible person is still over on bashers. I emailed the link to Webby to get rid of him, but it's still there, and he gets more and more horrible with every post! Hope Webby sees it soon.

W.L.S.F.C. - NY chapter

Bubbles: "Er, um, excuse me? Mr. Monster? I was wondering if you would, er, be so kind as to stop destroying Townsville? We like our town very, very much and I would appreciate it if you would just leave. Pretty please with sugerlumps on top?"

"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by LIZZLOVER on 05-09-01 at 08:42 PM
Dabo and Itz, you are right!! Somehow this Phlegm guy has flown under my radar. I think I saw his vote a couple of times, but it wasn't offensive. After going to the Basher board, I found out exactly what you were talking about. He's one sick puppy!

At least I only posted a non-vulgar, yet graphic-intensive thread. I hope I am not considered in the same class as that freak!

I realize everyone here knows one another. I'm like the new kid in school that doesn't really know anyone. It's a "feeling out" process on my behalf (and I don't mean that in an inappropriate manner).


Posted by dabo on 05-10-01 at 01:42 AM
Just checked around, Phil's posts have been deleted. Thank you, Webby!

"RE: Phlegm"
Posted by ItzLisa on 05-10-01 at 10:44 AM
>Just checked around, Phil's posts have been deleted. Thank you, Webby!

*** I saw that too!!! WEBBY RULES!!! I love it here!

W.L.S.F.C. - NY chapter

Bubbles: "Er, um, excuse me? Mr. Monster? I was wondering if you would, er, be so kind as to stop destroying Townsville? We like our town very, very much and I would appreciate it if you would just leave. Pretty please with sugerlumps on top?"

"RE: It's new sig"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 05-10-01 at 03:28 PM
Any thoughts about the new sig I had given you. You didn't even thank me for it. What the heck is going on here? I feel jilted or something like that. Just because Tirekisser doesn't like it, doesn't mean you can't use it, does it? Maybe Batsy could make up a little dancing Minelli for you, what about it Batsy?

Just asking, that's all.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 05-09-01 at 05:43 PM
LL--actually, finding your huge post on every board DID prompt me to expound in this negative way (you couldn't just post a link to the original thread?). . . but it was only the last straw, after finding several attempts at trolling in the last few weeks--and especially since the show's finale. We've also had a raft of people who seem to post only venom or self-serving tripe (Bump! is a worthwhile thought? I hate Shakes--just because!? . . .), as well as the universally-hated tamia/supessis/other frauds.

We at the OT are especially proud of our no-holds-barred rulez, but the fact is, there IS a limit to what's acceptable, even here. If you want to get silly, stupid, ridiculous, boring, ask advice, spout off, brag, wrassle with your best buddy/arch-enemy, kiss ass, kick ass, etc. etc. etc.--this IS the place to do it! We welcome anarchy and craziness here! Every board here has a purpose, and you will rarely find a topic worthy of posting in more than one forum--and this one is definitely for the crap that doesn't fit in anywhere else! But I think I can speak for everyone here when I say that we do have a bit of pride about the fact that we are an especially intelligent, creative group of old farts, and the pre-teen antics just don't go over well here. . . (C'mon, people--if you don't qualify as an Old Fart by the calendar, you've got to admit you might fall in that category philosophically. . .) So I invite anyone who's more interested in promoting their lameass website or flinging turds from the anonymous safety of their bedroom to head over to their nearest gAy-Oh-eL chatroom and target the other losers--and leave SB alone! I find their antics tiresome and counterproductive to our Good Time. . . (Can you see me? I'm pulling down my pants to taunt you!)

I haven't wasted a lot of time on other MBs, but I feel secure in feeling that we've amassed an unusually erudite group here--who else can claim such luminaries as AK (diplomat par excellence), Shakes (that whoring clown. . .), Superman (Letterman writer without equal), sleeeeeeve (I suspect his huge brain requires a neck brace. . .), IDC (a medieval lit expert, no less!), Survivorerist (Jack-of-all-trades), IceCat (I don't believe the mullethead rumours!), CJ (just scary), BA (wall-pisser and published writer--must pay his editor a fortune to correct those typos!), Leif (our resident--if lately standoffish--asshole), and ALL the Basher Babes? (And rest assured, my list is only this long because I'm too tired to make the effort to include everyone who really deserves mention. . .) The jerks are actually a miniscule minority here--but they are a major pain in the arse.

