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"Trope Of The Day III: Star Troping Across The Universe."

Posted by Estee on 08-29-12 at 08:21 AM
Boldly going forward 'cause we can't find reverse!

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Messages in this discussion
"#201 "
Posted by Estee on 08-29-12 at 08:30 AM
In Japan, it's considered to be the relationship equivalent of training wheels: a perfectly normal and completely accepted stage of growing up which you had better not still be using upon reaching adulthood. It's expected from youth and immature afterwards.

In much of the United States, it's considered to be a perfectly valid reason to throw you out of your school, house, church, and leave you wandering the streets alone until a car hits you and sends you deservedly to your eternal torment. And this treatment is not only expected from the adults who enforce it, but lauded.

A few years of 'Isn't that cute' followed by a lifetime of 'Just grow up!' -- or immediate total rejection that is culturally and politically encouraged to never become anything else.


Sometimes the slow poison burns more.

"RE: #201 "
Posted by newsomewayne on 08-29-12 at 09:42 AM
Normally, I'd be surprised Kingfish hasn't shown up yet. But he's probably still looking up each and every instance listed in the trope.

Just to make sure they actually fit, I'm sure.

Tebow Time is over. We prefer to win games in the 1st quarter.
Trade managed by GM Agman, 2012

"RE: #201 "
Posted by Estee on 08-29-12 at 10:02 AM
So it's a race to see if he can find all of them before you ban every last one?


I'm betting on you.

"RE: #201 "
Posted by kingfish on 08-29-12 at 06:06 PM
You're just rrying to see if I'm paying attention.

I am.

"RE: #201 "
Posted by cahaya on 08-29-12 at 10:52 PM
... rrying to see...

You attention seems to be distracted.

Along with the beauty of female nudity as an exquisite art form, the Japanese also get this right.

"RE: #201 "
Posted by kingfish on 08-30-12 at 07:52 PM
Yeah. And it's hard to type left handed.

"RE: #201 "
Posted by qwertypie on 08-30-12 at 01:06 AM
I am surprised Anne and Diana from Anne of Green Gables wasn't mentionned......... *smirk*

"#202 (reality TV)"
Posted by Estee on 08-30-12 at 07:55 AM
I'm sorry to tell you that the stunt casting department has been


Actually, that's a lie. I'm not sorry at all.

"RE: #202 (reality TV)"
Posted by dabo on 08-30-12 at 10:35 AM
Because it never gets old.


Posted by Estee on 08-31-12 at 07:59 AM
How do you get the role of a teenager in a Hollywood production?


By turning thirty.

Posted by Estee on 09-01-12 at 03:38 AM
The thing that's always annoyed me about this power: for 99%+ of the people who possess it, the thing comes with the unspoken guarantee that you will never ever land on anything you might regret. Not shattering your legs? Built in. We can let that go most of the time. But when you never wind up touching down on wet cement? Dog feces? The actual dog? Sidewalk art? The person drawing it? City sculpture? Glass? Spiked iron fences? Trash bags waiting for pickup? A baby carriage that just happened to be parked in exactly the wrong spot? Think of all the things you could step in or be knocked into during the course of a normal day, then ask yourself why these people never encounter any of them.

Apparently your feet also develop precognition.


And let's not even get into 'I have landed in the middle of an intersection. And the light just changed.'

"RE: #204"
Posted by kingfish on 09-01-12 at 10:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-01-12 AT 11:26 AM (EST)

Building social interactions around a leaping character that routinely lands in dog poop would be interesting.

"RE: #204"
Posted by dabo on 09-01-12 at 12:36 PM

"RE: #204"
Posted by kidflash212 on 09-02-12 at 09:40 AM
That's just wrong

"#205 (stupid Random button)"
Posted by Estee on 09-02-12 at 03:37 AM

"RE: #205 (stupid Random button)"
Posted by kingfish on 09-02-12 at 09:56 AM
Dumb ole random button.

Dumb ole Chenbot.

Dumb ole Sunday.

"#206 (umm...)"
Posted by Estee on 09-03-12 at 07:07 AM
no one ever complained


or maybe they did and i just couldn't understand them

"RE: #206 (umm...)"
Posted by kingfish on 09-03-12 at 09:08 AM
Being enveloped in a pair of warm mammaries is like waking up in the morning still tangled up in sheets and a warm comforter, and deciding to just luxuriate in the softness.

Short guys have all the fun.

A cleavage cushion. A push-up pillow. A rack resting place. A maternal muffler. A funbag airbag. Thanks for the mammary.

"RE: #206 (umm...)"
Posted by Estee on 09-03-12 at 09:22 AM
I suppose we're supposed to be thankful you didn't quote the entire page and-no-that-is-not-a-cue.

"RE: #206 (umm...)"
Posted by kingfish on 09-03-12 at 11:29 AM
Be thankful that I didn't expound on the the envelopment really really short people get.

Posted by Estee on 09-04-12 at 08:00 AM
In real life, any barrier designed to slam down (or, very rarely, up or sideways) from the ceiling (or wall, or floor) has to move fast. Think blast doors and ward isolation: if you can't contain whatever you're locking in before it escapes, then there isn't much point to have a barrier at all. A split second from open to closed: that's the ideal and that's how it's designed to work.

In reel life...

...not so much.


And then some.

"RE: #207"
Posted by kidflash212 on 09-04-12 at 12:41 PM
Geez - the Estee Exercise program looks intense.

"RE: #207"
Posted by Estee on 09-04-12 at 01:05 PM
Seriously: if you were the designer of the Enterprise, wouldn't you work barriers as 'drop blast doors at low warp, use the transporter to get everyone out of the area, and then activate the force fields as the actual primary defense'? But no, Rule Of Drama takes precedence over Common Sense Engineering...

Posted by Estee on 09-05-12 at 07:41 AM
People who write alternate histories and universes tend to ignore the immense mountains of probability it takes to get the same people born in every timeline. Sure, the planet has a different continental structure, every country has new borders and some don't exist, new forms of government arose, technology was and wasn't invented, plus aliens invaded -- but your parents still met. And so the same celebrities are born in just about every possible world, with all the old familiar names coming around again. Otherwise, how would you know who they were?

But they're not necessarily famous -- at least, not for the original reason.


This is the trick of taking a known person and twisting their life in a different direction. Sometimes they're ordinary people, or they got on the same ladder but wound up at a different height, or they could even be recognized for a completely new reason. But generally, whatever they wind up in is going to be ironic. Because the alternate universe works that way. Or at least the author does.

Yes, I read the one where Fidel Castro is a pitching coach. That launched a small bomb into the timeline...

"RE: #208"
Posted by kidflash212 on 09-05-12 at 10:56 AM
Great timing - a cable channel just started showing reruns of Sliders!

"RE: #208"
Posted by Estee on 09-05-12 at 12:01 PM

The Hub got it? *groan* How do I get an a-la-carte' cable package? First no initial-airing ponies, then they add about a dozen other original series, and now this? It's not my favorite show, but it had moments and some of them would be worth checking out at two in the morning. *sigh* I'll dump the 24-hour sermon channel of my choice to take it on...

By the way, did I mention the sheer improbability of every single chromosome pair combining in the exact same way every single time?

"RE: #208"
Posted by kingfish on 09-05-12 at 08:07 PM
2 am. Having noticed over the years the time of a lot of your posts, Estee, get some sleep.

As to #208, I'd like to see Nixon or Adolph as persons in another reality with leaping ability who usually land in dog Poop or on baby carriages, or upside down with their head stuck in the sidewalk.

Posted by Estee on 09-06-12 at 07:49 AM
You are Hispanic.

You are female.

Therefore, you have a temper, you are overtly sexual, you are capable of ripping a man's throat out with your bare fingernails, you own no clothing that does not rest against your skin with absolutely zero space in between, and you are quite aware that you are in the middle of reading a total stereotype which isn't necessarily the least bit flattering or friendly.

But if you are Hispanic, and you are female, and you happen to be an actress --


-- this is how you're getting cast.

Makes a bitch want to tear out an agent's throat, doesn't it?

"RE: #209"
Posted by dabo on 09-06-12 at 09:06 AM

"RE: #209"
Posted by kingfish on 09-06-12 at 06:35 PM
It's those latina eyes...

"#210 (video games)"
Posted by Estee on 09-07-12 at 09:09 AM
...and over the guard, through that little arrow slot in the wall, rebound off the mirror, double-ricochet between the decorative suits of armor in the hallway, through the chandelier without touching a single light, skid off the curtain rod, and right into the king's throat.


While blindfolded.

"RE: #210 (video games)"
Posted by byoffer on 09-07-12 at 04:52 PM
And nothing but net.

"RE: #210 (video games)"
Posted by Estee on 09-07-12 at 05:00 PM
Actually, nothing but neck.

"RE: #210 (video games)"
Posted by kidflash212 on 09-07-12 at 04:57 PM
From the examples:

"The flash game "ricochet kills" is an entire flash game dedicated to this. As can be guessed, you try to kill people by reflecting bullets off surfaces."

What fun.

Posted by Estee on 09-08-12 at 04:47 AM
"It's all over and we're still alive! Let's --"

"-- kiss?"

"-- have sex?"

"-- blow this thing so we can all go home?"

"-- show the outtakes?"

"-- finally change out of these clothes?"

"-- kill the writer?"



(Please note that this trope is banned in Utah.)

"RE: #211"
Posted by kingfish on 09-08-12 at 09:14 AM
I can't believe that those old Annette Funicello/Fankie Avalon "Beach Party" movies weren't listed.

I think that those movies might have been an originators of this trope, down to the Annette and Frankie singing bit.

"RE: #211"
Posted by byoffer on 09-08-12 at 10:35 AM
I guess all those James Bond movies could fit in, if the "vertical mambo" was classified a dance.

"#212 (video games)"
Posted by Estee on 09-09-12 at 05:01 AM
"The infamous Desert Bus, part of the unreleased prank game compilation Penn & Teller's Smoke & Mirrors. Surviving the entire eight-hour drive earns you one point, at which point you turn around and drive back the other way for eight hours. There is no end to the game, or to the torture. Adding insult to misery is the fact that the bus veers slightly to the right while driving, meaning you must stay at the "wheel" the entire time, or risk running off the road, at which point you will be towed back to your starting point. In real time."


