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Thread Number: 37728
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"Plaster OT with Politics!"

Posted by weltek on 08-31-12 at 04:04 PM
Let's canvass OT with those wacky political ads that make you cringe, laugh, or cheer.

In my birthplace, we have this patriotic-themed billboard, paid for by "Concerned Citizens of Richland County."

-Handcrafted by RollDdice

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by AyaK on 08-31-12 at 06:26 PM

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Estee on 08-31-12 at 06:43 PM
I can vote to remove Concerned Citizens from Richland Country? Done. Just let me know where to file.

In the meantime, I'll just wait for Snidget to check in. She always has the looney-tunes candidates best commercials!

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Snidget on 08-31-12 at 06:55 PM
When the ads aren't crazy, we get crazy on the ads

"Brevard NC Sept 29th"
Posted by Snidget on 09-03-12 at 11:20 AM
The Tea Party is having a Machine Gun Social.


"RE: Brevard NC Sept 29th"
Posted by AyaK on 09-03-12 at 12:49 PM
The AK-47 may have been the Soviet Union's greatest invention.

One of the bulldozers uncovered the decomposing body of an enemy soldier, complete with AK-47. I happened to be standing right there, looking down into the hole and pulled the AK out of the bog. "Watch this, guys," I said, "and I'll show you how a real infantry weapon works." I pulled the bolt back and fired 30 rounds - the AK could have been cleaned that day rather than buried in glug for a year or so. That was the kind of weapon our soldiers needed, not the confidence-sapping M-16.

-said by David Hackworth, a US Army battallion commander during the Vietnam War.
From About Face, Macmillan (Australia), 1989. p669

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 09-02-12 at 10:44 AM

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by dabo on 09-02-12 at 11:48 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-02-12 AT 12:14 PM (EST)

Well, I couldn't find any photos, but last April one of our fine local truckers put up two anti-Obama signs in his yard. One had a smiling Obama on a cross, because -- well, it's not my logic -- Obama had elevated himself above God by signing an executive order affecting down time for truckers. I kid you not, you can read all about it!


What are these executive order things, why was Obama allowed to invent them, we have a God-given Constitution! Still haven't figured out the logic but those are the highlights.

The other anti-Obama display depicted Obama in a coffin and was labelled Obama's ballot box.

More reading if you like.


Anyway, at one point the fellow took down the original cardboard displays and replaced them with identical wooden displays, to better survive the rains. We then found ourselves in an extreme drought, people who look for supernatural causes in things may make of that what they will.

Sadly, the displays are no longer availale for viewing, they were found in violation of city ordnances for yards signs, ie. just too big. Content was not an issue.


Not that everyone believes that and are cussing the you-know-whos even though the current mayor is Republican.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 09-02-12 at 06:39 PM

No posts on OT in over six hours. I miss the old days.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by weltek on 09-02-12 at 08:54 PM
Crap, I don't know if I vote red or blue based on this.

-Handcrafted by RollDdice

Posted by AyaK on 09-02-12 at 08:26 PM
From the DNC:

"must think of something"
Posted by dabo on 09-02-12 at 10:41 PM
to do with this

"RE: must think of something"
Posted by dabo on 09-02-12 at 11:34 PM
If it would be possible, could someone take Clyde out and put in


"RE: must think of something"
Posted by tribephyl on 09-05-12 at 01:19 AM

"RE: must think of something"
Posted by dabo on 09-05-12 at 09:30 AM
Wow! Thanks, that's much better than I thought it would be!

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by AyaK on 09-03-12 at 10:54 AM

Soylent Green: recycling America, one person at a time.

"I'll drink to that!"
Posted by moonbaby on 09-03-12 at 09:29 PM

Whut? Isn't this the get plastered with OT thread?

"great idea!"
Posted by cqvenus on 09-04-12 at 08:49 AM
*waits for Estee's DNC drinking game thread*


"RE: great idea!"
Posted by newsomewayne on 09-04-12 at 09:46 AM

No need for a game. I'm pretty sure all they'll serve there is Kool-Aid.

Paid for by AgPAC, a 2008 registered 527 organization.
"We will eventually pay for it, but we can argue about that later.” – Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA.)

"RE: great idea!"
Posted by jbug on 09-04-12 at 02:52 PM

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by cahaya on 09-04-12 at 11:49 AM
She can't vote, but...

AyaK will like this one, since he had a FF team named just like this...

And this one's for Estee, although it has clearly been photoshopped, like just about everything else in this campaign...

"More Photoshopping"
Posted by kidflash212 on 09-28-12 at 10:06 AM
You'll ruin your suits, guys.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Estee on 09-04-12 at 04:29 PM
You can say American has gotten worse in the last four years or you can say it's gotten better -- but based on the public billboards, yard displays, machine gun festivals, and everything else mentioned in this thread, I would appreciate no argument on the following:

It's a hell of a lot more rude.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by weltek on 09-28-12 at 11:27 AM
I love it when you reach across the aisle.

-Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Starshine on 09-04-12 at 04:36 PM

Posted by moonbaby on 09-04-12 at 08:23 PM
LOVE this!

"Some Bumper Sticker Slogans from Around the Web"
Posted by kidflash212 on 09-05-12 at 10:04 AM
The country is like a car - If you want to go forward, put it in D. If you want to go backwards, put it in R.

Pharaoh was a Job Creator, so why did GOD side with a Community Organizer?

Dogs for Obama - we ride inside

"RE: Some Bumper Sticker Slogans from Around the Web"
Posted by weltek on 09-28-12 at 11:26 AM
*snort* Literally, I just snorted at work.

-Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Some Bumper Sticker Slogans from Around the Web"
Posted by newsomewayne on 09-28-12 at 02:00 PM
Actually, Pharaoh was the Dear Leader of a government-controlled economy built on the backs of the poor and oppressed. Moses took His people away from that and into a land of prosperity, freedom and decentralized self-government.

U.S. Government: Doing everything you used to do yourself for you since 2008.
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have." - Thomas Jefferson

"Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 09-05-12 at 07:07 PM
This is political. Guy was wearing a polar bear suit at a protest when he got arrested.

Posted by Snidget on 09-23-12 at 09:44 AM

He's on at the end of the ad.

The Sheriff switched parties recently...http://projects.newsobserver.com/node/25812

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 09-28-12 at 10:56 AM

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by agman on 09-28-12 at 12:16 PM

"My Akin funny bone"
Posted by kidflash212 on 09-29-12 at 09:28 AM
This guy just makes me laugh:

Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin (Mo.) told reporters on Thursday that his opponent, Democratic incumbent Claire McCaskill, was much more "ladylike" in her 2006 campaign against Sen. Jim Talent (R-Mo.) than she is in her campaign against Akin.

McCaskill “had a confidence and was very much more sort of ladylike,” Akin told a Bloomberg reporter at a stop on his "Common Sense" bus tour in Jefferson City, Mo. “In the debate we had Friday, she came out swinging, and I think that’s because she was threatened."

Ladylike? Why do I keep hearing his statements in Boss Hogg's voice?

Capn2patch put me in motion!

"RE: My Akin funny bone"
Posted by cahaya on 09-29-12 at 07:24 PM
To lose an election to a woman, the ultimate humiliation!

Agman's Muse

This dude, he's rude.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by kingfish on 10-01-12 at 05:58 PM

"Blame Vote Canada!!"
Posted by byoffer on 10-03-12 at 11:06 AM
Yes we Canada!!

"RE: Blame Vote Canada!!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-03-12 at 11:15 AM
We were counting on Canada to take in all the refugees who have been threatening to leave the US if Obama is reelected.

"RE: Blame Vote Canada!!"
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-03-12 at 11:20 AM
Better hope they all have clean police records, or Canada will be sending them back.

"RE: Blame Vote Canada!!"
Posted by byoffer on 10-03-12 at 03:28 PM
I like the comment about how both Canada and the US have problems with illiegal immigrants from south of their borders.

"Write Your Own Caption..."
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-03-12 at 11:47 AM

"RE: Write Your Own Caption..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-03-12 at 12:13 PM
Nice to see that Mittens is profusely sweating over being in the presence of the Average Joes.

"RE: Write Your Own Caption..."
Posted by byoffer on 10-03-12 at 12:42 PM
Looks like they had to cash in a lot of chips to get this photo op.

"RE: Write Your Own Caption..."
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-03-12 at 03:15 PM
The 1% hanging out with the 99%.

"RE: Write Your Own Caption..."
Posted by cahaya on 10-03-12 at 03:45 PM
Too bad none of them can vote for you, Mitt, even if they wanted to.

The three on the left are undocumented and the one on the right doesn't have a photo ID driver's license.

"Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-04-12 at 10:36 AM
They really should keep their own hair.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Estee on 10-04-12 at 04:24 PM
I can't decide whether Romney's hairstyle is more appropriate for a snake oil salesman or a snake-oil user: apply direct to the scalp twenty-four times a day. It's the Basic Televangelist: send him money and we all get called -- to India.

"While we're on cringeworthy ads..."
Posted by Estee on 10-04-12 at 04:19 PM
Do you see that Ultimate Dance Competition banner at the top of just about every page?

Resisting the urge to find Abby and punch her in the face may be taking days off my life.

On the other hand, flying out to her location and doing it only takes about three hundred dollars out of my bank account.

"RE: While we're on cringeworthy ads..."
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-04-12 at 09:13 PM
Is it just me or does that ad keep opening another page even without getting my cursor near it?

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Bebo on 10-04-12 at 06:35 PM

"Post debate"
Posted by kingfish on 10-05-12 at 06:31 PM
First place:

Second place:

Third Place:

Finally, gratuitous sex:

Roberta from Survivor.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Snidget on 10-05-12 at 07:26 PM
Worse than ads...they are writing books.


Should I be sad, or relieved that Arkansas is making some of my local politicians look sane, or a least smart enough not to enter certain thoughts into their permanent record.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Estee on 10-05-12 at 08:13 PM
*waits to hear how many local denizens agree with all of it*

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-07-12 at 10:23 AM
Slavery was good for black people:

“… the institution of slavery that the black race has long believed to be an abomination upon its people may actually have been a blessing in disguise. The blacks who could endure those conditions and circumstances would someday be rewarded with citizenship in the greatest nation ever established upon the face of the Earth.” (Pages 183-89)

If you think slavery was bad, you should have seen Africa:

African Americans must “understand that even while in the throes of slavery, their lives as Americans are likely much better than they ever would have enjoyed living in sub-Saharan Africa.”
“Knowing what we know today about life on the African continent, would an existence spent in slavery have been any crueler than a life spent in sub-Saharan Africa?” (Pages 93 and 189)

Black people are ignorant:

“Wouldn’t life for blacks in America today be more enjoyable and successful if they would only learn to appreciate the value of a good education?” (Page 184)

-from Snidget's link.

Can't wait to hear his views on marriage equality.

"Yea or..."
Posted by moonbaby on 10-05-12 at 09:58 PM

"RE: Yea or..."
Posted by cahaya on 10-06-12 at 01:23 AM
We've got a whinny!