My goal in spouting off this way was not to target anyone specifically, but as an attempt to nip the crapola in the bud. And as fair warning for the frenzy I will surely launch into, the next time someone dares to ask for victims for their next half-assed project, faking their way to a B- in sociology class. . .

(And if Dalton--who only a week ago was bemoaning the prospect of losing track of all her buddies here--would bother to drop in once in a while, I'm sure she would join me in opening up this particular can of whup-ass! Where ARE you, sistah?!)


"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by LIZZLOVER on 05-09-01 at 06:00 PM
GT, once again, I meant no harm, and understand where you are coming from. I guess I am a "nimrod". However, I DID NOT post the full message on all the boards. I did put a link to the original post. Go back and take another look, and you will see that I'm right. I even deleted the link off the Fanatics board to please you.

I was just having (what I thought)was a little harmless fun. I didn't mean to ruffle any feathers.


"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by Drive My Car on 05-09-01 at 06:47 PM
You were Ok L.L
I think she just want to nip things in the bud.

You did fine, especially since you know not everyone comes to the off topic.


"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by Cherberrie on 05-09-01 at 09:18 PM
I think I might of even posted something to your thread in the basher board (cause it didn't belong there). No biggie...just don't let it happen again! *wink*


"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by VampKira on 05-09-01 at 09:22 PM
Poor LL.... *smile* I TOO once posted to him on Spoilers that his post didn't belong there. *giggle*

LL, hon... Consider yourself offically welcomed to OT!


Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by LIZZLOVER on 05-09-01 at 09:42 PM
Thanks, Vamp! You are too cool! I've learned another valuable lesson today. I think it's starting to sink in now. I have tried to change my ways from those earlier days, and have even come to admire Shakes (not as much as you, but I'm trying! ) I'm a lizzLOVER, not a FIGHTER.

By the way, IMHO I think you need to flash us that black and white Vamp photo from time to time. I haven't seen it for awhile!


"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 05-09-01 at 10:01 PM
Poor boy. . . it was unfortunate you had to follow up a string of bad eggs--but you have redeemed yourself in that you were cognizant of the fact that you may have done something amiss, refrained from taking a defensive/offensive posture, and were willing to stay around 'til everyone seems on the same page. I hereby officially un-dub you a "nimrod."

And for my part, when I saw your thread on another forum, I thought to see what the other responses were but the page wouldn't load, so I gave up; I assumed you'd re-posted the entire thing, and we all know what happens when we do that. . . (Let it not be forgotten that he did call me ass!--from one of my favorite movies. . . pardon me. . .)

You have survived your baptism of fire, LL, and if we can ever move onto sillier topics, you will finally see what fun the OT can be! (And just like those lame-o fraternity hazings, you can join in the fray and perpetuate the insanity, next time someone more deserving of our ire dares to tread upon our beloved hangout!)


"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by LIZZLOVER on 05-09-01 at 10:49 PM
Thanks, GT! I felt I was rode hard and put away wet earlier in the day, but I am feeling better as the day has progressed (props to Vamp with her kind words and the PIC *wink*). Yes, I know the rules now, and will do my best to adhere to them.

I knew when you posted this it was aimed at me, but I refrained from going postal! As it turns out, that was for the best. For one thing, I don't know how to post on multiple boards (without attaching a link) and there was NO WAY I was going to type that thing out and attach all those pic links over and over again!!

I look forward to hanging out here while we wait for S3, and I promise that if I post a graphic-intensive thread, I will give you fair warning ahead of time!

By the way, you don't live in the Keys do you? I'm headed there for 3 weeks on May 26th. Perhaps I could buy you a Rumrunner to make up for my faux pass!


