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Forum: DCForumID6
Thread Number: 364
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Original Message
""What's Your Rock Star Name?" "

Posted by VampKira on 04-26-01 at 00:25 AM
I got this in my mail a few minutes ago.. and I thought I'd post the link, so everyone who wants to can post their "Rock Star" name.. The category I picked, was "Metal" of course... and what is the rock name I got???

Diamond Glitter.....Ooohhhhh. I like that!!


( For Pop/ Rock.. I got.. Mellow D. ????? LOL )


One fish. Two fish. Lum fish. Hue fish.(and a shout out to Sat!)

"I'm gonna take a bath so the whole tent doesn't smell like ass at the end of the night" - The late, and often absent, Nick Brown

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by dangerkitty on 04-26-01 at 00:51 AM
Well, in return for taking the risk of more email offers that I don't want, I got this lovely blues name:

Bertha Earl Hatters

Yuck spit puke


"Nevermind" - Kurt Cobain and Emily Litella

"What's your PORN star name?"
Posted by dangerkitty on 04-26-01 at 00:54 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-26-01 AT 00:55 AM (EST)

Does everyone know how to do this one?

Take the name of your first pet, and the name of the first street you lived on. That is your porn star name.

Mine is: Kitty Mimosa

Now that I like!!

And yes, I am aware of the irony of being frequently addressed as "Kitty" on this board already. No, I did not plan it that way. Believe me, if I had thought of it beforehand, I would have actually used "Kitty Mimosa" as my screen name.

Edited to add: OMG!!<click>, this was it!! This was #500! I have graduated! And hey, I like that this post is my 500th, and it happened even without me planning it that way!!


"Nevermind" - Kurt Cobain and Emily Litella

"RE: What's your PORN star name?"
Posted by VampKira on 04-26-01 at 01:01 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-26-01 AT 02:35 AM (EST)

Congratz on the big 500 DK! Woo Hoo!

(psssssst... make up an e mail.. lol )***EDIT: I used an old Yahoo e mail for it that I haven't used in two years.. LOL. I can't even remember the password to it.. ***

And about your porn thing.. I guess that would make me..

Oh sheesh!

"Tipper Liberty" Buuwwaaahhh!!


One fish. Two fish. Lum fish. Hue fish.(and a shout out to Sat!)

"I'm gonna take a bath so the whole tent doesn't smell like ass at the end of the night" - The late, and often absent, Nick Brown

"Hi, Kitty Mimosa and Tipper Liberty"
Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 04-26-01 at 03:58 AM
Corky Noble here. Hmmm, do we need directions for this next scene or should we just figure it out for ourselves?

"RE: Hi, Kitty Mimosa and Tipper Liberty"
Posted by VampKira on 04-26-01 at 04:11 AM
OMG <click> AK!, I mean er.. Corky... I love it when you let your hair down! LOL!


One fish. Two fish. Lum fish. Hue fish.(and a shout out to Sat!)

"I'm gonna take a bath so the whole tent doesn't smell like ass at the end of the night" - The late, and often absent, Nick Brown

"The Porn Name Thing Doesn't Always Work"
Posted by IceCat on 04-26-01 at 05:30 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-26-01 AT 05:35 AM (EST)

Mine would be

'Punky Hubert'

Hardly a name you'd want to see on the cover art

Edited to add:

Aw crap... I just wasted my 400th DAW to reveal my porn star name... way to make your 15 minutes count, cat!

Hey! Now I'm a 'Beef Jerkey Spokesman'...

'I'm not a real beef jerkey but I play one on television...'

<plays in nicely with the porn star angle>

"RE: What's your PORN star name?"
Posted by Cherberrie on 04-26-01 at 11:17 AM
Duchess Lake

"RE: What's your PORN star name?"
Posted by moonbaby on 04-26-01 at 02:12 PM
Honey Lynn. Has a Country and Western thing going on, too. Well I'll just let Colby call me that, then!

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by ItzLisa on 04-26-01 at 06:11 AM
DK, congrats on your 500, babe!!!

