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Thread Number: 38314
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"The Worm Returns"

Posted by kingfish on 12-17-13 at 10:16 AM
With the recent example of North Korean personnel handling policy in mind, Rodman returns to North Korea...with a film crew!

Sometime those little irritations just take care of themselves.


Tribe put the Louse in Louser Lodge.

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Messages in this discussion
"Let The"
Posted by foonermints on 12-17-13 at 12:27 PM
dumb bastaad stay there. I'd bet his neighbors say the same thing. Stupid helicopter parties!

Tribe put the Louse in Louser Lodge.

"RE: Let The"
Posted by newsomewayne on 12-17-13 at 05:40 PM
Maybe he'll decide to stay on his own...


Posted by foonermints on 12-17-13 at 07:28 PM
I rather appreciated "OlCapitains" post:

"He made the mistake of laughing with Kim Jong-Un, ignoring the fact that millions of North Koreans are going hungry, Kim Jong-Un imprisons people and their families for the hell of it, half of all prisoners go missing never to be seen again, and Kim absolutely hates any form of Democracy and wants to watch South Korea burn. What do you expect, he is an athelete, no one said he had to be intelligent." 

"RE: The Worm Returns"
Posted by Snidget on 12-17-13 at 01:10 PM
Any chance that while he is there we can convince the State Department and any other gov't dept. that it will greatly diffuse any tensions with North Korea if we revoke Rodman's passport so he has to stay there?


"RE: The Worm Returns"
Posted by foonermints on 12-17-13 at 01:25 PM
I like your politics..

"RE: The Worm Returns"
Posted by kingfish on 12-17-13 at 03:06 PM
We could start a rumor that Rodman hates short people.

"RE: The Worm Returns"
Posted by foonermints on 12-17-13 at 03:55 PM
How tall is Snidget?

"RE: The Worm Returns"
Posted by kingfish on 12-17-13 at 04:03 PM
Does she have a thing for Rodman?

Posted by kingfish on 12-17-13 at 04:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-17-13 AT 04:15 PM (EST)

has she benn having her picture taken with Rodman's little buddy?


Posted by foonermints on 12-17-13 at 05:36 PM
So now The Aunt disappears.

Glad I don't travel so much..

"The Worm brings company."
Posted by Estee on 01-07-14 at 01:42 PM

Count the ways where this is begging for disaster. I stopped after two hundred, mostly because I hadn't gotten out of Rodman's column yet.

"RE: The Worm brings company."
Posted by kingfish on 01-07-14 at 02:02 PM
Expect a wobbly missile on an errant course ostensibly from over the Pacific headed for Charles Smith soon.

It may be going "Putt putt putt..."

"Singing Happy Birthday"
Posted by moonbaby on 01-08-14 at 04:19 PM
"Happy Birthday, Supreme Leeeeeeea-derrrrr..." How much did he get paid for this trip? Is it worth the criticism he will face for, oh...the rest of his life?

"RE: Singing Happy Birthday"
Posted by foonermints on 01-08-14 at 10:29 PM
Hanoi Jane did OK.

Capitalism wins anyway!
What a freaking waste. Die Zeitgeist nicht wahr?