"RE: Yea or..."
Posted by Estee on 10-12-12 at 02:02 PM
Unicorns are intellectual elitists!

Earth ponies are the exploited 99%!

Pegasi are -- frequently lazy egotistical jerks?

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Estee on 10-07-12 at 01:55 AM
Got this one on the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

Now if we assume that the natural instinct is for the writer to list the worst crime first...

"Write Your Own Caption...Part 2"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-09-12 at 09:55 AM

"RE: Write Your Own Caption...Part 2"
Posted by Estee on 10-09-12 at 10:05 AM
"He really is talking out of it!"

"RE: Write Your Own Caption...Part 2"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-09-12 at 10:24 AM
Romney releases his new healthcare plan.

"RE: Write Your Own Caption...Part 2"
Posted by cahaya on 10-09-12 at 10:24 AM
Kiss it!

"RE: Write Your Own Caption...Part 2"
Posted by Bebo on 10-10-12 at 11:39 AM
And here's my offer for the 47%.

"RE: Write Your Own Caption...Part 2"
Posted by newsomewayne on 10-11-12 at 08:35 AM
"Honestly, that was the only photo we had from the event," says the AP writers (pictured below) who covered Romney that day.

Paid for by AgPAC, a 2008 registered 527 organization.
"We will eventually pay for it, but we can argue about that later.” – Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA.)

"One Voter For Romney..."
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-09-12 at 12:51 PM

Some quotes -

"Romney is super hot. We haven't had a hot President since like Kennedy"

"Obama is going to take away my right to be a Catholic, which he basically already has. It's turning into a tyranny, like socialism, like Mexico in the 1940's"

I'm hoping this is poorly done satire.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 10-09-12 at 03:47 PM

sig Syren, bouncy by IceCat, bobble head by Tribephyl, and snoglobe by agman

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by foonermints on 10-10-12 at 01:01 PM

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by agman on 10-10-12 at 01:10 PM

"Try this..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-11-12 at 07:12 AM
Go to google.com

Click on "Images"

Type in "completely wrong"

See what comes up.

"RE: Try this..."
Posted by Estee on 10-11-12 at 07:56 AM
Hairy toes?

Posted by qwertypie on 10-11-12 at 12:48 PM

"Dethrone Obama Bill Board"
Posted by Snidget on 10-11-12 at 06:10 PM
I'm probably going to have to pull over on the highway near my house to even try to read the teeny print saying who put it up. I can tell there is some tiny print in the corner. Likely the smallest print legally allowed for who paid for it.

I might have to illegally climb the bill board to read the fine print.

"Arkansas making the rest of our politicians look good...take two"
Posted by Snidget on 10-11-12 at 06:38 PM

We wouldn't have to kill a lot of kids and we would require you go to court, first...

But just think of how much more powerful your threats will be!!!

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-12-12 at 09:46 AM

But the birthers would have a problem.

Posted by moonbaby on 10-12-12 at 10:35 AM
a bumpersticker I would actually put on my car

"RE: Finally"
Posted by agman on 10-12-12 at 01:11 PM

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by foonermints on 10-21-12 at 04:22 PM

Maybe this should be in the "Obama's America" thread?

~foonermint: pure mayhem

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-22-12 at 03:14 PM
Sleeper agent for Putin trying to influence the election.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by foonermints on 10-22-12 at 03:25 PM
Well, better than trying to find a Chinese-made battery to put in my Chinese made GPS to locate the nearest bread line and soup kitchen.

CTgirl ObamaChupacabra habla: Hail Comrades!

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 10-21-12 at 10:46 PM
I saw it, and couldn't resist. LOL

"Never seen a shared ad before"
Posted by Snidget on 10-23-12 at 06:48 AM
Three judges on the court of appeals went in together for a re-elect us all ad.

They had all kinds of people saying they were fair, in English and Spanish.

They may be doomed.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-23-12 at 09:23 AM

"So how long before either tosses hat in the ring for President?"
Posted by Snidget on 10-23-12 at 06:34 PM
He, is a Republican School Board member running for State Auditor
She, is a Republican School Board Member (same county) running for a seat in the state House.

She says she had $100,000 in jewelry, $20,000 cash and $10,000 of her coin collection stolen.

She says he stole it. He was dropped as a suspect.

They are both married to other people.

He says he did buy her the $100,000 worth of jewelry (as he and everyone else thinks the two were dating, she disagrees) and she still has it, he has seen her wear it. Apparently there was no insurance filed for the theft.

All that happened in 2010.

It is just becoming big news now. Right before the election.

She says that the only story is that the newspaper that is evil and wrong for saying anything about this, well at this particular time, or at all.


"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by foonermints on 10-23-12 at 09:29 PM
What would happen if there were a white president asking for white votes?


foonermint: pure mayhem

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by kingfish on 10-23-12 at 10:13 PM
He/she would have to prove that they weren't born in a Nordic country.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by foonermints on 10-23-12 at 11:04 PM
The Viking settled Hawaii, didn't they?

Hail Thorkamehameha!

"Pregnancy from rape is something God intended."
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-24-12 at 08:40 AM
Just ask Richard Mourdock.

Even though I'm not a big Joe Donnelly fan, there's no way I can vote for an idiot like Mourdock. (This is not the first time he's said or done something stupid.) Just as Sharron Angle blew a golden opportunity to remove Harry Reid and switch party control of a Senate seat, Richard Mourdock is singlehandedly giving Dick Lugar's seat to the Democrats.

"RE: Pregnancy from rape is something God intended."
Posted by Estee on 10-24-12 at 08:58 AM
Does it surprise anyone that someone in this election would directly imply their deity intends for women to be raped?