My Pop/Rock name is Sin Berella! At least they recognize that I'm Italian, LOL!!!

My porn star name is fairly bizzare - Nibbles Village! Heh heh!!!

W.L.S.F.C. - NY chapter

Bubbles: I am not Bubbles! Bubbles is not who I am. I am the one, the only, single, solitary doer of dastardly deeds. Purveyor of pestilence, interloper of lawlessness, menace to mankind, I am bad, I am evil, I am Moooojo Jojo! Hahaahaa!

Mojo: I do not talk like that! The way I communicate is much different. I do not reiterate, repeat, reinstate the same thing, over and over again. I am clear, concise, to the point. I ..*
(From the episode "Los Dos Mojos")

"Just call me "Sparkle Glams""
Posted by Cherberrie on 04-26-01 at 07:38 AM
Too funny!

"Truly Cheesy"
Posted by 5Foot3 on 05-11-01 at 11:19 PM
My country name is Anita Velveeta
Enough said?

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-26-01 at 09:03 AM
Heh. Bobby Bullet. How appropriate.

Of course, my porn star name would be Schöna Irving, so I dunno...

-- JV

Icarus steps up to the plate.

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by BluSavana on 04-26-01 at 09:30 AM
Oh my alternative rock star moniker is La-La Lovelace. That SOUNDS like my porn name tho. Which according to the rules, would be Mia Caroline. (I named myself BluSavana after one dog, so I used the other for the slut star name). I'm ready for my close-up! BluSavana

Stop eye-balling me Recruit Lemon!

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by Kismet on 04-26-01 at 10:32 AM
My alternative rock star name is Soul Rebel, which I think means I'm a coward.

My porn star name is Fuzzy Ripplewood. I guess I'm an evil syphillitic porn star.

I don't like this game


"A woman came up to me and said
I'd like to poison your mind
With wrong ideas that appeal to you,
Though I am not unkind"

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by BluSavana on 04-26-01 at 10:35 AM
Fuzzy Ripplewood??? LMAO... oh my...That has to be the hands down winner! BluHaHa

Stop eye-balling me Recruit Lemon!

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by mistofleas on 04-26-01 at 12:31 PM
Fuzzy Ripplewood? Now that's just downright hysterical! Yup, you win!
Let's see for me....
Alternative rock name: Penny Savior (I like that. My mom used to call me Penny when I was little)
Pop Rock name: Trixie Strat
Porn Name: Buffy Singer


"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by ItzLisa on 04-26-01 at 01:03 PM

>My porn star name is Fuzzy Ripplewood. I guess I'm an evil syphillitic porn star. }
>I don't like this game

*** What, are you kidding???? You've got the best one yet!!! That's priceless!!!

W.L.S.F.C. - NY chapter

Bubbles: I am not Bubbles! Bubbles is not who I am. I am the one, the only, single, solitary doer of dastardly deeds. Purveyor of pestilence, interloper of lawlessness, menace to mankind, I am bad, I am evil, I am Moooojo Jojo! Hahaahaa!

Mojo: I do not talk like that! The way I communicate is much different. I do not reiterate, repeat, reinstate the same thing, over and over again. I am clear, concise, to the point. I ..*
(From the episode "Los Dos Mojos")

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by BlondeGirl on 04-26-01 at 10:56 AM
My alternative rock star name was Vega Garcia, which I didn't like (LoL) so my pop rock star name is Mindy Minus.

As far as my porn star name, it's Sable Apache. Doesn't go well with the blonde hair. LoL


"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by Drive My Car on 04-26-01 at 12:53 PM
I LOVE This!!!!

Ok , My rock star name is...... Jade Von Tramp.

Oh hahahahahahaha

And i thought my first pet was TippyTail, then I remembered we had a dog when I was real little so

Skipper Bradford

He he he
I like this game.