In this case, the pointlessness was the point. Literally.

"RE: #212 (video games)"
Posted by kingfish on 09-09-12 at 10:01 AM
Sounds like great masochistic fun.

"#213 (AyaK, don't look.)"
Posted by Estee on 09-10-12 at 07:54 AM
Two words:


Any time legal procedure, written laws, common sense, every major document, and brain cells are thrown out the courtroom window in either the service of the story or because the writer was too bloody lazy to do any research on how things actually work. The example section starts at cringeworthy and rapidly moves into 'Is this considered treason?' No, just stupidity. This trope is embarrassing at best and assisting the dumbing down of America at worst. And there's a lot of 'worst'.


Maybe someone should sue.

"RE: #213 (AyaK, don't look.)"
Posted by qwertypie on 09-10-12 at 09:21 AM
I notice your guy David E. Kelley gets mentionned. A Lot

"RE: #213 (AyaK, don't look.)"
Posted by byoffer on 09-10-12 at 10:54 AM
I was intrigued with the write-up about Double Jeopardy. The whole movie is based on the one premise that once convicted of a crime one couldn't be convicted again. And this is apparently not accurate based on the way it is shown in the movie. Huh. Still one of those movies I seem to watch if I ever stumble upon it on TV.

"RE: #213 (AyaK, don't look.)"
Posted by qwertypie on 09-10-12 at 12:30 PM
Which of course has nothing to do with Ashley Judd.

"RE: #213 (AyaK, don't look.)"
Posted by byoffer on 09-10-12 at 02:24 PM
Now that you mention it, I guess Ashley is an attractive woman.

I watched Missing last season. Could that have been for the same reason??

"RE: #213 (AyaK, don't look.)"
Posted by dabo on 09-11-12 at 12:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-11-12 AT 12:26 PM (EST)

Yeah, My Cousin Vinny is a great movie, but even on the first viewing a lot of bending the law really stands out, they only scratched the surface. Trial lawyers almost never ask someone giving testimony a question unless they already know the answer, but even putting that aside, the judge answering the question for the nearsighted old dear lady??? Automatic mistrial.

Posted by Estee on 09-11-12 at 10:38 AM



Sling stones.

Everything else.


And I mean everything.

The Real Life examples? Read slowly.

"RE: #214"
Posted by byoffer on 09-11-12 at 11:28 AM
Black Plague corpses as ammo? And I thought advertising spam was off-side.

"RE: #214"
Posted by qwertypie on 09-11-12 at 05:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-11-12 AT 05:55 PM (EST)

Yep, biological warfare at it's purest. Dump a dead horse in the watersupply, hurl some plaguey corspes over the wall. Good stuff.

Thanks, Ag-Dude!

"RE: #214"
Posted by byoffer on 09-11-12 at 12:39 PM
Surprisingly no reference to this. Maybe watermelons aren't considered abnormal.

"RE: #214"
Posted by kingfish on 09-11-12 at 08:08 PM
You could have passed on this one. Giving Fooner ideas cannot be a good idea.

"#215 "
Posted by Estee on 09-12-12 at 06:27 AM
The following is not the condition experienced by One Million Moms Bigots every time a gay character appears in a work of fiction or their immediate section of reality.


This is the emotional trauma created from being gay and admitting it. Or being gay and hiding it. Or being gay and hiding it from yourself. Or, in most of these cases, just being. It is real, painful, happens in real life every day, will not go away as long as religion and politics keep legislating it as a near-mandatory sensation, and it still manages to be overplayed in half the cited works. Except that when you get to the Real Life examples, there is no overplay. There's just suicides. A lot of suicides.

But at least that makes a portion of the audience happy, right?

"#216 (possibly your school)"
Posted by Estee on 09-13-12 at 06:22 AM
This could be done in one of my high schools, as we did have full-height lockers -- but only if you defined 'full height' as 5'6" or less and the victim wasn't wider than eighteen inches in any aspect of their person. Which generally turned it into more of a theoretical exercise than anything else, because it's rather difficult to find a victim of choice who lacks everything in the way of shoulders. However, we also had a number of determined bullies who didn't own measuring tapes, couldn't mentally work spacial dimensions, and figured all they had to do was shove harder.


Imagine what this does to the collarbone.

"RE: #216 (possibly your school)"
Posted by byoffer on 09-13-12 at 09:28 AM
I was probably skinny enough in my HS days to fit into a locker, but too tall for any locker with a shelf.

"RE: #216 (possibly your school)"
Posted by SpotTheDiffference on 09-13-12 at 01:29 PM
One of the many reasons why I'm glad I didn't go to school in America. You'd probably be able to fit two of me in a locker.

"RE: #216 (possibly your school)"
Posted by kingfish on 09-13-12 at 06:32 PM
That actually could have been fun. Provided the other was your pick.

"#217 (mostly video games)"
Posted by Estee on 09-14-12 at 07:54 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-14-12 AT 07:59 AM (EST)


"#218 (don't make me look)"
Posted by Estee on 09-15-12 at 02:59 AM
*covers eyes*

*pastes link*


*gets away at best possible speed*

Posted by kingfish on 09-15-12 at 08:23 AM
In his mind's eye, that is Jessie.

(I cover my eyes too).

"#219 (every FOX drama)"
Posted by Estee on 09-16-12 at 05:43 AM
News coverage included.


Especially the news coverage.

"RE: #219 (every FOX drama)"
Posted by kingfish on 09-16-12 at 08:00 AM
The Traitor shot. I'm glad there's a name for this.

Yoda states that "Always two there are: a master and an apprentice,..."

So, who is Darth Estee's apprentise? Darth Dabo? Darth Sambohoo? Darth Knockers?

"RE: #219 (every FOX drama)"
Posted by newsomewayne on 09-17-12 at 10:12 AM
Or is it the one least expected?

Paid for by AgPAC, a 2008 registered 527 organization.
"We will eventually pay for it, but we can argue about that later.” – Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA.)

"RE: #219 (every FOX drama)"
Posted by kingfish on 09-17-12 at 09:01 PM
OK, if you're bucking for the job, you have to come up with an evil name.

Newsomewayne is a really great name for most occasions, but it just isn't Darth worthy. Too many syllables. Not intrinsically evil enough. So, Darth Wayne? Ehhh. Darth Duane? Darth Gruesome?

Posted by Estee on 09-17-12 at 08:42 AM
Some settings slide on their timelines. Comics tend to form the most referenced example: if you check in on the mainstream Marvel universe, it's generally been about, say, ten years since the latest wave of heroes manifested -- and that start date just keeps moving along. So if it's 2012, the costumes started showing up again in 2002, and when we hit 2020, it'll have been 2010 for that first interrupted mugging, and so on up the line unless the Moral Guardians do everything cancel.

However, staying with Marvel for a moment, you have Captain America. Who has always fought in World War II. Who was always born in a given year, and that year does not change. He met people who have survived to the present -- even as that present keeps getting further away from his original combat days, making their continued existence increasingly implausible. And there is nothing that can be done about this, because Cap is forever


and writing around it gets harder by the year...

"RE: #220"
Posted by byoffer on 09-17-12 at 09:25 AM
While I understand this as a trope, and understand why getting details like this is important for movies, I think it could happen a lot in real life. In some ways my wardrobe is frozen in time!! (does a guy ever actually throw out a t-shirt??)

"RE: #220"
Posted by kingfish on 09-17-12 at 09:04 PM
My father's jokes are frozen in time.

"RE: #220"
Posted by newsomewayne on 09-18-12 at 08:36 AM
Nobody had any jokes about the church for this trope?

Posted by Estee on 09-18-12 at 06:44 AM
Ever notice that even the heroes in fairy tales tend to be horrible people?

"... and then Jack chopped down the beanstalk, adding murder and ecological vandalism to the theft, enticement and trespass charges already mentioned, but he got away with it and lived happily ever after without so much as a guilty twinge about what he had done."
— Susan Sto Helit, "reading" the story Jack and the Beanstalk, Hogfather


A lot of writers have.

"RE: #221"
Posted by byoffer on 09-18-12 at 09:53 AM
Any trope that leads to a Monty Python skit must be a good one.

I'd never seen that one before.

Posted by Max Headroom on 09-18-12 at 12:41 PM

Posted by Estee on 09-19-12 at 08:40 AM
Sometimes the trope name is so nearly perfect, no commentary is necessary.


This is one of those times.

I turned it on and half of Congress disappeared.

"RE: #222"
Posted by newsomewayne on 09-20-12 at 09:56 AM

So the Pubs now not only have a super majority in both houses, but there's no one left to even dissent! Excellent!

Paid for by AgPAC, a 2008 registered 527 organization.
"We will eventually pay for it, but we can argue about that later.” – Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA.)

Posted by Estee on 09-20-12 at 06:04 AM
You're born alone.

You die alone.

Ultimately, life is a party of one --


-- and that includes the wrap.

Posted by Estee on 09-21-12 at 07:16 AM
It wasn't supposed to be you.

It was never supposed to be you.

The chosen one? Was elsewhere. They were held up in traffic, or the crossing guard put up the sign at just the wrong moment, maybe the mysterious alley they wandered into had a fire escape ladder hanging down and they cracked their skull on it. The magic ring needed resizing, the person who was supposed to give it out turned to the left instead of the right, and the shaft of sunlight bounced off a passing mirror to illuminate the wrong features. Someone else was meant to get that destiny. Another person had been tapped to take all the pain, all the torture, all the death that went with being the hero. But somehow, they


and destiny, instead of accepting the thwarting, randomly inflicted itself on someone else. You. And you will never get your life back, or that of anyone else who was lost because of this stupid mistake.

It wasn't supposed to be you. It still isn't. But it is...