The pleasant thing about this argument is that in hypothetical theory, you could go up to Mourdope, break his face in a million places, and then tell the weeping bleeder that there's an entity which not only intended that to happen, but for the attacker to get off scot-free. And who is he to go against that?

"RE: Pregnancy from rape is something God intended."
Posted by AyaK on 10-24-12 at 11:38 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-24-12 AT 11:40 AM (EST)

I'm surprised you all find Mourdock's specific comment so horrifying. It's simply an extreme expression of Christian theology. The stupid part is that he believes in theocracy.

Let's review what Mourdock said. In a debate, he was asked about his opposition to abortion in cases of rape (N.B., that by itself should disqualify him). Mourdock said that he came to this conclusion because he realized that if someone became pregnant on account of rape, that was what God wanted to happen. This is the "controversial" statement, but it seems to me that it is completely consistent with the Christian view of an all-powerful God who nevertheless permits adversity to happen. It doesn't mean that God preordains rape, which I've seen alleged on Twitter -- but it does mean that God has the power to stop rape and chooses not to. In other words, God wants free will and the consequences that follow from permitting free will.

So I understand that claim, even though I strongly disagree, since I don't believe in God. But it's the further claim that this supports not having a rape exception in abortion law that I find disturbing. If God permits free will, why shouldn't the rape victim have free will not to carry the fetus to term? Since when did God say that the rapist gets free will but the rape victim does not? And why does God get the last say on laws? Have we returned to "Christian sharia"?

I thought Sherron Angle and Christine O'Donnell were as low as the Tea Party could go, but then they dredged up Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock. I guess the two nutty men were intended to establish gender equality among Tea Party nuts.

"RE: Pregnancy from rape is something God intended."
Posted by cahaya on 11-05-12 at 01:15 PM
The latest polls are now leaning toward the Dem Donnelly vs the Pub Mourdock.

Mourdock alienated enough Pubs (and independents) with his defeat of Lugar and his most recent comments, that a sure-bet Pub Senate seat is in serious jeopardy.

I would have voted for Lugar vs Donnelly, but no way Mourdock is going to get my vote or the vote of some Pubs I know who are going to cross party lines this time around.

I'm predicting Mourdock becomes political history in this state, as in past history.

"RE: Pregnancy from rape is something God intended."
Posted by dabo on 11-05-12 at 01:36 PM
I certainly hope Donnelly defeats Mourdock because I genuinely hate the thought of Mourdock being my senator for the next six years. But while the polls are showing Donnelly ahead by 4 or 5 points, there's a disturbingly large block of Undecideds still out there, 12-13%, who could upset the pollsters calling this one.

No one in Indiana should think this one is in the bag just yet, get out the vote!

"Donald Trump and Gloria Allred to make 'election-changing announcements' today."
Posted by Estee on 10-24-12 at 08:49 AM
Oh my gawds, it's a nuclear DAW-off! Run for your lives!

"RE: Donald Trump and Gloria Allred to make 'election-changing announcements' today."
Posted by Snidget on 10-24-12 at 09:55 AM
Is it too much to hope that somehow the dueling press conferences will create some kind of reaction that would wipe both of them out of this timeline?

"RE: Donald Trump and Gloria Allred to make 'election-changing announcements' today."
Posted by Estee on 10-24-12 at 10:03 AM
I'd be happy if the sound interference just nulled out their voices.

No idea what Allred's planning, but rumor has it that Donald's about to pull out divorce papers for the Obamss. To which I say 'You've spent the last four years arguing that no legal document connected to the President is real and now we're supposed to believe one because you have custody?'

"RE: Donald Trump and Gloria Allred to make 'election-changing announcements' today."
Posted by Snidget on 10-24-12 at 10:45 AM
Best as I can tell she's unsealing papers about a divorce as well. One where Romney testified.

"Donald sets up for noon EDT."
Posted by Estee on 10-24-12 at 11:38 AM
Given that Romney is now supposedly polling at five to forty percent ahead, I'm not sure 'game-changing' means what he thinks it does.

"RE: Donald Trump and Gloria Allred to make 'election-changing announcements' today."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-24-12 at 12:14 PM
So. What did they say?

(still waiting for CNN to come in with *anything* on these two)

"RE: Donald Trump and Gloria Allred to make 'election-changing announcements' today."
Posted by Snidget on 10-24-12 at 12:17 PM
I think he was supposed to tweet at noon.

TMZ is covering it.

Trump just made the "announcement" via a YouTube video -- saying, "If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records and applications ... and if he gives his passport applications and records I will give to a charity of his choice -- Inner City Children of Chicago, American Cancer Society, AIDS Research ... a check immediately for 5 million dollars."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2012/10/24/donald-trump-barack-obama-announcement-5-million/#ixzz2AEYzHErD

"RE: Donald Trump and Gloria Allred to make 'election-changing announcements' today."
Posted by Estee on 10-24-12 at 12:21 PM
*shrug* So if the President hands them over, Donald claims they were altered, falsified, and Photoshopped (in that order) and doesn't make the donation. If the President doesn't hand them over, Donald claims there's something to hide and doesn't make the donation. Lose-lose.

"RE: Donald Trump and Gloria Allred to make 'election-changing announcements' today."
Posted by Snidget on 10-24-12 at 12:40 PM
Washington Post blog speculates:

"Some conservatives believe that Obama’s transcripts will prove that he was a bad student who benefited from affirmative action. The desire for Obama’s passport stems from a conspiracy theory that he used a non-American passport to travel to Pakistan in 1981. "

Um, haven't we had bad students who benefited from Daddy's money/alumni status action before be President?