"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 05-10-01 at 09:17 AM
Sorry--Gulf coast, not Keys. (And I'm afraid the people who should really make amends are not likely to. . . but thanks for the offer.)

Dalton--welcome home! We missed you! (And why do I get the feeling you're the life of the party, no matter how strange it gets?)

And now that we've all vented thoroughly, could someone post a more entertaining thread? I grow weary of my tirade, and I think I'm pretty much preaching to the choir here.


"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by moonbaby on 05-09-01 at 10:02 PM
Thanks GT! You just about covered it. I prefer to ignore out and out idiocy-anyone who's trolling, being way over the line vulgar or attacking posters is just looking for attention-of any kind. It is difficult to let it go when it is especially offensive, but I wonder if it would make the random moron who crawls out from under a rock now and then go away faster if no one bothered to reply. Thank you again for your Emily post

"RE: DALTON has an excuse and alibi and back-up witness...."
Posted by Dalton on 05-10-01 at 02:54 AM
Hi GT...and others...sigh, I read this whole thread which
was at the top of OT when I finally returned...sooooo glad
I missed the boring, crazy bad stuff. Afraid to even "peek"
at the Basher Board now....lol.

EXCUSE: I had to leave town at dawn Sat. May 5 to attend
a wedding in Sedona, AZ. The "plan" was to be back home in
3 days...by late Mon. May 7. (The "plan" included 23 friends/relatives and a good time, yada, yada.)

ALIBI: The private plane trip w/major thunderstorms was
to BARF for but tornados are really pretty when viewed
from the air; the wedding was something from a BAD Robert
Altman movie but the "accomodations" were generous and
those New Age/Crystal-Worshipers/Dot.com/Desert Lizard-Loving
people REALLY know how to throw a humdinger of a reception!!
Monday...the day we were to fly home...is a blurrrr of good
Native American plants, a massage, jucuzzi time and silly
old stories; oh and we cancelled the plane. Wed. May 9 --
It was FIVE DAYS, instead of three, and "real life" hit so
we flew home.

Back-Up Witness: Our unofficial greeter who *I* know everyone
trusts....was given the beforehand odeous duty of knowing my
"whereabouts"....to be used at her descretion; but only if
some idjut posted my "death notice/vile rumor crapola".

Obviously, Dalton wasn't "needed" in this thread.
I have limited patientence with "crapola". I may post some
replies that are stupid or silly or very teasing. I admit
I DO FLAME people; because they need it to go away asap OR
because they really piss me off on something. I hardly EVER
start a thread myself. HINT: If the "Subject" line of a
thread does not "grab my interest or attention" I never click
it....so maybe alot of junk happens here that I know nothing
about which is; guess what??? Hunky Dory w/ME!!

Ok, it's Thur. May 10...1:45am. I'm home...I'm really tired...
my dog's are mad at me...may see you'll later if I ever get
caught up sleepwise.

Dalto" "
(see: too pooped to type " ")

"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by Cherberrie on 05-09-01 at 09:20 PM

Am I the only one with this bug up my arse?

Nope! Thanks for the reminder!


"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by VampKira on 05-09-01 at 09:53 PM
>>>>By the way, IMHO I think you need to flash us that black and white Vamp photo from time to time. I haven't seen it for awhile!<<<<<

Ask, and ye shall recieve...


Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by desert_rhino on 05-09-01 at 10:05 PM

-- JV

"Poking a rhino with a stick. Er, well... something along those lines, anyhow..."

"RE: A brief lesson in board etiquette"
Posted by LIZZLOVER on 05-09-01 at 10:27 PM
YEAH!!! That's what I'm talking about!! *wink* *giggle*

Thanks again, Vamp..that's what I needed


"I was just thinking about that pic..."
Posted by IceCat on 05-09-01 at 11:47 PM
Damn... definitely worth losing a soul over

I'll say it again...


"RE: I was just thinking about that pic..."
Posted by desert_rhino on 05-10-01 at 00:59 AM
Eh, you can't take a soul out and look at it. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if I were you. You'll never even know it's gone.


-- JV

Icarus steps out to collect a few more before bedtime.

