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Thread Number: 38673
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"OK, Kim..."

Posted by Bebo on 05-03-16 at 05:35 PM
Or Wade or Trade or Suzane or Agman (hee hee hee) or whatever you're calling yourself these days. Just because you let a 5-year-old boy try to get us off of your trail by talking about titties doesn't mean we've forgotten you. It's been a while since I've gone full Bebo on anyone...except Trump supporters...or the NC legislature and stoopid governor for making my state look even more ridiculous than we usually do by passing HB2...or stoopid presidential candidates complaining about election rules because they didn't RTFG...

OK, time to go to a happy place. Carry on.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: OK, Kim..."
Posted by kingfish on 05-03-16 at 07:49 PM
As much as I'd like to see the full Bebo...wait, titties?

"Nuestra Seņora"
Posted by foonermints on 05-04-16 at 12:29 PM
de Las Montaņas?

foonermint: Hooligan Enabler

"RE: OK, Kim..."
Posted by kingfish on 05-05-16 at 09:01 AM
Can't do much about the Trump supporters, but this might help ease the NC pain;


Now, you owe us a full Bebo!

(And just what is Agman calling himself these days?)

"RE: OK, Kim..."
Posted by cahaya on 05-05-16 at 06:55 PM
I must confess that I had to look up the RTFG acronym. It's like you're playing a game and when someone is clueless about how to play it, you tell them RTFR. Or when it comes to fixing the lawnmower, RTFM.

We're going to run out of acronyms soon at this rate.

"RE: OK, Kim..."
Posted by kingfish on 05-06-16 at 07:36 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-06-16 AT 07:39 AM (EST)

I think it's kind of interesting how many of those acronyms have an F in them. Apparently it's not OK to say the entire word, but it's ok to use a shortened version of the word.


To me it says all we need to say about the idiocy of deeming certain words 'bad' when all any word is is a wave form in the air, a vibration. Nada mas.

People need to just STFU and stop being so fussy. IMFO.

"Dang Straight!"
Posted by foonermints on 05-06-16 at 08:12 AM

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Dang Straight!"
Posted by kingfish on 05-06-16 at 02:31 PM

"Ya doggone idgit galoot!"


"RE: OK, Kim..."
Posted by cahaya on 05-08-16 at 12:44 PM
I learned about the F-word in 4th grade, totally clueless. One kid in my class asked me what eff-you-see-kay spelled and I assumed that it rhymed with "duck", so I said it out loud in class. My spinster 4th grade teacher overheard it and she turned beet red in the face. Welcome to the principal's office!

Then I looked it up in the dictionary and it wasn't there. And back then, there was no internet to educate yourself on the finer points of grammatical expression. So, I asked my best friend (already aware it was too hot a topic to ask my parents) and it was only then that I found out the truth behind the meaning of the word.

Ragtop Ride by foonermints

"RE: OK, Kim..."
Posted by kingfish on 05-08-16 at 02:40 PM
Fucq, a female duck.

Muck, a male duck.

Buck, a baby duck.

Puck, Papa Duck.

Chuck, Papa's drinking buddy duck.

"RE: OK, Kim..."
Posted by cahaya on 05-09-16 at 09:03 AM
So... that makes Luck a lady duck!

Get lucky! Quack, quack!

"RE: OK, Kim..."
Posted by kingfish on 05-09-16 at 10:25 AM
She's probably Chuck's girlfriend. Which makes Chuck a lucky Duck.

"RE: OK, Kim..."
Posted by jbug on 05-08-16 at 11:44 AM
Hi Bebo.
Is Agman hiding somewhere?

"RE: OK, Kim..."
Posted by foonermints on 05-08-16 at 04:13 PM
Did you leave him behind the couch?

"RE: OK, Kim..."
Posted by kingfish on 05-09-16 at 08:49 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-09-16 AT 08:51 AM (EST)

He hasn't passed through these parts.
We'd know because,
when he passes through, he farts.

(I think I just started "Ode to Agman")

"What Does."
Posted by foonermints on 05-09-16 at 11:48 AM
That say about Agman2?

They did something to me on that saucer 2Patch, I swear they did!

"RE: What Does."
Posted by kingfish on 05-10-16 at 10:10 AM
Is that a dare?

"A Double Dare"
Posted by foonermints on 05-10-16 at 08:49 PM
Think about it.

"RE: A Double Dare"
Posted by kingfish on 05-11-16 at 08:33 AM
I am, I'm thinking.

Hmmm, this is hard.

OK, this is what I think; I think I'll think on it some more.

And I think Agman and his #2 should jump in and defend his honor. Otherwise...well, I don't know what to think.

Posted by foonermints on 05-12-16 at 00:11 AM
For Three Seconds?

Damn! What happened to my Gorn Cannon!

"Oh Kim...?"
Posted by kingfish on 05-12-16 at 12:50 PM

"RE: Oh Kim...?"
Posted by cahaya on 05-13-16 at 12:56 PM
You're thinking too hard. It can be hazardous to your mental health with the neural signal overload.

Pepe's summer 2013 sig blast

"I Agree!"
Posted by foonermints on 05-13-16 at 09:59 PM
Look at what has happened to "Others"

foonermints: only providing the best of the zHrelp.