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by George Tirebiter on 04-26-01 at 01:18 PM
This just isn't funny.
Rock name? Jewel Boxx (that sounds like porn to me!) But wait--if I team up with Diamond Glitter, we're well on our way to the next Josie and the Pussycats-type ensemble! Hope that wouldn't mean having to wear our hair in that weird ponytail-off-the-side-of-the-head look (the international symbol for "airhead"). Crap! My metal name is Sparkle Glams. . . I sense a highly unimaginative mind at work there. . .

Porn name? Taffy W 12th St. (If I could substitute my first street name name, make that Taffy Oak--still stoopid!)

Crap. and now I'm going to get spammed like crazy from mp3.com and everybody they'll sell my secondary email addy to. . . (at least it's changing soon) Word to the wise: use a completely bogus email--they make it sound like your name's going to be mailed to you, but it actually pops up as soon as you hit Enter.

I much preferred the one that tells what breed of dog you are! (Irish Setter, here.) They at least ask you questions and pretend to come up with a psychological equivalent. http://www.emode.com/dog/auth/nonpt_signin.jsp?url=/dog/index.jsp


"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-26-01 at 01:26 PM

Would it shock you to hear that I came up as a Pitbull?

-- JV

OMG! {click} It's so CUTE!

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by BluSavana on 04-26-01 at 01:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-26-01 AT 03:28 PM (EST)

GT I am a collie.. not to shabby! Blu

***Edited to include my doggie profile***

No bones about it, you're a loyal, nurturing Collie. A sensitive breed, you're always approachable and very in tune with others' feelings — just like Lassie! Because of your empathetic nature, you tend to be the group psychologist to your circle of friends. Your faithful, easygoing, steadfast personality makes you a wonderful confidant; people love to come to you with their troubles. Bottom line? You're a star at interpersonal relationships and have a knack for making new friends and acquaintances wherever you go. After all, what's a Collie without a flock to look after? Since you're so giving, your buddies might not realize that you need them just as much as they need you, so make sure not to neglect yours truly. Everyone deserves some "me" time. Woof!

Stop eye-balling me Recruit Lemon!

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by mistofleas on 04-26-01 at 03:05 PM
Heres me...tell me if it sounds like me to you guys.

No bones about it, you're a good-hearted, people-loving Bernese Mountain Dog. Down-to-earth and loyal, no one works or plays harder than you do. You put your nose to the grindstone when it really counts, but you never neglect your social calendar. Simultaneously strong and sweet, you're very tuned-in to the feelings and needs of the other dogs you run with. Without having to be asked, you always have a helping paw to lend and a sympathetic shoulder to lean on. "Communication" is your middle name, and when that's paired with your unswerving devotion, you get a breed that everyone respects and trusts.


"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by VampKira on 04-26-01 at 03:11 PM
*giggle* Yup Yup, Misto.. that's you ahhhhight! *wink*
Guess what? I got the same dog as you did LOL


One fish. Two fish. Lum fish. Hue fish.(and a shout out to Sat!)

"I'm gonna take a bath so the whole tent doesn't smell like ass at the end of the night" - The late, and often absent, Nick Brown

"Me too Misto!"
Posted by dangerkitty on 04-26-01 at 04:20 PM
I'm a Bernese Mountain Dog too! And yes, it does sound like you, Misty!

George, you say you're an Irish Setter, but I looked up Scottish Terrier on the site - since that's your sig pic - and that sure does sound like you also!!


"Nevermind" - Kurt Cobain and Emily Litella

"RE: Me too Misto!"
Posted by mistofleas on 04-26-01 at 04:33 PM
DK, misto and Vamps...we're all you know, like triplets! Wonder if we all come from the same litter? I think the Mountain dog thing fits DK and Vamps perfectly too. Aww...we're all so adorable. Now I'm gonna go check out the past life link and see if it corresponds to the past life I got from my therapist.
And I'm gonna be pisses as heck if it comes up with the same thing, cuz I spent tons of money on my shrink!

"RE: Me too Misto!"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 04-26-01 at 04:38 PM
Yes, DK, I thought so, too.

