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"I miss this place! "

Posted by jbug on 11-28-16 at 01:12 AM
As much as I enjoy that "FB" place and getting to know peeps a bit more, I miss this place.

A little update on life.
DH is still battling Parkinson's. One of his biggest struggles is speaking clearly or loud enough to be heard (Rudy knows about this problem). We have our ups and downs but we get by taking one day at a time.

After losing my job in 2014, I didn't go back to work. Started my SS last year (yes, I'm that old). Enrolled in an Obamacare plan for this year. With tax credits, my part of the monthly premium is only $97. But very high deductible for everything except an annual physical makes one think more than twice about going to a doctor for anything else. Having vision problems tho and will have to go after the first of the year to try to get my eye fixed (the one that had the detached retina & cataract).

We've been visiting DH's kids more in the last two years. It's been nice to have the time to go whenever we want to - or at least when he feels up to the travel.

We lost our dear 16 year old MinPin Butch in January 2016. Our Beagle Sara disappeared on us the month before that. I was not in favor of getting another dog. I knew who would have to take care of it. But I relented and in early August our little Jack Daniels took over our lives. LOL He is a Chig - half pug and half Chihuahua. He's 5 months old now and a handful! But he's cute as can be - everyone says so.

So. that's about all for me now. Or enough anyway.
What's up with you?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by foonermints on 12-02-16 at 04:56 PM
Sad about DH's Parkinsons. I won't Start my SS for another six years. Looking forward to it, really.
We are reasonably cat-free at the moment (only five rescues) and not many 'possums and squirrels either. Must be getting old and toning down.
I love the name of the dog! I bet Kingfish will agree with me.

Handmade by the incredibly talented Syren
Almost back from visitng my son in Seattle. Enough travelling for me. *insert cross eyed "beat-to-death" smiley here*

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by jbug on 01-05-17 at 06:40 PM
No possums? No squirrels? Or just not many....

I gotta figure out how to post a pic of Jack.

"Colleen and Her Father"
Posted by foonermints on 01-10-17 at 11:53 PM
100 years old. He died a bit later.
*broken Heart*

When we live long enough, to take care of the ones we love, we are lucky for God's Grace in our lives that we are able to do that.

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by kingfish on 12-02-16 at 06:13 PM
Great to hear from you, sorry the news isn't better, but glad it isn't worse.

And glad you have a lot of Jack Daniels in your life.

As for the cataracts, that is a blessing. The lens replacement operation will give you perfect vision, and if you opt for monovision it will give you perfect near and far vision (I assume you will get both eyes done). I had it and no more glasses or contacts. Also no fretting about Lasix, the other option for vision correction. Replacing your lenses means not cutting on your cornea, and if you need to, you can re-replace your lenses. So don't put it off, it's a good thing.

Retina reattaching should be a easy op too.

Posted by jbug on 01-05-17 at 06:45 PM
I had a detached retina back in 2010. Then had to have cataract surgery (just left eye).
A few months ago the lens apparently formed a cloudy haze on it. Regular eye doctor says the eye surgeon will need to laser it off. In the meantime, vision in the left eye is a complete blur. Useless.
Vision in the right eye is ok for reading, but requires a contact lens for tv or driving. Or a pair of glasses I have that has a lens just on the right side.

BCBS insurance dumped most of TN that had Obamacare. So this year I have Cigna. And a $6500 deductible. I'll call the eye surgeon and see how much this will set us back. But it has to be done.

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by cahaya on 12-06-16 at 03:22 PM
Glad to hear you're doing fairly okay, bug, in spite of the trouble your hubby is having with Parkinson's.

I'm hoping to hold off on drawing SS until max age at 70-1/2. I need to build up some more years of employed salary in the US after living abroad (and not paying SS taxes) for 20 years. Every year I work increases the SS benefits I'll get later.

Last weekend, I just moved my mom into a very nice retirement community in the college town where I live (and where was born, and met my wife in class). Alas, my dad refuses to move from the farmhouse where they've lived for almost 50 years (and where I spent most of my childhood). The place is falling apart and serious disrepair, but my dad refuses to have anyone come help and work on the place to maintain it. It got so unlivable that my mom felt that she had to move out. They've come to terms with the new arrangement between themselves and I've been busy helping my mom get moved and settled in.

In all other respects, live is good with me and my family and friends, for which I am very thankful.

Ghandi by smokeysmom

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by jbug on 01-05-17 at 06:54 PM
I had not planned to get early SS but getting fired on account of Jerry's PD took care of that. It's turned out to be a blessing. Glad I'm home with him.