"RE: #224"
Posted by newsomewayne on 09-21-12 at 10:33 AM
Hello, Five? This is Destiny. I'm hoping you can help me out. I'm looking for a Big. Fat. Panda. You guys seen him lately?

"RE: #224"
Posted by Estee on 09-21-12 at 11:02 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-21-12 AT 11:08 AM (EST)

Ultimately, Po would be more towards Jumped At The Call. Or maybe Put The Call In A Stranglehold And Demanded Its Number. And you could throw in Picked Up The Line By Mistake... Or Destiny. There are times when it gets really hard to tell the difference.

But as far as the Five are concerned, it's definitely a Missed The Call situation for them, and there is that point where Po becomes convinced they're right. Good spot.

"#225 (doesn't work on me)"
Posted by Estee on 09-22-12 at 09:19 AM
Puppy-dog eyes, huh? Cute little voice? Not quite getting your words right on purpose? That little tremble of the lip? Do you know what that gets you from me? Laughter. Also comments on your rank amateur skills (as in 'you stink'), questions about how long you think that's good for and, if they're trying to work it past the prime, not-so-gentle inquiries as to how well it's working for your dating life.


Now give me my keys back.

"RE: #225 (doesn't work on me)"
Posted by kingfish on 09-22-12 at 10:03 AM
I'm thinking Ian here.

And it's a half a brick that you'd be wanting back.

"RE: #225 (doesn't work on me)"
Posted by Estee on 09-22-12 at 10:28 AM
If the other half is in a sock, someone's in trouble.

Posted by Estee on 09-23-12 at 05:51 AM
Parents have this trick of -- getting in the way. Particularly when you want to be the protagonist. They're just full of full-stop-worthy advice. Don't drink the glowing fluid. Don't talk to the stranger about magic. Don't step through the portal because those things keep you up past your bedtime. Don't save the world: you're too young to go on a time-hopping quest and these things will just have to save themselves. Interfering parents are a leading cause of universe death. How many milieu have you read where the parents got in the way, blocked the entire story from happening, and it all worked out anyway? None. Because by doing so, they ended their entire world. Way to go.

But if your parents are gone -- you can do whatever you want. Sure, you can try to live by whatever moral lessons they passed on in life (assuming you knew them at all and those lessons didn't begin with 'Don't get involved', but when it comes to universe-saving, you have no curfew, no groundings, no lockdown, and frankly no way you're better off with all of the above being an option. And who needs the love of a mother and father when you have the punches in the face from everyone who wants you to fail? For a lot of families, they're the same thing anyway!

Yes, if you're a fictional character, there's no argument that


Now, if we're talking about real life...

...maybe we'd better stop this one right here, hmmm?

"RE: #226"
Posted by kingfish on 09-23-12 at 09:54 AM
...especially considering most of the people here would fall into the missing or dead category.

"#227 (science fiction)"
Posted by Estee on 09-24-12 at 08:11 AM
We're all leaving impressions of ourselves on the Internet: footprints which will last until someone gets around to erasing every last copy of them. Echoes which may wind up outlasting the being who made the original sounds.

This is the next step.


In this context, we're talking about the process of either directly uploading someone's mind into an electronic medium or creating a replica there. We're not looking at cyborgs: typically, there's no physical body. You exist in the datastream -- and that's it. Try not to think about the bandwidth required to move you anywhere in less than fifty years. 4G ain't gonna do it. And raw memory capacity? Ow.

I don't expect to see this one for a few decades. I do expect several religions to head for legal war over it -- on up.

"RE: #227 (science fiction)"
Posted by kingfish on 09-24-12 at 06:00 PM
So, like, how do you meet girls in the data stream? And what do you do once you meet them? Do you have to be smart, or something?

"RE: #227 (science fiction)"
Posted by newsomewayne on 09-25-12 at 10:06 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-25-12 AT 10:06 AM (EST)


Posted by Estee on 09-25-12 at 08:32 AM
It's all about you. Your needs, your desires, your wants -- and achieving every last one of them. You will get what you wish for, by your own hand or those of others -- in the later case, of course, they get nothing. No, that's not quite right. If they intend to keep what you want, they may get beaten. Killed. Whatever it takes. Because anything which stands between you and your goals is either going to get out of the way or be removed. And you really don't care about the means of removal. Blackmail, torture, murder -- all stages to reach the end plan. The opinion of the world? Who cares about that? They're not you. So why won't they stop complaining already?


Maybe one day you'll want the world. Just to shut them up.

"RE: #228"
Posted by newsomewayne on 09-25-12 at 10:07 AM
I suppose it was too soon to expect an entry for Dan.

"RE: #228"
Posted by Estee on 09-25-12 at 10:15 AM
I'm guessing the absolute prohibition against Real Life examples on this trope stretches to include reality shows.

"RE: #228"
Posted by kingfish on 09-25-12 at 06:45 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-25-12 AT 10:06 PM (EST)

They should make a category just for BB examples.

Posted by Estee on 09-26-12 at 07:54 AM
Back in the original thread, we discussed how easy it is for a fictional character to lose their memory. You know what's almost as easy? Finding yourself in a dangerous situation which you could get out of with just about zero effort if you could just remember you knew how to beat it. Did you know you were the world's foremost expert in disarming bombs? No? Pity, because here's one now. Say, you know that guy in red and blue who climbs walls a lot? That's you. And here's a wall which you could climb to get away from the deathtrap -- but you're completely ignorant of your own powers. And just to make things really interesting, there's a door. Open it and walk away -- wait, you forgot how to do that too.

(It's in Comics under Don Rosa. Ouch.)


Better get away from this thread before things get any worse --

-- and now you no longer remember how to operate a mouse.

"RE: #229"
Posted by kingfish on 09-26-12 at 08:16 PM
To realize that it's a literary (or cinematic or whatever) trope is comforting. It's not just me afterall.

Who knows what kind of superpowers I forgot I have.

Posted by Estee on 09-27-12 at 08:36 AM
I never understood this one.


Yeah, go ahead and punish by sending me to where I keep all the good stuff. I'm sure that'll work out for you...

"RE: #230"
Posted by Snidget on 09-27-12 at 07:29 PM
*nods* A friend of mine went to a kindergarten where the "punishment" was being forced to getting to play by oneself in a part of the classroom away from all the other kids.

Birth of a troublemaker.

Sure, solitude is something that some people can't tolerate, but sometimes, for some of us, it is blessed relief.

"RE: #230"
Posted by byoffer on 09-28-12 at 08:40 AM
Sure, but sometime this treatment works. Take an RTVW example - let's say that rather than banning Shakes for his abusive RTVW posts he was just banished to the Starting Over forum. Actually, that might have lead to him getting banned from the internet.

Posted by Estee on 09-28-12 at 09:00 AM



"Hello Newman"
Posted by kidflash212 on 09-28-12 at 09:27 AM
Found this under the examples, I'm thinking maybe Starshine could interpret.

Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy!

Posted by Estee on 09-29-12 at 05:32 AM

In red states, this trope may be banned as unnatural.

Prepare for letdown, perverts.

"RE: #232"
Posted by kingfish on 09-29-12 at 09:03 AM
Yeah, I'll bet all you perverts were really let down after that buildup.

Serves all of y'all right too. Perverts.

Posted by Estee on 09-30-12 at 04:09 AM
"...and the post has been opened! We've got an exclamation point! And another! Haven't seen a comma yet, folks -- wait, there's one, right to the jaw! And now use of a conjunction to lead into the shoulder, followed by keeping the gag running -- OH NO! IT'S THE SHIFT KEY! HOW MUCH MORE CAN THIS KEYBOARD TAKE?"


(And this? Is one of the many reasons I hate Jack Reacher.)

"Not Exactly on Trope but..."
Posted by IceCat on 09-30-12 at 08:50 AM

... I immediately thought of this classic:


"RE: Not Exactly on Trope but..."
Posted by kidflash212 on 09-30-12 at 09:57 AM
That guy must have had too much coffee that morning.

"RE: Not Exactly on Trope but..."
Posted by kingfish on 09-30-12 at 10:23 AM
If he had a cup of coffee with him, it ended up sprayed all around the driver's seat.

"RE: #233"
Posted by byoffer on 10-01-12 at 10:30 AM
Does Princess Bride count?

Prince Humperdinck: First things first, to the death.
Westley: No. To the pain.
Prince Humperdinck: I don't think I'm quite familiar with that phrase.
Westley: I'll explain and I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog faced buffoon.
Prince Humperdinck: That may be the first time in my life a man has dared insult me.
Westley: It won't be the last. To the pain means the first thing you will lose will be your feet below the ankles. Then your hands at the wrists. Next your nose.
Prince Humperdinck: And then my tongue I suppose, I killed you too quickly the last time. A mistake I don't mean to duplicate tonight.
Westley: I wasn't finished. The next thing you will lose will be your left eye followed by your right.
Prince Humperdinck: And then my ears, I understand let's get on with it.
Westley: WRONG. Your ears you keep and I'll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God! What is that thing," will echo in your perfect ears. That is what to the pain means. It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.

"RE: #233"
Posted by Estee on 10-01-12 at 11:14 AM
I'm inclined to say no since the described fight didn't actually take place. It's more of a very detailed threat -- one which codified a trope.


Detailed description of torture to the victim, either before it happens or while it's in progress. Not a particularly friendly process. And note that in the codifier, both protagonist and antagonist get to do it.

"#234 ('tis the season)"
Posted by Estee on 10-01-12 at 11:09 AM
The birds never fall for it.

The children who pass by it can have nightmares for the rest of their lives.


For Gotham children, that's about ten minutes.

"#235 (locally irrelevant)"
Posted by Estee on 10-02-12 at 08:12 AM
So you have one somewhat odd word as your entire name?


Not really seeing it.

"RE: #235 (locally irrelevant)"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-02-12 at 08:48 AM
My IRL name could fit this trope.

True story:

When I worked at Radio City, there was another guy named Small. One night we were working together at the main merchandise shop. There were no phones, so anyone needing to reach us would call the box office and a security guard would walk over and get us. This night this conversation happened:

Guard: Is your name Small?

Me: No, it's Little.