Never bothered looking around that site, but they've got a sh¡tload of strange quizzes. I also found:

My aura is Emerald (a natural woman)
My flavor is Mocha (ditto)
My superpower is Animal Communication
My emotional IQ is 141 (is that good? they don't spell it out enough. . .)
My ideal guy is a Mountain Man (ooh, yeah!)
and (this one is a hoot!) My TV family is the Simpsons (I was kinda hoping it would be the Addams Family!)

Vamps--you've inspired me to waste a couple hours on this drivel! Next thing, I'll be drawn to the Purity tests. . . http://www.armory.com/tests/purity.html (like I really need to know how polluted I am by That 70s Show, Star Trek, or mathmatics. . .). The only thing worse than wasting time this way is creating these quizzes, so I suppose I shouldn't berate myself; after all, it's still more constructive than watching soaps or curling up with a Cosmo!

What hath Vamps wrought?!


"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-26-01 at 01:57 PM
Heh. Re-took that thing and came up "Bassett Hound."

No idea what I answered differently, but musta been something.

-- JV

Icarus steps out to look for a dog.

"Past Life????"
Posted by VampKira on 04-26-01 at 03:35 PM
OK.. Here's one along the same lines as what we've been doing..For those who want to take a look at who you may have been in a past life, here is the link.


It doesn't require an e mail addie, and the answer will pop up in a seperate window..Here is who I used to be.. *chuckle*
I do not know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere around territory of modern Italy approximately on 625.
Your profession was farmer, weaver, tailor.

Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
Seeker of truth and wisdom. You could have seen your future lives. Others perceived you as an idealist illuminating path to future.

Lesson, that your last past life brought to present:
Your lesson -- to develop kind attitude to people, to acquire gift of understanding and compassion.


One fish. Two fish. Lum fish. Hue fish.(and a shout out to Sat!)

"I'm gonna take a bath so the whole tent doesn't smell like ass at the end of the night" - The late, and often absent, Nick Brown

"RE: Past Life????"
Posted by Kokoro on 04-26-01 at 04:25 PM
Oooh, just saw this one:

I do not know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere around territory of modern Arktik approximately on 1500.
Your profession was dramatist, director, musician, bard.
Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
You were sane practical person, materialist with no spiritual consciousness. Your simple wisdom helped weaker and poor.
Lesson, that your last past life brought to present:
You should develop your talent for love, happiness and enthusiasm and to distribute these feelings to all people.

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

"RE: Past Life????"
Posted by Irisheyes on 04-26-01 at 05:56 PM
OMG, I was a male monk born around 1047! I refuse to believe that!
I want to believe that I was a female courtesean born in Venice around 1560.

If you want a good site to check out more tests like the ##### test, Bastard Test, Purity Test, check out thesparks.com

Colby Rules!

"RE: Past Life????"
Posted by IceCat on 04-27-01 at 06:23 AM
I do not know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere around territory of modern USA South-West approximately on 1775.
Your profession was philosopher, thinker.

Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
Timid, constrained, quiet person. You had creative talents, waited till that life to be liberated. Sometimes environment considered you strange.

Lesson, that your last past life brought to present:
Your main task -- to make the world more beautiful. Physical and spiritual deserts are just waiting for your touch. Keep smiling!

"Sometimes environment considered you strange"

A very large grain of truth!

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by SherpaDave on 05-12-01 at 01:11 AM
I, too, am an Irish Setter.

Should I take up a career as an alternative rock singer, though, they'd call me Emo Sensitivo.

As a porn star, my name would be Sandy Wild Oak.

As a soap star (middle name and mother's maiden name), I'd be Eric Accola.

As a Star Wars character (http://parris.josh.com.au/humour/StarWarsName.html), I'd be Davcl Acchi, Repregal of Paxil.

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-26-01 at 03:54 PM
Rock Star Name

Genre: Country
Name: Rhett Stetson

Porn Star Name

Sherri Jalna (hmmm...that's really odd)

Past Life Profile

I do not know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere around territory of modern Southern England approximately on 1125.
Your profession was farmer, weaver, tailor.

Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
Seeker of truth and wisdom. You could have seen your future lives. Others perceived you as an idealist illuminating path to future.

Lesson, that your last past life brought to present:
Your lesson -- to develop kind attitude to people, to acquire gift of understanding and compassion.



"God blessed Texas with his own hand. Sent down angels from the promised land. Gave'em a place where they can dance. If you wanna see heaven brother here's your chance. I've been sent to spread the message. God blessed Texas."
-Little Texas "God Blessed Texas"

Go Colby!

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by Kismet on 04-26-01 at 04:34 PM
Hey Things are looking up for Fuzzy Ripplewood. Mine is different from yours.

I do not know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere around territory of modern Oceania approximately on 1750.
Your profession was sailor, shoemaker.
Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
Such people are always involved with all new. You have always loved changes, especially in art, music, cooking.
Lesson, that your last past life brought to present:
Your lesson -- to learn discretion and reasonability and then teach others to do that. Your life will be happier, when you help those who lack reasoning.

Does this give me free reign to flame?


"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by Kokoro on 04-26-01 at 04:39 PM
LoL, Kis, that's the profile that pops up when you go to the page....It's the webmaster's. hehe you need to go to the bottom of the page and put in your birthdate. ^_~

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by Kismet on 04-27-01 at 01:40 PM
*sigh* Well, I redid it. Mine pretty much said the same as Vamps. Then I did the vamp test and Im only 2%. But the worst is that I'm a pug!

No bones about it, you're an intelligent, playful Pug. Witty and charming, you're a lot of dog wrapped in a small package. People just love you — a wonderful approachability and sense of humor put you at the top of everyone's list. And because you're smart and quick-witted, you attract a crowd wherever you go. (Have you ever considered running for office or starting a company? You've got the charisma for either.) But that doesn't mean you can't be a little naughty or mischievous when opportunity knocks — you've definitely got a nose for fun! A happy, optimistic breed, you're admired and respected by all. Woof!

Why didn't they just come out and say- You're really ugly, but you have a great personality. This just does wonders for my self esteem.


"Throw the crib door wide
Let the people crawl inside
Someone in this town
Is trying to burn the playhouse down"

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by Kokoro on 04-27-01 at 05:47 PM
hee, pugs are sweet ^-^
They're cute and lovable and popular so no worries!

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by Kokoro on 04-26-01 at 04:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-26-01 AT 09:32 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-26-01 AT 04:36 PM (EST)

Well, I'm probably gonna be getting a few hundred spam-mails (but, who cares? I hardly ever check hotmail anyway....right, Blu? ;)

Okay best rockstar was in metal:
Shadow Steelze
and 2nd best is world with:
King Chalice

Pornstar sexual references:

Country => Charlie Horse
Electronic => Ryan Knobtwiddler (OMG! <click>)
Hip Hop => Whip Roller Will

Weirdest for ps was Spliff Skanky

EDIT: Dogtype => St. Bernard

EDIT Again => Alternative PS = Emo Sensitivo ^-^

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by VampKira on 04-26-01 at 04:40 PM
Here's some of my other names.. Sheesh!

Blues: Sweet Mama Jenkins.. *giggle*

Jazz: Bea Flatt

Hip Hop: Real G

Alternative: Pricilla Precise *wha?*

Electronic: Jenny Jungle *lol*


One fish. Two fish. Lum fish. Hue fish.(and a shout out to Sat!)

"I'm gonna take a bath so the whole tent doesn't smell like ass at the end of the night" - The late, and often absent, Nick Brown

""Headed for Taco Bell...""
Posted by ItzLisa on 04-26-01 at 04:56 PM
Lisa, you're a Chihuahua!
No bones about it, you're an energetic, devoted Chihuahua. For your breed, size definitely doesn't matter. After all, sometimes the best things (diamonds, car keys, Godiva truffles) come in small packages. Honest and straightforward, you're never afraid to speak up for what you believe in, especially if it's a cause near and dear to your heart. Having such a passionate personality can come with a few drawbacks, though. You can be moody at times, and people often find it hard to live up to your high standards. But once you make a friend, it's for life. Saucy and intense, your energy and unfailing loyalty make you a great companion. Woof!

