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"Rainbows everywhere!"

Posted by starshine on 02-16-14 at 03:55 PM
If there is anyone here who doesn't watch the ponies you don't know what you are missing.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqrphKVjjO0 - Try it, you never know. (to explain the start the purple pony (Twilight Sparkle) became an Alicorn and gained wings at the end of the previous series)

This season everyponies eyes are rainbowing, and there is a search for the keys to the box from the tree of harmony,

That said this hasn't been mentioned for a fair number of episodes...

So far this series:

1 "Princess Twilight Sparkle" (Part 1) Twilight learns to fly, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia disappear, the Everfree forest expands, Twilight sees the past

2 "Princess Twilight Sparkle" (Part 2) Twilight sees more of the past, the jewels of harmony are put back in their home, the Everfree forest retreats, Luna and Celestia are rescued, and a chest with six keyholes and no keys is found.

3 "Castle Mane-ia" A great episode, Twilight and spike go to Luna and Celestias old castle to look at the library, Rarity, Fluttershy and Angel bunny go to the castle to "rescue" materials, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are still trying to prove who is the most macho and decide that whoever stays in the old castle where the "Pony of Shadows" lives wins, much high jinks and hilarity ensues.

4 "Daring Don't" A Rainbow Dash story, bit of a waste IMNSHO but if you didn't have the odd duff episode you couldn't really appreciate the high standard of the vast majority.

5 "Flight to the Finish" A Cutiemark Crusaders episode, the schoolponies are offered the opportunity to carry the Ponyville flag at the Equestria games, the team that produces the best skit wins, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon make Scootaloo paranoid, will the CMC win?

6 "Power Ponies" ZAP Rainbow Crash gets struck by lightning, WHAMM Twilight fires fire and ice from her horn, KAPOW Fluttershy becomes the incredible Hulk, BOFF Rarity uses her design skills, KLONK Applejack gets into bondage, ZOWIE Pinky Pie travels even faster than normal, YAWN Spike is useless. Fun, fun, fun.

7 "Bats!" OK I didn't understand this one at all, if you leave the bats alone they wont eat everything like they are doing? Although the monster was cool.

8 "Rarity Takes Manehattan" Is there anything better than a Rarity episode? Rarity enters a design competition in Manehattan and takes the Mane 6 with her, arranging for them to see Hinny of the Hills a sold out musical, she meets Suri Polomare who left Ponyville years ago and who takes advantage of Rarity's generosity, will Rarity win the competition? Will she lost her friends? A roller-coaster ride.

9 "Pinkie Apple Pie" Twilight shows Pinkamena Diane Pie an old genealogical text, and in a difficult to read area Pinky believes that it shows that the Pies and the Apples are related, Pinky and the Apple family go on a road trip to visit Goldie Delicious who is the expert on their family history.

10 "Rainbow Falls" Rainbow Crash, Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps are competing as a relay team to take part in the Equestria games, Rainbow Dash (whose element is loyalty) once again bales on the team to fly with the Wonderbolts, and is replaced by Derpy Hooves sadly Derpy gets the heave ho when Rainbow Dash comes to her senses

11 "Three's a Crowd" Discord! Cadence! Influenza! A trip to the edge of the realm! But most of all Discord!

12 "Pinkie Pride" There's a new party pony in town,"Weird Al" Yankovic Cheese Sandwich arrives in town and offers to help plan Rainbow Crashes birth-iversary party, Pinky Pie feels overlooked.

13 "Simple Ways" Rarity is chosen to be Master of Ceremonies for the Ponyville Days Festival, her crush travel writer Trenderhoof arrives and falls in love with Applejack, Rarity tries to out country the earth pony which leads to the appearance of Applejewel...

14 "Filli Vanilli" Top Title! The gang discover that Fluttershy can sing and Rarity wants her to join the Ponytones, but Fluttershy suffers from stage-fright. When Big Mac loses his voice in a turkey calling competition Zacora suggests that they turn Fluttershy into Flutterguy ala the poison joke. Fluttershy sings for Big Mac whilst being hidden from the audience by various entertaining mechanisms.