(Guard looks at me like I'm crazy)

Me: That guy's named Small, my name is Little.

"RE: #235 (locally irrelevant)"
Posted by byoffer on 10-02-12 at 10:00 AM
This made me think of McLovin from Superbad, but apparently that is another trope.

"RE: #235 (locally irrelevant)"
Posted by kingfish on 10-02-12 at 06:51 PM
Reservoir Dogs?

With Mr Orange, Mr. Blonde, Mr Pink, etc. aliases.

Buscemi was pretty funny in his protests about being Mr. Pink.

"#236 (video games & RPGs)"
Posted by Estee on 10-03-12 at 08:09 AM
You are the warrior.

You are destined to wander the threatened world alone until you and only you finally manage to save it.

And as long as you're wandering, would you mind carrying this letter? You're covering the entire planet, so when you go by this address, just drop it off and arrange the flowers near the mailbox just as a special thank-you message to the recipient. You know, because it's on your way and you have nothing else better to do. Thanks ever so much.


By the way, if any of those flowers look like they're sick? There's a swamp with a rare plant cure seven hundred miles over that way. It's guarded by a dragon. You need exercise, right?

"RE: #236 (video games & RPGs)"
Posted by newsomewayne on 10-03-12 at 08:44 AM
Zelda, thy name is Trope.

Posted by Estee on 10-04-12 at 04:44 AM
This really shouldn't be Romney's greatest fear.


I bet he tastes horrible.

"RE: #237"
Posted by byoffer on 10-04-12 at 01:39 PM
Somehow this needs a cross-thread reference with the road kill thread, and we should all use AyaK's Soylent Green siggie.

Posted by Estee on 10-05-12 at 08:02 AM
I witness an event.

You witness the same event.

A neutral party who wasn't there at the time asks us what happened. Both of us give our best descriptions of the timeline.

And nowhere in the middle is the truth to be found.


Any resemblance to the presidential debates is purely coincidental.

"RE: #238"
Posted by newsomewayne on 10-05-12 at 09:32 AM
For other examples, pick 1 out of any 4 threads from any forum on this site.

"RE: #238"
Posted by kingfish on 10-05-12 at 06:34 PM
I definately see 2 out of 4.

Posted by Estee on 10-06-12 at 02:55 AM
If you have a scar on your face, there's a good chance you're the villain.

If you have two and they intersect, guess what?


The motto: to make a good guy, hit them twice.

"RE: #239"
Posted by kingfish on 10-06-12 at 08:44 AM
That's just good advice in general.

And if three times turns them back into villains, hit them four times.

Posted by Estee on 10-07-12 at 02:00 AM
In this case, the page quote comes from my favorite example of the trope in Western animation. Yes, Darkwing, go ahead and track Negaduck to his hideout through meticulous scientific analysis of that one tiny crumb you found on the bridge. A single speck of food is all it takes to isolate one building in St. Canard, as long as the person examining it is you.


Of course, most people would have just spotted the enormous flag of Negaduck's face hoisted on the roof.

"RE: #240"
Posted by kingfish on 10-07-12 at 08:48 AM
Or, one could just look up Negaduck's address in the phone book...

"RE: #240"
Posted by Estee on 10-07-12 at 11:00 PM
Darkwing was constitutionally incapable of making breakfast without first turning his kitchen into an obstacle death course. I'm not sure what he would have put himself through to consult a phone book.

...no, really. Bad things happened when he forgot the milk.

"RE: #240"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-07-12 at 10:47 AM
Having charted the syntax and word usage of each OT poster, I can say with absolute certainty where each ate dinner last night.

Posted by Estee on 10-08-12 at 08:54 AM
First act of the romantic comedy: meet, fall in love, plan the marriage, happily ever after approaches on the horizon. The audience is bored. And there's still forty-five minutes to go. So...


And because it happens every single time, the audience? Is still bored.

For a local definition of 'audience'.

"This is the very reason"
Posted by moonbaby on 10-08-12 at 09:21 AM
I stopped watching Friends way back when it was THE show to watch. Ross and Rachel? Retch. Finchel? I hope they don't go there-be done with it or get on with it.

Every single time this trope is trotted out I have the same reaction.

"RE: This is the very reason"
Posted by kingfish on 10-08-12 at 10:04 AM
I have a reaction whenever I see a trope trotting.

"J.D. & Elliot."
Posted by Estee on 10-08-12 at 10:20 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-12 AT 10:21 AM (EST)

Oh gawds of annoying once-a-season hookups, can we please stop the annual ritual in favor anything which makes me not want to break one disc in each set? It got to the point where the show itself hung a lampshade on the trope and then started an electrical fire.

Posted by Estee on 10-09-12 at 07:00 AM
So you want to go out with me.

You. Want to go out. With. Me.

*desperately tries to think of excuse*


*any excuse*



"RE: #242"
Posted by SpotTheDiffference on 10-09-12 at 08:01 PM
Did you use this for the arcade date?

Posted by Estee on 10-10-12 at 07:07 AM
The purpose of a real life swordfight is to kill your opponent as quickly as possible.

The purpose of a reel life swordfight is to hit the other guy's sword while running around, dodging, parrying, swinging from the ceiling, jumping out windows, kissing any nearby females, and quipping constantly throughout.


Reel life swordfights are a lot more fun.

"RE: #243"
Posted by byoffer on 10-10-12 at 10:05 AM
This happens very often with my 7 year old son, his friends, and their Nerf swords. Except for the female kissing.

"RE: #243"
Posted by newsomewayne on 10-10-12 at 10:44 AM
"I'm going to duel him left-handed."

"You know what a hurry we're in!"

"Well, is only way I can be satisfied. If I use my right... over too quickly."

"Oh, have it your way."

Fear the reaper.
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." - Margaret Thatcher

"RE: #243"
Posted by kingfish on 10-10-12 at 06:53 PM
Errol Flynn would agree with you. As would D'Artagnan.

Posted by Estee on 10-11-12 at 08:15 AM
It's hard to be evil all the time. Most antagonists do not have their entire existence revolve around the planning and committing of dirty deeds. You know that massive death ray you've been building? It draws a lot of power and ConEd would like to know when you're going to pay for it. You've been so busy building it that you've neglected to stock the fridge, so maybe you should eat out tonight. And really, you could use a break from all the construction, so how about catching a ballgame? And then you have to call your mother, it's been a week and if you make it two you will never hear the end of it...

The bad guys generally happen to have lives. And that leads to the phenomenon known as


Because you can't eat out every night. Now let's see -- what's on sale near the warehouse where you've got to steal those next parts from?

"RE: #244"
Posted by kingfish on 10-11-12 at 06:51 PM
I like this trope.

I always wondered how the "Joker" (et.al) managed everyday errands. Even his evil henchmen wouldn't be able to get thru any metal detector without alarms going off, or just stop and pick up stuff without a civilian calling the cops.

"RE: #244"
Posted by Estee on 10-12-12 at 08:07 AM
And he's running out of people willing to be henchmen. When supervillains in the DCU want to scare each other, they tell Joker stories...

(Seriously: what kind of mindset does it take to be a stooge in Gotham? 'I was going to commit suicide anyway and at least this way, it's an interesting way to go'? What are the interviews like? Do you just grab anyone who can tell one end of a gun from the other because they're not going to be around long enough for any alternate skills to matter?)

I always thought there was an underground network of specialty businesses dedicated to providing the aspiring bad guy with the basics of life. Think about it: all those elaborate (and themed) headquarters? Someone is building them. Presumably there's a department dedicated to food deliveries too.

Don't ask me how they collect.

Posted by Estee on 10-12-12 at 08:42 AM


"RE: #245"
Posted by Snidget on 10-12-12 at 08:54 AM
I just listened to this yesterday, Real Life example.


About a punching game he played with Will Smith, starts about 5:25.

"RE: #245"
Posted by kingfish on 10-12-12 at 07:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-12-12 AT 07:06 PM (EST)

Even when I was a kid, very young - pre-grade school, I could tell that the wrestler hitting the other guy was simultaneously stomping on the floor of the ring and faking the hit.

The only fake wrestling I ever enjoyed was when Andy Kaufman was doing his thing. Kaufman's act was brilliant, and I actually could not tell that he was putting everyone on. It even fooled his opponent (name not in memory) who got so mad that he gave Kaufman a thrashing for real. Sent him to the hospital (or was that fake too?).

Then just to really PO people, be began his nethanderthal chest beating thing about there not being a woman alive who he could not lick, and everyone (including myself) still thought he was serious (and of course, seriously demented).

"RE: Trope Of The Day III: Star Troping Across The Universe."
Posted by Estee on 10-13-12 at 04:18 AM
Four of a kind. Beat that.


...straight flush.

Of course you have a straight flush. Gawdsdamned son of a...


Never play cards with a bloody magician.

"RE: Trope Of The Day III: Star Troping Across The Universe."
Posted by kingfish on 10-13-12 at 08:29 AM
Good one, Orochimaru!

Strip poker is one game that can't be converted into a computer game.

Unless...do you Skype?

Posted by Estee on 10-14-12 at 05:33 AM
The enemy has not attacked your base.

This is a shame. You see, if the enemy happened to attack your base (which you have deliberately left understaffed, undertrained, and underarmed), you would have the excuse you needed to declare war. There's a hundred laws all set to pass with the excuse of that attack behind them. A mere thousand deaths among your own troops (which are completely justified and they would thank you if they knew) and you would seize total control. But the enemy has not attacked your base.

Fortunately, you have a few dozen enemy uniforms in the closet.


And now to kill your own people in the name of what will soon be your country. For the common good.

"RE: #246/247"
Posted by kingfish on 10-14-12 at 09:56 AM
Is that bad? That sounds vaguely bad. I think that could be bad.

"RE: #246/247"
Posted by Estee on 10-14-12 at 10:17 AM
As the Real Life section notes, there is some evidence that the U.S. military has done this before, could do it again, and may be doing it right now. So clearly that means it's the best thing ever.

Posted by Estee on 10-15-12 at 08:11 AM
And the number one reason I'm putting this trope up today: because the Random button said so!


