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Thread Number: 397
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Original Message
"Eye in the Sky News Guide May 5, 2001"

Posted by Kismet on 05-05-01 at 08:04 AM

Eye In The Sky

News Guide May 5, 2001
Good Morning Survivor Blows. Let's begin with some humor to get your day rolling. We start off with Cherberrie's "Top Ten 'realities' in Survivor" post.

We need to give a shout out to Rudy Rules. He won tickets to a CBS affiliate finale party with Gervase Thursday night. He correctly guessed the Kel boot because of our spoiler board. During his interview he mentioned this board, and even though it was edited out he deserves some points for whoring. Kudo's RudyRules!

What was your favorite Bash? Did you post somthing that was Blowie worthy? Bring it back to our attention on Dangerkitty's thread:

Yes folks, we have several Leif/BadAs flames to announce. The first one is for our history buffs:

These next two are recent volleys and minor skirmishes:

Post your greatest and worst spoiler moments. Relive the glory and humiliation of the spoiler board on AyaK's "Confessions and Boasts":

If you love flames, and I know you do, you must check out Shakes the clown's new Flame Retrospective:


Just a reminder: This thread is designed for breaking news, and or discussion of said news. There is no need to email me with information, just go ahead and post. What do you think of the new logo?

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Eye in the Sky News Guide May 5, 2001"
Posted by Cherberrie on 05-05-01 at 08:51 AM

Great job, Kismet!

I just wanted to take a moment to send some kudos your way, Kismet. Everyday I read your column to see what's going on. Your column is excellent and it looks like a lot of work goes into it everyday (i.e., reading posts, organizing them for the column, finding/creating artwork, writing HTML). GREAT JOB!!!


"RE: Eye in the Sky News Guide May 5, 2001"
Posted by VampKira on 05-05-01 at 08:59 AM
I agree with Cher Kis... Excellent.. EXCELLENT work!

"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before." -Mae West
Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"Thank you!"
Posted by Kismet on 05-05-01 at 02:15 PM
Thank you both very much. I am truly enjoying it. I am trying to learn html, and this is an excellent place to do that. I am stuck at home a lot. When my husband isn't working, he's performing, and he takes our one working car. I have a one and two year old that would drive me completely insane if I didn't have a project. This just happens to be my latest project. I am trying to learn html, and this is an excellent place to do that. I am just thankful to have found a place like this to play with.

BTW- Thank you to whomever is rating my posts. Umm how do you rate posts? I have looked all over the screen and can't find where to do it.


"RE: Thank you!"
Posted by VampKira on 05-05-01 at 02:17 PM
Right at the bottom of the last post It is written in red..It says "rate this topic"

Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: Thank you!"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 05-05-01 at 02:38 PM
Yeah, what they said.

And order yourself a book (something for beginners--Sam's Learn HTML in 10 Minutes or one of those "dummies" books)(By the way, Sam lied about the 10 minutes part--but it is an easy reference for the basic stuff.)

I have noticed a rapid increase in quality here, so the kiddies must be napping a lot (or else they're sitting in their own filth much of the day. . . ). You've been a quick study!

The way everyone's been suffering from their post-Survivor hangovers, you may want to switch to a once-a-week format, however, until things pick up again.

And I always rate people I know/like a 10.


"RE: Thank you!"
Posted by Survivorerist on 05-05-01 at 03:01 PM
>>>And I always rate people I know/like a 10.<<<

Do you know and/or like me?

By the way Kis, I'm loving this news thingie!



"RE: Thank you!"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 05-05-01 at 03:23 PM
>Do you know and/or like me?
LOL. Well enough, Surv-ist, well enough. (Plus, you've got the guilt factor working for you, since I've helped screw up more than one of your threads!) Any guy brave enough to venture in the midst of us OT/Basher Babes deserves a 10, right off the bat!


"RE: Thank you!"
Posted by Kismet on 05-05-01 at 03:35 PM
First of all Vamp thank you and don't I feel like and idiot? I just never saw it/scrolled down that far. DUH!


>I have noticed a rapid increase
>in quality here, so the
>kiddies must be napping a
>lot (or else they're sitting
>in their own filth much
>of the day. . .
>). You've been a quick

Actually I don't need a book, my husband teaches computer classes. Confession time- He wrote up a template of sorts for me, while I'm learning. (Yes It's like cheating, but I don't care!)The kids wake up at the crack of dawn and normally quietly watch vidoeo's for about an hour in the morning. I normally write up most of the news guide the night before so I only have to update it for the overnight(i.e. Vamp & Superman)posts. We live in a tiny apartment, so it is easy for me to sit down for a few minutes and read (I have always been a speed reader). Posting is another story, which is why I don't do it all that much.