WOW!!!! Unbelievable how much that sounds like me!

W.L.S.F.C. - NY chapter

Mojo Jojo: "Excuse me sir, but can you direct me to the location of where I can locate some eggs for I would like to purchase them so that I can take them home with me and I can eat them today. And maybe tomorrow."

"Are you, tooo, a.. VAMPIRE??? "
Posted by VampKira on 04-26-01 at 06:15 PM
OMG <click> Lisa! that IS you!!

Believe it or not there is a Vampiric Purity Test! lol..


I took it... answered honestly, and it turns out I am 50% Vampire Pure, ( or free, I guess) And 50% Vampire Corrupt! So my chances of actually being one are 50/50!! LOL.. Balance is a good thing.

(Hey I gotta do something while I wait for 8:00 to slowly get here............)


One fish. Two fish. Lum fish. Hue fish.(and a shout out to Sat!)

"I'm gonna take a bath so the whole tent doesn't smell like ass at the end of the night" - The late, and often absent, Nick Brown

"RE: Are you, tooo, a.. VAMPIRE??? "
Posted by Kokoro on 04-26-01 at 06:55 PM
lol, I'm only 35% corrupt =(

heh, did you know that there's like 100 purity tests on that page?! Look out "Who's still awake", this thread should be going for awhile....

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

"RE: Are you, tooo, a.. VAMPIRE??? "
Posted by BluSavana on 04-26-01 at 07:02 PM
I luvs me some Kokoro, even if he doesn't check his email! Lazy Lil Kid!! BluHaHa

*I'm the FireStarter, twisted Firestarter!*

Stop eye-balling me Recruit Lemon!

"RE: Are you, tooo, a.. VAMPIRE??? "
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-26-01 at 07:26 PM
I am a mere 28% Vampire Corrupt. But I think I cheated. Hmmm...



"RE: Are you, tooo, a.. VAMPIRE??? "
Posted by VampKira on 04-26-01 at 07:36 PM
I am the most Vampiriest here. so far...


One fish. Two fish. Lum fish. Hue fish.(and a shout out to Sat!)

"I'm gonna take a bath so the whole tent doesn't smell like ass at the end of the night" - The late, and often absent, Nick Brown

"RE: Are you, tooo, a.. VAMPIRE??? "
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-26-01 at 07:28 PM

Funny you should stumble on the Armory.

That place is intimately tied to the origins of the phrase, "Take it to Odometer Node."

"Just mentioning, that's all."

-- JV

Look out for the Camo-Rhino!

"RE: Are you, tooo, a.. VAMPIRE??? "
Posted by dangerkitty on 04-27-01 at 00:26 AM
I didn't cheat at all, and I am only 11% Vampire (89% pure).

I thought I was on a roll cuz of my vampire like teeth.

Can we still "hang out" together, Vampsy?


"Nevermind" - Kurt Cobain and Emily Litella

"RE: Are you, tooo, a.. VAMPIRE??? "
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-27-01 at 10:00 AM
Hmm... 62% pure...

Pretty funny, though, about the Holy Water. Every time I take the kids to a High Mass, and they sprinkle the water, I figure it's a good sign when it doesn't burn.

-- JV

OMG! {click} It's so SOFT and CUDDLY!!

"RE: "Headed for Taco Bell...""
Posted by mistofleas on 04-27-01 at 09:56 AM
That is so you babe!! I can just see you jumping up and down, nipping at the heels of anyone who dares to insult or hurt any of your friends...oh wait...we've seen you in action in that capacity! That's why I love ya sweetie!

"A Good Chiuahua, but a lousy Vampire!"
Posted by ItzLisa on 04-27-01 at 10:53 AM
Thanks, Misty luv!!!

I took the Vampire test and only rated as 5% Vampire - oh well! I'm better as a small, nervous household pet! (Hey! Drop the Chalupa!)

