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Thread Number: 38460
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"Brag brag brag"

Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 06-26-14 at 05:02 AM
For those of you who haven't been to the Great Satan Facebook, and haven't seen what has been happening in Sagebrushland, feast your eyes upon this:

I was sick with nasty bronchitis when this was taken, but I at least managed to keep from infecting everyone at the hooding ceremony and baccalaureate. Couldn't make the graduation ceremony, though.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by kidflash212 on 06-26-14 at 06:03 AM
Congratulations! How long before we call you Dr. Sagebrush?


"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 06-26-14 at 11:43 AM
I dunno. It took 6 years to get this (an MDiv usually takes 5). The schools I have talked to take 3 years. I do not think I'll be able to start this fall, so we'll see.

My thesis is not completed for this anyway.

HandTooled by SpotTheDiffffffffffffffffffference

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by Estee on 06-26-14 at 06:06 AM
How odd. You don't seem to be on fire.

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 06-26-14 at 02:21 PM
I hide it well.

HandTooled by SportTheDifffffffffffffffffference

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by kingfish on 06-26-14 at 08:13 AM
Looking at the Goatee.

Sagebrush Dan. Hmmm.

So, you weren’t named for the prairie weed after all.

Congrats Dan, very heart warming. From these pages I know it was a long hard and painful road for you, so this is very inspiring for all of us.

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 06-26-14 at 02:18 PM
Thank you kind sir.

And, I indeed named myself after the prairie weed that is the bane of ranchers, but smells so great. I spent my childhood in sagebrush country, and it was wonderful. There is a wonderful spot of sagebrushland about 90 miles from Portland that I go to in order to drink in the aroma of the weed-so-precious.
That, and I have the aforementioned weed now growing in my front yard, against all weather conditions that should be killing it (it likes dry, but it is wet on this side of the mountains.).

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by dabo on 06-26-14 at 08:52 AM


"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 06-26-14 at 02:25 PM

Thank you, lil birdie.

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by cahaya on 06-26-14 at 03:37 PM
You? look like the gentleman, scholar and wizard that I always imagined you to be!

Congratulations, Dan! Your persistence through times of trial paid off.

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 06-26-14 at 08:26 PM
Thank you kind sir. Now I cannot wait until I get enough schoolin' to wear that really funny robe and fuzzy hat.

Aw shucks ma'am, my heart belongs to Tribe

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by tribephyl on 06-26-14 at 03:55 PM
Inspiring indeed!
Truly momentous accomplishment, Dan. I am so proud of you.
Now go conquer the world!

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 06-26-14 at 08:27 PM
Conquer the world? With you by my side, darlin', we can kick some serious hiney!

Aw shucks ma'am, my heart belongs to Tribe

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by tallgirl on 06-26-14 at 06:25 PM
First I would like to congratulate you. No matter how long you took, you did it!

I do not believe you are bragging, this is an actual personal accomplishment that you worked at until it was completed. This is real life, not being an idiot on tv with no talent. People don't celebrate enough (one of my pet peeves). We are always ready to be negative about ourselves and others but when something good happens the champagne and cake should come out. Good things don't occur often enough - celebrate!

"Celebrate celebrate celebrate"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 06-26-14 at 08:32 PM
Thanks for the boost.

The MDiv (Master of Divinity) generally takes longer than most Masters degrees. Some people thought they could finish it in three; I know of only one who did not go nuts and extend it out to more. At my school, 4-6 years is the norm. One of my classmates has been at it for 8, and she's still not done. Takes a LOT of work, and I do not see how anyone could work full-time and do it in any less time. I wrote at least one paper per class. Most were over 30-40 pages, with a high percentage 80-90 pages.

As soon as my thesis finishes me (that's a good thing — they're life-changing), I'll be onward for my doctorate. I have got that down to a couple schools, but I am waiting to see how things work out.

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by Puffy on 07-01-14 at 07:04 AM
You hit it out of the ballpark and you look great, too. Congratulations! What an accomplishment!

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 07-06-14 at 01:07 PM

Aw shucks ma'am, my heart belongs to Tribe

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 07-07-14 at 10:57 AM
Hearty congrats, Dan!

(Sorry I missed out on this earlier as I haven't been around too much with a heavy work schedule to wrap up the school year. Plus I don't have Facebook. )

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by Molaholic on 07-07-14 at 12:50 PM

giving old farts a challenge once again.

"RE: Brag brag brag"
Posted by Brownroach on 07-08-14 at 00:45 AM
Oh you are tres cute in your mortar and pestle! Oh wait, maybe that's a mortarboard? I get them mixed up. Either way, Congratulations!

(Speaking of Satan, I happened to rewatch "Rosemary's Baby" the other night.)