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Thread Number: 38669
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Original Message
"RIP #####"

Posted by jbug on 04-20-16 at 10:32 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-20-16 AT 10:34 AM (EST)

For the few of you still hanging around here, just a note to let you know that Tech Noir passed away last weekend.
I don't know any details; she had had some kind of surgery and was in rehab for that but I don't know what happened.

She had been banned from here years ago. But I'm sure some of you remember her.

RIP Tech Noir

EDITED: Apparently a banned name can't be used? I added a space to see if that will be allowed.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: RIP #####"
Posted by dragonflies2 on 04-20-16 at 10:38 AM
How appropriate that a lime helmet will be distributed over this.

"RE: RIP #####"
Posted by jbug on 04-20-16 at 11:43 AM
I thought the same thing!

"RE: RIP #####"
Posted by kingfish on 04-20-16 at 11:43 AM
RIP again. Two times isn't too much, IMO.

We should let the Censor know that she is no longer with us, maybe he/she/it could forgive?

And does anybody know if there was any special importance or significance to her name? Why she chose it?

"RE: RIP #####"
Posted by Swami on 04-28-16 at 01:35 PM
She posted about that once. She was a fan of film noir; that's all I remember from the post.

"RE: RIP #####"
Posted by kingfish on 04-29-16 at 08:29 AM
I admired the originality of the name, even though I had no idea what thought association allowed her to come up with it.

Good to see you again checking in again, and to know that you are still with us.

"RE: RIP #####"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 04-20-16 at 12:56 PM
Posting on all three threads seems appropriate here. Thank you, Tech, for your presence here. I enjoyed you here and on Facebook. Blessings to you.

"RE: RIP #####"
Posted by Agman2 on 04-20-16 at 03:22 PM
Goodbye Tech, we miss you.

"RE: RIP #####"
Posted by Puffy on 04-20-16 at 10:40 PM

One of a kind....we will remember her. I hope she meets up with and says hi to Skyraider and Surveysez from us.

"RE: RIP #####"
Posted by kingfish on 04-29-16 at 08:32 AM
Hey Pufferfish, good to see you checking in again.

Too bad we all seem to only get together in times like this, like only seeing relatives at funerals IRL.

But we do, and that's a good thing.

"RE: RIP #####"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-10-16 at 05:03 PM
RIP Tech Noir! I remember you and I will miss you! How sad...Thanks for posting!

"RIP Tech Noir"
Posted by cahaya on 05-13-16 at 12:54 PM
I still remember the debates we had with Tech Noir. She came down hard on you if you didn't agree with her viewpoints. I recall one post where she said that she was ashamed to be an American (thanks to GWB) and I (living abroad) countered that we shouldn't be ashamed to be an American even though we are ashamed of what our government is doing. I was promptly told to shut up, a sentiment shared by one of her regular sidekicks (I forget his screen name offhand, but he was either a paramedic or 911 call operator in Colorado, if I remember correctly).

Having said that, partly thanks to Tech Noir and others here like her, I opened my views on social issues and became more of a social liberal than I had previously imagined that I would ever become. In short, she opened my mind even though there were times when she told me to shut my mouth, which I refused to do.

Rest in peace with some of our other past community members, Tech. You are remembered.

Light and life by smokeysmom

"RE: RIP #####"
Posted by Seana2 on 05-31-16 at 04:06 PM
I'm sorry to hear this. I didn't always agree with her, but she certainly made me think.