"I'll try to watch myself"
Posted by Art Vandelay on 05-10-01 at 05:50 PM
As a new guy here, I've already gotten attacked a few times.
I don't think I've broken any of your etiquette rules yet
and I'll try not to.
This place is more serious than a lot of boards.
I guess I should watch what I say or else I'll get
more flames directed at me.

"RE: I'll try to watch myself"
Posted by VampKira on 05-10-01 at 06:00 PM
I think you're doing just fine Art.. hmm.. Gonna have to think of a nick name for you...


Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

Posted by LIZZLOVER on 05-10-01 at 08:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-10-01 AT 08:16 PM (EST)

Vamp, did you think of "ass" when you wrote NICK name?

Here's my submission for ARt VANdelay

ARVAN the Aardvark (does anyone besides me remember him?!)


I don't like the drugs, but the drugs like me!

p.s. : If you get a chance guys, stop by the Fanatics board and take a gander at the "Amber Mooning Varner" video I posted earlier today. There how's that for board etiqutte? I didn't post on multiple boards. See, I'm learning GT.

"RE: Nickname"
Posted by ItzLisa on 05-11-01 at 02:23 PM

>Here's my submission for ARt VANdelay
*** Noooo, don't play around with his screenname - it's perfect! I love it - I'm a HUGE Seinfeld fan!

W.L.S.F.C. - NY chapter

"RE: I'll try to watch myself"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 05-10-01 at 06:08 PM
Mr. Wannabee Kramer, (yeah, that's your nickname, Art) you attacked me on your fourth post, remember. What was that all about anyway? By golly, that was pretty brave of you.

Just asking, that's all.

Some nicknames I did think of before Mr. Wannabee Kramer
-Go to Art's Van for a Lay
-Artsy Fartsy Lay
-Hire George Costanza, please
-Delay the Art Van

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: I'll try to watch myself"
Posted by VampKira on 05-10-01 at 06:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-10-01 AT 06:15 PM (EST)

OMG <click> Leifsy.. You are cracking me up! We sure have missed you 'round here! *big bat hug*
I like all of your nicknames.. But I feel that he will always be Mr.Wannabe Kramer to you..

Edit: typos and.. Leif.. get my mail?


Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: I'll try to watch myself"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 05-10-01 at 06:29 PM
Go get yours.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: I'll try to watch myself"
Posted by Ronnet on 05-10-01 at 06:29 PM
>Some nicknames

Art VanGo

*** Go Lakers & L. A. Kings ***

"RE: I'll try to watch myself"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 05-10-01 at 06:32 PM
Good one Bonnet, Bellingham????????? Windmills???????

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: I'll try to watch myself"
Posted by Ronnet on 05-10-01 at 06:34 PM
Got my ticket and I'm packing my bags...

*** Go Lakers & L. A. Kings ***

"RE: I'll try to watch myself"
Posted by VampKira on 05-10-01 at 06:43 PM
>>Go get yours.<<
Yeah?? Well back at you again, Viking... Awful bossy ain't ya????!


Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: I'll try to watch myself"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 05-10-01 at 07:00 PM
>Got my ticket and I'm packing
>my bags...

If you want me to pick you up I will need the date of arrival, flight number and a picture so I can find who I am picking up. And don't forget your putter.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"LA Sports"
Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 05-10-01 at 07:02 PM
>*** Go Lakers & L. A. Kings ***

The Kings went last night, courtesy of the Colorado Avalanche (the adopted team of all Boston hockey fans due to the presence of Ray Bourque).

However, the Lakers look like a pretty good choice to go all the way again, unless Tim Duncan has some anti-Shaq-Fu moves saved up. Chris Webber doesn't appear to have any!

"More on etiquette!"
Posted by Monkeyboy on 05-10-01 at 07:30 PM
I final bit from the Official "Cyber book of etiquette!":

Section 24, ARTICLE 17, Paragraph7:
"All newbies must present the monkey with a banana, rub his tummy, and prepare him a gin martini...shaken not stirred!"

Just quoting...that's all!

"No Soup For You!!!"
Posted by Drive My Car on 05-10-01 at 07:46 PM
Who Ya Teasin'?