If Daddy's money or status gives you an edge that's OK, just as long as his DNA didn't.

Do I really want to look up this conspiracy theory? Do they think he'd put something illegal/immoral/fattening on his passport application?

"RE: Donald Trump and Gloria Allred to make 'election-changing announcements' today."
Posted by Estee on 10-24-12 at 12:47 PM
At this point, I'm starting to question if Donald Trump was born in the United States. In fact, I'm beginning to feel convinced he's a long-term terrorist sleeper agent and I demand to see his original birth certificate, delivered personally to me, in the next two hours.

*finds lighter*

No copies.

"RE: Donald Trump and Gloria Allred to make 'election-changing announcements' today."
Posted by Estee on 10-24-12 at 12:18 PM
Dunno. Much like his series, his business, and everything else, Donald has lied: he's running late.

"Obama's response?"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-24-12 at 04:14 PM

"Silence from Allred."
Posted by Estee on 10-27-12 at 06:24 AM
So either her plans fell through, Donald successfully trumped her, or she was too busy not representing someone in court.

"RE: Silence from Allred."
Posted by AyaK on 10-31-12 at 02:41 AM
No. Romney and Thomas Stenberg agreed to unseal Romney's testimony from the hearing on Staples' valuation. Turns out that the advice Romney gave was also the advice that he followed: he didn't buy all the shares of the stock that he could, and he sold half of them before the IPO.

Even some lefties realized that there was no story there. For example, here's a description of the testimony from the hack Boston Glub:

At Stemberg’s request, Romney testified in 1991 about what the value of Staples shares had been in early 1988, when Stemberg and Sullivan Stemberg reached a separation agreement.

Romney described Staples as dysfunctional at the time — a place with “surly” employees and slow checkout times. His testimony portrays the early days of Staples as rocky, riddled with operational problems and contentious board fights that left Romney angst-filled and pessimistic about the company’s prospects.

Bain Capital had bought into Staples at 80 cents per share in January 1986. When Staples sought prices of $2.10 and $2.90 per share on second and third rounds of investment, Bain Capital hesitated before making smaller investments. Staples was growing too slowly, and Stemberg was on thin ice with investors, Romney said.

“We were obviously proved wrong, ultimately, but the price we thought was high at that stage, given the company’s performance,” Romney testified.

Romney explained that he had been asked by Stemberg in 1990, at the beginning of the lawsuit, to retroactively appraise Staples shares at the time of Stemberg’s separation from his wife.

As a reference point, Romney said, he used the $2.90 price on preferred shares Staples had sold to investors in December 1987, the most recent sales period.

The shares awarded to Sullivan Stemberg were worth less than $2.90, Romney argued, because they carried fewer benefits. For example, Romney said, owners of the shares purchased in December 1987 would have received more money than a buyer of Sullivan Stemberg’s shares if Staples failed and its assets were liquidated.

Such protection is valuable to investors, Romney said. He put the fair market value of Sullivan Stemberg’s shares at about $1.75 apiece. In getting $2.25 and $2.48 per share in sales, Sullivan Stemberg had done well, Romney testified.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by samboohoo on 10-24-12 at 10:45 AM
At this point in the election year, every. single. advertisement makes me cringe. On the treadmill last week, there were 14 political commercials within my 20-minute run. That is far too many.

The ones that make me laugh are all of the ones about guns. There was a fundraiser here recently. Honestly, I don't recall the candidate. It was local, but not so local. It was completely about exercising your rights as a gun owner, and it was over-the-top, but it made me laugh.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by newsomewayne on 10-24-12 at 10:54 AM
there were 14 political commercials within my 20-minute run. That is far too many.

Ads or minutes?

Tebow Time is over. We prefer to win games in the 1st quarter.
Trade managed by GM Agman, 2012

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by samboohoo on 10-24-12 at 04:50 PM
Ads. Back to back to back to back to back . . . It was absurd. I thought, perhaps, there had been some sort of glitch that caused a repeat.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-24-12 at 11:22 AM

"Pregnancies from rape..."
Posted by cahaya on 10-24-12 at 12:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-24-12 AT 12:55 PM (EST)

... are God's will, says Richard Mourdock, who defeated Richard Lugar to vie for the Senate seat, using Carl Rove's SuperPAC money and TP support to do it.

And he was horrible as Treasurer of State, with $526 million dollars in tax revenues placed in the wrong bank accounts, forcing local governments throughout the state, who should have received these funds, to cut back on services, including laying off personnel.

And this guy is a Hoosier? Not really, he was born in Ohio. Too bad we Hoosiers can't deport him across the border.

"RE: Pregnancies from rape..."
Posted by Estee on 10-24-12 at 01:04 PM
But a lime helmet is the blessing you cannot refuse.

"RE: Pregnancies from rape..."
Posted by cahaya on 10-24-12 at 01:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-24-12 AT 01:23 PM (EST)

Oh, never mind, I just needed to look twelve o'clock high.

I guess I need eyes on top of my head as well as on the back of it.

"RE: Pregnancies from rape..."
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-24-12 at 01:22 PM
*points up to post 86*

Day late, dollar short.

"RE: Pregnancies from rape..."
Posted by cahaya on 10-24-12 at 01:24 PM
With Mourdock, it's $526 million dollars short, and not a day too early.

"RE: Pregnancies from rape..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-24-12 at 01:23 PM
It's in post 86 above from this morning by Max.

"Does Ayak know about this?"
Posted by Snidget on 10-24-12 at 05:41 PM
Cover story of the local generally pretty liberal weekly.