I understand your needing to increase your income and SS payments. A lot of people don't realize how little some of our oldest citizens draw from SS because salaries were really small for a lot of them back in their working days. For instance my mom gets $819/month. And that's based on Daddy's income. Before he passed, she got less than $500.
And people wonder why senior citizens have to choose between meds and other expenses.

Having your dad stay at the farmhouse must be tough! Stubborn doesn't quite describe him, huh?

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by cahaya on 01-06-17 at 00:05 AM
Having your dad stay at the farmhouse must be tough! Stubborn doesn't quite describe him, huh?

I went to visit my dad two days before Christmas and found him on the bedroom floor, barely conscious. It turns out that he had suffered another stroke (the previous one two years ago) and I called 911 to get him to a hospital. He was in ICU for almost two weeks and I got news earlier this afternoon that he had passed on.

I took my mother up to see him last Tuesday, so she got a chance to have a final time with him. I arranged then for a priest to conduct last rites at the hospital while she was there.

We all knew this was coming, but it came a lot sooner than we expected, just weeks after I moved my mom here to where she could get assisted living and physical therapy to get her strength back.

I have a lot of things to take care of in the next several days, so I'll likely be taking a time out from posting here for a while.

Take care, jbug, you're a good lady, in every sense of the word.

Light and life by smokeysmom

"So sorry!"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 01-08-17 at 08:47 PM

It's hard to lose a parent, especially during the holidays. You have my condolences and prayers.

Snow globe sig and starfish globe by Agman 2011

Posted by jbug on 01-15-17 at 10:51 PM
I am so sorry.
That must have been terrible to find him like that.

"RE: (((hugs)))"
Posted by cahaya on 01-17-17 at 09:20 PM
I arranged for a military service for my dad on MLK day (Monday), complete with the gun salute and the handover of the flag to my mom. He was an awarded Korean War veteran. It made my mom very happy for us to honor my dad this way in lieu of the traditional funeral services.

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by jbug on 01-05-17 at 07:00 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-05-17 AT 07:18 PM (EST)

Posted by foonermints on 01-10-17 at 11:31 PM
No cure for Parkinsons, as far as I know. My aunt had it. Can't do much, just take care of the person inside the faltering body.
They're still the same person inside. The same person you love.

Jack Daniels? Damn! I swore that off! Good thing you have a healthier constitution than me.


"I'm heartbroken"
Posted by jbug on 01-15-17 at 10:59 PM
My mother passed away Friday night the 13th.

My Daddy welcomed her in Heaven with his open arms. They are Together Again.

"RE: I'm heartbroken"
Posted by foonermints on 01-15-17 at 11:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-15-17 AT 11:51 PM (EST)

Yes, Love lasts forever.

As comlicated as it might be over they years.

"RE: I'm heartbroken"
Posted by AyaK on 01-17-17 at 04:36 PM
Sorry to hear it. I hope at least that she passed peacefully.

"RE: I'm heartbroken"
Posted by cahaya on 01-17-17 at 09:18 PM
Aww, jbug, I feel your loss and I share my condolences with you, keeping you in my thoughts.


"RE: I'm heartbroken"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 01-22-17 at 02:46 AM
So sorry for your loss, bug.

"RE: I'm heartbroken"
Posted by kingfish on 01-31-17 at 06:49 PM
Add my condolences. I too buried my parents ashes recently. We made it into a festive occasion of celebration in the Hill Country of Texas, but there was no denying the deep sadness that we all felt.

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by foonermints on 03-09-17 at 01:13 PM
How is it going, jBug?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by foonermints on 03-19-17 at 12:04 PM

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by kingfish on 03-20-17 at 11:52 AM
Looks like she missed it again.

Oh well, maybe her aim will improve.

"You Have To Admit"
Posted by foonermints on 03-20-17 at 01:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-20-17 AT 01:52 PM (EST)

You and I are not the best company to keep. That's what the girlfriend says..

"RE: You Have To Admit"
Posted by kingfish on 03-20-17 at 05:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-21-17 AT 02:08 PM (EST)

Well! She knows you so I can see why she would say that about you, but...

(OK, It was the crack bout Moonshine, wasn't it.)

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by cahaya on 03-21-17 at 06:28 PM
It looks like this thresd has turned into a condolences page...

Sad news from here... my mom passed away early this morning, just two months and sixteen days after my dad did. She was ready to go and said as much time and time again. I will miss her.

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by kingfish on 03-21-17 at 08:27 PM
Sorry to hear, C.

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by foonermints on 03-22-17 at 02:12 PM
Sorry to hear that Cahaya. My mom passed away quite a while ago. You never forget.

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by jbug on 03-30-17 at 07:09 PM
I'm sorry for your loss. You WILL miss her. I miss my mother more than I could ever have imagined.

Posted by foonermints on 03-23-17 at 03:51 PM

"RE: *Bump*"
Posted by greenmachine on 03-27-17 at 04:07 PM
looks good.