"RE: No Soup For You!!!"
Posted by VampKira on 05-10-01 at 07:53 PM
OMG <click> APEFACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: More on etiquette; MonkeyMan often gets Zoo "
Posted by Dalton on 05-11-01 at 01:29 AM
Regulations confused with internet information/terms
because, truth is...the keepers have let him play
with computers waaay tooo long now. He goes ApeSh!t
without his puter...so...Blows is lucky to have a
resident "missing link". LOL.

>I final bit from the Official
>"Cyber book of etiquette!":
>Section 24, ARTICLE 17, Paragraph7:
>"All newbies must present the monkey
>with a banana, rub his
>tummy, and prepare him a
>gin martini...shaken not stirred!

YEAH Monkeyboy, ya poop-slinging trouble maker; Right, sure thing!

But....didn't your banana already get "bent" once this season?

After you let that dreaded "T" person rub your tummy; didn't
all the Basher Babes refuse to even pat your head until you were
vacinated again??? ICKY.

Are you still claiming the IRS is after you?? Oh, and do you
have any monkeybutlers left??

PS. Why don't ya tell the Viking his new sig pic isn't as
"manly" as his old one...that should start a skirmish. AND
that now the whole frigging board is using Leif's lame "just asking" type lines.....inc. me&you...how annoying is that?? LOL

"RE: LA Sports"
Posted by LIZZLOVER on 05-10-01 at 10:01 PM
Sorry to disagree with your Avalanche choice, Ayak. Here in ST. LOU we bleed BLUE, so I have to go with the BLUES in this series, for obvious reasons.

I have to admit that without Forsberg in the CO lineup makes me salivate just a little! But, to give props to Boston (besides Lizz), we were pretty upset here that we didn't try to land Bourque when we had the chance!! He's a class act..no if's, and's or but's about it!

By the way, what's up with those Twins??!! Who would have thought they'd be ahead of the Tribe at this point (at least at last glance)?


Posted by true on 05-11-01 at 11:48 AM
I too bleed BLUE


"RE: LA Sports"
Posted by Survivorerist on 05-11-01 at 06:04 PM
Here is the way I pick the team I'm gonna root for...

1) The Ottawa Senators

2) Any Canadian Team

3) Team with the cutest logo OR The Team with my favourite player

As you can see, my number one pick is gone (damn Toronto), so onto number 2.

You would normally expect Toronto to be here, but they beat Ottawa. So, therefore, I hate them. That brings us to number 3...

The first part (i.e. cutest logo) eliminates any team with a logo that is a letter.

This leaves St. Louis and Pittsburgh. You must understand that this caused a little bit of contemplation, that is the great LeMieux vs. Pronger debate. In the end...

I chose Pittsburgh because Mario is so much cooler. Also, I have both him and Martin Straka in a hockey pool so that finalized my decision.

Jagr and Kovalev rock too!



"Go Avs!"
Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 05-11-01 at 09:26 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-01 AT 09:26 PM (EST)

Who's going to win the West? The St. Louis Blues? No way. Avs and Devils in the finals (sorry, Mario and Jagomir)!

'Course I also picked Colby to win it all...

LL, I have to admit ... I have both Eric Milton and Brad Radke in fantasy baseball, so I like the Twins' fast start. But the Tribe caugh up with the 10-game win streak, and by next week Minnesota will be looking up at Cleveland again.

Posted by true on 05-12-01 at 09:18 AM
NO, NO, NO...

No disrespect intended but... The Finals need some new BLUE blood.


"RE: I'll try to watch myself"
Posted by BluSavana on 05-10-01 at 07:56 PM
Why don't u just call him George CantStandYa...BluSavana

God bless the Army!

Stop eye-balling me Recruit Lemon!

"RE: I'll try to watch myself"
Posted by VampKira on 05-10-01 at 07:59 PM
>>Why don't u just call him George CantStandYa...<,

Blu.....Please don't....


Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: I'd call him..."
Posted by desert_rhino on 05-10-01 at 08:34 PM

-- JV

OMG! {click} It's so SOFT and CUDDLY!!