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Messages in this discussion
"Filli Vanilli"
Posted by starshine on 02-16-14 at 04:02 PM

Pinkie seemed like a real bitch, laying into poor Fluttershy like that all the way through the episode, and there was also a suggestion that she poisoned Big Mac. OTOH Rarity who can sometimes be a little demanding was very understanding.

"RE: Rainbows everywhere!"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 02-20-14 at 12:44 PM
Ummm..... Starshine? Is weed legal in the Misty Isles?

Phylled by Tribe

"I Wonder.."
Posted by foonermints on 02-26-14 at 09:42 AM
If the rain got to him, or something whacked him in the fog.

Maybe he requires the zHrelp?

Awake! by Tribey

"Good old blame-the-victim North Carolina"
Posted by Estee on 03-13-14 at 08:29 AM


Immeasurably worse:


I know the second link doesn't look like it would be worse. You have to read the story and see why that movement exists in the first place.

Should I assume that in both cases, the triggering kids either threw a party or had their parents host one for them? After all, according to local society, they were in the right and doing good.

"RE: Good old blame-the-victim North Carolina"
Posted by snidget on 03-13-14 at 08:48 AM
Cnn link doing weird things for me.


Because if you would just change everything about you then the problem goes away.

LA told me, "You'll be a pop star,
All you have to change is everything you are."
Tired of being compared to damn Britney Spears
She's so pretty, that just ain't me

Doctor, doctor won't you please prescribe
A day in the life of someone else?
Cuz I'm a hazard to myself

"RE: Good old blame-the-victim North Carolina"
Posted by starshine on 03-13-14 at 11:58 AM
Not a great likeness of Fluttershy there

"RE: Good old blame-the-victim North Carolina"
Posted by newsomewayne on 03-19-14 at 09:02 AM
I don't blame the victim. He's nine. Most nine year olds have no concept of social norms and boundries. I'd say even nine year old bullies don't understand them, even if they do recognize them and react off of violations of those boundries.

The school should absolutely stop and prevent any physical bullying. No question.

But I would also want to put some blame on the mom. She should recognize that her son taking this backpack to school is outside social norms. If she has no problem with him liking the show and being a public fan, that's fine. He's her son to raise, as she sees fit. But at the very least she should prepare him for the fact that others will not see it as okay. That there will be friends and classmates who tease him about his choices. And let him know he can either go forward with this choice or make a different one.

And, maybe she did. Which is why I don't blame her, but would want to put some partial blame on her if I found out she didn't explain this to him before letting him go to school with a girl's backpack.

"RE: Rainbows everywhere!"
Posted by moonbaby on 03-15-14 at 10:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-15-14 AT 10:07 PM (EST)

Pinkie pie's sister: Daria on hooves.

"RE: Rainbows everywhere!"
Posted by starshine on 03-16-14 at 01:38 PM
I don't know Daria, but I though Maud was cool, maybe once she has got her rocktorate she can replace Pinky Pie in the Mane 6, I particularly appreciated the way she beat Rainbow Dash at "throwing a rock", then said she wasn't really into winning, and then during the rescue she was faster then a speeding bullet.

And as a great bonus - No Spike

Posted by moonbaby on 03-16-14 at 06:54 PM
You should try an episode or two of Daria. I'm guessing there is a site somewhere you can see these for free.

"RE: *gasp*"
Posted by Estee on 03-16-14 at 07:01 PM
Free to Amazon Prime member.

"RE: Rainbows everywhere!"
Posted by udg on 03-16-14 at 03:42 PM
Husband: So Maud is Pinkie's sister?
Me: Yup.
Him: And they're total opposites?
Me: Looks like.
Him: Well, I like her better than Pinkie.

"Me too"
Posted by moonbaby on 03-16-14 at 06:56 PM
and I'm wondering if there is a middle sister that acts a little bit like both of them