"RE: *Bump*"
Posted by jbug on 03-30-17 at 07:09 PM
Bump this!

Posted by foonermints on 03-30-17 at 09:50 PM

"RE: Zoom!"
Posted by jbug on 03-31-17 at 05:47 PM
more like a putt putt but thanks!

"RE: Zoom!"
Posted by foonermints on 03-31-17 at 11:00 PM
*Heart* Sugar

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by Molaholic on 03-31-17 at 09:57 PM
MY own update -- not much has changed, other than a date with cataract surgery in May. Thankfully, my HMO will cover it. I'm amazed at the procedure I was shown.

I'll be giving myself a special birthday treat (well, 4 days early) when I go to St. Jo, Missouri to enjoy the total solar eclipse that is going to pass across the entire continental US.

Finally, I worked out that I've got three more school opening days to go until retirement.

(my siggie list has gone missing)

"Who is the Mole?"
Posted by foonermints on 03-31-17 at 10:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-31-17 AT 11:03 PM (EST)

So, inquiring minds want to know what happened to the Dodgermobile?

Does this mean 65? 70? A Klingon number?

I am Detective Joe Friday!

"RE: Who is the Mole?"
Posted by Molaholic on 03-31-17 at 11:20 PM
Dodgermobile is still up and running. Alas, remuneration is required for use of parking at Blue Heaven on Earth.

Age? Well, remember, age is just a number. This particular number happens to match Garvey x Cey.

So today is your day!

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by cahaya on 04-01-17 at 00:14 AM
That eclipse is on Monday, August 21 and my daughter is begging me to take our family to somewhere near St. Louis where the eclipse will pass. I'll keep an eye on the weather patterns in advance and pick a spot along the path where visibility is expected to be good. I'll have to take a vacation day or two from work and my daughter will need a good excuse slip to skip school (I wonder if "watching total solar eclipse" will pass?).

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by Iatovttotxtoks78 on 04-01-17 at 00:03 AM
Hi all!

I came looking for something about Dancing with the stars and I thought I might as well say "Hey" but then I couldn't remember my login credentials and I had to create a new account. I tried to make it as similar to and as unpronounceable as my previous name. I'm pretty sure I succeeded. Back in the day, people referred to me as Tim (not to be confused with NuTim) and I had a bunch of real cool siggies. I am so sad to have lost them!

An update on me: I've been teaching psychology at a community college in Kansas since 2012; I became interim division chair this year and I was renewed for the next 3 years, but I am looking to make a move. I have a job interview at a community college in San Diego on Monday. I'll get to teach statistics and research methods in addition to psychology.

"Impressive, Ivy!"
Posted by foonermints on 04-01-17 at 02:02 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-01-17 AT 03:38 AM (EST)

You sound like a better person to talk to than Kingfish.

"RE: Impressive, Ivy!"
Posted by kingfish on 04-03-17 at 08:52 PM
I bet she can't hold her breath as long, though. Or blow colored butt bubbles.

(Tim, check with Tribe - he still posts on Survivor threads - he may be able to give you some of your sigs. Also, the archives?)

"RE: Impressive, Ivy!"
Posted by foonermints on 04-03-17 at 10:12 PM
Those are colored?

Handcrafted by RollDdice
Do they have their own bathroom?

"RE: Impressive, Ivy!"
Posted by kingfish on 04-04-17 at 09:28 AM
Yep. I have to squeeze real hard to make them come out different colors - lilac is the worst - so I save the colored ones for special occasions.

Like for parties. Or when guests visit.

"RE: Impressive, Ivy!"
Posted by Iatovttotxtoks78 on 05-13-17 at 10:28 PM
lol.... it took me awhile to realize Ivy was me. i must admit, I like Ivy better than Tim

and I am infinitely better than Kingfish!

j/k I love kingfish. He once sent me pralines!

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 04-05-17 at 10:02 PM
Hey, Tim! Long time no see, glad to see you're doing well.

Good luck with the interview -- I fully expect to see you back here under a new name: iatovttotxtokstoca

"Old siggies"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 04-05-17 at 10:25 PM
Here's some of your old siggies:

"RE: Old siggies"
Posted by Iatovttotxtoks78 on 04-12-17 at 10:23 PM
Ahhh... Pepe! Thanks so much. You always were one of my favorites.

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by Iatovttotxtoks78 on 05-13-17 at 10:31 PM
Sadly, I won't be moving to Cali this summer, funding for the position fell through. they did ask me to reapply in the fall.

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by foonermints on 04-16-17 at 04:24 PM

"RE: I miss this place! "
Posted by greenmachine on 04-18-17 at 12:40 PM
bump again.