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Thread Number: 38486
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Original Message
"Multiple Choice"

Posted by kidflash212 on 07-26-14 at 07:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-14 AT 07:59 PM (EST)

You go over to someone's house and they invite you to have a seat on this:

the Skin Chair

A London-based designer, has designed a leather chair with a pheromone-impregnated silicone base that makes it feel (and smell!) like you’re lounging in the fleshy, comforting folds of a man’s belly.

What do you do?

a. Have a seat and compliment their decorating taste.

b. Start crying

c. Scream and grab the nearest heavy object to bash them over the head. Then run to the nearest police station to report you've escaped from a very sick serial killer.

d. Ask them where you can get one.


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Multiple Choice"
Posted by cahaya on 07-27-14 at 00:20 AM
One more choice!

Foo dogs by tribe

e. Invest £1,500 ($2,545) in the Skin chair.

"RE: Multiple Choice"
Posted by kingfish on 07-27-14 at 07:28 AM
Accept the offer and politely request a nipple coaster for your drink.

If they refuse, offer them a knuckle sandwich.

"RE: Multiple Choice"
Posted by Estee on 07-27-14 at 11:48 AM
Now that's just short-sighted, and the blinding factor is the creator's own fetish. Yes, there's a market for it. But if the designer had just made it to look as if the sitter was reclining deep in the comfort of a woman's cleavage, the sales would be in the thousands by now...

"RE: Multiple Choice"
Posted by kingfish on 07-27-14 at 12:34 PM
I'm slipping.

"RE: Multiple Choice"
Posted by Estee on 07-27-14 at 01:48 PM
Then adjust your posture.

"RE: Multiple Choice"
Posted by kingfish on 07-27-14 at 04:07 PM
My seat is sweaty.

"RE: Multiple Choice"
Posted by kidflash212 on 07-27-14 at 04:10 PM
and smells like aftershave.

"RE: Multiple Choice"
Posted by kingfish on 07-27-14 at 06:50 PM
This little remote holder better be a naval.

"RE: Multiple Choice"
Posted by cahaya on 07-27-14 at 08:24 PM
There are naval buttons, designed to eliminate the enemy, and then there are navel buttons.

"RE: Multiple Choice"
Posted by kingfish on 07-28-14 at 08:23 AM
How novel.