>The way everyone's been suffering from
>their post-Survivor hangovers, you may
>want to switch to a
>once-a-week format, however, until things
>pick up again.
>And I always rate people I
>know/like a 10.

I was planning on doing that actually. I plan to do a newsguide only when the previous thread gets too big. How many posts is too big do you think? I have a cable modem and a pretty good computer so I don't ever have a problem loading pages. Thank you GT.


"RE: Thank you!"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 05-05-01 at 11:52 PM
>How many posts is too big do you think?
I have a very good computer, but I'm presently stuck at 56K, and it might as well be 13. . . Sometimes, very short threads (like this one, when it had all of 4 posts. . .) will take forty tries to get to load, other times, I'll accidentally hit a "View All" and wind up with 56 posts with no problem in very short order. (Yes, it is a pisser!) In general, once they get to be around 20-40 posts, I am very hesitant to bother loading the whole mess--and definitely reluctant to slog through it post by post. (And it's REALLY a pisser when I go ahead and find out what all the brouhaha is--only to find it's Vamps and Supe having PG-rated cybersex for 1284 posts! )

So how long should you go? I dunno. . . maybe when people stop kissing your arse, it's time to start a new one?

(And eBug--you cracked me up! hunger and permanent markers. . . Luckily, my kids are old enough that I can say, "Okay, kiddies--you've earned Nintendo privileges!" and I'm set for hours! )


"RE: Thank you!"
Posted by VampKira on 05-06-01 at 00:11 AM
>>>And it's REALLY a pisser when I go ahead and find out what all the brouhaha is--only to find it's Vamps and Supe having PG-rated cybersex for 1284 posts! )<<<

Oh, GT!.. But it is SOOO much more than that..lol PG? I guess that means Kokoro was old enough to visit the thread after all... *wink*

Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: Eye in the Sky News Guide May 5, 2001"
Posted by Drive My Car on 05-05-01 at 03:32 PM
Our Kismet is a true and talented Woman, who makes great sacrifices for our enjoyment. While creating her News program her husband goes hungry (she forgets to thaw something for dinner) and her toddlers play with permanent markers.
We all owe a great deal of gratitude to this fine person.

(love ya baby)

"Update Solution etc."
Posted by Kismet on 05-06-01 at 08:36 AM
Actually, ebug.. Talking to you made me forget to thaw the chicken. Attempting to chat in the daytime allowed my son to find the one permanent marker we have in the house.

Y'all don't owe me crap. When I get bored with this I'm outta here! Of course, it takes so little to entertain me that probably won't happen.

GT thanks for the advice. I will do a new news guide when this thread hits 25 or when my ego needs a boost. (Damn you! The kissing my arse comment got me to laughing too hard, and alerted the children to my present location!)

Ebug had the best analogy for this board I've ever heard. She said it was like high school(though personally I feel it's more like college). You hang out with friends, gossip about who likes who, study occasionaly(spoilers), and go to fun parties(chat). The regulars are like the popular older kids, or the guys who are in their thirties and haven't even chosen a major yet. I am like the freshmen transfer student. I just have one question. When is hell week and what fraternity do I join?

Love you all,

"RE: Update Solution etc."
Posted by Survivorerist on 05-06-01 at 09:07 AM
>>>Ebug had the best analogy for this board I've ever heard. She said it was like high school(though personally I feel it's more like college).<<<

Oh, I agree with you completely. That's pretty funny (yet cool)...

>>>gossip about who likes who<<<

Hehehe...<whispers various rumours in Kis' ear>

>>>and go to fun parties(chat).<<<

Toga! Toga! Toga!

>>>The regulars are like the popular older kids, or the guys who are in their thirties and haven't even chosen a major yet<<<


>>>I am like the freshmen transfer student<<<

And you're already editor of the Campus paper! I'll gladly continue to guide you around Campus if need-be...

>>>what fraternity do I join?<<<

There's always openings in Omega Lambda Omicron if you're interested... (letters carefully picked so you wouldn't have to rack your brains to figure out why I chose them...)

See ya in the Food Court, guys!



"RE: Eye in the Sky News Guide May 5, 2001"
Posted by RudyRules on 05-05-01 at 10:08 PM
Thanks for the Kudos Kismet!

Just a little info. below on the party!