Also the other nine reasons.

"RE: #248"
Posted by byoffer on 10-15-12 at 09:24 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-15-12 AT 09:40 AM (EST)

Reference to the Ten Commandments with Moses, Paul Shaffer, and the Kodak Theatre made me chuckle.

eta - I am surprised there isn't an indication that Top Ten Lists are supposed to be presented in reverse order. The Twn Commandments seems to be an exception to this rule, always given in 1-10 order.

Posted by Estee on 10-16-12 at 08:51 AM
How to create a sprinkler system in animation:

1. Shoot character one hundred times.
2. Place them in middle of lawn.
3. Provide them with glass of water to drink.


4. Outsource grass to India.

"RE: #249"
Posted by kingfish on 10-16-12 at 07:23 PM
Moe: Should we call a doctor?

Shemp: No, call a plumber.

Posted by Estee on 10-17-12 at 04:57 AM
If you torture the numbers, they will confess. But if there are no numbers to torture, make something up and call it a fact. Or a series of facts. Or a total proof while not providing any. Because people want to believe -- and those who tune in for your concept of truth already chose to put their faith in it sight unseen.


It had to be faith. No thought was involved at any point.

(And yes, this one is not random.)

"RE: #250"
Posted by byoffer on 10-17-12 at 08:33 AM
But Michael Moore and Geraldo Rivera verified all the data themselves!!

"RE: #250"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-17-12 at 08:43 AM
Mean the mermaids weren't real?

"#251 (video games)"
Posted by Estee on 10-18-12 at 08:43 AM
Completing the game in story mode requires forty-seven hours of game play.

If thirty-nine of those are used for the last fight, you have this.


Oh dear gawds, this trope is annoying. Your opponent has seventy zillion times more health than you. Immune to your best attacks, your medium attacks, and in fact every attack but spitting at him, which does 0.00001 damage and must be repeated approximately eighty quadrillion times in order to beat him. Oh, and if he hits you once, you die. And if you don't hit him once a second every second for fifteen hours with perfect timing and miss just once, he will regenerate his health. All of it. And then you have to start over, except that since you let him heal up, he now has even more health and you just added four hours to the battle. Incidentally, there's no saves allowed. Have fun. For a value of 'fun' that equals zero, the destruction of the game, the system, and if no one stops you in time, the headquarters of the programming company along with most of the staff. Which, jail sentence included, involves less time and effort than beating that one boss.

So who wants to play?

"RE: #251 (video games)"
Posted by byoffer on 10-18-12 at 09:07 AM
What, no Real Life examples??

"RE: #251 (video games)"
Posted by Estee on 10-18-12 at 09:29 AM
I'm not comfortable with asking Snidget to talk about her work life.

Posted by Estee on 10-19-12 at 06:10 AM
So you decided not to take your wimpy little brother to the park and play catch for half an hour. You blew that off to hit the mall. So what? It was one game of catch in a dirty field which frankly stinks of grease, keeping it mind that 'catch' means thirty minutes of watching him miss the ball followed by sort of throwing it nearly a third of the way in your not very general direction. Ultimately, he won't care and certainly you never did. What sort of possible consequence could it have?

Twenty years of time travel forward later...



Posted by Estee on 10-20-12 at 07:15 AM
There are a large number of plots which can be resolved immediately if the characters just -- leave. Open the door. Walk away. Never look back, not a second thought, and they never get within a hundred miles of the place again. It's a haunted house? Leave. Radioactive wasteland? See ya. Political convention? Exit's that way.

So naturally...


...you've got to lock them in.

This trope is for any setting where departure is not an option: the location itself traps you in some way -- human agency, supernatural, character stupidity -- doesn't matter, you're not leaving. Once the whole thing is over, you get to go. Or at least someone may finally cart your body away. But until it ends, you are stuck.

Most reality shows qualify. As do most incarnations.

"RE: #253"
Posted by kingfish on 10-20-12 at 09:00 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-20-12 AT 09:05 AM (EST)

Here we are, locked in a reality show forum, and we can't get out.

The wide wide world of cultures, places, books, intellectual discussion, all that is out there but we can't undo the locks and chains that anchor us here.

And Shakes has finished eating all the newbies and is now going after YOU!!! He's already devoured the Kid, the JuneBug is half way down his gullet, and he has just caught sight of you trying to hide behind Max. Max is frantically throwing chipmonks at the monster, but that won't slow him down for long.

"RE: #253"
Posted by Snidget on 10-20-12 at 09:28 AM
I thought we weren't going to discuss my work life.

Posted by Estee on 10-21-12 at 05:29 AM
...and that's the end of the story. Let's write down everyone's names for the credits and hit the wrap party --

-- hang on. The network thinks we're doing really well and they don't want to lose the viewers just yet. *sigh* Sixteen-episode order. Okay, make that a false finish and we'll pick up from the teaser. Wrap party is rescheduled for next year.

...seems the novelizations are selling really well -- another false finish, that's the last one, I swear...

...okay, there's fifteen new characters from all the extensions and each one needs a resolution, or they would if we hadn't been picked up again...

...hey, where did everybody go?


(The music example list shouldn't be that long, should it? -- yeah, it should.)

"RE: #254"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-21-12 at 10:19 AM
I knew The Return of the King would be first on the film example list. My friends and I got up to leave several times only to have to sit back down.

"RE: #254"
Posted by kingfish on 10-21-12 at 10:47 AM
I'd like to hammer fit "elections years" into this trope, but I guess that's another kind of fatigue. And another kind of endless. And another kind of fiction.

"RE: #254"
Posted by Snidget on 10-21-12 at 11:22 AM
17 days until the 2016 Presidential Campaign begins!

"RE: #254"
Posted by kingfish on 10-21-12 at 12:31 PM
You just crushed my will to live.

"#255 (nearly everyone)"
Posted by Estee on 10-22-12 at 08:13 AM

Which probably includes me.

That you know of.

"RE: #255 (nearly everyone)"
Posted by kingfish on 10-22-12 at 06:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-12 AT 06:48 PM (EST)

Someone should alert Skye.

Or maybe that's why she doesn't post here anymore. Too many muggles.

"#256 (religion)"
Posted by Estee on 10-23-12 at 08:46 AM
As noted with the Miko trope, Japan understands Christianity about as well as America understands Buddhism. On our end, we've turned the central figure of the religion into a good luck charm and offense? Who cares? It's not as if there's enough of them locally to care and besides, offense is what you take when someone takes your religion's central symbol and doesn't quite know what to do with it.



...have fun, kids!

Posted by Estee on 10-24-12 at 07:08 AM
It would have been so easy -- for things to be different.

The ball rolls left instead of right. It didn't even have to be that far to the left. A slightly changed angle, a bounce instead of a skip. Off the tree instead of into the road -- what's that, ten degrees at most? You put a pebble in the path and the world changes. So little to alter so much -- but all unchangeable, frozen in the stream of memory.

Until you stole the time machine.


And now you're going to fix everything.

"RE: #257"
Posted by newsomewayne on 10-24-12 at 08:47 AM
I was disappointed not to find Red vs. Blue listed. Then I thought it might fall under Set Wrong What Once Went Right. It wasn't there, either.

Tebow Time is over. We prefer to win games in the 1st quarter.
Trade managed by GM Agman, 2012

"RE: #257"
Posted by Estee on 10-24-12 at 09:05 AM
So edit the trope listings, McComplainerson. If you don't, who will? Here's a hint: not me, 'cause I haven't seen the series. (I've thought about it, but I'd need a large compilation set.)

I checked the series page for Red vs. Blue. Neither trope appears -- but the Stable Time Loop page has an entry for Church's actions. Would that be a more accurate description of events?

"RE: #257"
Posted by newsomewayne on 10-25-12 at 08:15 AM

How were you able to hack my profile? I've got to be more careful with my personal information.

But no, I don't think I'll edit the entry, either. Not now, anyway. Perhaps in the future. Or, if technology allows, in the past.

"RE: #257"
Posted by kingfish on 10-24-12 at 07:29 PM
Just remember, when the ball rolls a bit that way, that in a infinite number of other dimensions, it rolled a bit this way. And in another infinite number of dimensions, it hopped up and sang "Goodbye my Baby, Goodbye my Honey, Goodbye my Ragtime Gal!!".

Posted by Estee on 10-25-12 at 06:06 AM
Oh, what a happy world we've found! It's full of happy people and bright colors, where the sun shines every day and each night is filled with stars, and no one is ever mean or discourteous or rude or shows any other signs that might indicate humanity. It's a lovely place that has lovely sights, and the rain tastes like juice and the food is all perfectly cooked, plus that stuff just appears magically out of nowhere so no one ever has to make anything suffer to get fed, and there hasn't been an unpleasant thought in decades because the last person who had one exploded.


...get me out of here before I kill something.

"RE: #258"
Posted by newsomewayne on 10-25-12 at 08:30 AM
So you think you could've replaced Reese Witherspoon in Pleasantville?

"RE: #258"
Posted by Estee on 10-25-12 at 11:50 AM
Let us now imagine someone of racially mixed ancestry living in Plesantville.

Now let us adjourn to the home of Paul Ryan and offer him comfort, for he just threw up.

Posted by Estee on 10-26-12 at 06:38 AM
You don't look so good.

No, really. You know that bug that's been going around? No, you don't... well, the symptoms include not looking so good. And sitting with that exact posture. Plus everything else you've been doing for the last half-hour. And that look of disbelief? That's the final confirmation.

Seriously. You'd better go lie down.


*steals chips*

"RE: #259"
Posted by byoffer on 10-26-12 at 12:29 PM
jbug's been going around? Trollop!

Posted by Estee on 10-27-12 at 06:33 AM
It's in the credits.

It's in every press conference you've ever given.

It's inscribed on your awards.

It's shouted out at you by all your fans.

It is not on your birth certificate.


Eventually, it's in your dreams.

"RE: #260"
Posted by kidflash212 on 10-27-12 at 09:15 AM
Doesn't everyone here have one?