The article:


"RE: Does Ayak know about this?"
Posted by dabo on 10-25-12 at 01:49 AM
This is one we can't afford to lose. If you're not sure who "we" might be, I hope to make it clear.

This was paragraph 8 and I still didn't know what guy was going on about, any first year journalism student would know to make it clear what the point is in paragraph one sentence one if possible.

Still don't know the point but in paragraph 10 he diverts into history of the French Revolution. And the Dust Bowl. Okay, color me confusilated.

Paragraph 12. Gated communities, rare in his day, wall off whole counties in ours.

A-Ha, finally, a clew. Still don't know what this guy is going on about, but at least I have a clew.

Dust Bowl, Gated Communities.

Paragraph 14: But the coincidence that grabbed me most forcefully was the death in August of the science-fiction writer Harry Harrison, whose 1966 novel Make Room, Make Room became the 1973 film Soylent Green, with Charlton Heston and Edward G. Robinson. If you could call Soylent Green a cult film, surely the cult is very small. Yeah, let's confusilate a religeous cult and cult films, because cult is cult. Finally got the AyaK connection, though.

(In the book, notably, soylent green actually is... soy.)

Paragraph 17: Somehow goes off on a necrophilia tangent. Still don't know what this guy's point is, but hey wow color me disgusted.

Paragraph 20: Finally I know what this dumdum is ranting about. The obscenely rich.

Paragraph 23: The gospel of Ayn Rand is the perfect contradiction of everything ever preached by Jesus Christ. Bazinga! That should have been the lead sentence way back in paragraph one.

Not that I agree or disagree, just sayin' this joker should have taken journalism 101.

And the rest of it dissembles into a diatribe. Boy that was fun.

"RE: Does Ayak know about this?"
Posted by Snidget on 10-25-12 at 08:53 AM
I picked it up for the cover.

But the article certainly does ramble on and on.

"RE: Does Ayak know about this?"
Posted by AyaK on 10-31-12 at 02:24 AM
Now you know why I support Mitt.

Soylent Green: recycling America, one person at a time.

"I Give Up"
Posted by foonermints on 10-27-12 at 02:14 AM

"Could be worse."
Posted by Estee on 10-27-12 at 06:36 AM

Posted by foonermints on 10-27-12 at 06:26 PM
But the cat has some luster.

"Oprah Winfrey"
Posted by Starshine on 10-27-12 at 05:49 PM
So, who is your celebrity president?


Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-27-12 at 06:03 PM
...is who I got. Hmmm.

Jay-Z is rap royalty and one of President Obama's most prominent supporters in 2012. A Jay-Z presidency would be flashy, yes, but would boast a Bootylicious First Lady in his wife, Beyonce. Jay-Z currently spends his days as an entrepreneur and philanthropist - he's made millions from his clothing line and gave $1million to support victims of Hurricane Katrina.

"Mel Gibson"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-27-12 at 06:12 PM
It's almost Halloween so I made a scary choice.

How different from Romney would he be anyway?

"RE: Mel Gibson"
Posted by foonermints on 10-27-12 at 07:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-27-12 AT 07:42 PM (EST)

Kidflash: not Jewish.

"RE: Mel Gibson"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-27-12 at 08:17 PM
Actually when I did the test I got Tina Turner but went with something scarier.

"RE: Mel Gibson"
Posted by foonermints on 10-27-12 at 08:40 PM
There's a test?

foonermints: wanting "Tina Turner Positive"
Two Men Enter, One Man Leaves!

"Peyton Manning."
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-27-12 at 08:55 PM
Eerily appropriate for me.

"Kristi Yamaguchi or Andy Garcia"
Posted by AyaK on 10-31-12 at 02:29 AM

"Scarlett Johansson"
Posted by byoffer on 11-05-12 at 12:17 PM
Could make more people pay attention to politics.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by foonermints on 10-28-12 at 06:56 PM

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by agman on 10-28-12 at 07:03 PM

"But the other option?"
Posted by Estee on 10-28-12 at 07:12 PM
Is electing the iceberg. I have not forgotten the Limbaugh Dictate: that the GOP do their best to make America fail for four years, claim you care about all the people who suffered because of it, and sail back into power in a wake of a disaster you did your best to enforce.

No one ever apologizes to the corpses used to build the road.

Maybe they've convinced themselves that only liberals die. They certainly believe that only liberals are evil...

Posted by foonermints on 10-28-12 at 07:29 PM
Librals aren't evil. It's just that their corpses make a more satisfying "crunchy noise" when you roll over them.

'Specially when they're fresh.

"RE: no"
Posted by Snidget on 10-28-12 at 07:34 PM
It's all the Kale.

Recently spotted Tweet out of NYC:

— Jordana Rothman (@jordanarothman) October 28, 2012

"That makes no sense."
Posted by Estee on 10-28-12 at 07:40 PM
Everyone knows it's the TPs who get all the deep-frying.

"RE: That makes no sense."
Posted by foonermints on 10-28-12 at 10:25 PM
They get soggy. No snap!

Posted by Estee on 10-28-12 at 07:24 PM
I can't decide who the bigger moron is here: the buyer or the seller.


And now watch some moron on the Democrat side buy the forehead space and turn the seller into a walking identity crisis.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by foonermints on 10-31-12 at 01:41 AM

foonermint: Hooligan Enabler

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by AyaK on 10-31-12 at 02:32 AM
I'll second that!

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-31-12 at 10:04 PM
As an aside... it`s really nice to see Chris Christie and Barack Obama put their political affiliations aside and work together to ensure that the people of New Jersey get the help that they needed.