Gervase from S1 was the featured guest. He signed autographs and gave interviews on the news, answered questions from the audience, judged a survivor look alike contest, etc… Our VIP package entitled us to special seating, free drinks, $40 worth of gambling money, free dinner, survivor coffee mug, survivor bandanas, channel 9&10 shirt and hat, and other trinkets.
Gervase was a really nice guy, signing autographs, posing for pics, answering lots of questions. He had a few interesting things to say:

He was really shocked at Susan Hawk’s speech to Kelly and said he would have gone over and wrung her neck if he could have.
He felt he was portrayed fairly by the producers (90% fairly anyway!) and his strategy was to be himself and also that being “lazy” was intentional, to kind of ease in under the radar then win as many challenges as he could when he needed to.
I got my pic taken with him and can’t wait to get it developed. He signed nice 8x10 glossy pics for us, signing mine, “Rats do not taste like chicken!” He signed one for a friend of mine, “Stay away from naked fat men!” and another, “Stay away from grubs!”
I took the $40 in free casino cash and parlayed it into $383 ($343 in profit) in an hour and half of blackjack, so that was pretty cool.
Gervase also picked Keith to win, thought he’d pull off the upset…probably suffered jet lag! (He flew in from California).

He also shamelessly plugged his website on the local news: www.gervase.net (if anyone's interested).

"RE: Eye in the Sky News Guide May 5, 2001"
Posted by moonbaby on 05-05-01 at 10:23 PM
Things are looking great Kismet. You keep on going and you'll be running your own site soon. Thank you for taking the time to get it together for us all. And thanks to RR for the scoop on the party-sounds like it was alot of fun, and profitable too! Would be cool if you could scan your pic w/ Gervase and send it in...unless you're like me-a wee bit shy

"RE: Eye in the Sky News Guide May 5, 2001"
Posted by RudyRules on 05-06-01 at 12:45 PM
Moon, I'll see what I can do once my pic is developed, depending on how shy I'm feeling!

"News Flash: MoonBaby hits 100!"
Posted by Survivorerist on 05-06-01 at 07:39 PM
Congrats! 100! Whoo! Someone get the cake!



"It's day seven and we just caught our first fish. It did take us a week but, hey, it's better than two weeks."
-The Early Days of the Late Amber Brkich

"I am no longer going to be able to do the news guide..."
Posted by Kismet on 05-08-01 at 01:24 PM
My mother has been diagnosed with lung cancer and I will be spending most of my time from now on caring for my younger brother who is autistic, as well as my own kiddoes.

I really enjoyed meeting and chatting with all of you. This is a wonderful online community and I appreciate the warm welcome you gave me. I feel like I've been here for years and it's only been a month. I hope that I will have time to pop into chat and read the boards every once in a while. I just have no idea what to expect, or how hectic everything will be.

Thanks for everything,

"RE: I am no longer going to be able to do the news guide..."
Posted by Ronnet on 05-08-01 at 01:32 PM
Thank you for all you have given to us Kismet.

You and your family are in my prayers...


"RE: I am no longer going to be able to do the news guide..."
Posted by BluSavana on 05-08-01 at 01:42 PM
Kismet, if u ever need to talk, u know where to email me sweetie *hug* God bless Blu

Pain is just weakness leaving the body, Sir!

Stop eye-balling me Recruit Lemon!

"Love To Kismet....."
Posted by VampKira on 05-08-01 at 01:57 PM
Kismet..So sorry to hear what you are going through.. you have brought so many smiles to the faces of all of us, and we are lucky to HAVE you and your talent as part of our community... Yes, HAVE... You will be back.. Remember, dahhhhhling You CANNOT resist the dark side... MUUUUWWAAHHH!

Love ya girl, and e mail me if you need anything, and I MEAN that ok?

*hugs and prayers*



Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"Kismet's kismet"
Posted by desert_rhino on 05-08-01 at 02:12 PM
That "kismet" is a funny thing, isn't it?

Good luck with keeping it all up. Feel free to call on me if there is anything I could possibly do for you...

-- JV

Icarus steps out to contemplate his kismet.

"To Kismet"
Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 05-08-01 at 02:43 PM
Your contribution to this community was special. Best of luck in trying to manage all of the responsibilities that life has given you.

Kismet, you will not be forgotten (we have a loooong institutional memory around here...), and we hope that you have a chance to drop in and have a few laughs every now and again.

"Love and hugs to Kismet...."
Posted by dangerkitty on 05-08-01 at 04:41 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Your family is blessed to have such a thoughtful and caring person in their midst! I will miss your chat and posts, as well as this newsletter that you have so brilliantly contributed. You are still part of this community, don't forget that! Please email me anytime, for any reason. I'll be thinking of you and sending you notes every so often, and look forward to when you can let us know how you are.

Take care, sweetie.

Love, dk

"Nevermind" - Kurt Cobain and Emily Litella

"RE: I am no longer going to be able to do the news guide..."
Posted by Survivorerist on 05-08-01 at 04:59 PM
Since I can't really string together one big long speech at this time (I'm just as shocked as you probably were when you heard this), here are some small snippets that I would like you to hear...

I'm very sorry to hear about your unfortunate twist of fate, Kismet.

When you say that this is a wonderful online community, you're part of it too and you are no exception.

If I ever do see you on the boards, you can bet that I'll be happy as heck you're there.

