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"First generation: talk me out of this."

Posted by Estee on 07-01-14 at 06:38 AM
My phone contract is about to expire. My phone pretty much already has: it's at the point where attempting to use any function is playing Application Roulette. What will I open? Who will I call? Only the random number deity knows for sure, and it ain't telling. Also, it canceled my health insurance under the rules of its own electronic faith, but never mind that for now. The point is that my contract is expiring, my phone is dying, and both pretty much deserve it.

And in less than a month, Amazon will be releasing its own phone.

I've been doing okay with the Kindle, right...? I still have to get exact details on any future contract, but the phone itself would cost me $214. And if I order Really Soon, that price will include a bonus year of Prime membership, which was $100 which I was going to wind up paying anyway...

I do like to think of myself as that early-adopter 2% when finances permit.


Someone talk me out of this.

By Sunday. I think I'm ordering it on Sunday.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: First generation: talk me out of this."
Posted by kingfish on 07-01-14 at 09:15 AM
You gave yourself a week to decide. Sounds about right. Some time to ponder, but not too much, not so that you’d get mired down in indecision.

I am the least qualified person I know to give advice on this, but since that has never stopped me before, here goes.

T-Mobile gave me unlimited data, local call, text and more long distance than I have any use for for $30 something. I don't know exactly because the pro-rated cell phone charge runs it up to $53.

T-Mobile doesn't have the widest coverage, I think that's Verison or Sprint, both of which beat T-Mobile. But I wouldn't think that would be a problem in your area. In my area Verison might have been a better choice, but I’m stuck (until the cell is paid off). And T-Mobile does OK.

You could also use it internationally (those costs aren’t free however) if you travel (you have to call them and ask them to flip a switch, or something, before you go), but I think that’s true of the others also. I found out the hard way that sending pictures from (won’t say where) is very pricey, and it isn’t worth it to send a picture home of the best meal you ever ate (OK, it was France) on a whim.

"RE: First generation: talk me out of this."
Posted by Estee on 07-01-14 at 11:22 AM
Based on what I'm seeing in the page, buying the phone locks me into AT&T.

"RE: First generation: talk me out of this."
Posted by kingfish on 07-01-14 at 11:45 AM
Maybe that would exempt you from getting ATT fliers, Email, and phone calls?

Eh, probably not.

"RE: First generation: talk me out of this."
Posted by snidget on 07-01-14 at 11:56 AM
FWIW, in my area, despite the claims, I seem to have more coverage with the Death Star than most of my friends with the other carriers.

Although the rebels do hold some territory around here that are complete and total dead zones for any kind of cell transmission.

"RE: First generation: talk me out of this."
Posted by kingfish on 07-01-14 at 01:22 PM
That's because Ewoks eat cell phones. On sight.

They are cute and snuggly cell phone munchers.

"RE: First generation: talk me out of this."
Posted by PagongRatEater on 07-02-14 at 01:04 AM
ATT does NOT offer an unlimited data plan, which is why I switched after 15 years with the company. I would go with the best plan but I use my phone. A lot.

From a device perspective, most of the carriers have lots of good options. I have a Galaxy and love it but have been told the HTC is the way to go.

"RE: First generation: talk me out of this."
Posted by dabo on 07-01-14 at 09:24 AM
Artificial Entity Says...

You May Not Work On the Sabbath!

Phones Must Have a Day of Rest!