Checks birth certificate - what do you know, my name is kidflash212

"RE: #260"
Posted by byoffer on 10-28-12 at 11:21 PM
and my real name is byoffuschanskayasky.

"#261 (CN 20th)"
Posted by Estee on 10-28-12 at 06:28 AM
No fingers.

No thumbs.

No problem!


Posted by Estee on 10-29-12 at 07:13 AM
The usual pattern during a haunting:

The family pet starts behaving oddly, reacting to things that aren't there.

The kids get scared by something they can't understand.

The mother is freaked out by the gathering of ghostly forces in the house.

The father -- blames the new pet food, the imagination of the kids, the mother's hormones, and then peacefully puts his feet up on the floating Ottoman and makes a casual remark about how advanced comfort technology is becoming.


And look! Self-lighting cigars!

"#264 The "I was washed away" excuse trope"
Posted by kingfish on 10-30-12 at 07:54 PM
Not random this time, not random at all.

Have you ever awakend from a deep sleep haunted by liquid dreams of swimming, swimming, never reaching the top of the water, wondering how long you can hold your breath, then sat up, stretched, yawned, put your feet on the floor and discovered 6" of water in your apartment? And you're on the third floor?

And used that flimsy excuse as a reason not to post in your daily trope thread? You have? well, for all you slackers, here's your trope.


(you better be OK, I'm out on a limb here).

"RE: #264 The "I was washed away" excuse trope"
Posted by byoffer on 10-31-12 at 09:48 AM
Thanks for the chuckle, KF.

I agree, I hope Estee and the other North-Easters are doing well and just without connectivity.

Be dry!

"RE: #264 The "I was washed away" excuse trope"
Posted by kingfish on 10-31-12 at 05:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-12 AT 06:50 PM (EST)

I can sense her frustration with not being able to post.

"#263 - Scare 'Em Straight"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-31-12 at 10:07 AM
Just thought I'd help keep this going while (hopefully that's all) the power issues are being resolved for Estee.

Fitting the Hallowe'en theme, here we go...

Scare 'Em Straight

"RE: #263 - Scare 'Em Straight"
Posted by kingfish on 10-31-12 at 05:48 PM
Hopefully Estee won't be scared straight.

(Hey, I can say that. She isn't reading it.)

Thanks for pointing out my inability to count.

Posted by Estee on 11-01-12 at 06:39 AM
In the Law & Order script offices:

"So what have we got for the next episode?"

"If you can believe this, I just heard about this animated kids show with talking ponies."


"Adults watch it."

"Perfect! How many innocent victims do we want the perverts to kill?"


"Um... it says here their motto is love and tolerance..."

"We can ignore that. It's not as if any of those freaks are going to watch."

Thanks to Pepe for the half-fill-in. Kingfish? Buck you.

"RE: #264"
Posted by kingfish on 11-01-12 at 06:07 PM
Yee haw. A rodeo.

(Please note the absence of any attempt at cowgirl humor. I'm thinking it, you're thinking it, but we're not sayin' it. We respect the cowboy code. Appreciate the setup, though).

Glad you and circle made it thru. Hope you don’t have far to go to get back to normal.

(You’re probably mad that I borrowed your sig. I can explain. And you can have it back, I wiped it off as best I could.)

Posted by Estee on 11-01-12 at 06:50 AM
You were male.

The key word here is 'were'.

Something happened. Magic, superscience, plot -- no matter how it took place, it hit you hard, and you? Are now female. Drop the Y and pick up an extra X. Plumbing has been rearranged. Hormones are flying. The screams of agony from your pelvis altering itself have died away. You are just now beginning to take sane stock of your new situation. What's the first thing you're going to do?


...of course.

"RE: #265"
Posted by byoffer on 11-02-12 at 09:25 AM
•Australian comedy series Full Frontal did a skit where a man who'd changed sex complained of suffering sexual harassment — from himself.


Posted by Estee on 11-02-12 at 07:08 AM
Because sanity can only be restored from the reclined position.


Also because once you realize you are being charged three hundred dollars an hour for a total waste of your time, it takes you vital extra seconds to get into a kill position, allowing the shrink time to dive through the escape hatch.

They all have an escape hatch.

"#267 (most of you)"
Posted by Estee on 11-03-12 at 03:27 AM
And there's (insert name of male OTer here), looking at that picture of Sam Witwer again. Any second now -- yep, there's the comment about the eyes. And the chin. Plus he just works so well with his shirt off, most actors can't pull those scenes out half as well. And you know, the writers wouldn't be pandering if they implied a little more --

-- wait for it --


-- every single time.

"RE: #267 (most of you)"
Posted by kidflash212 on 11-03-12 at 09:09 AM
I have looked at Sam Witwer and I have not felt the least bit heterosexual. Quite the opposite in fact

"This is a test of the Emergency National Sexual Preference system"
Posted by kingfish on 11-03-12 at 10:39 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-03-12 AT 10:55 AM (EST)



(This is a test control)

(Something for everyone. Except gay guys).

You may return to your regularly scheduled programming.

"#268 (video games)"
Posted by Estee on 11-04-12 at 08:07 PM
You beat the levels.

You beat the puzzles.

You beat the bosses.

You beat the very last boss.

And now it's time for --

-- not so fast.


'Restart' button is on your left.

"RE: #268 (video games)"
Posted by kingfish on 11-04-12 at 09:14 PM
Didn't we just do this one? Has has the random button randomly hit twice in the same trope?

"RE: #268 (video games)"
Posted by byoffer on 11-04-12 at 11:54 PM
I think you are thinking of trope #212 above. Similar, but different.

"#269 (e.g. Randy Jackson)"
Posted by Estee on 11-05-12 at 10:30 AM
You have no earthly idea how to do your job.

You prove this every time you are asked to do so. In public.

You are utterly unaware of how incompetent you truly are.

People laugh at you behind your back over how little skill you have. When they're not doing it to your face.

And you will never be fired.


A month ago, I would have put Andy Reid in the title, but here's hoping... he stays on forever.

Also applies when you're so hyper-competent that you can get away with anything, but that's generally not the Real Life example.

"#270 (Election Day perspective.)"
Posted by Estee on 11-06-12 at 08:23 AM
Either we already have one --


-- or we're gonna get one.

"RE: #270 (Election Day perspective.)"
Posted by byoffer on 11-06-12 at 12:34 PM
I suspect there is more chance that this was random on election day than the site allowing real life examples.

Posted by Estee on 11-07-12 at 06:27 AM
Planes are not horses. When in combat, do not aim them directly at each other.


Similarly, pegasi are not made of dark matter. And they resent head-on collisions. A lot.

"RE: #271 BoinK!"
Posted by foonermints on 11-07-12 at 09:24 AM
»And they resent head-on collisions. A lot. «

Handcrafted by RollDdice

Posted by Estee on 11-08-12 at 08:17 AM
she's dead

i watched it happen

couldn't reach her in time

should have --

-- i always get there in time, that's my job

not even sure if it was the punch or

...or if it was me

if the rescue killed...

...no, not --

-- i'm the hero

i was supposed to save her


"RE: #272"
Posted by Molaholic on 11-08-12 at 02:36 PM
Super Hero Imponderables:

How does Clark Kent get a hair cut or manicure?

Simple horn-rimmed glasses as a disguise? Really?

How does Batman get into his tights sliding down that pole? (Yes, I know the camp-TV version isn't really Batman, but I don't care.)

Are there any spider-flies out there? -- or did that poor arachnid die of hunger?

"RE: #272"
Posted by Estee on 11-08-12 at 07:34 PM
I can answer the one for Clark's haircut -- at least for one version of the character. (They keep changing the history line...) He very carefully reflects his heat vision off a small piece of the spaceship which brought him to Earth. Guide it very cautiously and it burns away the excess. It's also how he shaves.

In more recent versions, he was surrounded by a very thin, very durable force field. Not sure if he could actually turn it off, but doing so would mean normal scissors vs. normal hair.

It's been noted that many characters could be outed by facial recognition software -- more reason than ever to wear a padded mask.

"RE: #272"
Posted by kingfish on 11-10-12 at 11:19 AM
So, Kalel's Mom forgot to pack a travel kit with a few razor blades for when he hit puberty?

"#273 (gaming)"
Posted by Estee on 11-09-12 at 08:31 AM
The Fourth Commandment Of Roleplaying: Thou Shalt Not --


-- Push Thy Gamemaster Too Far.


Or Else.

"#274 (not your kids)"
Posted by Estee on 11-10-12 at 09:43 AM
In film making, dirt is -- annoying. Because dirt cannot exist in a random state. It has to be tracked. If something is dirty in Scene #1, it had better be dirty in Scene #3 unless Scene #2 is recording the wash. And this goes triple for your performers. Those smudges anyone would have naturally picked up running through the abandoned factory? Have inertia. The makeup department is responsible for making sure the exact same smudge is present in every related scene. This takes a while to do. If the movie has been running through a lot of filthy locations, it can take hours. And then there's the stains on clothing, can't forget those, and how about that one actor who has it in his contract that he must look as good as possible at all times plus your leading lady is rupophobic and...



Maybe it's not the least bit realistic, but it did just cut your shoot time by three weeks.

"RE: #274 (not your kids)"
Posted by kingfish on 11-10-12 at 11:27 AM
Related to this are the movies depicting life rural life in the 1800's where the male/female characters have hairdos contemporary with the year the movie was made.

And come on, were you just trying to impress me with 'rupophobic'?

It worked. I'm impressed.

"#275 (not your paycheck (but your raises))"
Posted by Estee on 11-11-12 at 12:21 PM
Imagine a world in which the economy worked like this:

"How much for a pound?"

"Two cents."

"And how much for a hundred pounds?"

"Eight million dollars."


Now imagine how bloody annoying this is in the game.

"RE: #275 (not your paycheck (but your raises))"
Posted by Snidget on 11-11-12 at 02:49 PM
Doesn't quite fit but one app I played had a thing where every 10 levels it took more points to level up. And you got the same number of points for the activity no matter what level you were on.