Don't worry about the news guide, Kismet. If your mother is sick, then the guide isn't as important as that...

You're the best person I ever reported for and we will all be waiting in anticipation for your triumphant return! I hope things get better for you!

One last "meh" for you, meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's to you, Kismet!



"Hugs... Prayers... and More Hugs..."
Posted by IceCat on 05-08-01 at 06:23 PM
Things like this always catch you unaware...

... but God always makes sure that you are not caught unprepared.

There's a lot of people here, generating a whole lot of prayers. Make sure that you come in from time to time to chat. That's the nice thing about a message board... you can drop a message when a few free minutes appear and can comeback and check later.

Oh... here's the extra hugs:

"See what I mean?"
Posted by Kismet on 05-08-01 at 07:49 PM
Thank you all for the support and prayers. I truly appreciate it(I seem to say that a lot around here). I think I made it sound worse than it is. We just got the test results yesterday. We don't have a treatment plan yet, but it will almost definitely include chemotherapy and radiation. We do know that the cancer is treatable, and the doctors are optimistic. I am a big believer in the power of prayer, and I am sure that everything will be just fine.

I am glad to have a place to go to that is guaranteed to make me laugh. Until we know more of the treatment schedule, everything continues as normal for me(isn't that strange). I will try to pop in here when I have time. Besides, there is a major bonus that you are all overlooking. If Love Cruise winds up like Boot Camp *shudder*, I won't be forced to watch.

Love to you all,

"RE: See what I mean?"
Posted by Superman on 05-09-01 at 06:53 AM
Kismet...If you need anything, or just to talk to someone who has been through this situation, drop me a line. Best wishes to you and yours.

"Sniffing Glue Since 1974 and Still Going Strong"

"RE: See what I mean?"
Posted by VampKira on 05-09-01 at 08:09 AM
*hugs Supe cuz it's been a while*


Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: See what I mean?"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 05-09-01 at 04:57 PM
Laughter IS the best medicine, Kismet--I hereby prescribe at least an hour a week here, to maintain your sanity.

And we'll hold your job open for whenever you're ready to get back to work.

GT, the over-empathizer

"RE: I am no longer going to be able to do the news guide..."
Posted by Riordan on 05-09-01 at 07:59 AM
Thank you for everything, most importantly for your friendship. You and your family have my prayers and best wishes. I hope to still see you here when you have the time.


"RE: I am no longer going to be able to do the news guide..."
Posted by moonbaby on 05-09-01 at 10:02 AM
Sending good thoughts and prayers your way-please don't forget to take care of yourself too!

"RE: I am no longer going to be able to do the news guide..."
Posted by ItzLisa on 05-09-01 at 07:43 PM
Oh, Kis, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. My prayers are with you and your family, hon. We'll be here with open arms whenever you're able to get back - in the meantime, you just concentrate on the important things in your life.

Much love, girl.

W.L.S.F.C. - NY chapter

Bubbles: "Er, um, excuse me? Mr. Monster? I was wondering if you would, er, be so kind as to stop destroying Townsville? We like our town very, very much and I would appreciate it if you would just leave. Pretty please with sugerlumps on top?"

"Hope everything gets better Kis!"
Posted by shakes the clown on 05-08-01 at 07:23 PM

Very sorry to hear about what you're going through. Hope everything turns out alright, and please, come back when you have the chance.

GOOD LUCK and I hope your mom gets better!


"RE: Eye in the Sky News Guide May 5, 2001"
Posted by RudyRules on 05-08-01 at 08:59 PM
Hi Kis,
Dear SB market buddy:
So sorry to hear about all you are going through! My prayers will be with you and your mom; glad to hear that it's treatable. We will certainly miss your presence here, but I'm sure you'll be around some at least. It is obvious to me, after only a relatively short time here, that you are a very valuable member of this community and are much loved by one and all!
Here's a pic of me and Gervase at the party to make you laugh.
(I hope this upload works!)

"RE: Eye in the Sky News Guide May 5, 2001"
Posted by moonbaby on 05-09-01 at 10:04 AM
Nice shot, RR! Thanks for sharing that, it made me smile

"Best wishes, Kis..."
Posted by sleeeve on 05-09-01 at 07:21 PM
I read everything that everyone else has said, above, and consider it a ditto from me!

I remember when you and I first met in the bar, Kis... you showed me pictures of your kids before you even introduced yourself...

A few days later, we were discussing a rather humorous flame, and someone mentioned that they wished that there was a place to keep track of the goings-on of the board... I immediately turned down the job (before anyone even asked), but you took it on, and turned it into much more than I ever could have.

I wish you the best of luck in your situation, and look forward to seeing you (even infrequently) on this board... hopefully, people will carry on the news thread...

May your chopper fly on, Kis, and as cliche as it may seem, I send my best wishes!