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Thread Number: 38694
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Original Message
"New Year's Eve, Mardi Gras, Prom, Survivor Premiere"

Posted by RollDdice on 09-21-16 at 05:01 PM

I know that our beloved RTVW has taken some attendance hits due to Facebook, twitter, slutter, klunker and putterer. And as a community we have busy, fulfilling lives (except for kingfish).

But tonight marks the 33rd season and the premiere episode of the show that put the Survivor into Survivor Sucks... Survivor!

So please join us for a great RTVW tradition; Be The Survivor (BTS). It's an opportunity to role play as your favorite castaway and make horrible, degrading comments about everyone else. In other words, it's like the US Congress.

You can find us right over here, behind the cases of Rum.

Hidden takeout, crouching cookie.

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Messages in this discussion
Posted by foonermints on 09-21-16 at 05:36 PM
Whatever happened to Secret Santa?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"He went into the Witness Relocation Program"
Posted by RollDdice on 09-21-16 at 08:00 PM
Whatever happened to Secret Santa?

We can't get people to sign up for a Survivor thresd and you think signing up, drawing names, buying gifts and sending gifts is going to happen?

Hate to be a Scrooge, but it seems unlikely.

"RE: He went into the Witness Relocation Program"
Posted by foonermints on 09-21-16 at 11:38 PM
I just want free stuff!
Plus I've got some undrinkable whiskey to give away..

Handcrafted by RollDdice
foonermint: The Poisioner!

"RE: He went into the Witness Relocation Program"
Posted by RollDdice on 09-22-16 at 01:29 AM

Plus I've got some undrinkable whiskey to give away..

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father with undrinkable whiskey, prepare to die!

Posted by foonermints on 09-22-16 at 12:29 PM
Seems pretty much alive and well.

Hey Inigo! Looks like momma had a fish in the woodpile!

"RE: Kingfish"
Posted by kingfish on 09-22-16 at 12:44 PM
And I've never net a whishkey that wash undrinkable.

Posted by foonermints on 09-22-16 at 12:51 PM
Moonshine? Even better!

"RE: Amen!"
Posted by Dakota on 09-23-16 at 00:10 AM
Toby Keith Whiskey Girl

Agman's Spring Fling '12