"RE: I'd call him..."
Posted by Monkeyboy on 05-11-01 at 01:54 AM

Hey now JV...what was that?
I thought we were friends?
What happened?

"RE: I'd call him..."
Posted by desert_rhino on 05-11-01 at 09:45 AM
I was talking about wART VanDelay...

-- JV

"RE: Batsy, Attention Batsy"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 05-11-01 at 10:48 AM
I have been humiliated by a Doll, so if you don't mind, could you find me a new and updated sig. Moving parts would be appreciated. Please.

Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: Batsy, Attention Batsy"
Posted by VampKira on 05-11-01 at 10:53 AM
I'm on it, Leifsy.....

Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"I have created a monster!"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 05-11-01 at 01:56 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-01 AT 02:00 PM (EST)

You people KNOW I hate having to load long threads! (I HAVE found that OSX does load everything super-fast, but so far I have to stay in 9.1 so my peripherals work. . . ) Sheesh. And now I have to comment on all the crap that's been thrown around since I was last here:

LL--First of all, this is a graphic depiction of what happens in OT--NOTHING stays on-topic! What a sorry lack of attention spans we all possess. Second of all, where in the hell did the "bleeding blue" thing come from?! That was further out in left field than I usually go (did you have two replies going at once?).*** And the only blue I know is Cubbies blue--and even Shakes can't make sh¡t of that, at this point in the season!

Monkeyboy!--Where the hell have you been hiding?! Have you been licking your wounds all this time?

Itz--You will never be Liza Minelli, so don't fall for Leif's oddball fantasy. The fizzy cereal girls are YOU.

Vamps--I hope you're charging big money for saving these lazy people an extra 15 minutes searching for their own GIFs!

Everyone--It is especially hard to come up with a nickname for a pseudonym, isn't it? I tend to think shorter is better (is that not the main point of a nickname?), but that makes plain old "Fart" the obvious choice--probably too mundane for this lot (I happen to have an Uncle Art, and I can't see the poor guy without hearing the "beans" rhyme in my head). Fart--er. . . Art, if you want to avoid being saddled with something ridiculous, you will add a sig that may prevent that (but if you fail, rest assured that being given a nickname here is a sign of acceptance and endearment). And so far I haven't seen any indication that you are destined for flamedom, so relax!

Now. . . will somebody please start a NEW thread?!!!


***Edited to add: DIRP! I missed AK's post about sports (should I have asked HIM where that came from?)

"RE: I have created a monster!"
Posted by LIZZLOVER on 05-11-01 at 02:19 PM
The sports comments were in response to AK's post about the L.A. teams.

Bleeding Blue is what we do here for our beloved Blues hockey team.

I see what you mean about our pitiful attention spans though!


"Oh Look! A butterfly..."
Posted by IceCat on 05-11-01 at 05:28 PM
Hee hee...

"RE: Oh Look! A butterfly..."
Posted by George Tirebiter on 05-11-01 at 06:09 PM
Yes, this IS much better!

Awwwww. . . isn't it pretty?


"RE: Oh Look! A butterfly..."
Posted by George Tirebiter on 05-11-01 at 06:11 PM
OH,CRAP! You got me to bump this damned thread again!! I couldn't resist the butterfly!

Wily cat. . .


"RE: Oh Look! A butterfly..."
Posted by LIZZLOVER on 05-11-01 at 07:04 PM
Well, GT, I'm afraid this post isn't going to go away anytime soon. Looks like this thread will be the common meeting place for us this summer!

On the positive side though, at least we will be reminded of the etiquette rules everytime we come here. I may need a refresher course from time to time, as the alcohol-induced demons take over my brain.

Damn this addictive personality disorder!!!


I don't like the drugs, but the drugs like me!

"RE: Oh Look! A butterfly..."
Posted by desert_rhino on 05-11-01 at 08:09 PM
{whacks nose on pole, distracted by the "pretty, pretty..."}

(Or maybe I just stumbled after the lemonade and Absolut.)

-- JV

Icarus steps out for a nice drinkie-poo.