Meanwhile, Mitt is off campaigning in Ohio and the latest ads there were given a thumbs down as a “pants-on-fire”. The one thing his campaign was doing to help the victims of the hurricane was to ask for donations of food items to the Red Cross and other private charities ... one problem with that is that these agencies don`t accept donated food items for the most part, preferring cash in order to have flexibility to allocate needed resources.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Brownroach on 10-31-12 at 10:49 PM
Chris Christie = very shmaht.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Estee on 11-01-12 at 09:05 AM
Well, you see, anyone who needs money to recover from a disaster is just one of those annoying 47% that just wants the government to take care of their entire lives...

"Romney is in dire need of"
Posted by IceCat on 11-01-12 at 02:29 AM

A genuine NASA-spec, heat-shielded Etch-a-Sketch!

"Did Obama Make This?"
Posted by foonermints on 11-01-12 at 10:50 PM
None of the buttons work. Maybe they lack consensus?

Wait! Can it print money too?!

Oh - nevermind. Etch-a Sketch dollars are about the same as what I have in my wallet, anyway.

"No more political ads, please."
Posted by Max Headroom on 11-01-12 at 08:50 AM
I voted last Friday, so it's officially too late to sway my opinion and all political ads should be removed from TV. Just sayin'.

"We Are All Abigael Evans"
Posted by Snidget on 11-01-12 at 08:54 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-01-12 AT 08:54 AM (EST)


Halloween siggie until all communities finish celebrating Halloween.

"Surely her ad is making that stuff up"
Posted by Snidget on 11-01-12 at 10:27 PM

That can't be what the other dude running for state treasure is proposing...




"Mighty Morphing Money Map"
Posted by Snidget on 11-03-12 at 05:05 PM
Wanna know where the money got spent this election? Here you go


Posted by foonermints on 11-05-12 at 11:58 AM
I'm worth less than 1¢? I feel so.. small.
Keeper of the NonIceGorn

"RE: Mighty Morphing Money Map"
Posted by AyaK on 11-05-12 at 07:53 PM
I'm amazed that per-voter spending is that high in Nevada, but the spending in New Hampshire comes as no surprise, because the most of New Hampshire watches Boston TV for CBS, NBC and Fox (although Manchester has its own ABC affiliate), which means candidates have to run ads in Boston and pay Boston ad prices to reach NH, even though Massachusetts is as deep blue as states come.

At my house, I get both the Boston and Manchester, NH ABC stations -- and I won't even guess how much revenue the Boston ABC affiliate has lost relative to the Boston CBS, NBC and Fox affiliates. From the bombardment of election ads, my daughters not only know Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren, Richard Tisei and John Tierney, but also Ovide Lamontagne, Maggie Hassan, Charlie Bass, Frank Guinta, Carol Shea-Porter, and (to a lesser extent) Ann McLane Kuster.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-03-12 at 08:08 PM

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by AyaK on 11-05-12 at 08:25 PM
I guess that's typical of the cockeyed way that the NDP would look at the world.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-05-12 at 08:28 PM
Not a NDP supporter myself.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by AyaK on 11-06-12 at 10:50 AM
Glad to hear that. Although, with Canada in the grips of Justin Trudeau-mania and Tom Mulcair's supposed move to the center, maybe the NDP isn't a real threat any longer.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-06-12 at 04:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-06-12 AT 04:58 PM (EST)

I voted Conservative the last two elections because I think Harper has done a decent job in a difficult economic environment in light of the crash that started in 2008 under Bush affecting the border communities of Ontario near where I live. Windsor, Woodstock, Kitchener, Cambridge, Oakville, and Oshawa in particular have all been affected in myriad ways by the difficulties encountered by the auto plants in Detroit and Ohio, and other industries in Buffalo, to name a few.

Prior to Harper, I had always voted Liberal - it was practically beaten into me by family members on my maternal side as I'm related to a former Liberal prime minister.

As for Trudeau... I'll play a wait-and-see game before I decide if he's worth voting for, but so far I like the soundbites coming from him. Still a long way to go before he proves himself, though. Part of the problem is the Canadian balloting system where we vote for the MP in our riding and the number of MPs decide who gets to be prime minister - even if I wanted someone like Trudeau to be PM, the Liberal candidates in my particular riding have been remarkably incompetent over the past few elections. I live in a Conservative-dominated city so the other parties barely bother to campaign in certain areas.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by AyaK on 11-06-12 at 06:54 PM
During my ever-so-brief (and totally illegal) stay in Canada, I lived in Herb Gray's riding in Windsor and environs. In one sense, it was like the Electoral College in the US -- Herb Gray wasn't going anywhere, so no matter who you supported, your riding was going to go Grit.

I didn't know KW was Conservative-dominated.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-06-12 at 08:44 PM
The three current MPs for my region (Stephen Woodworth, Harold Albrecht and Peter Braid) are all Conservative, including Albrecht who has won my riding three elections in a row.

Question for you... what's your thoughts on the electoral college system? I'm not crazy about the fact that a simple majority in each state is enough to give all of the state's electoral votes toward a candidate. Take California, for example, with their 55 -- wouldn't it be better to break up the state into 55 proportional voting regions and then tally up the results for each region independently to count toward each candidate's total? A NoCal farming region is going to give a very different result from a Palm Springs-type region, but you'd never know from all the 55 votes going to one candidate.

I've wondered what it'd be like here to have the prime minister popular vote counted separately from the vote for a MP - do you guys like doing it that way for President or would rather vote for a representative to sit in D.C. and the candidate with the most representatives (a.k.a. seats) becomes President?

