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Thread Number: 398
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"Hey, Am I late? Did Survivor II Start Yet?"

Posted by SuperPole2000 on 05-05-01 at 09:21 AM
-peeks around- Lol.... just wanted to say hi to all my friends from the last go around. Miss you guys and sorry I wasn't here this time... -waves at Kira, BA, Ebug, Cherberrie, Superman, Dalton, Dangerboy, Irish Eyes, AK, coughLeifcough, monkeyboy and last but not least SB- Will be back for Survivor III. -promises- loves ya all, Jeff

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Hey, Am I late? Did Survivor II Start Yet?"
Posted by VampKira on 05-05-01 at 09:26 AM



Funny post, honey.. LOLOL.. Did Survivor 2 start yet! *giggle* We have missed you! Sheesh! Cuz of not having your SuperPole here this past season... We couldn't catch no damn fish for our SB Tribe.. So all we had was rice fer crissakes! (cha ching) Look at us!! Starving and emancipated and such.. *smile* Bastage Bosley!!

Seriously, Jeff.. We've missed ya! Look forward to having you back with us next year!

Luv, Kira ( aka SpamKira) LOL

"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before." -Mae West
Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: Hey, Am I late? Did Survivor II Start Yet?"
Posted by Cherberrie on 05-05-01 at 09:46 AM
OMG! <click> OMG! <click> OMG! <click> OMG! <click> OMG! <click>

Hehehehehe...I just realized you don't even know what "OMG! <click>" means! So, Superpole, tell us SB-addicts how it feels to "have a life!" LOL!


"RE: Hey, Am I late? Did Survivor II Start Yet?"
Posted by Drive My Car on 05-05-01 at 12:39 PM
Jeff You NUT!!!

Did you avoid us all this time, just to tell this joke?
The show may be over, but we are still here.
And there is still life in the Bar.


"RE: Hey, Am I late? Did Survivor II Start Yet?"
Posted by Irisheyes on 05-05-01 at 08:36 PM
POLE!!!! What the hell happened to you, were you kidnapped by the Mole?

I c an't believe it's you! Where have you been hiding yourself! Come out and play sometime

We have all missed you and you better come back for S3

Colby Rules!

Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 05-07-01 at 09:44 PM
Hey, SP2000, long time no see! Glad you made your way back, if only for a moment. I was thinking about the SB posters who were here for S1 but missed S2, and the five most prominent were, <clears throat> in no particular order <alphabetical>, biancasequineescort, dangerboy, LoudMouthLee, Me-Lissa, and you!

Posted by Monkeyboy on 05-10-01 at 07:59 PM
I haven't chatted with you since...I can't remember when.
Glad you're back!
Stick around 'cause we're still fun!

Posted by Minstrel on 05-11-01 at 01:42 AM
Superpole! What happened?! Glad to see you back and hope you can stay around this time! We got plenty of time if you want to tell us the what's been going on! Adventure, fame, riches, and happiness!!!!