W.L.S.F.C. - NY chapter

Mojo Jojo: "Excuse me sir, but can you direct me to the location of where I can locate some eggs for I would like to purchase them so that I can take them home with me and I can eat them today. And maybe tomorrow."

"RE: A Good Chiuahua, but a lousy Vampire!"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 04-27-01 at 01:16 PM
I also rated very low on the vampire quiz. . . 11% corrupt (and that's only if the Classic Comics version of Dracula counts as having read it. . . and I know--it's a graphic novel!!!)

Itz--you are responsible for the fact that I must have beans for lunch. . . (ooooh--heavy on the jalepeños!)


"RE: A Good Chiuahua, but a lousy Vampire!"
Posted by BluSavana on 04-27-01 at 01:25 PM
I'm 21% vampire corrupt, so I am pretty bloodsucker free. The percentage could account for my predatory nature *meow* Blusavana

Stop eye-balling me Recruit Lemon!

"RE: A Good Chiuahua, but a lousy Vampire!"
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-27-01 at 01:33 PM
I dunno, Blu... I could pretty easily see you as a Vampire. Do they HAVE any "vampiras hispanas?"


-- JV

Icarus flees the undead.

"RE: A Good Chiuahua, but a lousy Vampire!"
Posted by BluSavana on 04-27-01 at 01:39 PM
Why yes they do, JV! Remember Pandemonio Satanica (Salma Hayek) in From Dusk Til Dawn?? And I am pretty sure Mil Mascaras had to battle a vampiric latina sexpot in one of his movies. *beckons to the Rhino* Stop pretending to be nearsighted, dammit, and become part of my man-stash! BluHaHa

Stop eye-balling me Recruit Lemon!

"RE: A Good Chiuahua, but a lousy Vampire!"
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-27-01 at 02:37 PM



-- JV

OMG! {click} It's so SOFT and CUDDLY!!

"RE: A Good Chiuahua, but a lousy Vampire!"
Posted by BluSavana on 04-27-01 at 02:43 PM
*pats the Rhino on the horn* Good Rhino, that's a good boy. don't worry if u can't see very far, I'll stay real close! Blu

Stop eye-balling me Recruit Lemon!

"News Flash!!!!"
Posted by mistofleas on 04-27-01 at 02:54 PM
!!News Flash!! *beeping morris code sounds in the background*
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's happened again. BluSavana has conquered yet another man on the SurvivorBlows Boards. The army of men she is amassing is growing larger by the minute. Is there any stopping her? And what is she doing with all these prisoners of the heart? Is she planning a hostile takeover of the BadAs Bar? Is there anyone who can withstand her hip-mo-tizing ways? Answers to these questions and more at our next newsbreak at 10:00

*giggles* Just couldn't resist babe!

"RE: News Flash!!!!"
Posted by BluSavana on 04-27-01 at 02:57 PM
Awwww... cut me some slack, I thought I was at the petting zoo! BluHaHa

Stop eye-balling me Recruit Lemon!

"RE: News Flash!!!!"
Posted by VampKira on 04-27-01 at 05:50 PM
I didn't use a "generator" to come up with this name for myself... but it fits at the moment...

Ahh.. never mind.. I'd better just calm down..............

"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before." -Mae West
Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by Lightmage81 on 05-12-01 at 01:18 PM
heheh let me try.....

(if you guys remember the lovecalculator thingy a few back...... I'm doing this one multiple times as well)

Jazz: Mike Klipp (I can just see myself falling into fire)
Alternative: Sid Rotgut (huh?????)
Classical: Franz Allegrovich (Sounds corny)
Country: Travis Spitt (Sound dirty.....)
Metal: Scuzzy Ritz (KEWL!)
POP/Rock: Whey Kooler (KEWLER!)

"RE: "What's Your Rock Star Name?" "
Posted by Minstrel on 05-14-01 at 00:40 AM
Using all ten and taking the general positions of the letters by their popularity, here's what I come up with:

Bohner Hootroecs - I'll play anything!