A bunch of players were at the max level for the game when they finally got around to doubling the number of levels. But they really miscalculated the point upage per level. They were going up by like a factor of 10 each jump which is OK at the low end, but by continuing the exponential growth got out of hand at the high end.

So they retooled and did the upper levels in a linear model rather than an exponential one.

10 - 100 - 1000 isn't bad when you can earn a few hundred points a day easily even at the start of the game.

100,000 - 1,000,000 - 10,000,000 is bad when you can't really earn more than a couple of thousand points a day no matter what you do.

"#276 (adult)"
Posted by Estee on 11-12-12 at 08:46 AM

Anthropomorphic pornography.

(Has absolutely nothing to do with That Damn CSI Episode. Ever.)

"RE: #276 (adult)"
Posted by kingfish on 11-12-12 at 11:19 AM
You ain't never done nothin' yet if you ain't never done it with a Miss Piggy Muppet.

There's a C&W lament in there somewhere.

Posted by Estee on 11-13-12 at 07:19 AM
You're intelligent.

You're decently attractive.

Your social skills are up there.

You've got a really good sense of humor.

You cannot buy a friend, rent an ounce of respect, or gain any acknowledgement from your peers that does not come in the form of either beating you bloody or destroying all of your possessions.


But these days, they will occasionally allow you to choose between those options. Progress!

"#278 (older than the Bible)"
Posted by Estee on 11-14-12 at 07:00 AM
In fiction, evil tends to come with -- marks. That little hitch in the speech. A grin that's a little wider than it should be. Fingers long enough to drape your shoulder and squeeze between the muscles. Pinpoints for pupils. The list goes on and on. Because if a character is evil, you don't always want to make the audience work and figure it out. One little distinguishing feature and everyone knows.


Of course, if you're a perfectly good person and you happen to have one of those marks anyway, you're pretty much screwed.

"RE: #278 (older than the Bible)"
Posted by kingfish on 11-14-12 at 08:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-12 AT 10:37 PM (EST)

Huh. I always thought that these squinty eyes and this hooked nose made me look sexy. Be danged.

"RE: #278 (older than the Bible)"
Posted by byoffer on 11-15-12 at 10:20 AM
As I watched Survivor last night I couldn't help but think that this trope applies to Abi-Maria with her gap-tooth proving she is evil.

Posted by Estee on 11-15-12 at 11:00 AM
Are the cameras constantly focusing on that feature every time they go to her? If so, the editors might be trying to deliberately invoke the trope.

(If it's always visible because she just never shuts up, that's a potentially different case.)

"RE: Depends..."
Posted by byoffer on 11-15-12 at 12:16 PM
I can't say the cameras focus on it, but whenever she opens her mouth to whine about or abuse the others (especially the members of her alliance!) it becomes evident. Or maybe it is just an illusion because of the bile that comes from her mouth.

"RE: Depends..."
Posted by kingfish on 11-15-12 at 07:03 PM
I think it's those long hollow canines.

Posted by Estee on 11-15-12 at 09:09 AM
In many faiths, if you're good, then when you die, you get to go into the light.

In some stories, if you're really good, it comes to you.


And given the way this often winds up being handled, what you actually wind up doing is Going Into The Cheese.

"#280 (the entire UK plus most of the Internet)"
Posted by Estee on 11-16-12 at 08:02 AM
That's it! I've had enough of whatever's happening right now which I totally disapprove of! Something must be done about this and I'm the one to do it! It is time for action! It is time for countermeasures! It is time for a


...what? I had a stamp.

Posted by Estee on 11-17-12 at 05:53 AM
The Twelfth Law Of Cartoon Physics:

A large solid object possessing a single empty gap, should it fall onto a character, will tend to land with the gap lined up directly over that character.

Which leads to one of the best trope names I've ever seen.


"RE: #281"
Posted by kingfish on 11-17-12 at 12:45 PM
Yeah, the trope itself is kinda silly, but the name is inspired.

"RE: #281"
Posted by byoffer on 11-19-12 at 11:47 AM
I wonder which came first, the cartoon version of this or the Buster Keaton one? That scene was great, especially considering how they didn't have special effects then like now.

Posted by Estee on 11-18-12 at 05:47 AM
I would have to Randomly get this one a few days after the Fieri fiasco...


In which any critic has at least a tiny chance at public acceptance until they shoot down something the public actually likes.

Also applies politically.

"#283 "
Posted by Estee on 11-19-12 at 08:16 AM
Look, I know it may feel like we're at capacity. It may even look as if we've packed it to the max. In fact, there's a chance that by the standard definitions, there is no space left between atoms in the entire area. But I'm sure there's still room for me to shove in a



"RE: #283 "
Posted by kingfish on 11-19-12 at 08:03 PM
Someday, we will make one snarky wise cracky idiotic comment too many, and the IT universe will explode. And we will return to the days of making fun comments on the sex habits of mastodons and saber toothed tigers on cave walls.

(Holds breath....Whew. Not yet).

"#284 (Most branches of Christianity.)"
Posted by Estee on 11-20-12 at 08:26 AM
As per Samuel Vimes:

"You can't ask questions, it's magic. It doesn't explain anything, it's magic. You don't know where it comes from, it's magic. That's what I don't like about magic, it does everything by magic!"


(In faith-related miracle issues, just ignore the irony. Oh, and don't ask about theurgy. Just don't.)

"#285 "
Posted by Estee on 11-21-12 at 07:45 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-21-12 AT 07:47 AM (EST)

Let's say you have a character in a movie with an uncommon name. Something that looks like an unholy union of Irish and Welsh with a little Saudi thrown in. Something where Y is the primary vowel with Q somehow hitting cleanup. And if so, here is a phrase you will pretty much never hear in the course of that film.

"How do you spell that?"


Because time spent in spelling out that name could be used on explosions. And so every single person the character encounters will instinctively know what the name is, how it's spelled down to the last umlaut and incidentally, be able to write it in full runic script.

Movies often fail at math, physics, ethics, and basic logic, but gawds, can those people spell.

"RE: #285 "
Posted by kidflash212 on 11-21-12 at 08:15 AM
I read the examples and wound up spending five minutes looking up if the correct word is "spelt" or "spelled".

"RE: #285 "
Posted by Estee on 11-21-12 at 08:27 AM

"RE: #285 "
Posted by Snidget on 11-21-12 at 08:52 AM

"RE: #285 "
Posted by kingfish on 11-21-12 at 09:35 AM
In the watery world, it's smelt. We don't write a lot, mostly we just use bubbles. (Hence, smelt).

Interesting that infants don't need to be taught an oral language, they pick that up on their own. But if they aren't taught their ABCs, they may never learn a written language.

"#286 (comics)"
Posted by Estee on 11-22-12 at 11:42 AM
Most superheroes eventually run into costume problems. Think about what your average crimefighter goes through every day and then consider what that's going to do to a typical piece of clothing. You're going to need more than one copy of your outfit because at any given time, one was just barbecued, another got electrocuted, that one still reeks of sewage, let's not even talk about the one which got hit by the guy whose whole power is mutated saliva, and you know the new one you thought was just perfect? That turned out to be an alien symbiote which really wanted to partner up with you, an ally had to blast it off you with a sonic cannon, and now you have to get home without giving your identity away to the populace. Or in the nude. One of the two. So with no other options available --

-- ladies and gentleman -- The Bombastic Bag-Man.

...maybe 'nude' would have worked out better...


By the way, that model comes with a 'Kick Me' sign on the back.

Earlier this week, I saw that very outfit in a toy store on an action figure. I wanted to applaud.

"RE: #286 (comics)"
Posted by kidflash212 on 11-22-12 at 12:01 PM
I would buy that action figure.

They used to state Superman's costume was made from blankets found in the spaceship that carried him to Earth. Who knew blankets could be so form fitting?

"RE: #286 (comics)"
Posted by Estee on 11-22-12 at 12:40 PM
Here's a picture from an eBay listing.

(The seller wants $50.00 for it: the store price I saw was closer to $10. I'd go for the $10.)

Equally fun blanket question: since this was probably from the day where anything and everything that came from Krypton was indestructible, how did anyone sew them? Still -- pretty cheap, once you factor out the import and shipping costs...

"#287 (too close to home)"
Posted by Estee on 11-23-12 at 08:25 AM
From the Real Life section:

"In 1999, California engineer David Phillips did the math and found that a particular promotion, in which a food company offered airline frequent flyer miles in exchange for inexpensive food purchases, was a phenomenally good value. For about $3000, he was able to buy enough pudding to redeem for over a million airline miles—enough to fly just about anywhere, first class, dozens of times over. And he donated the food to charity, and he got an $800 tax break for the donation.

Burma-Shave once offered a mock promotion that promised a trip to Mars for anyone who collected 900 empty jars. When Arlyss French, a grocery store owner, managed to actually collect them, Burma-Shave responded, "If a trip to Mars you earn/Remember, friend, there's no return." After French collected another 900 jars for the return trip, they decided to go ahead and send him to Moers, Germany."

In other words...


...this is The Official Trope Of My Coke Rewards.


Well, at least it didn't come up on December 1st.

Good old Skyway Soap.

Posted by Estee on 11-24-12 at 09:50 AM
"To kill a man between panels is to condemn him to a thousand deaths." -- Scott McCloud.


Because what you can imagine happening, based on those screams, is arguably worse than anything you could ever see.

"#289 (video games)"
Posted by Estee on 11-25-12 at 09:12 AM
Few programmed worlds go on forever. The best you can hope for is a complete globe: go far enough along the great circle and wind up where you started. And for a few, that's the case. But most games take place in limited environments. One country, a single city, that given neighborhood, maybe even a lone building. And players being what they are, eventually, someone will reach the edge of the code and try to leave. Designers have multiple tricks for stopping this. Armed guards hiding behind barriers: can't be targeted, will shoot you with no problem. Crackling waves of electricity. Aliens teleport you back to the start.

Or they can just be lazy and do this:


There is nothing in your way and it's completely stopped you. There is no way through the nothing. There is no way around the nothing. The nothing is solid, cannot be penetrated in any way, and just for extra fun, it's completely transparent, so you can see something on the other side of the nothing.