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by dabo on 11-06-12 at 09:43 PM
Talk about opening up a can of worms! Basically, yeah, the Electoral College is an archaic system that we are more or less stuck with. There have been plenty of efforts to change it or do away with it over the centuries, with the exception of one (the 12th amendment to the Constitution) all have failed.

Anyway, to your specific question, it may look good in theory but in reality opening up the Electoral College to gerrymandering is an extremely bad idea.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-06-12 at 10:04 PM
I get what you mean about gerrymandering, but somehow a bipartisan committee could be set up to figure out a proportional balance in order to split up the regions - no funny boundaries, split them up by population and city parts. This just seems to be a better option than grouping them all into one bunch; something's got to be better than clump 55 or 29 or 18 electoral votes into one endorsement.

Not close to being the same thing, I know, but imagine if Canada had an electoral college system a la the USA. The province of Ontario has 37% of Canada's population and if you had all 12.8 million clumped together into a block of electoral votes going to one candidate, it'd be almost pointless to even bother holding a vote for any of the western provinces, especially if Quebec (23%) goes the same way as Ontario.

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by Snidget on 11-06-12 at 10:09 PM
Nebraska does it by congressional districts, but I would, if they do proportional voting do it by state totals rather than give one more reason for the strange and unusual districting/mapping that goes on with all the other elections.

I think the problem is that other than a state with only a few votes it is hard to get any one state with a lot of electoral collage power to give up the winner takes all unless all the others do well

"RE: Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by dabo on 11-06-12 at 10:32 PM
Yeah, the states could do as Pepe suggests if they wanted, but why would they want to? It would have to come from the federal government that everyone had to do that, which would mean it would have to be done by a constitutional amendment, which the states would probably refuse to ratify.

But assuming everyone agreed to do it, how would they do it? The rule is that each state has as many electoral college votes as it has U.S. Senate seats (2) plus U.S. House seats (determined by population), so congressional districts are out unless the 2 votes are done as winner take all. And by constitutional amendment (23rd) Washington DC has 3 EC votes. How do you divy up a city? How would NYC have to be divied up?

"Which values?"
Posted by cahaya on 11-05-12 at 11:25 AM
Paul Ryan Says Obama Would Compromise 'Judeo-Christian Western Civilization Values'

What about those of Americans who are not Judeo-Christian?

How can I vote for a man who speaks of narrow religious values instead of national values, the American values common to all of us Americans?

Any lingering (read: tiny) chance I might have had to vote for this man because of his fiscal conservatism has evaporated.

"Uh oh!"
Posted by foonermints on 11-05-12 at 11:41 AM
Quick - give this man some Obamacare!

"RE: Uh oh!"
Posted by cahaya on 11-05-12 at 12:58 PM
Which leads me to wonder... is there more air in those balloons, or in her head?

Ragtop Ride by foonermints

"RE: Uh oh!"
Posted by foonermints on 11-05-12 at 01:03 PM
Heck if I know.

So many nutzy things. I'm hiding!

"He's more open-minded today!"
Posted by Estee on 11-05-12 at 02:07 PM
He acknowledged the possible existence of Judeos!

It's just the classic Dubya voter rally: fear, fear, fear. Because Those People will destroy everything you believe in. Especially your right to legally hate. And isn't that gonna svck?

"RE: He's more open-minded today!"
Posted by foonermints on 11-05-12 at 02:17 PM

»He acknowledged the possible existence of Judeos!«

So it's pretty safe to say he's got your vote?

OH! Ooops! Someday I really have to update stuff..

"RE: He's more open-minded today!"
Posted by Estee on 11-05-12 at 02:34 PM
No. Because a country run by Paul Ryan is what I'm afraid of.

"RE: He's more open-minded today!"
Posted by AyaK on 11-05-12 at 08:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-05-12 AT 08:22 PM (EST)

I'm afraid that after four more years of Barack Obama's incompetence, there won't be a country.

Not because of the stupid belief in the 2016: Obama's America film that Obama hates America or wants to destroy American values, but just because Obama is so incompetent that he typically makes the biggest blunders possible.

Right now, it seems likely that Democrats will retain the majority in the Senate, though, thanks to Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock throwing away seemingly-certain GOP seats in Missouri and Indiana, respectively. (As cahaya pointed out, not only hasn't Richard Lugar endorsed Mourdock, but neither has Mitch Daniels, and his stupidity cost himself a fair share of their voters). With Bill Nelson preparing to convincingly pound Connie Mack in Florida, there are only four seats left that I see as toss-ups: Massachusetts, Virginia, Wisconsin and (despite the PPP poll) Ohio. Democrats will have 49 seats without winning any of these four (assuming Jon Tester loses in Montana), and they're likely to at least split these four (I give Kaine and Sherrod Brown slight edges), giving them at least 51. . .

. . . which means nothing is going to happen without a bipartisan majority supporting it. As a result, Paul Ryan won't get to run anything except the Senate, because he doesn't seem too good at building such majorities. Instead, Romney will get to see if he really can create Clinton-esque comromises on a national scale. I wish him luck.

"RE: He's more open-minded today!"
Posted by foonermints on 11-05-12 at 08:23 PM
Well, a country run by Obama pretty much sucks too.

I'm not sure f I'm at the "complacency" or "apathy" part.
I really want that "abundance".

"RE: He's more open-minded today!"
Posted by AyaK on 11-06-12 at 10:22 AM
Like the billboard says:

"If That Happens.."
Posted by foonermints on 11-06-12 at 10:53 AM
EBT Card here I come!

*pushes Kingfish out of line*

"Plaster OT with Politics!"
Posted by kidflash212 on 11-08-12 at 01:59 PM

The fine print - Offer applies only to Romney merchandise

That's not me trying to be funny - it really says that.