The sad thing is that the aliens made more sense.

Posted by Estee on 11-26-12 at 09:03 AM
Jeremy: I'm taking a break if anyone wants my seat.
Will: (moving in) It's the good chair.
Jeremy: I'm just gonna run to the bathroom. You wanna come with me to the bathroom, Dan?
Dan: Why, no, Jeremy, I don't.
Jeremy: You don't want to step outside with me and talk on our way to the bathroom?
Dan: (beat) Sure.
Jeremy: (addressing the room) We're just stepping out and going to the bathroom.
(Dan and Jeremy move outside.)
Jeremy: I didn't really have to go to the bathroom.
Dan: (wryly) Really?
Jeremy: I just wanted to talk.
Dan: (wryly) I don't think anyone saw through your clever ruse.


Buffy: We were gonna do that...thing.
Willow: ...oh, right. That thing!
Xander: Hey. We can do that thing anytime. I'm tired of doing that thing! We're on!

"RE: #290"
Posted by dabo on 11-26-12 at 09:51 AM
And of course the classic Survivor variant:

"Let's go gather some firewood."

"RE: #290"
Posted by Estee on 11-26-12 at 10:04 AM

"I could use some help with the fishing."

"Anyone else gotta pee?"

"So who wants to read the Tree Mail with me?"

And for the exceptionally stupid:

"I'm going to go look for the idol. Wanna come?"

"#291 (gawds help us, comics)"
Posted by Estee on 11-27-12 at 08:11 AM
Genre readers sometimes like to pretend the industry has come a long way. We have better writing now, they say. The stories are darker (although that's not necessarily better) and more complex (occasionally ditto). And we're almost sure that most of the writers are no longer creating while on hard drugs. The Sixties are over. No more gorilla crime bosses being fought by Krypton-empowered horses. Everything's relatively normal now --

-- oh, crap.


Note that this trope works three ways: parody characters, empowered animals, and anthropomorphic heroes. And it's actually possible to tell good stories in any of the styles. (Most recently, we've had Grant Morrison's heartbreaker, We3. Find it in your local library for a good self-hatred session.) But as far as the industry really having escaped those LSD roots? See above.

Fear the retro.

"RE: #291 (gawds help us, comics)"
Posted by kingfish on 11-27-12 at 07:34 PM
Fear the Retro? Maybe more than you think.


"RE: #291 (gawds help us, comics)"
Posted by kidflash212 on 11-28-12 at 10:40 AM
Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew will always be my favorites.

Posted by Estee on 11-28-12 at 09:30 AM
There are three people in the moving car.

I am in the passenger seat.

She is in the back seat.

For reasons known only to yourself and your deity, you have just gone into the back seat.



"#293 (horror -- sort of)"
Posted by Estee on 11-29-12 at 09:03 AM
The eldritch abominations have found their way to Earth.

The insane cultists have chanted up the end of the universe.

The dark forces of the outer edge destroy the minds of all those who would oppose this destiny.

And the good guys -- win?


This is any cosmic horror story which manages to come out with, if not a happy ending, at least a stalemate with hopes to hold the line for a while: taking the elements of Lovecraft and removing the automatic doom that characterized much of his canon. There are nightmares out there, and just knowing that fact could break you -- but not everyone or every time. And with a lot of luck and the right moves, they can at least be stalled.

For now.

"#294 (last night)"
Posted by Estee on 11-30-12 at 09:34 AM
This is only the second time I've put up a link to a troped-out work of fiction instead of a trope, and the first where I've done it deliberately. But roughly twelve hours ago, I was heading into a theater for my first (and last) attendance of


The last thing I saw with that flimsy a plot had a cult following on ABC.

Were the Asian dances supposed to feel incredibly racist?

"RE: #294 (last night)"
Posted by kingfish on 11-30-12 at 10:03 AM
The nutcracker. Infantile plot, but good music. Music for the ages, actually.


"RE: #294 (last night)"
Posted by byoffer on 11-30-12 at 11:39 AM
Flimsy plot, but good merchandise, right??

"RE: #294 (last night)"
Posted by Snidget on 11-30-12 at 12:08 PM
Considering a late 1800's take on the various nationalities... probably.

Not sure how much of a modern interpretation one can do given the musicality and the context. I'm sure someone's done it, but usually Nutcracker stagings are pretty conservative and true to the original and if you did way too much too it one might have to sneak out the back like the Jets do so regularly.

"RE: #294 (last night)"
Posted by Molaholic on 11-30-12 at 12:12 PM
Of course, if we were to mention this to middle schoolers, it will need a new name.

Posted by Estee on 12-01-12 at 06:54 AM
Not all shapeshifting is reversible.


This represents any drastic (and frequently, total) change to the body which is one-way and permanent. It generally doesn't mean becoming another human: as with the trope namer, anyone invoking this is typically moving between species and having a hard time of it on the other end. This trope can have a happy ending, but a rough beginning, middle, and just-before-the-finale are almost built-in.

Happy endings are not necessarily a normal result.

Posted by Estee on 12-02-12 at 01:21 PM
Information retrieval.



Bought a ticket.

Drew the Black Queen.

Sunshine units.


*closes eyes*

Resettlement in the East.

"RE: #296"
Posted by kidflash212 on 12-02-12 at 01:34 PM
I wonder what euphemism Uganda will use.

They've already used pass the bill as a Christmas present.

"RE: #296"
Posted by Estee on 12-02-12 at 01:59 PM
I think they'll be direct and go with 'Kill in the name of God.'

Works for a lot of people.

"#297 (video games)"
Posted by Estee on 12-03-12 at 08:38 AM
Yay! New game! I've been waiting for this to hit the release date for months! Just got to pop it in and install!

...okay, installed. Now to get the thing open.

...I wrote this thing to the hard drive: why does it need five minutes to initialize? Oh, well -- at least I've got the character creation up.

...and another five minutes for the opening sequence...

...seven to bring in the first map...

...finally found something to fight. Combat time!

...right after this nine-minute delay for the battle screen.


...I've been waiting for this release for months. And counting.

Posted by Estee on 12-04-12 at 05:09 AM
But if you think about it, there's a horror aspect to this: how did it eat the bait?


Don't put it on...

"RE: #298"
Posted by kingfish on 12-04-12 at 09:40 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-04-12 AT 12:27 PM (EST)

Well, here’s the deal, see. (Oh, and you knew this was coming, right?)

Meat bag land creatures are so annoying, what with their insistence on using the piscine world as a focus of their culinary habits on the one hand, and, although you’d think that they’d be grateful for that contribution (ugh) to their life, then they turn around and insult us, using terms like “slimey” (actually we are pre-lubricated, a condition that I know that some of you should appreciate) , “fish or cut bait” (which part of that is the more insulting or even makes sense?), “fish eye lens” (which is a cruel reference to those of us with Hyperthyroidism. Bullies!!), and “a fish out of water” (for which “A meat bag under water” should be substituted).

OK, I lost the train there for a second, but the point is that the blood balloon land creatures are so annoying that there are a few of us that are trying to develop feet so that we can go up there and deliver some well-deserved ass whoppings to their sorry excuses for dry-land tail end assemblies (a fish tail is a thing of exquisite and erotic beauty, I think we can all agree on that) so we accumulate old shoes for that purpose. We don’t have shoe stores in the malls down here <sarcasm>, and internet sales don’t work well in salt water <more sarcasm>, so we are reduced to gathering what we can from Mafia hit victims, suicides, and klutzy foot bridge crossers.

Then, adding to the mountain of injustices, your “fisherman” (let’s not get into what that word does to the psyches of our fry, it takes years for them to dare to look under their beds because of the terror that word brings to the table) are trying to steal our stash of old shoes and boots.

Someday a hit squad of fish with newly developed hind legs will put one of those old boots where the moon rises and the sun don’t shine.

Posted by Estee on 12-05-12 at 07:56 AM
Manipulated footage.

Voiceover narrations filled with distortions, propaganda, and outright lies.

News priorities designed to present one point of view while repressing or demonifying all others.

Audiences carefully selected for how easy they are to deceive.


Faux and MSDemBC aren't as original as they think.

"RE: #299"
Posted by kingfish on 12-05-12 at 09:33 PM
Are coverups included in this? Such as the coverup involving the great Shoe thievery scandal?

Posted by Estee on 12-06-12 at 09:37 AM
When the story opens:

The living room couch is on fire. And only the living room couch. Nothing around it is even warm to the touch.

A car is on your bed. Full-size sports coupe. It is resting on its side and covered with a fine down quilt.

Your mother-in-law is in the bathroom. She is nude and accompanied by your other mother-in-law. Both of them are having sex, but not with each other.

There is a donkey in the kitchen. It is attempting to make coffee. All things considered, it would be doing rather well if it could only get the heavy cream open.

Clearly someone needs to explain


If done well, it's one of the classics. If done badly? You still have to clean up this mess...

New thread tomorrow.

"Beware, around the next bend...."
Posted by kingfish on 12-06-12 at 10:01 AM
A new thread begins.

- There is water seeping out of the closet, the closet door drifts open revealing an interior packed with wet boots.

- Newsome is tied to a chair and being sex teased by a pair of dominatrix lesbians. Kingfish is taking notes and occasionally asking questions.

- Fooner is training possums to beg for tequila (the good stuff, not the Taco Bell street stuff) in the corner.

- Republicans and Democrats are square dancing together. Doe-see-doe, round you go, grab your partner and doe-see-doe.

- Pink and blue ponies are recreating the dance routine for “Billie Jean”.

- Superman has managed to embed his head in the sidewalk, and seems to be frozen in time.

- Time itself seems to be an anime version of space.

And new thread begins. But, really, isn’t “new” a pejorative term in the case? You be the judge. This is the Twilight Zone”.

"RE: #300"
Posted by byoffer on 12-06-12 at 10:03 AM
I guess that would be like watching a season of Survivor after reading source spoilers of the finalists.

300 - woo hoo!